Vampire Knight: Reversed Roles

By XxDark_Eclipse_xX

126 2 0

In the original story it was Yuki who lost all her memories and was raised as a human, not knowing who or wha... More

Chapter Two: Zero's Secret
Chapter Three: The Vampire of Vampires
Chapter Four: The Promise

Chapter One: Cross Academy Night Class

70 1 0
By XxDark_Eclipse_xX

                                                                          Kaname P.O.V

I opened my eyes and held my hands out in front of me as something fell from the sky.

...It's cold...

White Snow..

What is "White"? What is "Snow"?

It is something that is not red.

Something that is "Red"... is what?


Hearing footsteps approaching, I looked up to see a woman walking towards me.

"Are you lost, little boy?" She leaned down and smiled, revealing her fangs. "May I drink your blood?"

They are...

"No...!" I yelled as she rushed at me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I saw a girl put her hand through the woman's neck.

"You are a disgrace to all vampires," She said and pulled her hand out as the body fell and turned to dust.

...Beasts in human form... who drink the blood from living humans. Vampires do exist...

"Are you alright?" She asked as she licked the blood from her hand.

You just don't realize they're there...


My earliest memory is of that snowy day. Cross Academy, a private school.

I ran past the students who crowded around the entrance of the Moon Dormitory.

"Hey, don't push!" One of them said.

"Hurry up and come out..." said another.

"All right, everyone. Get back!" I stood in front of them, blocking their path. "It's past curfew for everyone in the day class, so please go back to your dorm." My name is Kaname Cross. I'm a first year in the Day Class. I'm also a member of the Disciplinary Committee.

Cross Academy, a distinguished boarding school, is attended by two groups of students: The Day Class and The Night Class.

"Get out of the way, Disciplinary Committee!" One of the male students said as he and a few others tried to get past me. I tried to hold them back as they rushed forward.

The Day Class and the Night Class share the same building for instruction... and there's always a bit of chaos in the evening when the Night Class comes out of their dorm to attend class.

The sound of the gate unlocking reached my ears and they students started screaming. The gate!

The Day Class makes such a fuss every evening...because the Night Class is an elite group... and they are all extremely beautiful. The doors opened and the Night class stepped out.

"Good morning, boys! You're all so lively and handsome today!" said Hana Aido.

I stared at her and when the Day Class boys rushed towards her, I was knocked to the ground. Feeling a hand on my arm, I looked up and saw a girl with waist length brown hair kneeling in front of me.

"Are you alright, Kaname?" She asked and smiled. "Thank you for doing this every day."

"Yuki!" I felt my face become warm. I quickly stood up as my classmates glared at me from behind. "I'm fine! Thank you very much!" I put my hand to my head and looked away from her.

"You always speak so formally to me," Yuki giggled. "It makes me feel a little lonely..."

"Um... well... because... you saved my life, Yuki!" I stammered.

This person is Yuki Kuran. She is the president of the Night Class and the Moon Dormitory. And... she is the girl who saved my life... on that snowy day, ten years ago.

"Don't worry about that. It was a long time ago." She reached over and put her hand on my cheek.

Someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from me. From the corner of my eye, I could see silver hair and knew who it was.

"Class has started... Kuran." said the other girl.

Yuki pulled her hand out of Zero's grip and turned away. "You're scary... Ms. Disciplinary Committee." She said over her shoulder and walked away.

A male student walked up to her and held out a rose. "Yuki! Um... will you please accept this?" He asked, nervous.

"Thank you," Yuki smiled and took the rose.

Zero looked over at me, her face blank. "Whether you like her or not is no business of mine... but you do understand, right?"

This is Zero Kiryu, the other Disciplinary Committee member.

"Shut up. I understand... that they're different from us." I sighed.

The Night Class is not just an elite group of good-looking students. There is a secret that the Day Class does not know. The Night Class consists entirely of vampires. We are members of the Disciplinary Committee...

Zero turned around to glare at the remaining day class students. "GO BACK TO YOUR DORM NOW! MAKING A FUSS WITH ALL YOUR 'KYAH, KYAH, KYAH!' WHO HAS TO WORK TO KEEP THINGS UNDER CONTROL?! HUH?!" She screamed at them, causing them to run in the opposite direction.

"You were late, and you act like that? You fool!" I punched her several times on her back.

"Ouch. Ouch!" She yelled.

...To hide our real purpose...

"I'll get you for this."

"What did I do?" I asked.

We are the Guardians of the school.

We are security personnel...and our duty is to guard the Night Class's secret. Since ancient times, hidden from history...a war has waged between vampires and humans. Only a handful of people know about this secret history. But...fearsome vampires do exist. The secret the Day Class doesn't know...

"I don't get it." Zero said, standing in front of the headmistress's desk.

...Is that vampires are welcome students in the Night Class.

"Is our role guarding celebrities as they come out of their dorm...Headmistress?!" She exclaimed.

"You have such a hard time, evening after evening." Headmistress Katrina said, holding a cup of tea.

She's always kind of angry... I thought.

"If you understand how hard the job is, put more students on the Disciplinary Committee. He's usless!" Zero said, pointing her thumb at me from over her shoulder.

"I don't want to hear that from the girl who's always late or bails at twilight!" I yelled at her.

"That's not possible," said the headmistress as she took a sip of tea. "Guardians are that the day class and the night class can co-exist. I can allow only you two to do the job. Well...there's a lot of chores, you have to stay up all night, people hate you, there's no's something no one wants to do...but...if I let my beloved daughter and adorable son do it, I don't have to grieve over it."

Zero finally snapped and smashed her fist into the headmistress's desk, causing it to break in half. "True, you've taken care of me! But I don't recall having become your adopted daughter!"

"Kiryu, you're too concerned with details." Headmistress Katrina said.

" really are Headmistress Katrina's adopted son, so say something." Zero said, looking over at me.

"But...I think the night class is doing fairly well with the day class," I scratched my head. "I'm happy to help." I smiled at her.

"What a good child! Mother is really happy! You are the only human that understands my pacifism, Kaname!" The Headmistress said, crying. "Me...I want to put an end to the war between humans and vampires-a war that has been continuing in the darkness of history since ancient times! I want the young vampires, with their natural intelligence and unfettered hearts, to become a bridge between the two species! I'm educating them for that purpose! That is why I created the Night Class!"

"I'm going on patrol. Kaname, I'll leave the rest up to you." Zero said and left the office.

"Well...I understand what Zero is saying." I looked over at the headmistress as she spoke. "There are vampires...who attack humans. If people found out the truth about the Night Class, it would cause an uproar..." She trailed off.

"Yuki is different!" I slammed my hands on the desk. "There are righteous vampires like her, so it is possible! PACIFISM!"

"Kaname..." The headmistress looked surprised.

I went over to the window and opened it. "Things will be okay, Headmistress! Leave it to us, the guardians!" I'll be on patrol!" I said and jumped out the window. Landing on my feet, I took off running.

I...have no memories of myself prior to age five. Yuki, who saved my life on that snowy night...brought me to headmistress Cross, an acquaintance of hers. The headmistress...adopted me as her son, although she had no idea who I was. That incident ten years ago...was my "beginning." Maybe that's why...I've always wished...that vampires and humans could be friends.


Not even the Day Class teachers know the secret of the Night Class

                                                                              Normal P.O.V

"Cross! Cross!" The teacher yelled his name but he didn't wake up. "Oh, well... All right, Kiryu!"

A student raised her hand and stood up. "Teacher, Kiryu is asleep, too." She said.

"Those two are always asleep. Why on earth are they always tired?" The teacher asked. "Supplementary classes for you two!"

                                                                            Kaname P.O.V

I stretched as I yawned and dropped my head onto the desk. "Supplementary classes again?"

"What a hard life. Every day you return to the dorm in the early morning, you take naps during're like a vampire." Shiro said, putting his books away in his bag.

" you believe in vampires?" I asked him, trying to hide my panic.

"Of course not." He said bluntly.

"Shiro, let's take supplementary classes together next time. It's no fun taking it with just that girl."

"No way. You'll be fine. You two get along okay." He said.

"It's not fine. Zero cares too much about little details and she's a hothead-she's a girl of small caliber.

"Kaname...I can hear you." Zero said, glaring.

"I'm saying it so you can hear it!" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Zero is a little scary. She always seems on edge." Shiro stood up and went to the door.

"Hey, Shiro!" I yelled.

"You're about the only one who can deal with her. If you don't get moving...night...will fall..." He said and left.

                                                                             Yuki P.O.V

I stood by the window with a book open in my hands as the teacher began talking.

"The effectiveness of the blood tablets developed by our night class has been verified all over the world. You students are the pride of our school...and of the night clan." Her fangs flashed in the light.

"It wasn't much." said Ruko.

"Just a group study." another student said.

"This environment, where we can co-exist with humans...gave us crucial insight for it's development...right, Lady Yuki?"

"You're right." I turned the page and looked up. "I appreciate that...the headmistress allows us to study here..."

                                                                                Kaname P.O.V

I stood near the edge of the roof and looked over to the window, where I could see Yuki standing.

"So how's she doing tonight...your hero Yuki?" Zero asked.

"W-well, I wasn't looking only at Yuki! Yes, yes-everyone in the night class is behaving well tonight! And there are no day class students out!" I stammered. "A quiet and peaceful night! There are no problems with school discipline!"

Zero stayed quiet for a few seconds then spoke. "The headmistress...talks about the night they're good vampires who support her pacifism...but I don't trust them. I won't let my guard down."

"If you believe that...why do you cooperate without saying anything?" I put my hand over my mouth as soon as I said that.

"I told you." Zero looked over at me. "I'm cooperating so I can find the most effective kill those beasts in human form. I'll patrol inside." She turned around and went in the building.

You haven't changed, Zero...

It was four years ago that Zero was brought here.

"She's Zero Kiryu. I'll be taking care of her from now on. Kaname...her family was killed by a bad vampire..."

I could see the hatred in her eyes.

I know...that not all vampires are pacifists. The parents I don't remember...may have been attacked by one. I looked down from the roof and sighed. "Those are boys from the day class..."

"Can you walk?" one of them asked.

"Y-yeah. Barely. It hurts, though." said the other one.

I jumped off the roof and grabbed the branch to slow my fall and landed in front of them. "You there! Give me your names and class number!" I grabbed the badge on my arm. "Leaving the dorm at night is prohibited in the school rules! It's dangerous out here. Get back to your dorm quickly!"

"We came to take pictures of the night class. A few minutes shouldn't matter." The first one said, holding a piece of cloth over his friends knee.

I saw the boy's pants torn and the blood. "You're bleeding?" I grabbed their shoulders and started to push them towards the dorm. "Not good...Hurry! Get back to the dorm!"

"Huh?" They asked, confused.

"Hurry!" I said and immediately felt their presence. Reaching for my sword, I grabbed the hilt and drew it from the sheath across my back. I brought it down in an arc and someone grabbed the blade.

"Scary... the headmistress has trained you well." said Takatsuki Kain.

"Oh! The night class...Takatsuki Kain! Hana Aido! Wow." said both the day class boys.

"Oh dear! We only came because we smelt mean, Kaname." Hana giggled. "We just happened to drop by..." She sniffed the air as the wind blew. "Ah...such a nice smell...Oh. It's your blood." She narrowed her eyes.

"What should we do? She says we smell good!"

"Aido! If you even touch these boys...I will punish..." I warned.

"Did you fall?" Hana asked, grabbing my hand. "The nice your blood...Kaname."

"Well thanks, but..." I tensed when her grip tightened on my arm. Darn! When I grabbed that branch... I tried to pull my sword back but it wouldn't budge. I can't wield it at all-she's way too strong!

"Mmm...I'm really..." She brought my hand up.

"Aido!" I yelled.

"...Very...tempted." Her fangs extended and pierced my palm.

" she a vampire?!" and "No, there's no such thing..." The boys said.

This is bad. "Aidou, no! Aidou..." I said as she pulled me towards her.

"I want more..." She licked my blood from her fangs as the day class boys fainted. "May I partake from your neck?"

", no, no! I can't give you any! Aido!" I yelled again. I saw something come towards Hana's head and I realized it was Zero wielding the Bloody Rose.

"Drinking blood on school grounds is strictly forbidden. Did you lose your mind...drunk on the scent of blood...vampire?" Zero asked, her voice cold.

"Zero, no!" I said.

"Eh?" Aido smiled. "But I've already tasted him." She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and the gun went off. "Oh!" She cowered.

"STUPID! WHY DID YOU SHOOT?!" I grabbed and moved her arm as she pulled the trigger.

"That scared me!" said Hana.

"My, my." Takatsuki looked at the tree where the bullet hit.

"Would you put that away...your 'Bloody Rose' gun?" asked a familiar voice as she stepped forward. "It is a great threat to you know."

"President Kuran..." Hana said as Yuki grabbed her by the back of her shirt collar.

"I will take care of this fool and wait for the headmistress's instructions. Is that acceptable...Kiryu?" Yuki asked, looking at Zero.

"...Take her away, Kuran." Zero said, looking away.


Takatsuki pointed to herself. "Me?"

"Why didn't you stop Aido? You're also to blame." Yuki turned to face me. "Kaname...what should be done about the memories of the two who've fainted? You'll take care of it?"

"...yes, Yuki. I mean, the headmistress will erase their memories...although I feel a bit sorry for them." I said and looked over at them.

"All right then...I ask you to take care of the rest." She smiled. "I'm sorry we scared you...Kaname."

"No! I was just bitten a little-I'm fine!" I held up my hand and pointed to my palm.

She looked at me one more time before walking away with Aido and Kain. Yuki really is different... I thought, smiling until Zero grabbed my wrist.

"Huh? What?" I asked as she took off her ribbon and tied it around my hand, pulling it tight with her teeth. "Zero..."

"We're leaving. Get those two quickly." She let go of my wrist and walked away. "This place...the smell of blood is all over here. I feel sick."

Four years ago, since her family was killed by a vampire...Zero has something in her heart that she won't let anyone see.

"That they are attracted to this proof that they are beasts."

-The Next Morning-

I stood in front of the mirror with a towel in my hand and used it to dry my hair. Zero...she talks to me now, a lot more than when we first met, yet... my thoughts trailed off when the bathroom door opened and Zero walked in and shut the door behind her. I spun around. "WHY'D YOU COME IN?!" I yelled.

"If you have any complaints, say it to the dorm bathroom that's closed in the early morning!" She snapped back. "It's your fault-you're too slow." Zero said and took off her shirt, revealing a thin tank top.

"Don't start boldly taking off your clothes in front of a guy!" I threw the bottle of shampoo at her. She stayed silent. "You're thinking to yourself that I'm not like a real guy, aren't you?" I said, irritated. "What?" I asked when she came over to sniff me.

"The smell of blood is gone." She said bluntly.

"Shut up. My hand did stop bleeding. But if vampires were actually like they're portrayed in legends, I could have turned into a vampire from being bitten...I was almost attacked by a rogue vampire ten years ago. I wonder if my blood is that delicious?" I wondered,

"Who knows?" asked Zero.

"Yeah, who knows?" I went back to drying my hair and neck. "Oh! But I'll be careful. I'm one of Cross Academy's Guardians! It'd be a disgrace if vampires drink my blood more than once!" I looked at her and smiled but she turned away.

Cross Academy, a private school. This is a school where the day class and night class co-exist. The day class doesn't know...that every student in the night class is a vampire. However...I didn't know that there were other secrets as well...

                                                                                       Yuki P.O.V

"Ten days suspension?" Hana asked. "It was still worth it for a taste of Kaname's blood. I don't think I'll be able to endure living off tablets for much longer. His blood was so delicious..." She looked up as I walked over to her.

I back handed her as I became angry. "Pardon?" I demanded, glaring at her. There is a secret that is kept from the day class's that every student in the night class is a vampire.

"Sorry," Hana said as she looked away with a bloody scratch on her cheek. But...what Kaname didn't realize...was that there was another secret. I stood in front of the window and licked the blood from my finger.

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