Wrong Quarterback | ✓

By -linnwrites

791K 24.5K 17.1K

There are three general truths every Acebridge inhabitant knows by heart. First, if you're on a hunt for the... More

wrong quarterback
epigraph + soundtrack
character aesthetics
1 | summer
2 | you, again
3 | water(s)
4 | of fiction and city guides
5 | fingers crossed
6 | the runaways
7 | change of plans
8 | that god-awful son of my boss
9 | here's a toast to my real friends
10 | capulets and montagues
11 | oops, we did it again
12 | illicit affairs
13 | non-friends with benefits
14 | kisses of water
15 | on the third day of august
16 | sun, salt air and you
17 | the non-sleep sleepover
18 | expiration date
19 | miss misery
20 | don't cry over spilled chai
21 | 'hi' is the sweetest word
23 | montagues and capulets
24 | lean on me
25 | jealousy, jealousy
26 | deep waters
27 | the aftermath
28 | the art of co-existence
29 | something told me it was you
30 | party of five
31 | family reunion
32 | trapezes and tightropes
33 | the state championships
34 | winter wonderland
35 | same old rhyme
36 | of best friends and boyfriends
37 | rivalries never die
38 | super bowl sunday
39 | enough
40 | (almost) summer, again
41 | senior ditch day
42 | commencement
bonus chapter | surprise, surprise
a thank you
spin-off announcement | coming up for air

22 | you and me, always

16.8K 520 539
By -linnwrites

"And here I thought you told me not to keep you waiting."

Avery shakes her head, lips cracking into a small smile as she's met with Ethan's grin where he's leant against his car – lazily double parked at the corner of the street. "Sorry, that took longer than I thought," She holds her palm out expectantly. "Shall we?"

He drops his car keys into her hand. "We shall."

    Whipping his head to his sides, he surveys their surroundings as he rounds the car and slips into the passenger seat and she mirrors his movements, quickly scanning the street before getting the driver's door open and climbing into the SUV too. Adjusting the seat, she gets the engine going and then they're off.

Leaving the party had proven more difficult than she'd originally believed it to. It had taken a lot of convincing and assuring on her part upon announcing she wasn't feeling too well to her doting friends to get them off her case. Luke had wanted to drive her home. Callie had tried to convince her to come back to her place. Nic had offered her an aspirin. Lea had suggested adding onto the headache with a hangover. In retrospect – feigning the beginning symptoms of a cold might not have been the best trick to have them let her leave early but it was the best she'd come up with in the moment. She's not exactly sure what other card she could have played.

The one thing eventually getting them to leave her alone was telling them she'd already spoken to her mother who had, in her turn, already called Avery one of the few cabs circulating Acebridge's taxi service. It was an easily made up excuse, and realistic enough considering Sarah's away for the weekend and possibly couldn't come get her herself.

Veering through town, she pushes the nagging voice reprimanding her for lying to her friends to the back of her mind. This new turn of events with Ethan isn't even an hour old – the two of them need to talk it through before she even begins pondering the question that is her friends. Holy shit. She's really doing this.

    The events of the night begin to dawn on her as she's enveloped by the silence stretching between them, filling the vehicle. She's sneaking around with Ethan Taylor. He wants her. Only her. And she wants that too.

    She doesn't bother to flip through the radio stations, instead letting music tune into advertisement segments before holding back a sigh at a far too chipper radio host and then they're back to listening to yet another hit song sounding far too alike the one playing just minutes ago. Gripping the wheel, she makes another effort to push that warning voice to the back of her mind as it comes creeping back into the web of thoughts already tangling her head. She's not exactly sure if Ethan's mirroring silence is a good sign but she keeps her eyes on the road, not daring to glance his way incase she'll be met with regret sprawled over his features.

    Reprimanding herself, she whirls through her neighborhood – tapping the pads of her fingers against the wheel in beat to the music, the same way he usually does. He hasn't changed her mind. She's not about to change her mind either. And she better snap out of it before she says something that'll screw tonight up. He's not about to bolt as soon as they reach her house.

Sometimes people leave when you least expect them too.

No. She's not doing that. She's not going to scare herself out of this before it's even begun. These past weeks have been enough proof to how entangled they became this summer. How hard she fell for him. She fell for him. She glances over at him where he's sat in the passenger seat, a breath escaping her lips as she realizes he's already watching her and her heart stills, a calmness filling her chest as her lips pull into a faint smile.


    She parks down the street, figuring she doesn't want Nic to stumble upon Ethan's car in her driveway incase he has his ways past her house before killing the engine. She balls her hands up once before stretching her fingers out – trying to rid herself of the clammy feeling to her palms as she heaves a breath.

"You okay over there?"

    She nods, flickering her eyes over to Ethan with a small smile as she gets her car door open. "Mhm."

    It's quite a warm September night but a chill runs over her skin as she steps out into it either way. Rubbing her arms, she leads the way up to her house and instantly relaxes as they've made it past the threshold of the front door.

That same sense of calm enwrapping her as she had felt back in Jake's kitchen comes back to her now and she feels her shoulders drop, easing out of a tension she didn't even realizing she'd been holding as she lets the car keys drop to the hallway bureau. Taking a step forward she wraps her arms around him, lips pulling into a smile as his arms are quick to wrap tight around her too.

On an exhale, she speaks into the dip between his throat and collarbones – nose buried into the clean scent of him. "Hi."

    Inching back slightly, arms still closely held around her, Ethan regards her with a careful glimmer to his eye. "So, how have you really been these past weeks?"

Shrugging, she twists to her side to glance at his watch – a ridiculously athletic looking thing. It's only just passed eleven thirty.

She glances up at him, her hand absentmindedly lifting to twirl one of those soft curls around one of her fingers. "You want to sit down and catch up for a bit?"

He nods, her eyes fluttering shut as his finger hooks beneath her chin to lift her lips to his in a quick gentle kiss. "Yeah, that'd be nice."


    Ethan's breath tickles her neck. Her lips pull into a small smile, eyes still closed as she shifts on the mattress of her bed and it only widens as he scoots closer – his lips brushing over her skin as he buries her face in her neck with a mumbled, "God I've missed you."

    Warmth flushes her cheeks as her smile seems to overtake her entire body – tingles running through her leaving her want to stretch her limbs out long, maybe kick her legs into the air too while she's at it. Instead she rolls her lips together, jaw still aching from the previous night's laughter and smiles.

She bats her eyes opens, squinting at the rays of sun slipping through the blinds, to find Ethan already peering up at her.

Stretching one of her arms to her side, a small yawn escapes her lips with her smile. "Morning."

He rests his chin in the dip of her collarbone. "Morning."

She bites down at her lip as his gaze flickers across her face. "What?"

"Just making sure you don't look like you're about to run for the hills."

A silent snort escapes her and she presses her lips together, still sensing her smile etched in her features. "Not happening,"

    He scoots back and props himself up on his elbow, eyes never leaving hers as his smile grows both wider and softer simultaneously and she shifts on the mattress once again while latching onto her mellow pink comforter. A laugh escapes her lips as she pulls it over her head, warmth flushing her skin once more.

    She doesn't stay concealed for long, her fingers gently lifted away one by one from their clutch around the fabric before he pulls it back down.

The twitch of her mouth mirrors his as she gazes up at him, causing her to press her teeth into her lip. "Stop that."

A silent chortle escapes him. "Stop what?"

Her nose scrunches up as her lips automatically pull back into their wide smile. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that!" She grabs onto the comforter but before she can hide herself from view again his fingers latch around her wrist and a laugh escapes her lips along the words, "Stop staring at me."

"I'm not staring," His lips crack into a grin as he speaks the words, gaze holding hers for a beat longer before he falls onto his back next to her. Staring up at the ceiling, he lets his smile fall into a more neutral, softer, line. "Better?"

Turning on her side, she tucks her melted together hands beneath her cheek as she lets her gaze flicker over him – his dark tousled hair spread on her pink pillowcase and an unintentional soft snort escapes her as her lips crack back into that never-far-away wide smile. "Better."

He turns his head to look at her just as she scrambles into a seat – a horrid thought just having hit her. She probably has morning breath.

    Leaving the warmth of her comforter, she swings her legs over the edge of the bed as his hand catches hers with a small tug.

"Running for the hills?"

She rolls her eyes, glancing back at him over her shoulder. "I'll be back. I promise."

He lets go of her hand, dramatically falling back onto the mattress with a deep sigh. "Ah, fine."

    She doesn't waste any time getting to her feet, hurrying across the wooden boards cool beneath the bare soles of her feet and slips out of her room to head for the bathroom at the end of the hall.


    Returning a short while later, fresh-faced and breath minty from her tooth paste, she sinks down onto the bed. She tugs at the hem of her sleeping shorts, the skin of her fingertips cold from having washed her face as she pulls her legs into a cross legged seat.

Her eyes gazes over to his, hands still fidgeting as she interlaces them in her lap. "What about you?"

Propped up on his elbows, Ethan's brows knit together ever so slightly as he regards her with a somewhat wary glance. "What about me?"

"How do I know you're not going to run for the hills?"

"Other than the fact that I laid here patiently waiting for you when I had the perfect opportunity to jump out the window?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I," A flicker of amusement crosses his features as he jokingly throws his head back in a groan. "I thought I made it clear last night how I feel about you."

"Yeah, but–" Tongue pressed to the roof of her mouth, Avery's eyes cast to her lap as she scratches at her already flaked nail polish. She lifts her shoulders in a barely there shrug. "Sometimes people leave."

"Hey," Ethan straightens up into a seat as he reaches for her, easing her hands apart to intertwine them with his own and tugs her towards him. He loops his arms around her, his steady heartbeat against the fabric of her tank top as he holds her tight to his chest. "Don't you get that I'm crazy for you?"

Glancing up, her lips twitch at the sight of the rosy glow having creeped onto his cheeks and she lifts her hand to cup his jaw only to have it captured in his once again. He traces the lines of her palm as his mouth falls to her neck.

"I'm not going anywhere,"

    She swallows, attempting to suppress the small voice in the back of her head threatening to remind her of how he doesn't know that – how he possibly cannot know that.

"Is that my sweater?"

Lifting her gaze, her eyes drift in the same direction as his – brought out of her thoughts as she catches sight of the 'Ace East' pullover thrown over the back of her desk chair.

"Oh," She leans back in his embrace as she says, "Yeah – you sort of left that behind,"

    Twisting to her left she reaches over to the bedside table, letting her fingers grasp around the black frame of the Ray-Ban Wayfarers still perched atop the stack of paperbacks. "And I guess I accidentally took these with me when–"

    She cuts herself short, not wanting to bring up that late August night she had thought was their goodbye – not when they're here together. Together together. He seems to catch onto her reluctance to finish the sentence as he takes the sunglasses into his hand, cocking a brow as his lips quirk into a faint smirk.

"Accidentally? Thief."

"I actually didn't mean to!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." He leans across her, placing the sunglasses back on the table and she knows he knows she's telling the truth but still, as his gaze locks on hers, there's a twinkle of challenge in his eye.

    Lips pulling into a wider smile, she curls her hand around the back of his head, sprawling through his hair. It's soft and – unlike hers, who run a brush through it on her short bathroom venture – slightly tousled between her fingers. She lets her hand fall from his hair, cupping his cheek with a gentle stroke of her thumb instead as she inches closer. A silent snort escapes her as his face splits into a grin, bringing her lips to his.


    There are birds in the tree outside her window. They're loudly chattering behind the somewhat closed blinds. The sun's properly shining through now, casting shadows across her bedroom.

    They've been awake for quite a while now and though Avery wouldn't mind falling back asleep, stifling a yawn the very second the thought crosses her mind, she knows there's only a matter of time before her body will give her creeping hunger away with a loud, unflattering, growl.

    Her lips pull into a smile as Ethan shifts, propping himself up on his elbow as his fingers graze lightly over her cheek and tucks an errant strand of her hair behind her ear. His hand drops to her shoulder next, fingers following the curve of it before slowly tracing her collarbone.

    A chortled breath escapes him as she bops her finger to his nose and lifts herself onto her elbows too, smile in place as he kisses her.

Breaking apart, she snuggles closer to him – pads of her fingertips absentmindedly running over his arm as her eyes gazes over him. He presses a soft kiss to her forehead, pulling another never-far-away smile out of her before he gazes across to her nightstand, his fingers tracing patterns on her other palm where it lies between them.

"What have you been reading lately?"

She shrugs. "I haven't read much."

Her jaw aches from her smile as comfortable silence stretches between them, his eyes holding hers and hers holding his but they're soon brought out of their gazing as her phone buzzes violently on the bedside table. She rolls over to peek a glance at it, picking it up to quickly shoot a reply into the group chat where Callie's inquiring a response to the question of how she's feeling today in regards of her looming cold.

    Muting the phone entirely, she stifles a yawn and turns back to look at Ethan. They spent far too long of yesterday night catching up, talking over tea growing cold. There'd been some kissing too. Mostly talking though, stifling her yawns whenever sleep creeped over her, making the most of the night, of having him sat with her, just the two of them – almost as if making up for lost time.

Her eyes flutter shut as he brushes his lips to her shoulder but she peers one right back open as her stomach growls loudly, causing him to bury his face into her skin with a louder snort.

A silent laugh escapes her too. "So, what now?"

"Well," He regards her. "It is Sunday."

From the roll of his eyes she can tell her eagerness has etched into her features. "Sunday as in Taylor Harrison Breakfast Sunday?"

"Yeah," His lips fall into a soft line, brushing his thumb over her lip. "So... we could go over there. Or we could just stay here."

"I choose pancakes."

A short groan escapes him. "And here I was rooting for staying in bed."

Her lips crack into a grin, her stomach clenching with an excited buzz at the thought of food as she straightens up into a seat. "Shouldn't have mentioned it,"

    She swiftly swings her legs over the edge of the bed, reaching her hand back for his. "Come on, we're getting dressed."

"You do realize this means mom will know I lied to her yesterday?"

"More like not filling her in on the change of plans."

"I'm beginning to think you're a bad influence on me."

"Oh yeah, definitely," She tugs at his hand, pulling them both to their feet. "Come on, you basically promised me pancakes."

    With an amused glimmer to his eye, he yawns and stretches his free arm overhead. "Yeah yeah, fine,"

She's about to head for her closet as he tugs her back by her hand, looping his arms around her waist from behind as he nods towards the pullover hanging over the desk chair. "Any chance you'll wear that?"

Laughing, she breaks free of his embrace. "Dream on."


    Lifting his gaze from the architectural drawings spread over the dining table stood before the wide doorway, Paul's the first to spot them as they come walking through the living room – Avery trailing slightly behind Ethan, her hand easily slipping into his as he reaches for it.

"Is it just me or is Jake looking a little different this morning?"

A silent chortle escapes Avery's lips and Ethan simply shakes his head with a small smile as the two of them cross into the room, finding Anna stood at the kitchen island. She glances up from the grapefruits on the cutting board as they enter her peripheral vision, lips slipping into a smile.

"Two more plates?"

"Yeah. Apparently Waters can't live without your pancakes."

Anna's smile widens, putting the knife down and wiping her palms against the apron tied around her waist. Her gaze focuses on Avery. "It's nice to see you love."

Avery smiles. "You too."

Ella crashes into the room that very moment, dark hair sticking to all ends and still in pajamas. Ethan ruffles her hair as she passes them. "Morning Ella Bella."

    She whirls around, gaze casting to Avery's hand in Ethan's before flickering between them. Her lips twist into a faint smile as her brows knit together, mouth opening and then closing again.

Avery offers up a small smile. "Hi."

Anna brings their attention back to her as she claps her hands together. "Ella, why don't you and Avery set the table?"

    Avery nods at the suggestion, slipping her hand out of Ethan's hold just as Anna's eyes settle on him with a raised brow. "A word?"


    They set the table out on the porch. Ella works in silence and so, Avery does too. Somewhere in the near distance, sea gulls are loudly whining over the lack of misfortunate tourists – their screams for easily targeted food drowned out every now and then by the waves crashing onto the shore.

Avery doesn't really know how to go about the silence but after only having received one-worded mumbled words of answers to her questions about the start of the school year and the girl's flourishing soccer career, she's given up on striking conversation – realizing her efforts are unwanted. It weighs heavy atop her chest, a bitter taste in her throat as she realizes she left the girl behind those twenty-eight days ago. She didn't think of Ella then. Too caught up in her own heartache to spare her, or anyone else, a single thought.

A breath of relief escapes her as the girl clears her throat quietly, eyes on the napkin she's folding as a fully fledged question leaves her lips.

"Are you friends with Ethan again?"

    She can't help the way her lips pull into that jaw-aching smile at the mere mention, relief flooding her as she catches a smile on Ella's lips too.

"We are," She stays silent for a beat before taking her chances on mending whatever tear she's caused between her and the girl. "Though, you're still my favorite friend – of course."


Turning her head towards the sliding doors, she finds Ethan stood on the threshold – dressed in clothes that aren't from last night, mock-offense sprawled over his face. Her lips fall into a soft smile as he walks out onto the porch, returning to her task at hand to lay out the silverware.

"Are you spying on us, Taylor?"

He wraps his arms around her from behind, chin tucked into her shoulder. "Try girlfriend."

    Her heart leaps at the word, swelling in her chest. Pressing her lips together as warmth spikes through her, she leans back into his embrace.

    Ethan Taylor is her boyfriend.

How the hell did that happen?

Out of the corner of her eye she spots the amused curl of Ella's lips – the girl's eyes widening slightly as she spins on her heel and disappears back into the kitchen.

Avery gazes out at the ocean for a beat, breathing in the salt air as she squints at the reflecting rays of the sun on the surface of the water, before turning around in his arms – his heartbeat steady against hers. Lifting her hand, she absentmindedly twirls one of his short curls around her finger. She tries to keep her tone casual as she slightly tilts her head back to meet his gaze but there's nothing casual about the flare of warmth spiking through her when she looks at him.

"Girlfriend, huh?"

    The smile on his lips mirrors hers as she lets her hand fall to his shoulders, looping her other arm around his neck too. Getting on her tippy toes, she presses a fleeting kiss to his lips.

    Ethan Taylor is her boyfriend. Her somewhat secret boyfriend. But boyfriend nonetheless.


    There's a pout to Ella's lips as Avery returns from the bathroom, finding the girl sat on one of the sun chairs out on the porch – arms crossed over her chest and eyes narrowed at her brother.

"You promised."

"No I didn't."

Avery lets her fingers trace the wooden railing Ethan's leant against as she steps into his embrace, melting into his side. Rather tentative, not wanting to stick her nose where it doesn't belong, she flickers her eyes between the two siblings.

"What's going on?"

Ella glares at her brother. "Ethan said he'd come to my soccer game and now he says he won't."

"See? Said. I didn't promise a thing."

The girl sighs, eyes casting to her lap. "You promised."

Avery's lips fall into a similar pout, heartstrings tightening at the sight of the eight year old hunched over herself. She glances up at Ethan, nudging him lightly with her balled up hand. "You should go to the game."

He rolls his eyes at the sight of her pleading pout. "I want to hang out with you."

"So we'll both go."

Ella glances up at that, lips curling into a triumphant smile and Ethan's eyes narrow as he shoots her a sideways glance before turning his attention back to Avery. "Do you really want to spend half your day watching a bunch of kids play soccer?"

"We're third best in the league!"

Avery's lips pull into a soft smile. "I want to go to Ella's game."

A barely there sigh slips Ethan's lips. "We're really going to the game?"

"We're really going to the game."

Ethan shoots his sister – who's now smiling smugly – a pointed look. "Spoiled brat."

Avery's brows knit together, pointing her finger into his chest. "Be nice,"

    Ella sticks her tongue out and Avery rolls her lips together to suppress a smile as she turns her gaze to the girl. "You too."

Ethan shifts his hold on her, letting his palm fall to her hip. "You do realize we won't exactly be the only ones there, right?"

Avery shrugs. "We'll figure something out."

"What are you going to do? Wear a disguise?"


    Ethan turns around in his seat, lips in a grin as he catches Avery's gaze through the shades of her sunglasses. She rolls her eyes, well aware the exchange takes away from the entire purpose of her being sat in the row behind his family on the rickety wooden bleachers as her own lips pull into a smile. She adjusts the navy sports cap she's wearing, blowing a bubble of her gum as she refocuses her gaze on the field and Ella. Though not technically a Taylor, the girl doesn't lack the athletic ambition or stride of one – positively shining in the simplicity of being in her element.

Her attention is soon drawn away again as Ethan absentmindedly grazes his fingers of the skin of her calf and a silent snort escapes her. Rolling her lips together, she props herself up one of her elbows against her knees – gaze quickly flickering over their surroundings before she leans forward, chin resting in her hand as she lets her free arm fall to her side. The pads of her fingertips lightly grazes his held out palm, his index finger hooking in hers.

A Sunday afternoon soccer tournament for the ages 5-9 isn't exactly where they would normally bump into people their own age but she's not taking any risks. More or less having refused to sit next to him, she had decidedly climbed up another row of the bleachers as they arrived.

    It's too new – their relationship. Despite all that time they spent together this summer it's too new, too delicate to risk being reckless. Too important. They're only one day in and she's far from ready to risk having it hung out in the open for the world to see. To let someone else close enough to try and tear it – and them – apart. To let someone else's feeling take up space in it, to meddle, to ruin it to it's very core. It's too important.

She blows another bubble of her gum and they stay like that – index fingers hooked together – for a moment longer before she retreats, jaw still positively hurting from all her smiles as warmth creeps onto her cheeks. Once again flickering her eyes to the ongoing game as she straightens up in her seat.


    Avery grimaces as the leather of the car seat burns hot against her legs, having quickly climbed into the car to dispel herself from view upon reaching the parking lot. Through Ethan's open car door she can hear Ella excitedly chime of the ice cream they're getting on their way home before he too slips into his seat, closing the door on the chatter and glancing over at her still sat in the cap and sunglasses with an amused curve to his lips.

"Ready to go?"


As they're speeding along the highway she takes the cap off, tossing it into the backseat before dropping the sunglasses into the cupholder. Releasing her hair from the knot on the back of it, she runs her hand through the waves once to comb them out – not missing the quirk of Ethan's lips as she leans over to flip through the radio stations. With a sigh, only having ended up where she started, she leans back in her seat, turning her head to look at Ethan in the driver's seat. He takes one of his hands off the wheel, her palm effortlessly melting into his as he reaches across the gearstick to interlace his fingers with hers.

"You really didn't have to come watch Ella play today."

Glancing out the window – the September sun high on the sky leaving a white light to the intense shade of blue, barely any clouds in sight –, she smiles. "Well, it seemed important to her."

"You're far too nice to her."

A chortled breath escapes her lips. "First of all, she's my friend – I'm supposed to be nice to her. Second, it kind of sucks to have plans canceled last minute, so. Besides, it was fun."

"Watching her play?"

"That too," She turns to look at him again, faint smile in place. "But I was talking about the you-and-me aspect of it all."

"Oh, your brilliant disguise."

"My very brilliant disguise."

He shoots her a sideways glance. "Truth hour? Your disguise sucked."

Her eyes narrow, lips pulling up further. "Are you sure you want to do that? Insult me right when you've gotten me back?"

"As I recall you were the one that came running after me."

"I didn't exactly walk into that kitchen with the intention of making you my boyfriend."

His lips crack into a grin at the sound of the word leaving her lips. "So you say."

"You kissed me."

"Because you were about to kiss me."

She sinks back in her seat, the fingers of her free hand drawing a small pattern over his knuckles. "Yeah I totally was. I mean, can you blame me?"

She barely notices the rosy tint creeping onto his cheeks, straightening up as she spots a sign on the side of the road. "Take the next exit."


"Just take the next exit."

"Was this your plan all along?" He teases as they end up on a smaller side-road. "Seduce me only to lure me into the wilderness to get rid of me just days before we go up against West?"

"Take a turn here."

He does as she's told and they end up in the more or less empty gravel parking lot of a diner connected to a truck stop. Her hand slips out of his as she throws her car door open, climbing out of the vehicle and he follows her lead – coming around to meet her at the back.

"What are we doing here?"

She flickers her eyes to their surroundings, she doubts there aren't any wayfaring Acebridge inhabitants wandering around here but she's sticking to not taking any risks. "We're going on a date."

"A date?"


    He laces his hands around her elbows to stop her as she's about to head across the parking lot, his eyes flickering over the beige square building and the half-working neon sign above the front door.

"You do realize this is our first official date, right?"

She laughs softly, smiling as she lets her arms slide down his grip to interlace their fingers instead and tugs him with her as she takes a few steps backwards. "Yes. Come on."


    Avery comes running down the stairs, headphones and phone in one hand and runner shoes in the other just as the front door is unlocked and swung open. She stops surprised, lips cracking into a beaming smile at the sight of her mother on the threshold.

"You're home!"

Sarah drops her weekender to the floor with a soft thud, closing the door being her as she steps out of her shoes. "Yeah, I caught an earlier flight. Didn't you get my text?"

Avery glances down at the screen of her phone, realizing the device is still muted from this morning. "Oh, yeah here it is."

Sarah flickers her eyes over her daughter again, gaze widening as she takes in her attire and the bright colored shoes hanging in their laces from her fingers. "You're heading out on a run?"

"Yeah!" Avery drops into a seat on the staircase, slipping her feet into her shoes before glancing up at her mother with that bright smile still in place. "Do you want to come with?"

"I think I'll pass," Sarah regards her rather carefully a moment longer, slanting her head to her side. "You seem... chipper."

"It's been a good weekend."

Her mother's lips pull into a soft smile. "Yeah?"

Nodding, Avery gets to her feet. "Yeah," She twirls the chord of the headphones around her finger as the corners of her smile twitch, glancing up to regard her mother. "Actually – if you're not too tired – we could turn my run into a walk. Along the beach trail maybe?"

"Yeah okay, I'd like that. Just let me change into something else."

"Be quick. I have a lot to tell you."

A chortle leaves Sarah's lips as she runs up the stairs. "I've only been gone a couple of days."

Avery descends the last few steps, walking over to the door as she bites down at her lip to stop herself from blurting out 'Ethan is my boyfriend' right there and then, instead leaving her headphones on the small coat rack inside the door as she reaches for her black windbreaker, casting a glance up the stairs at the sound of footsteps.

"I have a boyfriend."

Sarah stops short at the landing of the staircase. "What?"

"Ethan," Avery squeezes her eyes shut. Apparently not being able to tell anyone has caused her to have no restraint with the one person she can tell. "He's my boyfriend."


Not being able to keep a straight face as her mother's lips pull into a wide smile, Avery reaches for the handle of the door, pushing it open. "Come on, let's go."

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