Figuration (a Legosi X Louis...

By shilleghmahnut2

34K 772 831

(art is not mine) Haru had been shot and killed.......Juno was blamed for it and she was sentenced to prison... More

Remembering Haru.....
following the white rabbit.........
What do you think?
knock knock knock......
messy night.....
Regrets......, realisations....and doubts....
On the right track...
So close.....Yet so far....
take two steps step back......
Troubles and Findings
As Close as we get.....for now.....
another problems....
Cultists and Comfort
angst and relationship awakening....
Swirling Feelings....
Dealing with Melon part one
Dealing with Melon Finale
Close call....
Making amends.....
a night of peace...and a period of brief non eventfulness
a vision of memory....
The conference
the conversation
Pride & Prejudice...
The past seems to catch up sooner than you think
Tonight is the night
The Cherryton reunion
Bruises and Cuts
Death has come knocking....
Twist Of Fate (SPOILER "KISS!")
Moving On...
Comment, Rating, Review and Criticism

Dealing with Melon Part two

335 5 9
By shilleghmahnut2

Louis's POV

I began slowly waking up and I sighed relieved and visions this time...

I sat up but then I felt a arm around my waist and I hear Legoshi whisper to me "Louis....."

I felt Legoshi holds me tightly and he struggles in his half sleep.....

Legoshi's POV

I could hear them whisper.....I could feel my claws begin to tense up and my ears twitch......

I then wake myself Up and I slowly open my eyes....I look up at Louis and he smiles at me with a concerned look

"Are you okay Love?" He asks....

I nod and I sit up and I feel myself a bit tense and stressed...what a horrible way to wake up....

Louis then places a hand on my cheek and tilts his head...."come here...." He then opens his arms up inviting me to hug him...

I accept it and I hug him back placing my arms around his shoulders....I lay my head on his shoulder and I say "I had....had a bad dream...."

"Mind telling me?" He asks nicely....

I shake my head and I say solfty "I....I dreamt that....that I lost were bitten on the Melon"

I then clench my fist and I whisper with resentment "I want to stop him Louis.....if the method of how you die show from your scares me that there's a possibility you'll die not from that...but anything doesn't just magically prevent any other can still die before it....that is what's scaring me....and I'm afraid when it does come....I would be too slow to prevent it.......that talk we had last night increased my anxiety"

He then hugs me tightly and reassures me by kissing my forehead...."it will be okay".....

I then smiled and I say soflty "Louis..... I'm sorry"

He then moved my head Infront of him and he places his forehead against mine and he makes sure our mouths aren't close to not trigger my instinct....

He then caresses my cheek and says "we will do this...I will leave something that effected me in such a cruel way... we'll leave this past behind us...I want to become what Oguma guided me on...Beastar....if I don't become Beastar and noones this year... there's always the next seven years..."

I blush and I whisper "I love you"

Louis blushes as well and he whispers back "I love you too"

He then pulls his forehead away and let's go of my cheek, he then turns and places he legs on the floor "let's get ready Legoshi..."

I nod and he stands up and walks over to the office desk and he grabs new clothing and a motorcycle helmet.




Louis's POV

After a while getting dressed, me, Agata, Legoshi and the Ex Shishigumi members were gathered around a table with one handed sub machine guns, pistols, bullpup assault rifles, sharpened tantos and a few shotguns.

We all are wearing old Shishigumi suits and me and Legoshi were wearing black motorcyclist jumpsuits...

I grabbed the red metal motorcycle helmet and I rest it in my underarm and I begin talking "at exactly 6:45 PM sundown, Melon and his convoy of Shishigumi, Yamako boys and The Mercs are heading through a tunnel and the tunnel is one of the longest in Japan passing through a huge mountain pass, Melon is meeting up with Black Market officials for a deal, if that deal goes through the black market will get us out on their "hunt and bag", the black market doesn't just use herbivore meat, if we don't get Melon during the tunnel, if we do it after...police will be all over it within a minute and the Shishigumi convoy behind at approximately 4 miles would've catched up and we would have problems escaping unscathed...and to be manhunted and caught by the Black Market, this a good chance, any other opportunities will have lower and lower chances, so.....are all of you ready?"

The others nod and one says "yes sir..."

Agata says "after this, it'll great for us to serve you...a Beastar needs protection right?"

I smile and I notice the others smile and I say "save that after this and if I win anyways...."

I then grab the helmet with both hands and I say "okay...let's do is the day we leave the past behind us..."




Louis's POV

We exit the building, everyone dressed with their suit and ties with motor helmets and bullet proof vests and ready with guns, me and Legoshi walk over to the dock edge and we wore our helmets...

I say to Legoshi solfty "incase if I die.....i want to leave you with everything...."

He looks at me and says "you will not....and that's just...too much"

I then grab his gloved hand and I say "I'm serious, there's only 25 against 70+ Shishigumi/Yamako Boys/Mercs...and I already set it up with Oguma..."

He then asks me nervously "does....does Oguma know?...about us now?"

I then reply "no...I just told him that your the only one I would leave everything with.....and I mean that...."

He then grips my hand harder and he says "trust me Louis...I will not let you die....we only became whatever we are won't be fair on me...and my heart to lose I'm here....and I will not let that happen....."

I then look back at him and I could see his eyes through the visor, eyes of worry....

I then say soflty "Legoshi.... the others are waiting and I don't want them seeing....."

He then replays "they can't...can they?"

I then shake my head and say "we are concealed behind a old shipping container, I guess a little hug wouldn't hurt..."

Legoshi's tail wags a bit and he hugs me solfty with both arms and I hug him back...

We look into each other's eyes and I could feel his tough wolf arms around me, oh my.....I only realised that now?...he is...kinda tough.....strong's such a big, cute, beautiful shy guy.....

I then touch my helmet with his and he looks at me noticing the gesture and he blushes and looks at me with love...

I then let go and I pull away, "we have to go...we can't miss this..."




(This part, it's a good idea to play some action music, chase music or something like that.....the action here is great to will make this feel better to read)

Legoshi's POV


We drove in a formation with our motorcycles and we had others In two vans, we have a little suprise in one of the vans,....I had my pistol ready in my hip as well as a baton I grabbed on my other hip...

We were nearing the tunnel and we know that the other convoy is still 3 miles away so we're fine if we do this quick...

Then as we turned a bend...In the distance was the main convoy.......

The convoy has a bunch of Shishigumi Limos, heavy duty Car, Yamako Vans and Yamako motorcyclists....

I then say to the others "okay......there they are....get ready in one...."

I begin counting down as we begin getting close.....




And now...

We break formation and the others drive forward the vans stay back with me and Legoshi goes with the others,

The Yamako motorcyclists notice and some turn around to intercept, they approach Legoshi and the others and they pull out guns, same goes with Legoshi and the others, Legoshi says to others "now!"

The others begin firing and the Yamako boys fire back...

Bullets fly and I see that we and the convoy are nearing the tunnel.

Legoshi's POV

I look up ahead ask shoot my pistol at the other enemy motorcyclists, I switch to Louis's channel and speak "we are nearing the tunnel, I'm going to try with the others to take out the tires"

"Okay, be careful"

I drive my bike and I grab out a baton and on my way I use it to knock a enemy off his bike and that bike hits into another.

The others follow suit and I see Agata driving up beside me carrying a sawed off shotgun.

"I'm going after the car behind with half the guys, you can go after the vans" I say to Agata and he nods and drives to the two vans that are on each side of the convoy.

I see that the heavy duty car drives slowly to meet up with me and the guys with me and I see more motorcyclist approach us...

One of our vans goes next to a Yamako van and the sliding door opens and our guys holding Assault rifles begin firing into the van and a limo behind the van, the other Yamako van begins to opens its doors and both Yamako and Mercs, two of each are operating what seems to be a heavy 50 cal machine gun that is two man operated.

They begin firing upon our second van.

Two of our motorcyclists head over to the second Yamako Van and they begin firing Submachine guns.

I then notice the heavy duty Merc car drives slower to catch up to us and I see the limo's drive further and further.....

They are trying to stall us so they can get and Louis have to think of

"Louis...we should take out the tires....."

Louis drives next to me and he says " and you"

I nod and we both begin our way to catch up with the limo's...

Me and Louis are on each side of the first limo and I notice the window winding down and I see a Shishigumi lion with a rifle leans out and aims at me then I drive the bike and use a hand to grab the barrel of the rifle and point it up and he pressed the trigger by accident.

Then I hit the rifle back at his head making him dizzy and I pull him out of the window using my stretch while holding the rifle and he falls out and falls to the road.

I then grab my pistol and I aim at the other Shishigumi soldier and he aims his pistol and shoots at me....two bullets hit into my shoulder and the other grazes my back.

I shoot him in the head then I see the passenger window open and another Shishigumi members holding a pistol leans out.

But Louis shoots him before he shoots me....

I then holster my pistol and I grab a smoke grenade and throw it in the limo....

The smoke grenade blows and smoke engulfs the limo...the driver steers blinded and drives into a wall...

I then look back and check the others....

Our vans seemed to have dealt with the two Yamako Vans, but the heavy duty car has a Merc at top holding a LMG...he seems to shoot at one of our vans and it steers and flips over...

I hear Louis say "First van, retreat now"

"Ok sir"

The van turns around and drives away...

Louis then orders "Agata and all of you..... Deal with the heavy duty car and the enemy motorcyclists"

Agata responds "we'll lead them to meet up with the limo's"


Agata's POV

I drive over with the others and we move Infront of the heavy duty car and I begin as well as the others shooting at the car....

The merc with LMG is shot and he falls over out of the top of the car.

We are now at the same speed as the limo's to catch up and the Heavy duty car is forced to meet up...

I drive behind it and I begin getting ready to dismount, I grab out a Tanto and I dismount...

I jump onto the car and I slowly and carefully move up...

I see a Merc climb of the top opening and he grabs his pistol and he struggles to aim...

I slice his hand off and I hear him scream...then I climb up and I grab him with the other hand gripping the car with using the railing with my boots and I pull him out and I throw him off...

I climb over and I open the passenger door and I jump in feet first and I kick out the driver with so much force that he pushes the door unlocked And he falls out.....I struggle a bit to sit up, I close the door and I sit up and take the wheel before the car steers away...

I lean out the window and do a thumbs up, I quickly lean back in so I can dodge a Yamako motorcyclist trying to hit me with a machete....

I put my hands on the wheel and I smile and I drive slower so that I can get a good look at the remaining Yamako motorcyclists...

I see there's quite a few.....but their numbers are dropping due to the others getting and dealing with them...

I then say "Louis....permission to ram the main limo?"

I hear Louis chuckle and says "go ahead...well deal with the front limo...."


Louis's POV

Me and Legoshi move up and we both grab pistols and begin unloading into the front limo...

The limo gets riddled with holes and it steers away and flips over...

Agata moves next to middle limo and he gets ready to ram...


A huge heavy duty van rushes from the back and it seems to ram into both our motorcyclists and Yamako motorcyclists....

Was this van behind us this entire time?

It must some backup if the other convoy didn't come in time....this van seems very hard to deal damage....

I then say to the others "motorcyclists, retreat now or you'll die.... quickly!..."

I hear a whole bunch of responses and they begin driving forward toward the exit...

The Yamako motorcyclists that are remaining drive backwards away from us but are still tailing...

I then see that the van is ramming into Agata...i see Legoshi drive up to it and he shoots into the vans driver door...

He then grabs the handle and opens it.


Legoshi's POV

I open it and see the driver Merc notice me and he tries kicking me away...

I driving closer and i grab his head and I repeatedly bash his head into the steering wheel then as he is knocked out... I grab the wheel and I drive for a bit and direct it at the main limo and I let go and I drive safely away and I see Louis do the same.

The heavy duty van rams into the main limo and the main limo hits into multiple Yamako motorcyclists...

We all stop and I notice the other Yamako motorcyclists drive away in the opposite way, possibly giving up.

I then say to the others "go back and see if theres any of the others are alive, if in van one..."

They all begin driving off and I say to Agata "hang back here....."

He nods and hops out of the heavy duty car and he pulls from the car a assault rifle...

I hop off and Legoshi does the same.

We slowly walk over and Legoshi aims his pistol at the limo and I pull up my helmet visor.

We make it and I see the door...

Legoshi grabs the handle and opens it then we see both Dolph and Jinma...

Jinma was in the second seat infront of the first seat...Dolph was seated in the first carrying a shotgun with a shell that's been misplaced making the shotgun jammed...but....

Melon isn't there.....then I see that the other side door is opened and then Dolph as blood drips from his mouth laughs as a huge chunk of glass is lodged into his stomach...

Jinma is stuck in his seatbelt with a head injury Trying to reach for the pistol on the floor...

"Ha..ha....ha.....where did Melon go?" Dolph says menacingly smiling

Then we hear the multiple jamming sounds from Agata and he begins yelling "rifles jammed, no time..more coming!" He then grabs the baton and readies it.

I turn to see that coming out of the van back door...there's three has a pistol out and the others have a combat knife or broken rifle with a bayonet...

They charge at us and Legoshi guns the one with the combat knife and the one with the rifle bayonet swings it at Agata, but Agata countered it with a hit to the head with the baton.

I aim at the one with pistol and shoot him down with two bullets...the first bullet since it's a 50. Deagle Round blows his arm off...

The second hits him in the hip...he falls to his knees and screams as he looks at his arm "fuck!"

I then shoot him In head then I say to Legoshi as I see Melon pick up a motorcycle and gets up on it...

He then turns back and begins firing a submarine gun at us...

Legoshi grabs me by the shoulder and we duck behind the limo...

Melon then yells at the wounded Yamako and Shishigumi motorcyclists that are left "all of you are mean nothing!..."

He revs the bike and drives off...

Me and Legoshi stand up and I rush a bit and I aim at Melon, I fire without a hit emptying the mag...

Legoshi then says "call down!...we can still get to him!"

Legoshi then heads back and gets on the bike and he drives up to me and says "hop on"

I nod and I get on as I reload...

Agata then says to us "get that bastard!"

We drive off In pursuit and I say to Agata "get everyone out!"




As we pursue him...out of tunnel...we enter this coastal highway...

I feel the heat in my helmet becoming I take it off and put in the bike's side compartment...

I hold one hand on Legoshi's waist... gripping it...

I feel the cold wind blow on my face and I look and take a second to look at the sun lowering...

I then say soflty to Legoshi "I'm so tired....I want this to be over....I want us to be...okay..."

Legoshi looks back at me as he grips the handles and he says back reassuring me "we will...this all will be behind us...I'm here to protect you.....and when the vision comes...I will not let it happen...I promised"

I nod and I sigh and say "we'll make and you"

Legoshi smiles and uses a hand to hold mine and he grips it and then puts it back on a handle and he continues driving...

I hold the Deagle up and get ready to get a clear shot...

Melon infront of us notices and he looks behind...

He lifts up his Submachine gun and aims it...

I aim back...

Staring him back aiming down the iron sights...

The tension rises as I feel goosebumps all hand shaking at the fear...worrying if he manages to shoot Legoshi or me...

This is very dangerous....


I begin pulling the trigger........




To be continued...

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