Bring Him Back; Sequel to Sky...

By SaltyBratBell

38.7K 1.9K 2K

All of the imprisoned Generals escaped, well, except one. The General of Sky Army is still stuck inside, feel... More

Ch.1: Prologue
Ch.2: Gone
Ch.3: Tortured and Broken
Ch.4: Angry Yet Broken Generals
Ch.5: No!
Ch. 7: Changed Friends
Ch.8: Prisoners Of War
Ch.9: Illusions
Ch. 10: A Chance
Ch.11: Torture
Ch.12: General Sky?
Ch.13: No!
Ch.14: Hope
Ch.15: Happy Again
Alternate/Requested Ending
Conclusion and Thanks

Ch.6: Not My Friends

2K 118 71
By SaltyBratBell

Sorry to Zells13... I made Hydra like Dawn in The Powerful Trio...

Will a potato be a good apology gift?


I smirked in amusement as I watched Sky squirm and whimper.

This illusion was going to take a lot out of me, but I didn't care.

I'd do anything for my king.

"I-I thought y-you were m-my friends!" The General whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and made the allusion visible to myself.

General Deadlox and General Jason all stood over Sky with either whips, knives, or swords.

I focused on Deadlox and grinned.

"Friends?! Would a friend do this?!" He growled, bringing down the whip across the general's face.

Sky cried out and gripped his face.

"Not so strong are you Sky?" I muttered.

"N-No. F-Friends d-don't h-hurt each o-other."

Deadlox smirked. "So why do you still call us friends?"

"We hate you, Sky. You brought us into this mess." Jason snarled.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for your weakness, none of our armies would have been captured!" Ty added.

Sky whimpered. "Y-You a-aren't m-my f-friends."

"What are we Sky? Is we aren't your friends then what are we to you?" Jason sneered.

"E-Enemies." Sky forced out.

I grinned. "Finally. You cave."

"That's what we wanted to hear." Jason smirked, stabbing his knife through Sky's shoulder.

Sky screamed in agony as the other two generals laughed.

Jason then pulled out the knife and strode confidently out the door, Deadlox following closely behind.

Sky whimpered in pain, seeming as that was all he could do.

"Pathetic." I spat, making a sleeping potion that sat next to him look like a health potion.

Sky eyed it wearily before chugging it in one go.

"Go to sleep, Sky. You'll need it."

Sky's eyes slowly faded shut, his head lulling to the side.

A maniacal smile crept it's way onto my face as I stopped the illusion, turning and walking to my king's room.

"Hydra, is it done?" He asked me as I walked in.

I nodded and bowed at his feet. "It is done, my king. Sky no longer thinks of the generals as his friends."

"Perfect. Rise, Hydra. You are dismissed."

I stood and nodded. "Thank you sir."

As I was about to leave, however, my king have me one last request.

"Oh and Hydra, why don't you and the others go visit your old friends."

I smirked. "That sounds like a blast, my king. I will definitely go and say hi."

And with that, I left the throne room.


"Are we sure about this guys? I mean, what if we get caught again?"

I groaned quietly. "Quentin it'll be fine. Just stick to the plan and everything will-"

I cut myself short as the sound of an ocelot purring reaches my ears.

Turns out, the ocelot was rubbing against my leg this whole time.

I smiled and scratched behind it's ears gently, keeping my eyes out for any others.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my hand, causing me to yelp.

The cat had bit me, through my suit might I add.

I tried to pry it off, but the teeth just dug deeper into my hand.

And that's when all nether broke loose.

Ocelots of all different kinds jumped out of the trees we were hiding in, their teeth flashing.

Swords and teeth were flashing in every direction I turned, hisses and yowls from the cats ringing in my ears.

This wasn't normal, something was making the cats attack.

Notch I just hope it's not the squids.

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