Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

183K 5.6K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126

Part 104

876 36 5
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi everyone! Sorry it's a little later than I said, it took longer than expected. But I hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope you all enjoy this update❤️
sending lots of love x
(The photo above is what Dakota's presents are like, I'm not sure I described them properly so thought I'd add a photo x)

*Dakota's POV*

I had to stay in hospital for five days in total. My body and the baby took really well to the medication I was given for the high blood pressure and the bleeding and pains stopped. Whilst I was in hospital I had ultrasound scans each day to check everything over with the placenta. Everything was looking like it was back to normal and there was no sign of a abruption.

Jamie visited me everyday, even when I had my last night there and he was so knackered from looking after the girls and trying to take care of me too. We're still in Ireland with Jamie's family as they advised me that we shouldn't risk flying back home right now. I've been out the hospital for nearly one week now and today is Christmas Eve. As much as I wanted to be back home for Christmas, I was just so thankful that I got to be back with Jamie and the girls in time.

I head downstairs to the kitchen; smiling when I see everyone at the table. "Just in time for breakfast dear" Sam smiles warmly at me and nods to a empty chair next to Jamie. Charlotte squeals when she sees me and I kiss her head on my way to my seat; sitting down next to Jamie and kissing his cheek. "Morning" I smile shyly, stroking Dulcie's hair as they all say morning back.

"Did you sleep okay?" Jamie leans over, softly kissing me. "I did actually.. really well" I grin and he grins too; it's infectious. Sam dishes out our breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and french toast; before taking a seat next to Jim. "Daddy, what we doing today?" Dulcie asks as everybody eats.

"I'm not sure princess.. what would you like to do?" He answers, gently squeezing my knee under the table as we all eat. "Not sure" she sighs and we all laugh. "Me and Jim are heading to Jess' for a Christmas Eve buffet. You're all more than welcome to join us" Sam smiles across to us and Jamie looks to me for my opinion on the idea.

"I would, but we've got some bits to finish of here..." I trail off, mouthing to them silently about having to wrap some of the girls' presents up still. All of our presents are at home so Jamie and Jim went out to get them a few gifts each to open here so they didn't miss out on too much this year. Jim chuckles softly and nods. "How about we take Dulcie and Char with us?" Jim suggests, raising his eyebrow at Dulcie with a smile.

"Can we?! Please!" She claps her hands excitedly and bounces in her seat. Jamie nods and grins; finishing off his breakfast. Charlotte squeals as she eats her last piece of bacon. I grin when I see she's eaten all of hers. Once we've all finished Sam gets up to start on the dishes. "Here, I can do those" I stand but she frowns. "No I've got it, you go and put your feet up, Jamie will bring you a cup of tea through" Sam says and I giggle shyly; looking to Jamie.

"Hey what?! She can get it herself" he smirks at me, I gasp and pout, stroking my bump. "But I'm pregnant" I give him puppy dog eyes and he rolls his eyes. "Fine" he laughs softly and I blow him a kiss, picking up Charlotte and taking her to the lounge. I hear Jamie's dad quietly ask him if me and him are back on track now and he answers with "nearly".

To be honest, we haven't managed to speak about what happened when we argued; we were both too concerned about the baby and me being okay. It's been constantly busy and we haven't really had much time to ourselves to talk about it; hopefully we can today.

"Thank you" I smile up at him as he passes me my hot drink; the girls playing softly together on the floor with their toys. "You're welcome baby.." he sits beside me and I rest my legs over him as Sam and Jim join us. "Thank you for breakfast.. the baby loved it" I giggle, taking Sam's hand from across the sofa and placing it over my bump where the baby is kicking. Her face lights up and she strokes my bump softly as she removes her hand.

"You're both very welcome" she grins and I smile back; looking to Jamie. "Is there anywhere we can take the girls later to see Santa?" I ask and he smiles shyly. "There's a big town hall building that actually have a really nice field with trees that they've covered with Christmas lights and there's a gift shop, a Santa grotto and real reindeer there" he suggests and I grin. "That sounds amazing. Can we take them?!" I grin when he nods, stroking my knee softly.

"I'll book some tickets baby" he smiles softly and I grin, nodding. "Did you two want to come?" I ask Sam and Jim. "The more the merrier" I add with a shy smile, watching as they both nod slowly. "Okay sure, it sounds like fun" Sam grins and I giggle, nodding.


We finished wrapping the girls' presents about an hour ago, I headed upstairs for a nap and Jamie stayed down and watched some tv. I wake when I feel the bed shift slightly; turning my sleepy eyes towards Jamie. "Hey" I smile sleepily "sorry baby.. I didn't mean to wake you" he whispers. "I wasn't fully asleep anyway.." I turn on my side slightly to look at him as he lays down beside me.

He rests his hand over my bump and a silence settles around us both. I yawn softly and he smiles. "I don't understand why I'm so tired" I giggle and he laughs. "Could be the tablets you're taking" he looks to me and I chuckle a bit nodding. "You're probably right." I watch him. "We haven't spoke about what happened yet.. I don't want us to get into it either but.." he stops, looking up at me "I just wanted to say I really am sorry.." he says quietly and my eyes fill up slightly.

"'Me too.. so so much" I stroke his cheek with my thumb, smiling when he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. I rest my head on his shoulder. "I never meant to make the decision of no more babies.. of course I don't mean that.." I look to him. "Look what I said when I was having Charlotte.. we still got pregnant again.. and then again" I chuckle and he laughs softly, kissing my head.

"That's true" he nods a bit. "I love making babies with you.. I just.." I stop, looking to our hands as I lock them together. "This pregnancy has been so different and.. you hear all the time that some new mothers really struggle to love their new babies.. I'm so worried this will happen this time around because of all the complications." I mumble softly. My voice hoarse. "I'm always worried that something bad is going to happen to me or him.. or both of us" I say, crying softly into his shoulder.

We wraps his arms around me tighter and comforts me by stroking my back, saying nothing. A few minutes pass and I control my tears; calming down. "Dakota.. you're the best mommy there could ever be" he whispers and my heart melts. "I know you say that, but it's all about my mentality of things... I haven't got control of this pregnancy and it makes me Feel like I've failed him already" i frown a bit. "No baby not at all.. you could never ever fail any of us. We love you so much and honestly I don't know what we'd do without you" he kisses me softly, pulling me closer as I cry.

"You always know the right things to say I really don't deserve you" I cry and giggle a bit. "God I'm a hormonal mess" I laugh, smiling as Jamie wipes my cheeks dry, laughing softly. "I love you, please remember that" he kisses me softly and I lean to kiss him once more as he pulls away. "I love you too" I curl myself into him and he strokes my back slowly.

"You know.. why we have some alone time, maybe we could really make it up to each other..." I trail off, my hand moving down to his shorts. He laughs softly and bucks his hips into my hand, softly rubbing his erection. He moans lowly and I smirk, kissing the side of his face gently whilst I continue to tease him. "Baby..." he gasps and I giggle slightly; kneeling up and pulling his shorts down before taking him into my hand, moving my hand up and down along him slowly, watching him groan.

"Fuck..." he hisses through his teeth and I use my thumb to run it softly along the tip of him, causing him to buck his hips. "Don't tease me.." he chuckles softly and I giggle. "Come on baby" I moan as I take him into my mouth, sucking hard; feeling him tangling his hand in my hair. "Fuck!" He gasps, pushing himself to the back of my throat as I moan again. He grunts loudly, letting go and filling my mouth with his load.

I swallow him softly, smiling shyly as I lay back down beside him, kissing him hard as he covers me with his body, sliding down my leggings and underwear. I moan softly as he pushes first one and then two fingers into me, causing me to cry out; my head thrown back "uhh Jamie" I moan,
My hand on his arm to support myself As he pushes me higher and higher.

I close my eyes and throw my head back In passion. I gasp when I feel his tongue on my hot bud; gently teasing me with his tongue over and over whilst his fingers continue to push me higher to the brink of my orgasm...


We've arrived at the town hall to see the Christmas light. We've just been to feed the reindeer, which Dulcie and Charlotte both loved! It's dark and really cold but luckily it isn't raining! Sam and Jim are in big waterproof coats with their scarves and gloves. Dulcie and Charlotte are wearing warm jumpers with their bottoms, along with their fluffy winter coats and each of them have little woolly hats, scarves as well as gloves.

Jamie is wearing a thick Nike hoodie with a beanie hat and a scarf with gloves. I'm in my long fluffy coat, a woolly hat with matching scarf and gloves. My arm is linked with Jamie's as he pushes Charlotte in her Chicco Viaro stroller; Dulcie is holding her grandads Hand as they walk ahead.

"This is beautiful" I say to Jamie and he nods, smiling. "It is isn't it" he leans down to gently kiss me and I blush slightly, kissing him back. "We'll have to bring my mom here next year.. she'd love it too" I grin shyly and Jamie nods grinning. We get to Santa's grotto and we begin to queue. Dulcie squeals when she sees some elves. "Do you think char will cry?" Jamie laughs getting her out the stroller.

"I hope not" I pout, giggling. I watch Charlotte look around, babbling to her daddy as he holds her on his hip. "I loved feeding the reindeers!" Dulcie Grins up at her dad and me, grinning. "It was fun! We can watch the videos and look at the photos when we get home" I grin at her and she squeals, bouncing up and down. "We'll see if there's anywhere to get something To eat after they've seen Santa." I suggest to Jamie and he nods.

It's soon our turn to enter the grotto and Dulcie grins as she runs up to Santa. Charlotte gives him a frown and I laugh. "It's alright baby, it's just Santa" I stroke her cheek watching her giggle shyly as she chews her finger. Jamie sits Charlotte on His knee next to Dulcie and Charlotte looks up at him.

Charlotte grins at him and I grin up at Jamie as he wraps his arm around me; taking a few photos of the girls with Santa whilst Dulcie tells him everything she wants. He speaks softly back to her and Charlotte just babbles loudly to him. He just agrees and smiles at her, laughing when she squeals; clapping her hands.

He lets them go over to the Santa sleigh and they each get to pick a present for them to open when they get home. Dulcie says bye to him and I take Charlotte, strapping her back into her stroller as she waves bye bye to Santa Claus. "I'm so glad she was okay with him" I wrinkle my nose up when I stand back up.

"I know.. I'm glad too" Jamie grins, leaning to kiss me softly before looking back to his dad and Sam: who are with Dulcie. "Did you have fun talking to Santa?" He asks her and she nods; grinning. "Thank you daddy" she smiles shyly at him. "Shall we grab something to eat before we head home?" Jim asks, nodding his head in the direction of a food van.

Jamie looks to me and I nod, giggling as I rub my bump. "We're hungry" I smile shyly, kissing his cheek. We head over to the van and queue. Jim orders himself and Sam a cheeseburger with fried onions. They get Dulcie a small hotdog and put some tomato ketchup. They order Charlotte the same as Dulcie but with no ketchup and I get the same as Sam and Jim; then Jamie gets a giant Bratwurst hot dog.

We find a little table, Jim and Sam sit on one side with Dulcie and we sit on the other, watching and having a bit of a chat between us all. I smirk at Jamie taking a bite of his hot dog and he laughs shyly. "What?" He talks lowly. "That's a big sausage" I smirk and he almost spits his food all over.

"My god I nearly choked" he coughs and I giggle loudly, patting his back gently until he stops. "You're meant to chew your food baby" I smirk, watching as Sam and Dulcie giggle, oblivious to the fact we're being rude. "Well I would've if my wife hadn't have been so crude" he laughs shyly, giving me a slight smirk.

"I'm sorry" I laugh, leaning closer to him. "But.. if I'm honest, I have seen a bigger sausage" I whisper by his ear and I hear his gasp when my hand rests over his bulge. He laughs and kisses me hard, stroking my cheek. "You, Mrs Dornan. Are so naughty" he winks laughing when I giggle cheekily; kissing him again.

I catch Sam watching us out the corner of his eye and she grins shyly, looking away when I blush. Though to them, we just look like a loved up couple; luckily they can't hear us. Jamie kisses my cheek; finishing his hotdog as I finish my burger. Once we've all done we wipe our hands with a baby wipe and then get up.

Dulcie is holding on to the stroller as Sam pushes a sleeping Charlotte. Jim is stood next to them as they take in their surroundings. I wrap my arm inside Jamie's, entwining our fingers and resting my head on his arm as we walk; he occasionally kisses my head.


*Jamie's POV*

It's Christmas Day. Dulcie had us all up at the crack of dawn this morning, excited about what Santa had left her. We took the girls down and they opened their presents, then Sam and Jim opened theirs.. Dulcie's main present was a new bike for Jim and Sam's house, along with a helmet for when she rides it around.

Charlotte's main present was a big wooden box; one side has numbers 1-10 cut out and there's wooden numbers that she can poke through the holes. The other side has the alphabet on with little wooden alphabet letters she can push through; the third side has all the shapes on that she can push through the holes and then the last one has animals she can push through.

We set it up straight away and she loves it. Dulcie was a little sad that it's raining so she can't ride her new bike yet; but she got some little toys so she still had something to play with. She was also helping Charlotte with her shapes, numbers and letters.

Sam has been cooking up a Christmas dinner and it smells amazing. Dakota has been helping her and myself and dad are entertaining the girls. I almost forgot how Christmas was here, I love it... and I really hope Dakota is enjoying herself being here. She seems like she is, I can hear her laugh occasionally with Sam in the kitchen as they cook and listen to Christmas songs.

"Dinner will be ready soon" she disturbs me from my thoughts, I smile up at her, opening arms for her to sit on my knee. She sits there and i wrap my arms around her waist. "You okay?" She asks me, running her hands through my hair. "I am.. are you??" I ask her and she nods, kissing me. "What's up?" She asks.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to have such a amazing wife.." I say softly; stroking her cheek as she blushes. "You've got it bad" she giggles, leaning to kiss me. "I think I have" I chuckle. "I have too.. I'm always feeling lucky to have you" she grins and I kiss her again softly. "I can't wait to give you your gifts later" I say and she frowns a bit.

"We said no presents for each other this year because our gifts will be at home." She pouts. "I know but I couldn't not get my beautiful girl something" I smile and She blushes; grinning as Sam comes to the lounge doorway. "Does anyone know where my helper has gone?" Sam sighs, laughing happily when she sees me and Jamie.

"I'm sorry" Dakota says shyly, kissing me lovingly on the lips before standing up and making her way to the kitchen with Sam. "You two are so loved up" I hear sam say, and I catch Dakota's reply, grinning. "I really think we'll be okay" Dakota says. "You'll both be absolutely fine." Sam says, calling me, dad and Dulcie through.

Dulcie goes through first, holding her little sisters hand as she helps her walk. "We're here" Dulcie grins and Dakota laughs, picking up Charlotte and sitting her in her highchair at the table. Dulcie sits next to Sam, my dad at the head of the table and me and Dakota take a seat on the other side. We clink our glasses as we all say merry Christmas and 'cheers'.

Charlotte squeals and claps her hand, causing us all to laugh before we start eating our food. "Mmm this is amazing" I grin as I finish my mouthful of food. "I almost forgot what Christmas at home was like" I say, looking over to Sam as she shared a grin with my dad. "We've loved having you all for Christmas this year." She says sincerely, giving Dakota a smile.

"I've loved it too.. things get manic at my moms for Christmas In Aspen sometimes.. it's nice to have just a handful of people" Dakota smiles shyly. "You are all more than welcome here anytime." Dad grins and I grin, stroking my hand over Dakota's knee.

"With our other little one being here next Christmas you two should come to Aspen for Christmas and see what ours is like." Dakota suggests and Sam gasps. "I've always wanted to go there for Christmas!" She grins and I chuckle. "Aspen is so much fun!" Dulcie grins and I agree with her.

"We'll definitely come with you next year then.." dad grins finishing his dinner. Once we've all ate me and dad get forced to wash up all the dishes; whilst the girls get settled in the lounge ready to watch a film.

When we finish the dishes we head to the lounge, I sit beside Dakota and she curls into me; kissing my cheek softly as Sam and Dulcie discuss what Christmas film to watch. Charlotte is sleeping in her bouncer seat and Dakota lets out a sigh of contentment when I kiss her head.


"Let me give you your Christmas gifts.." I smile as we're about to get into bed. I go to the wardrobe and pull out a Christmas gift bag. When I turn around Dakota is sat cross legged on the bed looking at me, a brown Christmas gift bag in front of her crossed legs.

I laugh as I sit facing her, my legs hanging over the side of the bed. "I thought we said no presents?" I laugh and she giggles. "I knew you would.. so I did" she wrinkles her nose and my heart skips a beat slightly. "You're too good to me" I grin and hand her the gift bag; watching her face light up as she hands me my gift bag with presents in too.

I go first, unwrapping my first gift to reveal a brand new Apple Watch. I gasp and grin; kissing her. "Thank you! Mine broke last month" I pout a bit "I remembered! You love your Apple Watch so I thought I'd replace it" she grin shyly and I kiss her again. The second one I unwrap is my favourite Hugo boss aftershave, I thank her and reach for my third one.

It's a wooden box, with the words '25 reasons why we love you' and then in bigger cursive engraving it says 'daddy'. My heart beats faster and I open it. Inside are little wooden hearts with things engraved onto them. One says 'you read us stories' another says 'you tickle us' 'you make us smile' 'you look after us' 'you give the best hugs' 'you are our hero' and there's so many more.

I look to her with tears in my eyes, kissing her head. "I love you so much" I say and she grins, wiping my cheeks gently. "I love you too.. so does Dulcie and Char and this little baby boy" she takes my hand and rests it over her bump. I smile shyly and wipe my eye again; closing the box and putting it to one side.

The fourth one is a black box, inside is a vanilla massaging oil. I look to her with a slight frown; confused. "I... erm, I was thinking; maybe we could do different things.. in the bedroom" she stutters, blushing. "Firstly.. you don't need to blush baby... I'm your husband" I chuckle, stroking her cheek with my thumb as she smiles shyly again.

"Secondly.. I'd love try different things" I smile cheekily, kissing her gently on the lips. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me harder; causing me to moan. "Maybe not here though.. when we get home" Dakota whispers against my lips as we pull away and I nod, chuckling. "Of course baby". I kiss her once more.

Now it's her turn to open her presents. The first one she opens is a Cartier box. She smiles shyly and opens it, revealing a pair of white gold diamond heart studded earrings. She grins and strokes her thumb across one. "These are so beautiful, I love them! Thank you" she grins at me, kissing my cheek.

Her second one is a glass frame in a layout of a song that's being played on Spotify. The photo of the song is one of me and her at our wedding during our first dance; with our first dance song title and artist underneath the photo. The time of the song and the length of the song work out to be our wedding day date.

She gazes down at it before gazing at me. "Jamie.." her bottom lip shakes. "I love it.. it's so thoughtful" she kisses me softly and I grin, wiping her tears that fall from her face. "Don't cry baby.." I whisper, kissing her head gently. She smiles shyly and wipes her eyes; reaching for the next present.

The third one is a booklet of envelopes, with each envelope there's a piece of coloured paper. The front of the booklet says 'letters to my baby'. Each envelope has a box for the date you write the letter and a box for the date it should be opened. They also each have different topics.

For example one is 'on the day you were born' another is 'the world I want to give you is..' 'one really special thing about you is' 'to the future you' and many more. There's 12 altogether. I watch Dakota go through each page before Looking at me. "You look so confused" I chuckle and she giggles nodding.

"When we spoke the other day and you told me you're worried about feeing different towards him because of how tough it's been.." I say, watching her as she smiles sadly. "You've still been an amazing mommy to him already, you do nothing but protect him everyday.. but I thought maybe this would help you." I lean over and take it from her softly, going through each one.

"You write him a letter.. Or a note, whenever you feel like it. Tell him things you've learnt" I give it back to her and she meets my gaze with her tearful eyes. "Make sure you tell him how amazing and strong you were throughout carrying him. He's going to love his mommy unconditionally" I say, pulling her into my arms when she lets out a cry.

"That's so beautiful.. thank you" she cries in my arms and I hold her closer; stroking my hand up and down her back for comfort. "You deserve it baby.. you deserve it all and more." I whisper; pulling away slowly to tidy our presents away before pulling back the covers and lifting Dakota, laying down with her and holding her close to me.

"You really are the best, most loving guy I have ever met" she whispers once she's calmed down; her gaze meeting mine. "I'm so lucky you're all mine" she grins, leaning up to kiss me. I kiss her back; my tongue stroking hers as I pull away. "I'm lucky too.. so lucky.." I smile, stroking her hair from her face.

"Thank you for my gifts. You really are amazing and I love you.. so much" she smiles, kissing me once more before resting her head back down on my shoulder. "Thank you too.. I love you so so much more" I whisper, kissing her head as I gently stroke my fingers up and down her naked arm for comfort...

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

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