Saiki𝚡Non-Binary! Reader

By _little_shit

73.1K 2.1K 1.3K

RAAAA I WROTE THIS FIC SO LONG AGO It became rly popular, so I'm reposting it and editing the chapters<3 . I... More

Chapter 1~
Chapter 2~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Chapter 9~
Chapter 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12~
Chapter 13~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16~
Chapter 17~
Chapter 18~
Chapter 19~
Christmas Chapter

Chapter 6~

2.5K 107 11
By _little_shit

'Hello'= someone's thoughts Saiki is reading
Hello= Normal thoughts
"Hello"= Saiki communicating through telepathy
"Hello"= normal speech

~🌺• •🌺~

It was just like any other school day, nothing out of the ordinary. Saiki and [Y/n] were walking together through the hallways when [Y/n] suddenly remembered something.

Oh yeah, the last episode of Healthy Warrior Specializer is coming on at 5 today, isn't it? I should hurry home, then.

Smiling, [Y/n] begins to sing the intro to the show - which just so happened to be the Japanese version of Dear Maria Count Me In.

(A/n: I know the song isn't an anime intro or anything but I love the song so let's act like it's the intro.)

[Y/n] began to dance to the imaginary beat in their head as they continued to sing the opening. After they finished the chorus, [Y/n] stopped and silently giggled to themself.

"You watch Healthy Warrior Specializer?"

Jumping from surprise, [Y/n] remembers the presence of Saiki. I forgot he was there- [Y/n] nodded,

"Yup, it's a really good show. You watch it too?"

Saiki nods as he slightly smiles at the teen. [Y/n] looks out the window, trying to hide their embarrassed state,

"Wanna come over mine and watch the last episode together? Of course you don't have-" "Sure."

[Y/n]'s eyes widen as they looked at Saiki,

"Really? You're not going to say no like you do with Kaido or-"

All of a sudden, Saiki puts his hand over [Y/n]'s mouth. What in the- Saiki grabbed [Y/n]'s wrist before dragging them to who knows where.

"Saiki, I can just follow you..."

[Y/n]'s statement fell upon deaf ears as Saiki continued to drag them around the school, going one way before pausing and going back in the opposite direction.

This continued until the Saiki suddenly came to a halt, confusing [Y/n], before the two teens were suddenly smacked in the face with an open door.

"Huh, new buddy?"

Rubbing their now aching nose, [Y/n] looked up to see Nendou.

"Hey, new buddy! Have you seen my pal, Saiki?"

[Y/n] nodded,

"Yeah, of course. He's right..."

[Y/n] looked beside them, only to realize Saiki had abandoned them. Sighing, [Y/n] shrugged,

"Never mind, I guess I don't know where he is. Sorry."

Nendou patted [Y/n]'s head as he smiled,

"It's okay, pal! I'll look for him."

Nodding, [Y/n] watched as Nendou walked off. Once he was out of sight, [Y/n] began to look around.

Where did he go..? Noticing the men's bathroom down the hall, [Y/n] peeked inside.


The teen sighed in relief.

"Thank god you're here. Wanna explain why you ditched me all of a sudden?"

"...I had to use the bathroom. You can go home, we still have 30 minutes so I'll catch up."

[Y/n] nods,

"I'll wait for you at the shoe lockers."

Exchanging their shoes, [Y/n] gets out their phone and begins to scroll, waiting for Saiki.


Checking their phone, [Y/n] frowns. Geez, it's been 20 minutes. Is Saiki okay? [Y/n] yawns and stretches their upper limbs.

"Oh! Hey, [Y/n]. Have you seen Saiki?"

[Y/n] looks over at Teruhashi and shakes their head.

"No, sorry. I'm actually waiting for-"

[Y/n] was cut off from a loud crash, a yell following afterwards. Teruhashi and [Y/n] ran to see Kaido on the ground, pointing at a locker.

"What happened Kaido?"

Kaido began to tremble in fear and blab about something inaudible. As [Y/n] helped Kaido up, Hairo came running to the area.

"I-It's dark reunion! They found my hiding spot!"

Everyone sweatdrops. Really..?

"Finally heading home Saiki? I'll walk with ya pal!"

[Y/n] turns around. Oh, Saiki's here. Everyone suddenly crowded around Saiki, bombing him with questions.

[Y/n] shoves their way through the crowd of Saiki's friends and wraps their arm around the pink haired male.

"Sorry, but Saiki and I have plans today."

Grabbing Saiki's hand, [Y/n] dashes out the school with Saiki behind them as everyone attempted to chase after the two.

Looking behind him at the jealous bunch of people, Saiki smirked as he began to run along side [Y/n], their hands still intertwined.

Once the two reached [Y/n]'s house, [Y/n] stopped in front of the door and let go of Saiki's hand.

[Y/n] checked their phone before looking up at Saiki and smiling,

"We still have 5 minutes left, we made it!"

Saiki chuckled,

"Yeah, I guess we did."

Laughing, [Y/n] unlocks the door before opening it and turning to Saiki,

"Welcome to my humble home, sir."

Saiki walked in and began to look around,

"Your place is nice."

[Y/n] smiles, walking in behind Saiki and shutting the door.

"Thank you~"

[Y/n] places their school bag onto the couch and takes off their shoes,

"I'm going to get changed real quick, and then we can watch the show. You can just chill in the living room."

Saiki nods before taking a seat on the couch. [Y/n] runs upstairs and into their room. They quickly teleport their school uniform off of them and teleports on a comfy hoodie and some sweatpants.

[Y/n] grabs a random oversized t-shirt and some oversized sweatpants before rushing back downstairs.

[Y/n] throws the clothes at Saiki,

"Here. The school uniform is uncomfortable, so here's some clothes to change into."
"Thanks. Where's your bathroom?"

Saiki asks, standing up. [Y/n] points at the stairs,

"Up the stairs and the first door to your left."

Saiki nods then began to make his way upstairs. [Y/n] jumps onto the couch and teleports their remote into their hand, figuring Saiki was already in the bathroom.

"Thanks for the clothes."

[Y/n] felt their breath stop as they turn to see Saiki sitting beside them.

"When did you- How did- Neverminded. You're welcome."

Covering up their nervousness, [Y/n] smiles and turns on the TV.

"Now let's get to watchin'!"

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