Izuku The Singing Hero

By Dakgoot

33.8K 485 465

Izuku who was just walking around musutafu. To buy the ingredients for a candy apple that he was going to mak... More

Info.Chapter (Characters)


7.7K 90 115
By Dakgoot

I hope you like the first chapter. It's a new story. I don't know if some one has done this before.

<《《 Enjoy 》》>

Izuku was heading to a store to get some ingredients to make candy apples. He was going to make candy apples with Eri who asked for it.


Eri who came running into the dorms with Aizawa and The big3 slowly trailing behind her. She looked around the common room to see if Izuku was here.

When Eri spotted Izuku sitting on one of the couches, she then ran to him and then jumped on Izuku to hug him, she then said:" daddy."

"Hey snowball. Had a fun time with Mirio?" Izuku responds. Eri rapidly nods and she then says with a big smile:" Yeah. Me, Mirio and his friends. Watched a lot of movies and we had all this yummy food while watching."

Every one that was in the common room awed at how cute Eri was.

"Well that's a bit unfortunate." Izuku says with a small smile. Eri then asks with a confused look:" why is that dad?"

"Well i was thinking of making candy apples with you Snowball, but seeing that you already had a lot of yummy food. I don't think that's the best idea." Izuku replies. Everybody who was in the common room, had all the same thought:' that's just mean."

Eri pouted and she then smiled a little, she then said:" if you don't want to make candy apples with me dad. Then i will ask Mirio and we will eat them without you."

"No don't go..." Izuku whined while hugging Eri so she couldn't go. Eri smiles and says:" okay daddy, but we will make lot's of candy apples."

Everbody laughs at the antics of Eri and Izuku. Izuku sighs, but he then says with a smile:" sure Snowball."

Izuku then headpats Eri and she giggles in responds. Izuku then asks:" so you had a lot of fun Snowball?"

"Yeah bigbro Mirio, Amajiki and bigsis Nejire made sure that i had a lot of fun." Eri says with a smile.

Mirio and Nejire then walk over to Izuku so that they stand behind the couch where he and Eri is sitting.

"Wait if i'm Eri's big brother doesn't that mean..." Mirio then says. Izuku replies with:" please don't..."

Mirio and Nejire then both say in unison:" that we can call you dad to." Aizawa just facepalms at what's going on.

"Yeah ofcourse you can you're my big sis and bro, right dad?" Eri says. Mina then says:" so pure."

Izuku sighs and thinks:' why Mirio? just why?' Nejire then says:" so...?" While this was going on Amajiki just crawled into a corner, because of how emberrassed he felt. Because of his friends.

"Okay..." Izuku says, he then thinks:' i'm going to regret saying that.'

Eri and Nejire both cheer and highfive each other. Mirio then says:" so when are you going to get the ingredients to make the candy apples, dad." The last word he said in a mock tone.

"Can we also call you dad, midori." Mina and Toru then both say. Mineta then says:" bastard why does he get the girls."

"Chill dude they are just messing around." Kaminari says to Mineta. Kirishima and Kaminari then nod to each other, they then both say:" can we also call you dad."

Izuku just looks at them and says:" four children is enough, especialy if it's the big3." Mirio replies with:" hey..."

"I'm going to get the ingredients, so you three will have to watch over Eri while i'm gone." Izuku then says. Everybody then thinks except the big3 and Eri:' he is realy treating them as his children.'

"Sure thing dad." Mirio and Nejire say. And Amajiki is dying in the corner of emberrassment.

Izuku kisses Eri on her forehead, he then says:" make sure Nejire and Mirio behave, okay Eri."

"Yep i will make sure they don't do anything stupid dad." Eri replies with a smile.

Eri then jumps off, so that Izuku can stand up. He then goes to his dormroom to grab his wallet and after a few minutes he comes back down.

Izuku then says:" bye guys." Multiple people then respond with something. Aizawa then says:" and problem child."

"Yeah..?" Izuku replies with while putting his shoes on. Aizawa then says:" don't get in any trouble, like you last time did with gentle criminal."

Izuku stands up and opens the door, but before he goes. He says:" i will do my best dad." Izuku then walks out and closes the door behind to go to a store.

"Did he just say.." Toru says while looking at Mina who then replies with:" dadzawa confirmed."

Aizawa just stands there frozen while looking at the front door of the dorms. Kaminari then says:" i think Midoriya broke him."

Aizawa then sighs and says:" that's one way of becomimg grandpa." Mina then says with suprise:" he accepted it."

End Flashback

He sighed, he was walking to a store in the middel of town where it was pretty busy. So it already took him longer to the store.

It was saturday so it was to be expected. He then looked up at a billboard and on it was.

Izuku then thought:' oh yeah.. it's only about a month before they have there concert in musutafu.'

Izuku was about to walk to the store, but he stopped when heard some people yelling something.

《 Few minutes ago 》

A police car was driving after a Villian that just robbed a bank. And a helicopter was flying above them that had a news crew in it, that was filming everything live.

One of the police officers then says:" why aren't there any heroes in the area." The one that's driving responds with:" the only one that's available is Mount Lady and that's not an option with a car chase."

The villian that was driving away then said:" we are lucky that there aren't any heroes after us. Only the dumb police officers that we can easily lose."

The other Villian replied with:" just drive.. GO LEFT HERE!" The other Villian responds with:" yes boss!"

"There are people up ahead boss." The one that's driving says. The boss then says:" don't care just drive, the one's that die had to go out of the way. And speed it up, will you."

"Yes boss." Replied the driving Villian while speeding up the car.

The person in the helicopter, that was commenting what was going on then says:" the villian has just turned left and is driving straight to civilians that haven't noticed yet what's going on."

And he explained how there weren't any heroes near the area.

《 At U.A dorms of 1A 》

They where looking at the tv and they where watching the news to look if something was going on.

Aizawa and All might where also there. Everybody was looking at the tv. Eri then asks:" why isn't there a hero?"

"there aren't any heroes in the area except Mount Lady, but she hasn't the right quirk for a car chase." Mirio responds.

《 Back to where Izuku is 》

Multiple people now saw that there a car was heading there way and they began to warn the people that where crossing the road.

Because of what was happening they began to panic and began to run. So they weren't going to get hit by the car.

But because of it being busy. People began to push each other and one person fell and she couldn't stand up because she was being pushed around while she was lying on the ground.

Izuku who pushed people away to get a better look. So he could see what was going on. He saw some one lying on the ground, he couldn't see her or her face because of the hood. But she was about to get hit by a car that was going at least over a 100 km an hour.

Izuku fired up his quirk to the max that being 35%. He ran creating windpresure because of how fast he was going.

The only thing the civilians could see was a green streak of lightning. Moving with great speed.

Izuku ran past the girl that was about to get hit by the car that was now just 50 meters away.

Izuku then puts hands against the front of the car that was going to hit the girl.

Because of how fast the car was moving, Izuku was being pushed back and it digged his feet into the ground.

Destroying the road beneath him. Izuku got the car to stop only a few meters away from the girl.

The villians stepped out of the car, about to attack Izuku with there quirks. But before they could do anything Izuku captured them with blackwhip.

In the helicopter the same person then said:" some one has stopped the car and has captured the Villians, before they could do any harm."

They then zoom in on Izuku who has the Villians restrained.

《 Back at U.A dorms of 1A 》

Everybody sighs in relief when they see Izuku stop the car.

"Yeah go daddy." Eri then says. Aizawa responds with:" why is it always that as something happens problem child is there."

"Thank god that Midoriya went shopping." Momo then says. Iida replies with:" a true hero indeed."

All might smiles and thinks:' good job young Midoriya.'

《 Back to where Izuku is 》

He then helps the girl, to stand back up. The police then pull over next to the car.

Izuku helps them getting the quirk canceling handcuffs on. The police officer then says:" thanks for you're help, but you know that it's illegal to use your quirk right."

Izuku pulls out his hero license and says:" good thing that i am a hero in training then."

The police officer sighs and says:" well thanks fot you're help deku."

"No problem, i'm going to check up on her if she is okay." Izuku then says. The police officer nods and proceeds to help his colleague to get the villians in the car.

Izuku walks up to her and asks:" are you okey." She responds with:" yeah, just a bit out of it."

"Okay, does something hurt. Because you fell." Izuku then asks. The girl replies with:" no.. just shocked that it could of been the end, just now."

Izuku looks a bit closer at how she looks and then gasps, because he recognises her. The girl looks at Izuku and she then says:" please be quiet about it."

"Yeah ofcourse, it's just a suprise." Izuku replies. Izuku then hears the news crew landing. He looks at the police and says:" can you say what happend, she is still a bit shocked. So i want to make sure she is okay."

The police officer nods and says:" go ahead." Lucky for Izuku other police officers arrived and they kept the civilians of the street.

Izuku looked at the girl, he then asked:" is it okay that, i pick you up so that we can get out of the area?" The girl nodded.

Izuku picked her up bridal style. Some people where watching what was happening.

The wind then blew of the hood revealing that it's Miku Hatsune. People where about to say something but Izuku jumped away with 35% of OFA.

《 Back at U.A dorms 1A 》

"What is daddy doing?" Eri then asks. They all saw how he picked the person up who he saved.

"Problem child wants to check up on the person and he doesn't want to be interviewed by the press. So he is going to jump away." Aizawa then says.

The hood then blew of and revealed that it was Miku Hatsune.

"And that could also be a reason.." Aizawa then says. Everybody looks back at the tv.

Jirou and Eri immediately began to fangirl. Mineta then says:" lucky bastard. It was suposed to be me that touches Miku!"

Tsuyu immediately slaps him with her tongue and Jirou uses her quirk to jab Mineta in both his eyes. Momo creates a baseball bat and swings it against Mineta's head. Knocking him out in the proces.

Todoroki then thinks:' servse him right nobody talks like that about Miku, maybe i should use my fire quirk on him. Nah.. or....'

They then all picked there phone and began to spam Izuku with questions for an autograph. And every one ignores Mineta.

All Might and Aizawa both sigh and they then look at Mineta, they both then think:' why are you still here.'

《 With the Vocaloids 》

With Len, Rin, Meiko, Kaito, Luka and there manager. They where also watching the news.

Rin then says:" i'm happy the civilians are safe." Len replies with:" that guy is awesome and he is strong to, what was his hero name? I didn't hear it."

There manager replies with:" if i'm correct, then i heard them say it was Deku."

Luka replies with:" like Dekiru? Because Deku that means useless... right?" Meiko responds with:" i presume that he means Dekiru with it."

Kaito then says:" what's he doing?" They all look back at the tv. Len then asks:" why is he picking her up?"

The manager then says:" probably to get away from the press."

The wind then blows Miku's hood of and Rin immediately says:" Miku?"

Izuku then jumps away with Miku in his arms. Kaito then says:" what just happend?" Len replies with:" i don't know i'm just happy that Miku was saved by the guy."

The manager then thinks:' thank god. That you where there Midoriya..'

《 Back to Izuku and Miku 》

Izuku just landed with Miku in his arms in a alleyway. He puts Miku back on her feet.

He then deactivated his quirk. Miku then says:" that was so COOL!" Izuku chuckels and says:" maybe you want to put you're hood back on before we walk out of the alleyway."

Miku responds by doing so. Izuku's phone then begans to sound. Izuku picks his phone and looks at the class app.

Izuku then says:" it seems that my friends where looking at the news." Miku then asks:" what are they asking then?"

"They all want an autograph from you." Izuku says with a chuckle. Miku responds with:" sure, but maybe we can do that somewhere more prived."

Izuku replies with:" yeah good idea... if i'm correct. Then there is an karaoke bar near here." Miku then says:" lead the way."

《 Small timeskip 》

After a few minutes of walking they arrive at the karaoke bar and Izuku pays for a room and something to drink.

They walk to there room. Miku then asks:" can we make a selfie? So they know what happend after you jumped away with me in you're arms."

"Yeah sure." Izuku replies. Miku pulls her hood down in responds and says:" thanks."

Miku picks her phone to make a selfie. They both smile and do a peace sign, Miku then makes a picture and uploads it on multiple social media platforms with the text under it.

✌Deku saved me✌.

"Can you then maybe sign multiple autographs for my classmates and my daughter." Izuku asks. When Miku heard the last word, she choked on her drink.

She then coughs multiple times and then says:" daughter?" Izuku thinks for a few seconds and then immediately says:" oh not like that, she is my adoptive daughter."

"You look my age and you already have a daughter." Miku says. Izuku responds with:" actualy i'm sixteen and i saved her from a villian and she didn't have any parents. So i adopted her."

"The same age. And that's so nice of you." Miku responds. Izuku chuckels and says:" well, she absolutely adoreble."

"Can i see a picture of her? If you're okay with it, ofcourse." Miku then asks. Izuku replies with:" sure thing."

Izuku pulls out his phone and looks for a good picture. He then finds one with Eri sitting on a swing and having a big smile on her face and Izuku is standing behind the swing also with a big smile on his face.

"She is so cute, what's her name." Miku then says. Izuku replies with:" Eri and i'm pretty sure she is going to be incredibly happy with you're autograph."

"Oh i almost forgot about the autographs.... i don't have any paper or a pencil on me." Miku then says.

Izuku replies with:" don't worry. I always have a notebook on me and a pencil. And i'm happy i have a new one on me."

"Cool. But why?" Miku then asks. Izuku replies with:" pretty simple. I can be a nerd when it comes down to quirks. And here is the pencil."

"Thanks, so how many do i have to sign?" Miku then asks. Izuku replies with:" 23 if that's okay.."

"Sure." Miku responds and after a few minutes she is done." She then also says:" do i have them with me?"

"Huh?" Izuku replies while putting his notebook back and his pencil. Miku then pulls two backstage passes out of her pocket and she then says:" looks like i took them with me. Here, because you saved me."

"Wow.. are you sure, you want to give them to me?" Izuku asks. Miku responds with:" yeah, you saved me. And it's the only way i can think of to repay you."

"Thank you. I'm pretty sure that Eri is going to enjoy this." Izuku replies. Miku then says:" so you're gonna take your daughter with you."

"Sure am, she is a big fan of you and the other Vocaloids. But she likes you and Rin the most." Izuku replies. Miku responds with:" Yay!"

Miku then picks up her phone, because she is being called by her manager who then says:" Miku can you come back. It already has been a few hours since the accident."

"Okay. Also i gave the backstage passes away." Miku replies. The manager then asks:" to Deku?"

"How do you know?" Miku replies. The manager responds with:" did you forgot that you where on the news."

"Oh.. yeah i was. Wasn't i." Miku then says. The manager sighs and then replies with:" just come back you're friends are worried."

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming. Byeee." Miku responds. The manager responds with:" see you later."

Miku then hangs up and turns back to Izuku and says:" that was my manager and he asks if i can come back."

"No problem. I still have to get some groceries." Izuku replies. Miku does her hood back on and asks:" can i maybe get you're number before i go?"

"Sure here xxx-xxx-xxxx." Izuku replies giving her, his phone number. Miku responds with:" thanks."

Izuku then picks up the glasses and they then both walk to the door. Miku opens the door for Izuku.

Izuku then walks out and Miku then closes the door behind her. They then both walk to the exit after Izuku gives the glasses back.

When they are outside. They say there goodbyes and they then proceed both to walk to there next destination.

Izuku walks to the store to get the ingredients for the candy apple while Miku heads back to her friends.

《 Small timeskip 》

Izuku was walking back to the Class-1A dorms now. He was about to open the door to the dormetory.

When he did. Everybody that was in the common room looked at him and began to stare at him.

"Um... hello.." Izuku then says. And then every one that was in the common room ran to Izuku. And all shouting do you have the autograph.

Izuku tried to calm them down, but it didn't work and he was getting annoyed because of it. Izuku then said louder and in a stern voice:" EVERY ONE BE QUIET!"

They all heard him this time and they where quite shocked that Izuku raised his voice, they also where immediately quiet.

"Now that you're all quiet and have calmed down, i can give you these." Izuku says, he then pulls out his notebook.

And he gives them all one autograph. Izuku then walks to the couch where Eri, the big3, Aizawa and All Might are sitting. Izuku then walks up to Eri and pulls out an autograph also for her.

Eri takes it with a smile. She then says:" thanks daddy." Izuku smiles and says:" it seems that you are the only one that knows how to say, thank you Snowball."

Multiple of his friends then say also thanks. Izuku then picks up Eri and puts her on his lap. Izuku then gives Mirio the notebook.

"I also got you three an autograph." Izuku then says. Mirio replies with:" thanks. although i am a bigger fan of Mafumafu."

"Thanks." Both Nejire and Amajiki say. Mirio then says:" I wonder who he is." Nejire replies with:" who?"

"Mafumafu, i mean. Every fan wants to know who the guy is." Mirio responds. Kaminari and kirishima both say:" yep."

"You are also fans?" Mirio then asks the two first years. They both respond with:" hell yeah. His music is awesome." But Kaminari then ads:" but i am a bigger fan of Len..."

Aizawa, All Might, Eri and Izuku all chuckle and think:' if they only knew that, He is sitting in this room with them / I am sitting in the same room as them.'

"Is he that good?" Izuku then asks. Jirou replies with:" you don't know him."

"Not realy. Do you know who he is, Snowball?" Izuku then asks. Eri replies with:" i have heard of him, but that's it."

Aizawa and All Might both reply with:" who?" Bakugou then says:" even i know who the guy is and he makes good music."

Izuku then thinks:' did he just compliment me. Not that he knows..' Kirishima then says:" wow, bakubro complimented some one."

Bakugou then begans to shout at Kirishima. Izuku ignores it and says:" I have the ingredients Snowball, but i think it's a bit to late to still make them today."

"It's okay dad. We can make them tomorrow." Eri replies while she yawns. Izuku then says:" you're going to bed Snowball."

"Okay...." Eri replies. Izuku looks down and sees that Eri already fell asleep. Izuku then says:" she must be tired, because of the sleep over."

Izuku then stands up while holding Eri. Mirio replies with:" yeah we did make it pretty late."

"Well goodnight guys and can some put the groceries away for me?" Izuku then says. Mirio responds with:" i will do that and goodnight."

Multiple of Izuku's friends then also say goodnight. Izuku walks to the elevator and pushes the button to go to the floor where his room is.

He then walks out of the elevator and heads to his dormroom, he opens it and walks in, he then puts Eri down on the bed.

He then walks back to the door an closes it. Izuku sighs and says:" what a day."

Izuku then pulls on his hair and it comes of. He then brushes his hand trough his real hair and it's White instead of green.

He then walks over to his desk and picks up a small box. He then goes with his other hands to his eyes to get his color lenses out, revealing red eyes. He puts both of the lenses back in the box and closes it. He then puts them back on his desk.

He then walks back to the bed and lies himself down next to Eri who then crawls in her sleep closer to Izuku.

Izuku grabs the bedsheets and covers himself and Eri. He then closes eyes to sleep...

<《《 To be continued 》》>

(Words 3941)
(I hope you like this chapter.) Byeeee.

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