Sugar Baby [ YiZhan FF ]✔

By Jxxxsuhh

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" I'm your daddy and you're my sugar baby " Yibo the only heir to Wang Industries is also a college student... More

Authors Note ❤
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Yibo and Haoxuan

Chapter 28

4.3K 295 40
By Jxxxsuhh

Yibo walked away from that place with his new lover " And you can have him Haoxuan ~ " Yibo walked away along with his lover and Weijun. Though Zhan was happy that Yibo didn't do anything nasty with him, he sure was angry that Yibo was behaving this way. He didn't know what he was feeling or why he was feeling angry, but he sure didn't like what he was feeling.


"And what was all that about ? You can have him Haoxuan ! " Zhan mimicked Yibo's voice, as they were coming back from the mining site bidding. Feng industries won the bidding and Haoxuan and Zhan were going to celebrate their victory by having dinner. But all the from the biding site till the restaurant Zhan was going on and on about how Yibo was being a total jerk and how it really irritates him.  Haoxuan laughed " You seem to be irritated by him " he laughed as he was driving the car, while Zhan sat beside him. 

Zhan rolled his eyes " Seem? I am irritated by him " Haoxuan smiled again stopping the car as they had arrived at the restaurant " When you're with me don't think of any other guys " he said while unbuckling Zhan's seatbelts " but.. " Zhan started off while looking at Xuan, he simply cocked his eyebrows up " Okay fine ~ ".

Xuan opened the door for him to step out, Zhan looked around as he had never seen such a big spectacular restaurant, but by this time he had adjusted himself to this kind of lifestyle.  " Wow ~ " he said walking inside, while Xuan stretched his hand for him to hold it, Zhan rolled his eyes and swatted it away, Xuan laughed " What? I can't even hold hands ? " Zhan cocked his eyebrows up which caused Xuan to laugh more, pulling a chair for Zhan to sit, Xuan called over the waiter to place the order. After briefly discussing what they want to eat, both Xuan and Zhan ordered what to eat.

Xuan took this opportunity to hold Zhan's hand, even though Zhan flinched looking around Xuan kept holding his hands not stopping to smile even for a single second. " What are you doing Haoxuan ? " Zhan whispered, but he gripped his fingers tight " Even I don't know what I'm doing, even though this all started as some sort of revenge game or bet sort of thing, but I came to realization that I like you " Zhan blinked as he was in utter shock " Wh... What ? " Xuan smiled " You don't have to give an answer immediately, you can think about it and take your time " Hoaxuan smiled as he took his hands back as the food arrived. 

The rest of the dinner was filled with confusion inside Zhan's head because of the confession from Hoaxuan, while Xuan was just smiling seeing a confused Zhan who was cutely pouting thinking as well as eating, he shook his head at this thought and continued eating his food. As soon Haoxuan paid the bill, he drove straight to Zhan's apartment. Zhan was absent minded, as he carefully got out of the car getting down closing the door behind, Xuan laughed at Zhan's absent minded state " Zhan ~ " Xuan called him in a soft tone, this made Zhan turn back as she saw a smiling Xuan rolled down his window and looked at him lovingly.

" You still have time, but keep this in mind that I won't treat you the same way Yibo did, yes I'm no different than him, after all he and I are same character wise ... " Zhan nodded his head at Xuan's words as he knew he was telling the truth " But believe me when I say this, you are the first guy I want to be different with, maybe I want to be real with you " Xuan smiled rolling his windows back up " Promise me that you'll think about it~ " Zhan nodded as Xuan drove his car away.

It was not as though Zhan hated this idea, by now he had figured he might be not the same old Zhan who only liked girls, he was sure by now that he didn't mind being with guys as well, but the problem was he wasn't sure if he was ready to jump in a relationship when he had just realized this.


" Why do you keep torturing Zhan like that ?! " Weijun who was really angry about what had happened back at the bidding site was interrogating Yibo why he had to behave so, even though the guy he was with wasn't even his real lover, why did have to say those words to Hoaxuan, he had no ideas and he ended up asking him " Because I don't know what else to approach him ? " Yibo hiccupped as he was drunk, drunk Yibo was the best one as only he was the capable one to tell the truth. " What do you .... Wait a minute is Zhan the guy who you were talking about ? The guy you met an year ago ? " Yibo nodded his head.

Weijun sat beside him, as Yibo sat straight " Zhan is the guy that I met in the dim lights of the late night December last year, after getting pissed by my dad I came out really pissed by the fact that he had insulted me in front of all his colleagues and all those VIP'S just for the fact that I stood for Yanli-Jie, after coming down to my car baba still followed me, in anger he pushed me at my car and I hit my head as it started to bleed due to the slight scratch, but Zhan out of nowhere managed to push baba away and scolded him for hitting me in the public " Yibo looked at Weijun.

" At that time baba went inside since Zhan's voice had attracted lot of people to look at us, but that didn't surprise me but the fact that how someone could even help stranger even though they didn't have to attracted me to Zhan, after that with even the little glimpse of his face I got when he dressed my wound I began to look for him everywhere, even my vain attempt made me stand in the same place where Zhan helped me, but I never saw him after that day and when I finally was ready to give it up, I saw him at our company's interview and I knew for sure it was him "

Weijun was not sure why Yibo had to go such lenght for Zhan " But why do so much for him ? " Yibo sighed " At first I thought I wanted to thank him for saving me, but later I was really curious about him, later I realized.... " Yibo stopped while Weijun patted his shoulder " That you liked him ~ " Yibo nodded his head at Weijun's answer. Weijun hit Yibo's head in anger " Then why trouble him so much and force him, if you liked him ? ".

Yibo became silent " I don't know, but every time I saw him after that his vulnerable state made me more interested in him " Weijun sighed " He's not vulnerable, Zhan may look weak, he's pretty much stronger than any of us " Yibo nodded his head once again, Weijun sighed getting up " What ever it is, it is you who has to figure out what you'll do with your emotions " Yibo nodded once again, while Weijun patted his shoulder's again " But whatever you do, I'm here for you and don't hurt anyone anymore, including yourself " Yibo looked at him and smiled, while Weijun smiled back.


To Be Continued ...

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