❝Stars Aligned❞ » Katsuki B...

By badwhcre

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A new student enrolled into UA, one with abilities she cannot begin to fathom, abilities she never knew of an... More



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By badwhcre

Warning: alcohol/drug intake

Your feet had made its way to the front of Yaoyorozu's house but you were hesitant to actually go up the steps to the front door. Her house was massive and you had to sit there in awe at it, definitely twice or even three times bigger than yours. You couldn't even imagine living in a huge house just with your dad.

You held onto your bag, finally having the courage to walk up and before you could knock on the door, it was swung open by Yaoyorozu, catching you by surprise.

"Oh hey! Come in." You stepped inside, looking around the house and seen most of the classmates in the other room.

You had second thoughts about being here, you were never the type of person to be open and thrilled about going to a party. At your old school, you had a few friends sure and there were a couple of hang outs/sleep overs but never went to a party where it had more than 10 people in it.

The bag you were holding was dropped on the floor by the door along with your shoes being kicked off your feet. You followed your classmate to the next room and said hello to everyone but Bakugou, of course, didn't say much.

You decided to be a pain and sit beside him, purposely bumping shoulders with him as you got comfortable between Bakugou and Kirishima. The small laugh couldn't help but leave your lips when you heard him mumble under his breath and try to scoot away, the couch being right from the amount of people squished together on it.

The evening went by pretty fast, the many pizza boxes were spread out across the living room and it was already getting late but it didn't bother you, which was surprising considering when you go to someone's house, you would be quick to leave by the time it hits dark but oddly enough, you felt comfortable here.

"Alright, now that it's getting dark- the real fun can begin." You glanced over at Mineta, who even invited him? You thought to yourself but this was a class 1A type party so not surprising that he would be here even without an invite.

"I hate to agree with him but we did bring games and other stuff." Denki had grabbed his bag and the cheesy grin on his face said it all, he was quick to pull out bottles of alcohol. You were caught off guard with how this took a quick turn but you were aware of the possibilities of a small high school party.

"I'm down if everyone else is." Yaoyorozu shrugged, grabbing one of the bottles out of his hands and spun the cap off.

"Maybe we should do a drinking game? Could make it more fun. Spin the bottle? That would make things interesting but could make people wasted if they decline to kiss which I'm sure most of you would." She explained, humming to herself and you sunk back into the cushions, what did I get myself into.

"Or! We could do truth or dare or shot, same as truth or dare but if you refuse to do the truth or dare, you drink." Denki spoke after she did and they got into a whole conversation about games and you started to grow nervous. This could get real awkward or real heated a little too fast and that's what made your palms sweat a bit.

You've tried alcohol, sure, if you consider stealing a sip from your dads stash then spitting it out in the sink. It wasn't a pleasant taste and now you would have to act like you actually enjoy it to not look like a wuss here.

"Are you sure we should be doing this guys? What if we somehow get caught?" Midoryia finally spoke up and even though you would hate to agree with your anxiety filled friend, you were also worried about the possibilities that could somehow happen.

"Quit being a baby! We're fine and this house is empty, it'll be fun!" Ashido had tried to reassure Midoryia but you could tell he still had that look of concern written on his face.

"Are you losers going to start or what?" Bakugou's evil grin was spread across his face, you weren't surprised at his excitement about this, he was always wanting to do something he probably shouldn't.

"Okay, we'll just start off with the truth, dare or shot first then get to the rest once we've all had our shots." Denki brought up, making everyone sit in pretty much a circle on the living room floor.

You stayed by the couch between Kirishima and Bakugou, instead on the floor with your backs pressed against the couch. Your palms were growing even more sweaty, you couldn't believe how nervous you actually were but the thought of your dad finding out was pretty scary to say the least and his punishment would definitely be hardcore training which you hated.

"I'll go first and since Midoryia is so scared, he's getting the heat first." Kaminari laughed, watching the pure panic on his face.

"Deku, truth or dare." He started off.

"Easy, truth."

"Easy? Who said I'm making this easy?"

You knew where this was going to lead to and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and him almost pissing his pants trying to figure out what he was going to tell him to do.

"Since you wanted truth, I want you to look around and tell us which girl you would want to date." Denki was evil, he knew deep down that Deku would panic and probably turn bright red. He also knew that Uraraka had a crush on Midoryia- you were sure the whole class knew actually.

"I- um, I don't know, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." He began to panic and overthink the question a little too much and it was entertaining to see his eyes wonder around the room trying not to make eye contact.

"Come on! No ones feelings are going to get hurt, it's a harmless game... unless you want to take a shot?" Denki smirked, pouring a shot and sliding it across the small coffee table towards him.

It took Midoryia about five minutes and people shouting at him to decide, his panic mindset made him spiral and take the shot without realizing what he did. The look of disgust on his face made the whole room laugh as he tried his best to swallow and grab a soda, drowning down the strong bitter taste.

"Okay, Deku, your turn to ask away."

"Um, okay."

Two hours have passed and you were thankful the questions that were given weren't too much. Some were to the point where you have taken a couple of shots but altogether the whole class has taken a couple and this is where you knew things were gonna take a turn.

"Ok, I want to make things more fun. Uraraka, truth or dare." Yaoyorozu smirked at her and your eyes went wide when Uraraka had chosen dare, her first time doing so tonight.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss one of the guys, your choice but I think we all know who the obvious choice is here."

Everyone looked at Uraraka, some of the guys being dramatic and causing a scene with their quiet "oooos" and "Deku's up"

You could tell she grew quiet and nervous, she could take a shot but even you could tell that she's taken enough and on the look of her face, she didn't want to take anymore considering she almost threw up from the last shot she had to take.

She got on her feet, everyone cheering her on and your eyes trailed over to Midoryia who was trying to play dumb at the game, trying to convince himself that it wasn't him that she was going to go kiss.

And he was right, her feet made their way over to the opposite direction of Midoryia and soon, everyone's attention was on her as she stood in front of.... Bakugou???

Your eyes grew wide, looking beside you at him as he furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head repeatedly at her.

"I know damn well you're not choosing me." He stared at her, his red eyes seem to get more fiery red as her face drained with color with how much of a pain he's being.

"Trust me, I don't have a crush on you but your the only guy that won't make this weird." She leaned down, whispering under her breath towards him and he scoffed under his breath as well.

"What makes you think I want to kiss you? Out of everyone here? You? Are you an idiot?" Katsuki was fighting back and to your surprise, she didn't care and was quick to smash her lips on his and pull back less than a second later and made her way back to her spot.

You were quiet and you looked at his face, him growing red and you couldn't tell if he was mad or blushing but the small pit in your stomach, the hint of jealously that haunted over you made you want to leave and go home. It's not that you liked Bakugou, you actually hated him at times but the other times you two surprisingly got along.

The small hint of jealously that was held over your head like a dark rainy cloud was painful to even feel because there was no feelings towards Bakugou in that way, maybe it was just because Uraraka is definitely not his type and out of all the guys, she chose Katsuki.

"Uraraka, your turn."

"Oh- yeah, I guess I'll choose Bakugou then. Truth or dare."

"Dare, I'm not a wuss like the rest of these guys."

"Ok, dare. I dare you to... to..."

"Kiss Y/N! A real kiss, none of that fake pecking shit." Yaoyorozu cut Uraraka off and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets as you glared at her for even suggesting that. He just kissed Uraraka and now they want him to kiss me?????

The anger was evident on your face, Yaoyorozu knew what she was doing with this because just by the look of your face minutes before— she could tell you felt a bit jealous of Uraraka but not for the reason she thinks and that's what made you boil inside.

"Kiss this idiot? Seriously? What is it with you girls and fucking kissing?" Katsuki grew annoyed and you somewhat agreed with him, what was it about these people and kissing?

Uraraka and Bakugou weren't even the first pair to share a kiss. Just 30 minutes ago, Ashido was dared to kiss Sero which she did and now the more drinks people have, the more kissing there is.

"Y/N hasn't had any action yet! C'mon, don't be lame and kiss." Yaoyorozu argued back and this made your face heat up in embarrassment and anger.

Bakugou had glanced over at you, he was angry and you could tell. Your eyes had met but you were quick to turn away from his intense stare.

"You guys are assholes." You said aloud, shaking you head as you reached over and grabbed a shot glass, about to pour yourself one before taking the whole bottle up to your lips and took a few gulps before setting it down.

"I hate every single one of you, remember that." You mentioned again, your eyes turning to meet his again as your palms grew sweaty.

"Just know, I'll hate this more than you." Katsuki said and you shook your head.

"Doubt that. Why not just take a shot if you hate me that much?"

"I don't want another shot."

"Then why are you complaining?"

"Just shut up you idiot so we can get this over with."

"God, you piss me off, Katsuki." You rolled your eyes at him, he was either stalling or debating on taking that shot instead but it was annoying you.

"You piss me off more, don't flatter yourself."

"Oh c'mon! The tension between you two is begging for a make out session, hurry up!" Kirishima laughed and nudged you closer to Bakugou and you groaned at how stuck you were in this situation.

"Quit pressuring me, dumb ass!" Bakugou yelled and you could practically see the steam coming from his ears.

His eyes tried not to look at you but couldn't help but to make eye contact and the annoyance in the sigh he let out was loud and you started to grow uneasy and had a feeling of guilt.

Bakugou felt angry but in many different ways. He wasn't angry at you, he was more angry at these idiots for pressuring a kiss between the two of you. He doesn't like you, he never even considered liking you or kissing you but something he'll never admit is that you two did have a minor friendship there, only reason being is because he somewhat appreciated your presence after the sports festival and that's the only reason why.

Now he sat there in front of you, not wanting to go through with this stupid idea of a drinking game. He already had a handful of shots, he wasn't thrilled to take another but he wasn't thrilled to do the dare with you.

He had thought about just taking the shot and getting this dumb game over with but the thought of taking another drink of that disgusting alcohol Denki calls delicious makes him want to gag.

His red eyes stayed on yours, as if he was thinking a little too hard. He wasn't stupid, he knew why they were doing this to the both of them. Even he could tell minutes ago that you had tensed up beside him when Uraraka kissed him, even if it was a harmless peck.

Now, he wouldn't have ever done that if he was dared to kiss any of the girls here. He had standards and no one in this class was his type but the only bearable one he could somewhat handle was you.

He hated to think about it and he especially hated you deep down.

Bakugou was growing impatient, with himself because he was holding himself back from getting it over with but he just felt some type of way where he didn't even want to do this shit anymore or even be here.

As he sucked in his pride and stupid ego, his eyes staring right through your colored ones as if he was trying to read your thoughts and he hesitated before grabbing a hold of your face.

His hands were surprisingly soft but rough at the same time, he started to mumble curse words under his breath and talking about how much he hated the class and how stupid they all are.

All while his face inched closer and closer.

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