
By BleuEvon

33.3K 1K 934

Amore means love and that's all she wants. How much will she endure just to have it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

1K 36 55
By BleuEvon

Ya'll ever forget little details you made in your story? 😂 I forgot Amore and Chris are supposed to be twins therefore they'll be sharing a birthday in this chapter. 🌚

I woke up feeling good. I never felt any different when I aged up but this year was different. I had been through a lot. I truly believed Jay was out of my life for good. He didn't hurt me yesterday, I had a protection order, and today I would be surrounded by friends so I felt safe today. It felt good not having to look over my shoulder and be in fear that Jay was creeping on me.
I stared up at my ceiling and my mouth formed a smile. I felt like my old self again that's what was different. I picked up my phone and my smile widened when I saw all of the birthday wishes from my friends and family.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting to see a text from Jay. Or maybe a part of me was hoping for one. But why though? Why did I still feel a longing towards him? It wasn't an attraction necessarily but just an unexplainable attachment. I shook it off as nothing more than just fear. I still had every right to be paranoid which was why I probably felt this way.
I heard a soft tap on my door and my brother pushed it all the way open.
"Happy birthday," he said.
"Happy birthday," I said back with a smile. I sat up from bed and Chris walked over.
"You said I never get you anything but I did this year." Chris held out a small jewelry box.
"You couldn't wrap it?"
"Be happy I even got you something."
I laughed and took the box.
"Okay, okay." I slowly opened the box. Inside was a gold necklace that was shaped like a heart with an angel wing etched in the front. When I opened the locket a small picture of my mom was inside.
"You can have Mom wherever you are now," Chris said. "She'll protect you when I'm not there to."
My eyes started to tear up which was no surprise. Chris leaned over and gave me a hug.
"Thank you," I said through my sniffling. "Thank you for this and always protecting me."
"You're welcome. So where my gift at?"
"Oh about that..." I smiled innocently. Chris smacked his lips.
"Here," I said. I grabbed my purse from my nightstand and pulled out some money then handed it to Chris. He counted it in seconds.
"Nigga eighteen dollars?" he asked.
"We're eighteen now so it's an appropriate amount," I said shrugging.
"I'm over here giving you fancy necklaces and all I get is some crumpled bills. I'll remember that."
"You still love me though."
Chris rolled his eyes and walked out leaving me alone again. I carefully removed the necklace from the box and placed it around my neck. The slightly cold metal touched my collar bone and I rubbed it between my fingers. I had an angel now and knew I was definitely protected from any harm.
Later that evening I spent it getting ready. Chris and I both invited a few close friends to share our day with while my dad gave us the house to ourselves.
Chantel was currently trying to force us to play Truth or Dare. We'd all learned to never play that with her again. The doorbell rang and I decided to go answer it. I looked out the window and saw Darius. I opened the door.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey, happy birthday," Darius said. He grinned and I blushed in response.
"Come on in." I stepped aside. As I was closing the door I got an off feeling something was wrong but I shook it off.
"You look good," Darius said when I finally shut the door.
We stood close in the entrance way of the house.
"Thank you," I said. "Where's my gift at?"
Darius rubbed the back of his neck.
"I couldn't get you anything I'm not balling like Jay," he said. He gave me a regretful expression. "My bad, I shouldn't have said that."
"You're good," I said. I cleared my throat." Just make it up to me next year."
"Will do."
I looked up at him and without hesitation Darius grabbed my face and kissed me. I was slightly surprised but I kissed him back. I pulled away.
"I'm sorry," Darius said. He looked nervous even though I returned the kiss.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't want to put any pressure on you to move on. With all that's going on."
"Okay no more kissing then." I patted Darius's shoulder and headed back to the living room where I'm sure everyone was wondering where I was.
"I didn't say all that," Darius called out to me.
I bit my lip to control my laughter and ignored him. Chris and his friends watched sports while my trio were playing Monopoly.
"Where were you at?" Kendra asked.
I sat next to her on the floor and laid my head on her shoulder. I made eye contact with Darius and made a kissing motion with my lips. He quickly looked away and I saw him smiling.
"I was nowhere," I said. I didn't want to tell anyone that I kissed Darius or had feelings for him. To be honest I wasn't even sure if I truly liked him or just needed to be loved by someone again. I didn't want to rush into anything and break hearts. I still had my own heart to put back together.
"Ooh my sister is here with the cake," Chantel said.
"Yay," I said.
Chantel's sister had her own baking business and had agreed to make a birthday cake for Chris and me. Or more so for Chris since they were some sort of couple now.
"I'll be back," Chantel said. She stood up and headed outside.
"I'm gonna get some more pizza, do you guys want any?" I asked Yasmine and Kendra.
"No, I'm good," Kendra said.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pizza from one of the many boxes we'd ordered. As I leaned on the counter and ate I felt my phone vibrate.
Can you come open the door, the cake is heavy
Okay, coming rn.
I set my phone on the counter and walked back into the living room where everyone was still doing their own thing. I went to the front door and opened it, but I didn't see Chantel anywhere. I didn't see her sister's car either.
I stepped out further and glanced in the direction of the driveway where I saw Chantel laying sideways.
"Chantel?" I called. I quickly ran over and bent down. When I turned her over I saw her face was bruised and she had slow shallow breaths. I sighed in relief.
"I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to knock that bitch out," Jay said from behind me.
I tensed up and turned my head. Jay was holding a smashed cake box in his hand. He looked well groomed like he planned on going out somewhere.
"Jay, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"It's your birthday why would I miss it?" Jay said. He opened the cake box and looked down. "You don't even like chocolate cake. I can get you something better than this."
Chantel made a noise and her eyes fluttered open. Jay glared at her and took a step forward.
"Jay, please just leave," I said.
"I will if you come with me," Jay said.
"You know I can't-"
Jay slammed the box of cake down and grabbed me by my shirt. He picked me up from the ground roughly and I instantly began shaking.
"I wasn't giving you a choice!" he said.
I nodded and Jay's cold demeanor softened. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pushed me along with him down the street. It was safer for me to comply. He had gone too far at this point there was no telling what he was willing to do to me.
We got to his parked car and Jay shoved me inside the passenger seat. He quickly went over into the drivers side and sped off as soon as the car started. I looked over at Jay. He was gripping the steering wheel and focused on whatever his thoughts were.
"Where are we going?" I asked meekly.
Jay didn't reply. I patted my pockets and silently cursed. I had left my phone in the house. I wondered if everyone was looking for me already.
When I looked out the window I saw a familiar neighborhood and realized we were in Jay's community. When we pulled up to his house I relaxed. He was dumb enough to bring me here and this was the first place I'm sure the cops would come looking.
Jay turned the car off and kept my side of the door locked while he got out. He left me in the car while he went inside. A few minutes passed before he came back outside and unlocked the doors. Jay opened my door and I got out. We walked inside of his house in silence.
When we walked in I was greeted by the smell of food. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Other than the fact that I was here against my will.
Jay pushed me towards the staircase. I sighed and walked upstairs with him to his room. As soon as we got in he locked the door.
"Jay, what are you about to do?" I asked.
Jay's eyes flickered to my neck.
"Who's that from?" he asked in reference to the necklace Chris had given me. "Where's the necklace I got you? Remember that?"
"I- I don't wear it," I stammered.
"Remember everything I've ever given you? My heart, my love, gifts and you still don't want to be with me!"
I stared at him in disbelief.
"Jay I left you because you hurt me!" I yelled. "I don't care what you bought me or what you can buy me! All I want is love and to be treated right something you clearly don't know how to do!"
Jay stalked towards me and slammed me against the wall.
"Get off!" I screamed.
Jay grabbed me by my neck, his strong hands pressing against my windpipes. I started crying and clawed at his arms. Jay's eyes flashed with anger as he stared into mine. He finally released his grip and pushed me to the side. My face banged against his dresser before I fell on the floor. I didn't know what to do first rub my bruised neck or now bloody face.
Jay bent down and snatched the necklace off of my neck.
"Jay, give it back!" I watched helplessly as he put it in his pocket. "Chris got it for me."
The mention of my brother's name created a new irritant in Jay. He pulled the necklace out of his pocket and held it in my face. I reached to grab it but he snatched it back quickly. I stood up to try and grab it again but he just held it high in the air then pushed me back down.
"Come take it if you want it back so bad," Jay said. He sat on his bed and waited for me to make another attempt but I just cried instead.
"Why are you crying I got you a gift too. It's better than this stupid ass necklace." Jay stood up and walked over to his desk. I couldn't see what he was grabbing through my blurred teary vision. Jay kneeled next to me and took my hand. I wiped my eyes and gritted my teeth as he placed an expensive looking diamond ring on my ring finger.
"Now we're going to be together forever," Jay said. "Do you like it?"
I stared at the ring and simply nodded.
"Can I get my necklace back? It's special to me," I said softly.
"Maybe. We'll see if you behave."
I balled my hand into a fist as anger overpowered the fear I had earlier. Jay either didn't notice or chose to ignore my obvious change in emotion.
"Did you get me anything else?" I needed to play along to whatever game he was playing with me. Or in his words "behave" if there was any chance I could go home safely.
"I didn't," Jay said. He looked worried. "I'm sorry I thought the ring would be enough. I can get you other stuff too."
"It's fine," I said.
"I bet Darius didn't get you anything. I saw his car in front of your house. Are you two together?"
My mind replayed the kiss I had shared with Darius earlier. Jay squinted as if trying to read my mind.
"No," I said which was a truthful answer.
"Good. No one else wants you like I do, Amore. No one is ever going to want you."
Despite how hurtful those words were I couldn't help but feel like he was right. I had done every effort to stay away from Jay and he just kept coming back; and I let him. Even if I could get away from him how would this affect any future relationships I planned on having? His ex girlfriend had gotten away but only because she moved and Jay started dating me. Did he need a new victim in order to move on? I didn't want any other girl to go through this. If I stayed I would save someone else, but I wouldn't save myself. He had the law on his side so it seemed the judicial system was out of the question when it came to handling Jay.
I rubbed my forehead as all these thoughts jumbled in my brain.
"What's wrong?" Jay asked.
A soft knock on the door interrupted us.
"Jay, you guys can come eat," Kelly said from the other side. I heard her footsteps going back downstairs.
"Get up," Jay said to me.
I stood up and Jay took my hand. We walked out together and towards the steps. We walked passed Naomi's room on the way and I wondered if she was home and was she aware of what Jay was doing.
"I can't clean my face first?" I asked.
The death stare Jay gave me was the answer. We went into the dining room and I was happy there were only two plates of food out. I felt embarrassed if any of his family saw me like this then again they were used to it. I took my seat and looked down at my food for several minutes.
"Why aren't you eating?" Jay asked me.
"I'm not hungry," I said.
Jay slammed his fist on the table and I looked up at him. I grabbed my fork and started to slowly eat my food.
"Jay, my family is going to be looking for me," I said cautiously.
"I know that," Jay said. "But I know you'll tell them you came here because you wanted to, right?"
I nodded and Jay smiled.
"I knew you'd have my back," he said.
"What about Chantel? How are you going to explain that?" I asked.
"I don't know I'll figure it out."
A look of doubt flashed across Jay's face because I'm sure even he knew he couldn't get away with that part of his plan. But he quickly returned to looking serious. He stood up and walked over to me, standing behind my chair. He moved my hair to the side and kissed the side of my neck.
"Let me go get something to wipe your face with," he said.
As soon as I heard his footsteps going upstairs I quickly stood up. I ran out of the dining room and glanced around the living room. I spotted Kelly fluffing the pillows. She looked up at me and had the nerve to smile.
"Amore, happy birthday," she said.
I narrowed my eyes and started to walk to the door. Kelly blocked my way.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm sorry," Kelly said. Her eyes formed tears. "Please, my son loves you. Just stay longer."
"He's kidnapping me! And you're helping him. What makes you think you guys will get away with this?"
I grabbed onto her arm and gave her a pleading look.
"Please," I said. "Just let me go."
"I can't he'll be angry with me, don't you care?"
"Mrs. Washington I'm sorry but I don't care. You never cared what your son ever did to me. Didn't you accuse me of lying about all of this?" I shook my head. I didn't have time for this. I didn't have a choice: I pushed Kelly aside and she fell on the floor.

Kelly looked up at me in shock but I dismissed her and quickly unlocked the deadbolt lock.
"Jayden!" Kelly yelled.
I looked over my shoulder towards the stairs and already saw Jay coming down them. I opened the door and felt arms being wrapped around me. I struggled with no success to get out of Jay's grip. I watched Kelly close the door and lock it back up. I slumped my shoulders in defeat and could feel tears coming.
"You need to hide her before the police come or worse your dad," Kelly said.
As if on que I saw flashing blue and red lights beaming through the window. Jay quickly covered my mouth and forced me upstairs. Just as we reached the top, I heard hard knocking on the door. We got to his room and he threw me down.
"If you scream, Amore, I swear," Jay said. He didn't have to finish the sentence when I already knew what was coming.
"This is all your fault," Jay continued. "If you hadn't filed that restraining order none of this would be happening."
I didn't bother talking back because all it would do was make Jay mad and give him a justifiable reason to hit me.
"You can't go up there," I heard Kelly saying from the hallway.
"We have reason to believe she's here," an officer responded.
"Why because her dad? He's been out to get us for a while he's just trying to stir trouble."
"No, we received a tip from another source. Now please step aside."
Jay glared at me when the officer mentioned getting a tip. He grabbed my hair.
"I didn't say anything I don't even have my phone," I whispered. "I've been in your sight all this time."
Jay thought about this but his anger resided. The same type of knocking on the front door was given to Jay's bedroom door.
"Jayden, this is officer Fletcher please open the door," a commanding voice said.
"I told you my son isn't even home," Kelly said.
"Oh so you wouldn't mind if we walked into the room?" Officer Fletcher attempted to twist the door knob but it was locked.
Jay looked at me and I watched in surprise as he walked over to the door to open it. He made sure I was hidden from view.
"What took you so long to open the door?" the officer asked.
"I had my earphones in I couldn't hear anything," Jay lied smoothly.
"Is your ex girlfriend here, Amore Fox?"
"She's not my ex. We've recently got back together you can ask her yourself." Jay pulled the door all the way open and stepped to the side.
Did he honestly believe I would choose him when I had the protection of the police right there? I slowly stood up and had the eyes of multiple people on me. Jay's cold glare; the two officers' curious stares; and Kelly's unreadable expression. I spotted Naomi peeking over her mom's shoulder and I realized it could have been her who called the police here.
"Amore, are you alright?" Fletcher asked me. He stared at my face which I had yet to clean up.
I found myself looking at Jay. Instead of anger he was now looking at me with a soft expression and a silent plea in his eyes.
"I just brought her here to celebrate her birthday," Jay said while still looking at me. "I wanted you to know how much I love you."
My heart sank and I closed my eyes hoping that would make all of this go away but I knew I needed to be brave and make the decision. I opened my eyes and avoided looking at anyone but officer Fletcher as I gave him my answer.

Leaving you guys with a cliffhanger. Idk how I want it to end. Maybe I should let you guys decide the ending. Should she stay with crazy Jay or not?

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