Crossing Lines

Von Lowkey_Lullaby

323K 13.7K 3.5K

Andrew Mccall is in love with his wife Vanessa, has been since he was fourteen years old. But it seems as tho... Mehr

ONE | Crossing Lines
TWO | Crossing Paths
THREE | The Perfect Stranger
FOUR | Guilty
FIVE | Five steps back
SIX | Family Day
SEVEN | Broken
EIGHT | The Lines of Friendship
TEN | Get that money/ First date jitters
ELEVEN | Realization
TWELVE | Masterplan
THIRTEEN | Three Steps
FOURTEEN | Life's Awkward moments
FIFTEEN | Better Off This Way
SIXTEEN | All Hell Pt 1
SEVENTEEN | All Hell Pt 2
EIGHTEEN | Land Of Fools
NINETEEN | Hope For The Hopeless
TWENTY | 100%
TWENTY-ONE | It All Started With A....
TWENTY-FOUR | Easy Suspect

NINE | Free Agent/ Safe

16.1K 587 117
Von Lowkey_Lullaby

TIFF-Sup friend

Drew- WYD? Friend

Tiffany and Andrew haven't stopped texting since that 'friend's could work' text they even talked on the phone as often as two different people living two complete different lives possibly could. Most of the time the conversation was completely innocent but then there were the times when it wasn't . Like that when she so casually mention that she just stepped out the shower and was wondering if she should call it a night or give her pretty pussy some much-needed attention. TROUBLE! That's exactly what Andrew was getting himself into by choosing to remain in contact with this woman. No matter how many times they called each other friend it didn't change that the attraction was still there and it sure as hell didn't change what he had done. It just felt good to talk to a woman who actually wanted to talk to him.

TIFF- Just getting back from my morning run

Drew- Be careful in that park by yourself can't have some creep snatching your little ass up lol

TIFF- My father was an underground boxer & I grew up with four brothers I dare somebody to try and snatch me up

Another text came through just a few seconds after that.

TIFF-  Unless ur the one doing that snatching. Just remember I do bite ;) lol

Andrew looked at the text as a small smile unknowingly came upon his face. Tiffany couldn't contain herself from being such a flirt and Andrew couldn't deny the fact that he liked it.

Drew- I do remember. Quite vividly.

He remembered how it felt for her teeth to graze his skin just before she bit down lightly to tug on his flesh in addition to that there were a list of things about Tiffany he still couldn't seem to forget like how delicious she tasted on his tongue or how incredible his dick felt when inside her especially when she came, her delightful moans, her smooth dark skin, those long legs or how her firm breast fit perfectly in his hands.  Andrew remembered how warm her smile was how it showed even in her eyes, how confident and straightforward she was.

"Andrew! " Vanessa snapped her fingers in front of her husband's face bringing him back to reality.

" You seem a million miles away. What's so interesting?" Burning with curiosity Vanessa flopped down on the couch next to him trying to get a peek of what seemed to have her husband's undivided attention this morning but Andrew quickly pressed down on the lock button turning the screen black and placing the phone into his lap.

'Well , look's like somebody finally knows how it feels' Is what Andrew wanted to say. For months Vanessa felt a million miles away and he was the one curious to know what was going on but bringing that up would be picking a fight and he wanted to respect Vanessa's wishes by leaving well enough alone. Still, it bothered him. 

"You know my parents have this big anniversary coming up and my father wants me to put together something nice that my mother would like. You know I'm not good with those kinds of things." His cover up wasn't a complete lie Frank has officially put Andrew on Anniversary duty. He was supposed to put together an event that his mother wouldn't forget but Andrew wasn't all that thrilled about it.

"I can handle it if you want." Vanessa got comfortable placing her hand behind his head, her fingers gently stroking the back of his neck.

"Really, you'd do that?"

Vanessa shrugged. "Sure thing. Besides, I like to think I know your mother better than you anyway." She teased giving him a quick kiss. "I better go before my student's think they are off the hook." She rubbed her hands together deviously. "Test Day! I'll see you later okay."

"Later." Andre watched as Vanessa stood from the couch and began to grab everything she needed for work. "Oh and babe try and involve Lauren. She doesn't get out much and doesn't have many friends. I think spending some time with you might help." Andrew suggested. He tries his best to look out for his Sister-In-Law whenever he can mainly because if the roles were reversed he would want Ray to look out for Vanessa.

"What are you counting on us becoming besties or something?" This had to be some joke.

"Forming a friendship isn't going to hurt anybody."

Oh god no! This wasn't some joke he was serious. For a moment there Vanessa stood frozen. He not only wanted her in include Lauren in the Anniversary planning but he wanted Vanessa to befriend her!  It was bad enough that that Nessa smiled in Lauren's face during family functions but to go out her way and form a friendship with Lauren was just... WRONG! Not that she wasn't wrong enough already.

"Andrew I don't know about all that"

"Come on Nessa think about it. All her friend's pretty much dropped her after the accident her social life includes who? her physical therapist, the kids and the housekeeper. It's depressing."

It was depressing, even Vanessa couldn't protest against that. "Okay. I'll call her today and see if she wants to be involved but I'm telling you I don't think it's her thing." Translation- she hoped like hell Anniversary planning wasn't Lauren's thing, actually she prayed. From the moment she left the house until she pulled into the parking lot of the high school where she worked Vanessa prayed she didn't have to spend any more bonding time with Lauren Mccall than she had to.


Remy watched Tiffany like a hawk studying her every move. Taking note of every blush, giggle, laugh and unknowing bite of the lip. She was even caught in the daze a few times twirling her hair around her finger. Now she was seated in his salon chair with her eyes focused on her iPhone as her thumbs tapped away at the touch screen.

"Okay, that's enough!" Remy turned the chair so that she was facing him. "Spill it!"

"Rem what are you talking about?" Tiffany asked finally tearing her attention away from her phone.

"What's his name?" There had to be a him! Tiffany has been in one of those contagious overly joyous moods for some time now. At first Remy thought she upgraded her battery supply and finally put her rabbit to use but now it was clear all the blushing, giggling and twirling of the hair was a result of nothing other than a new man in her life! And Remy Monroe wanted EVERY juicy detail.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Pretending to be dumbfounded wasn't going to stop Remy from pushing even further. He wanted the goods on this new guy in his best friend's life so he can give his stamp of approval or knowing Tiffany's dating in the past maybe some truth tea.

"I'm the one holding the hot curlers boo." Remy waved the heated curling iron around.

"Remy you burn me and I'll break your fingers," Tiffany spoke in a joking tone but she was 80% serious.

"No need to get all hostile. I just thought being your best friend and all you would tell me about your new guy. " He pushed the chair once again turning Tiffany back toward the mirror as he continued on styling her hair. "Don't you dare say it's not a new guy cause I know you."

"I don't have a new guy I have a friend," Tiffany told him.

"Do I know this friend." If looks could shatter glass the mirror would have broken into a million pieces that is how hard Remy was eyeing her through it.

"Drew." She murmured.

"One night stand never wrote never called Drew"! Remy spoke a little louder than he probably should have. "Gurl he isn't even worth it!" He voiced his disapproval.

"Will you shut up!" This was why Tiffany didn't want to tell Remy that she bumped into Drew again.

"The man smashed once didn't bother to use the number you gave him and you were all drunk in love. Let me tell you sumthin ya ain't Beyonce and I doubt he is anybody's Jay Z!" Remy could see Drew turning into the next Vincent. "You are really starting to become the spokesperson for unhealthy relationships."

"Relax no need to get alarmed. He and I aren't talking in that kind of way. Just friends." Drew wasn't her 'new guy' or anything like that. Tiffany just liked to talk to him even if it was to discuss how each others day went and of course she loved to engage in some flirtatious banter but that was about it.


"I'm not lying. I am a free agent."

"Free agent huh?" Remy asked pressing his lips together tightly. He didn't believe a word that just came out of her mouth.

Tiffany nodded. "I'm as single as a dollar bill"

"So you're free to date around."

"That's right."

"Well, in that case my cousin happens to be single as well maybe I should hook ya'll up"

Tiffany knew what he was doing. Trying to dangle fresh meat in front of her face so he can divert her attention away from Drew. Remy wasn't as sneaky as he thought he was. But she knew if she didn't take the bait he would never let her hear the end of it. "Which cousin?"

"All I'm gonna say is it isn't Todd."

Tiffany let out a sigh of relief she couldn't stand Todd. He was as pervy as they come and seriously could put a little more time into his hygiene routine. "Fine!"


Andrew wanting Vanessa to befriend Lauren had thrown her for a loop in a way knocked her so far off balance she found it hard to focus today. But after some time thinking to herself she realized she was just being paranoid. She and Ray were over her secret was safe. Locked away in pandora's box where nobody could ever find it and Vanessa wouldn't be stupid enough to open it. Spending some time with Lauren wasn't going to risk that. It's safe to say Vanessa returned home calmer than when she left. That was until she saw a familiar face. A face identical to her own.

"Samantha what the hell are you doing here!" The last time Vanessa saw her sister was the day she dropped her off at rehab and by the looks of it that time away had done her some good. Her skin looked moisturized and her eyes no longer looked bloodshot red,  the huge bags as a result of getting little to no sleep were gone. Even her hair grew back out, no more dry, split and choppy ends. Sam looked good and Vanessa was glad to see that but it didn't change the fact that she wasn't supposed to be here.

" it's great to see you too sis." Sam frowned. That wasn't the greeting Sam expected. You would think the person you shared a womb with would at least grace you with a hug after not seeing each other in months.

"If Andrew knew you were here," Vanessa spoke in a warning tone. Andrew had no problem with Vanessa seeing her sister as long as it wasn't in their home.

"He left two hours ago." Sam made sure Andrew was gone before she sat down on the front steps.

"You have been sitting on my front steps like a lost puppy for two hour's?" Vanessa asked in disbelief. "What for?"

"I need your help."

Vanessa shook her head folding her arms over her chest. "We helped you enough." Last time Sam needed help Vanessa and Andrew opened up their home to her and she repaid them by being a thief and even after that Andrew still put up the money to put her in rehab.

"I just need a little money."

"How much." Vanessa rolled her eyes before she went digging through her purse for her wallet. The sooner Nessa gave Sam what she wanted is sooner she would have her drug addict of a sister out her life.

"Five grand."

Vanessa almost choked. "Five thousand dollar's!"

"Oh come on Nessa I know you have it. You and Drew have money."

"Yes, we have it. But it's not just laying around I have to withdraw it out of the bank."

Sam gave Vanessa a blank stare she didn't see the problem. "So we can drop by the bank right now."

"Samantha he would notice if five thousand dollars went missing. He'd question me about it and I can't exactly say I gave it to you to contribute to your habit!"

"I'm clean Nessa. I'm clean..forreal this time. I just owe this guy some money and If I don't...."

"I'm sorry but that isn't my problem Sam. You have to figure that out on your own." All her life Nessa bailed Sam out of trouble. NOT THIS TIME. She was done!

"I'm in trouble Nessa real bad.."

"I can't give you the money Sam I'm sorry." Vanessa brushed past her sister and moved to open her front door.

"I know about you and Ray. Have you forgotten that I know everything."

Two times in one day Vanessa was stuck. Just that quick she realized her secret wasn't as safe as she thought.


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