The Sad Love that Kills

By Eggthehappy

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!WARNING! This story may include self-harm, killing, blood, and Happy pills! If you are sensitive to these th... More

The beginning
The Beginning (Part 2)
First Kill From Love
Voices, Pills, and Cuts.
The survivor of a Yandere
The Date
A trip down memory lane(Backstories)
The Secrets are Out
Onto the News
"We Have a Runner!"
11 Months Later...

Afraid of Everything

116 2 32
By Eggthehappy


Gaster P.O.V.

Entry 240

I just saw the news today and it is about this article about Grillby attacking Jackie. I don't know what to believe anymore. But that doesn't matter. My date with Grillby is in a few hours and I better get prepared.

But for some reason I'm.... afraid.... afraid of people, afraid of sleeping, afraid of being touched by any humans, afraid.... of myself... I need to find a way to stop being afraid of everything and go. A big question though is that if I can stay awake... or ignore these voices...

I save my entry and lay my head down on my desk. I was so tired all the time, and the voices are not keeping quiet. I don't know what to do. I almost want to cancel the date and cry myself to sleep. I shake my head and get up. I needed to stay strong... Just like how I promised. 


"Are you alright?" I open my eyes and see my mom healing what my dad left behind. "W-What happened...?" I ask. I'm so scared and weak right now... "Someone made a crack in your skull, under your right eye honey. Your brother is getting a first-aid kit right now." She responds. 

"Where's daddy?" I ask. I don't know what to do... "I'm not sure... Gaster, you're shaking." Mom responds. I didn't know that I was... I start crying, both out of fear and self-doubt. I failed my dad, and now he is gone. My mom does her best to make me feel better, but I just keep crying. I don't know what is going to happen from here on out.

"Here." My mother takes off a gold necklace from her neck and puts it on me

(What it looks like: 

I hold the locket part in my hands and stare at it with amazement. "It belonged to my mother. Whenever you feel scared, just keep this necklace close to you. Do me a favor and keep it safe okay?" Mom asks. I hug her in response. "I promise to guard this with my life! No matter the cost!" I yell. Mom laughs a little and hugs back.

                                                                        ~End of flashback~

I am just about ready to go when I see the necklace my mom gave me. I hesitate, but grab it and put it on. Keep it close... I thought as I tuck it inside of my shirt and head out. As soon as I did though, I see people mumbling about something. But I try to ignore it and walk off. 

I get to Grillby's house and knock on the door. Fuku answers. "Heya Gaster!" She exclaims. "Come on in, Dad is getting ready!" She says, getting out of the way. I come in and sit down. Fuku runs off and leaves me alone. I wait for a minute, then I take out the necklace. I hold the locket part in my hand and hold it close to my chest. Memories of my mother zip by. 

"Gaster?" Grillby snaps me out of it. I quickly hide the necklace under my shirt. "U-Uh hey G-Grillby!" I stammer. "Something wrong?" He asks, clearly worried. "No no! Nothing is wrong!" I say quickly. "You just startled me," I say after catching my breath. Grillby tilts his head a little but shrugs it off. "Okay then." He says. He takes my arm and pulls me up. I snicker a little. 

"Ready to go?"

"Just waiting for you campfire."

"FOR PETE SAKE STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Grillby says, clearly annoyed. I laugh and we head out.

Jackie P.O.V.

Well well well looks like my article is the next big thing. Everyone is talking about it in this city, asking to interview me. Everything is going great. But I need Gaster on my side! If I don't have him on my side, then Grillby will have a reason for staying out of jail. Mainly because the police take pity on monsters. I shake my head and walk along the street. Barely anyone is out tonight, so it's pretty quiet. Until I hear two voices. I duck in the shadows and see who it is.

Gaster and Grillby. Great. These two. I shake my head. How can Gaster be so blind?! I thought. (By love you son of a b**** ever heard of it?) I look for an exit. But I then hear this;

"Jackie?" I turn around and see Gaster looking over at me confused. Great. "Yes?" I respond, doing my best to avoid eye contact with the yandere just inches away from Gaster. "What are you doing out here so late? Should you be asleep?" Gaster asks, confused. "Actually, I want to talk to you," I say, taking Gaster's arm. But, he quickly takes his arm away, scared. 

"You okay G?" Grillby asks, getting closer. I completely back away, seeing Grillby giving me the death glare. "Yeah, I-I don't know why I was so scared of Jackie touching me..." He responds. I run. I don't like being ANYWHERE near that yandere. I need to get out of here. I'm so scared. 

Grillby P.O.V.

I walk off with Gaster, trying to see what is the matter. But he won't talk. I sigh and unlock the doors to my bar. With that article going around, I really didn't trust any other place in the city. I go in, leading Gaster in. Gaster is calmer now, which is a good thing. He reaches for the light switch, but I grab his hand. 

"Please, don't," I say. "Why? It's dark in here." Gaster responds. "I'm a little scared that someone will see us in here after hours." I avoid eye contact a little. Gaster nods and lowers his hand. I smile a little and go to the kitchen. 

Gaster P.O.V.

I sit down on a stool and put my head on the counter. It's way darker with Grillby in the kitchen. I feel like falling asleep, but I didn't want to fall asleep during the date. And besides, I was still afraid of sleep. I shivered at the thought of falling asleep. Just then Grillby comes back with two wine glasses and a wine bottle.

"Grillby? What's this?"

"Well, I thought that maybe we should take it easy a little bit." He responds, setting down the wine glasses. I sit up and take a wine glass. Grillby opens the wine bottle and pours me and himself some. "To us." He says, then clinks our glasses together. I smile a little and take a sip.

We've had a couple of glasses of wine and have been joking around for a while now. I was babbling off, not sure why when Grillby kissed me. I was completely off guard when he did that. "Do me a favor, and stop talking." He says, after pulling away. My face is completely hot after that. Grillby chuckles and kisses again. I smile. 

-Time skipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp-

Grillby P.O.V.

Gaster and I are just now leaving the bar, after a couple of hours of talking, joking, and drinking. To be honest, I'm very surprised that neither of us is really drunk. We drank the whole wine bottle while we were talking. But hey I honestly could care less. We talk a little bit more before we get to Gaster's house. That's when we just stood there in front of his door not saying a thing.

"So uh, just I should just, walk through the door." Gaster says, finally. I laugh a little. "Y-Yeah." I say. He starts to unlock his door, while I stand there awkwardly.  Finally, he goes inside and I am just alone. I'm about to leave when I hear the door open again.

 "Grillby wait..."

"Something wrong?"

"...Can you stay for the night? I don't really feel safe... and scared." He says, avoiding eye contact. I give a small smile and hug him. "Of course, although it will bring questions up the Fuku," I say, warning him. He snickers. "I know I know." He says, letting me in.

(Annnnnnnddddd done with this chapter! I have been working on it for a couple of days now and idk why. :v)

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