I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

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It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



1K 25 11
By benandmirandalover

Ben watched as Miranda paced back and forth, he felt bad for her. He knew she was nervous about her court date tomorrow.

He watched as she walked back and forth In front of his bed. She was talking about work but he knew deep down what she nervous about.

Ben sat up and slid off the bed. He came up behind Miranda and wrapped his arms around her body, causing her to still. He heard her exhale and slightly release from her tense state.

“Everything is going to be fine tomorrow.” Ben said kissing the back of her head.

“You don’t know that.” Miranda whined.

“Miranda trust me. I know that’s it’s going to be fine. It was a simple dispute-

“A simple assault and battery.” Miranda mumbled.

“Okay so, Miranda. We already have spoken with lawyer. He said that assault and battery is a misdemeanor. Maximum punishment is 1 year in jail or a 2500 dollar fine. But your lawyer is the best. He probably can talk the judge down to dismissal.”

“I hope so because I could loose my medical license.” Miranda said frustrated.

“You won’t” Ben assured, grabbing her hands. He pulled her with him until the back of his knees hit the bed. Ben fell back and pulled Miranda on top of him.

“You would break up with me because I am in jail. Would you?” Miranda teased, trying to make light of the situation.

“Please. Orange is your color baby. “ Ben said rubbing his hands down her night gown. He slid his hands up until they rested on her butt over top of her underwear. He fisted and played with the band as they talked.

“Take them off Ben.”

Miranda said. This whole 30 minutes they were talking, she was trying to not get distracted. She found his hands on her comforting and laying in his arms even more relaxing but his bare hands up on ass as he moved pass her underwear.

Maybe it was her way of forgetting about this situation or moving pass it for a while but she wanted him and she knew that he could erase her thoughts and fill them with pleasure for a while, especially when neither of them new what tomorrow would hold.

The next morning Ben and Miranda were up in the bathroom. She finished brushing her teeth and walked to his closet. She unzipped her suit out of the bag from the cleaners and began to get dressed.

Ben came out of the bathroom and he watched Miranda slide her black skirt over her hips. He looked at the tent of sheer black panty hose she had on. Ben walked over and zipped up her skirt for her. She smiled before kissing him on the cheek.
Miranda wore a yellow blouse on the inside of her black suit jacket. She pinned her hair up to look professional.

“Dam if it’s any consolation, you look good Miranda.” Ben said looking at her standing in black pointed toe heels. He loved when she pulled her hair up. She was just so beautiful to him.

Miranda looked at Ben in his suit and she bit her lip. He did look good to her as well.

“You look fine as hell in a suit.” Miranda replied.

“You ready?.” Ben asked as he chuckled.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Miranda responded grabbing her purse.

“Y’all should have let me take the stand.” Ben said as they rode in his car with the top down.

“Baby and do what, get up there and lie? You were not going to lie for me.” Miranda said for the last time. He had been saying this for a couple days now.

“Miranda I could have told them that she leaped at you and it was your reaction to hit her.”

“Ben honey it wasn’t self defense. Look at me, do I look like the kind of woman who’d be scared of another woman. I couldn’t go in here and tell the judge that I feared for my life so it was self-defense, that’s a lie. Especially when it comes out that she walked in on me kissing you. The judge is going to see exactly what it was, a dispute that got physical. All I’m hoping for is to be let off of the hook.” Miranda said putting her hand on top of his thigh as he drove.

“I just feel like this is all my fault and it’s nothing I can do to help you.” Ben said blowing out a breath.

“Benjamin you are helping me, you are here, you have been here and you are giving me your love and support through all of this. Ooh and what about last night. You took me to our happy place and I am thankful.” Miranda said smiling.

Ben looked over at her and gave her a smile as they pulled up at the court.

He walked around and opened the car door for her. They walked inside and went  through the checks until they got to their court room door.

Miranda saw her lawyer standing out side waiting.

“Hello.” Miranda said as she walked up shaking his hand as Ben followed, speaking as well.

“We are next up. Everything is going to go well. I’m going to present the judge with a little bit of your back ground. I’m sure her lawyer will tell the story of walking in on You and Benjamin but I believe we can use that to your advantage as well. Because as I told you before I could spin that angle and get it talk down to mutual fighting and you walk away with a fine. “ The lawyer said. Miranda nodded her head and she walked inside when her court case number was called.

Miranda set beside her lawyer in the front at the table and Ben sat behind them.

“All rise.” The officer at the front stood and Miranda stood up. She nervously fidgeted with her fingers and her necklace.

“Criminal court; The state of Washington, city of Seattle depart 15 is now in session. The honorable judge Brown is now residing. Please be seated and come to order.” The man spoke loudly.

Miranda sat down and then looked at the other side of the court room. Kimberly or her lawyer where no where to be found.

“ Good afternoon.” Judge Brown said. He open the case file.

“I call formally Williams vs Bailey.” He said looking up before looking over at the empty spot.

“Where is the plaintiff.” The judge asked pushing his glasses up.

“I am so sorry for our tardiness. Your honor.” Kimberly’s lawyer said bursting in from the door. Miranda looked back as Kimberly followed suit.

“Come in Parker and you and Ms. Williams have a seat please.” The judge said annoyed.

Miranda looked over at Kimberly and she saw that she had a  bandage over her stiches which she didn’t have the night of making it more noticeable. She knew that she did that just for today.
Ben could see the look of surprise and nervousness on her face so he reached out and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

“Really you came here to day Ben and sat on her side.” Kimberly made a loud out burst.

“Excuse me.” Miranda said getting loud.

“Dr. Bailey no. Let her be loud. We can use this to our advantage.” Her lawyer whispered.

Ben gave a surprise look. He was generally confused. He knew that she knew they were together, so he didn’t understand her out burst.

“You watched that woman attack me and you are sitting there on her side with her. Are you insane.”

“Ms. Williams enough with the loud outburst.” The judge declared.

Miranda looked over at the woman with confusion. She honestly was scared that this woman was insane. She watched as her lawyer pulled on her arm telling her to calm down and let her handle it.

“No I will not calm down. I should kill that woman.” Kimberly said standing up.

“Ms. Williams. Order….. counselor Parker. Talk to your client. Or she will be held in contempt.” The judge yelled.

“Your honor may I ask for five minutes or a continuation” Parker asked.

“Under no circumstances will there be a continuation. That is not fair to my client to continue this. She is chief of general surgery and would like to pick up with her life and move pass this.” Miranda’s lawyer argued.

“Your honor we would also like to file charges under the penal code section 422 criminal threat attending to the plaintiff loud outburst threatening my client” Miranda’s lawyer also announced as Kimberly's lawyer pulled her out of the court room.

“Your honor may I approach.” Miranda’s lawyer spoke.


“Your honor my client, Doctor Miranda Bailey is an upholding member of society and is a renown doctor. She doesn’t have any priors and as you can see from the plaintiff’s outburst. My client was previously verbally assault and it lead to a physical altercation. We are arguing for mutual Fighting which is legal here in the state of Washington. We are asking for moving to dismissal and charges to be dropped.” The lawyer pushed.

The judged looked from the lawyer to Miranda who looked to be stressed as she messed with her fingers.
He blew out a breath, Dr. Bailey. You are a lucky woman. This is your warning.” He said slowly.

Miranda nodded her head.

“Case dismissed.” He replied slamming the gavel down. He stood up and blew out a breath. He put his hand on his head as it looked to be a head ache forming.

“Your honor wait. May I.” Miranda asked nervously and quietly.

Ben looked at her with questioning eyes.

“You may approach.” He said as he watched her inquisitively.

“Your honor. How long have you had that head ache?.” Miranda asked.

“A few days. “ He said shrugging.

“Can you tell me the severity of it.” She asked.

“It’s very severe, it hurts so bad.” He confessed.

“May I.” She asked. Reaching out to him. Miranda felt his head for a fever and she looked at the vein that was presented on his fore head.

“How long has the vein been bulging out…. I noticed it when you first walked in.” She asked still examining his head.

“It came a day after the head ache started.” He told her.

“Okay any pain or tenderness near the jaw, mouth or temples. Are you sweating and or loss of appetite.” She asked.

“I have tenderness is my jaw. When I go to eat it hurts sometimes to open.

“Your honor. I want you to go to Seattle Grace for a consult with my colleague Doctor Shepherd. We can order you a head ct. But I’m positive you have Temporal arteritis.” Miranda said looking him in the eyes.

“What is that.” He questioned.

“Inflamed Temporal Artery which is a blood vessel but it’s around or in your scalp.”
She watched as the fear came over his face.

“Diagnosis usually just require a small biopsy. You would received steroidal anti inflammatory medication to prevent Vision lost. We would start the medicine before diagnosis to prevent Permanent damage. The medication treatment usually last about 1 year but once done this disease dose not usually present it’s self again. It vitally important for you to go now. “ Miranda explained and then encouraged.

“Dr. Bailey. Thank you so much and I will right now.” He said placing his hands on top of hers in a thankful manner.

“No problem your honor it’s my job.” Miranda smiled before telling him to take care of himself.

After Miranda was finished she turned around with a huge smile on her face.

“Thank you so much.” Miranda said shaking her lawyers hand.

“No thank you for in trusting me with this job” The man smiled.

Miranda walked to Ben and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.” Ben said as he rocked her back and forth hugging her.

“Well we called out from work today so, what do you want to do ?” Ben asked.

“We can go to lunch, then we can go to the Mall or something.” Miranda suggested.

“Sounds like a plan.” Ben said grabbing her hand.

A week passed and Miranda was in her car with Ben giving him sad eyes. “I really don’t understand why you are going.” Miranda said.

“I’m going because I am telling the man in person that I can’t accept the job. It’s the least I can do. He doesn’t deserve a phone call.” Ben argued.

“Ugh.” Miranda groaned crossing her arms. They were in the airport parking lot. Ben checked his watch.

“Alright Miranda I’ll see you tomorrow evening.” Ben said leaning over to kiss her.

“Tomorrow evening. I don’t understand?"

“Because you have to work tomorrow so when I come home you are not going to be there until the evening. Just relax Miranda Bailey, nothing is going to happen. I will be fine.” Ben assured her.

He leaned over in the seat and pulled her in for a kiss.

“Alright honey, be safe. I love you and I will see you tomorrow.” Miranda said against his lips as they hugged.

Ben got on his plane and he began to do a cross word and Sudoku puzzle for the ride.
When he got to the airport, he grabbed a cab and went to his hotel to check in. Ben texted Miranda telling her he was checked in and comfortable.

He decided to go get himself lunch before he went to the hospital. After lunch Ben got a cab and went to the hospital. He took the elevator up to the 4th floor and he got out walking the long hallway that was not familiar to him yet.

Knocking on the door. He heard “come in” before he entered.

“Oh Doctor Warren it’s a pleasure to see you. Have a seat.”

Ben sat down and he smiled before saying.

“I came here to inform you in person that I will not be able to accept the job offer. I have to renege. “ Ben said seriously.

“Doctor Warren. Are you sure there is nothing I can do to convince you other wise.”

“The woman I love and want to Marry. My future is in Seattle.” Ben said looking the man.

He looked at picture of his wife and then back over to Ben. “I totally understand. That type of love only comes once.”

“Right.” Ben agreed.

“You’re a golf player?” Ben asked looking at the man trophies.

“I sure am. You gulf?” The man questioned.


“What are you doing right now? After this. You want to golf.”

“Yeah sure we can.” Ben said,  glad that he had something to do today.

The two guys rode together and went to the field to golf.

“We should do this again. I wish you and Miranda well.” Aaron said shaking Ben’s hand.

“Absolutely and thank you so much.” Ben said getting out and walking inside the hotel.

When he got to his room. He ordered room service and he texted Miranda.

Miranda didn’t respond but she called.

“Hey baby.” Miranda said when he answered the call.

“Hey, How are you?” Ben asked.

“I’m Good, how was everything. You didn’t see he-

“No I did not see her at all today. I went with Aaron and I told him I’m turning down the job then went we golfing for the day.” Ben said cutting her off.

“Oh.” Miranda said blowing out a breath.

There was silence on the phone for a minute or two. “Ben I’m sorry, for being so paranoid. It’s just that she gave me a bad feeling and I was worried that she would do something crazy to you. I trust you, I know you wouldn’t cross the line with her. This is not about loyalty, this is about safety. I was just-

“I know Miranda, this whole thing was crazy. She is definitely crazy.” Ben said.

“I love you.” Ben said right as there was a knock on the door.

“That’s room service.” Ben said getting up.

“Okay, I love you too and I will see you tomorrow. I am still on my shift so I have to go back to work but have a good night and I will definitely see you tomorrow evening.” Miranda said as they hung up the phone.

Ben got up to answer the door and he grabbed his food before tipping the man at the door.  He sat down and ate and decided to shower before getting into bed. Ben watched TV for a while before he finally dosed off.

Ben turned on his side and brushed his hand across his neck moving the tickling sensation from his ear.

“Miranda.” Ben said drowsy trying to give her a warning tone to stop whatever she was doing.

Getting annoyed because of her persistence, Ben quickly turned into the bed waking up. “Miranda would you sto- Kimberly?

“What are you doing in my hotel room.” Ben yelled sitting up.

“I’m here for you Ben.”

“Kim where are your clothes?. Why do you have my shirt on.” Ben yelled getting angry.

“Ben I still want you.” Kimberly said reaching for the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over her head, dropping it on the floor revealing her naked body.

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