we aren't simple - l.s

By goldenangelsun

166K 5.4K 3.4K

"What are you thinking about, Hazza?" "I-" "It's alright baby take your time." "I'm scared to get it wrong."... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
chapter 66

Chapter 55

1.6K 57 27
By goldenangelsun

I went to Tokyo to let it go...

Louis' POV

"Oh come on El, it'll be fun!" I beg her.

"No. No. No!" She yells, pulling her clothes out of my hands that I am trying to pack away. "Just because you drunkly bought tickets to go to Tokyo does not mean I have to come with you!!"

I huff, and slump down on the bed.

"Please El." I look up at her with pleading eyes. "I can't stay here, there are so many memories. And I can't go home cause god knows there are too many there too." My breath catches in my throat, tears prickling my eyes. "Just please, I don't want to go alone."

She stares at me for a moment. I think she must realize that I'm not just doing this to be spontaneous and to have fun. I'm doing it to run away. I'm good a running, always have been.

I ran when the first boy I had a crush on told everyone I was gay. I used to run from kids at school when they threatened to beat the gay out of me. I ran away from that horrible town. And now, now I'm running from the one thing that made me the happiest in the world. I'm running from the pain it will cause me now.

Eleanor sighs, sitting next to me. "What time is the flight at?"

I sniff. "Twelve."

She takes breath, resting her head on my shoulder. "Okay." I look ahead not at her. "Lets go to Tokyo."

- - - - - - -

We are waiting to get our bags, we landed in Tokyo a little while ago. No one has recognized me, thank god.

I'm wearing all black again, this time with a baseball cap and sunglasses too. El told me that we were spotted at the bar last night and there are videos all over the place. It could be worse, but I don't want to face any of their fans right now.

People are talking all around us, I'm not really paying attention to any of them. That is until I hear his name.

"Did you see the video of Harry during last nights concert?" A girl in her twenties says to her friend a few meters away from El and I.

"Yeah, it was heartbreaking." Her friend answers. "I hope Louis is pleased with himself. Ever since they became friends Harry's been acting different."

"Well that's probably because he was happy." The first girl says. "You have to admit he was looking very upset for the longest time."

The second girl, frowns like she doesn't agree with her friend. She speaks again. "I saw on twitter people were thinking that Louis made a move on one of the boys and so they kicked him off tour."

"That doesn't make sense though, they both seemed pretty upset." I hear the first girl defend. She seems rather frustrated with her friend. "Whatever happened I hope they are both okay."

"I hope Harry's okay," The second girl crosses her arms. "I couldn't care less about what Louis feels."

I can't listen to it anymore. I see my bag right in front of were those girls are standing. I take off my sunglasses and cap, walking forward to get my suitcase.

I make sure to brush shoulders with the second girl before picking up my suitcase.

"Hey! Don't push me." She says.

I turn to her and her eyes widen, her moth dropping open. "Sorry love," I give her a fake smile. "And yes, I did just hear everything you just said."

I pick up my bag and walk away, Eleanor following closely behind. The entire way to the hotel I'm debating whether or not I should look at the state of twitter.

It's the morning here, we slept on the plane. Now I'm starving. I decide to not look at twitter until later today. I want to go on a bit of an adventure with my friend before I have to face reality.

- - - - - -

It's later, just after dinner. We went sight seeing today. We are only here for today and part of tomorrow then we are going back to London.

I decide to open twitter.

Big mistake.

I haven't cried in a few days, but when I see the video of Harry crying while singing You and I, I break down.

Eleanor went to the toilet, so she doesn't see. She's probably tired of my crying anyhow. I see her come out of the toilet and wipe my eyes so she doesn't see the tears.

She sits back down, across from me. "So I was thinking we should go to a bar tonight?"

I slip my phone in my pocket.

"C'mon it'll be fun, we'll get kind of drunk then fall asleep watching movies in a language we don't understand." She tries to convince me. She doesn't need to though, I'm already on board.

- - - - - - -

It didn't take us long to find a bar. There are drunk people all around me. I'm usually not a sad drunk but I guess since Harry I am.

Eleanor abandoned me to go dance with some random girl. There are a group of girls next to me at the bar. They keep giggling and squealing.

I glance at them, taking a sip of my drink. One of them tilts her head to the side while looking at me, like she is trying to figure something about me out.

"You're Louis Tomlinson." She says.

The other girls with her turn to looking at me.

"Omg you are!" Another one squeals.

"It's so weird seeing you here! We thought you were in Amsterdam!!" A third one giggles.

Their squealing and giggling is going to drive me up the wall. I chug the rest of my drink.

"Do you want another drink?" One of them asked. They are glancing at each other, putting on the fakest smiles. "We'll get it for you."

"Sure." I know exactly what they are trying to do, and I don't care one bit.

Five shots later I am completely wasted. They all have their phones in my face filming me. They are all asking me questions, I knew they would try to do this. But I wanted the drinks.

"Okay shush," I slur. They all go quiet. "I may be drunk, and sad, and he may hate my guts but I would never tell you what happened. I won't tell you anything about him. I would never betray his trust like that."

I think El finally notices my new friends and comes over to get me out of it. She takes my arm.

"Thanks for the free drinks, loves." I wave them off and let Eleanor pull me out of the bar.

- - - - - - -

"Get up loser." I hear Eleanor say loudly. Then I am attacked by the brightness of the sun.

I groan, pulling the covers over my eyes. "No."

"Get up." She says again, ripping the covers off the bed.

"No," I curl into a ball around a pillow. " I'm going to stay here and die in a pit of despair and shame."

Eleanor laughs, pulling out some clothes for herself. "You can do that all you want when we are back in England." She pulls out some clothes of mine from my suitcase. "But I'm supposed to get half of your money when you die and if you waste it all on living in this hotel room I will never forgive you."

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

"There we go," She says throwing the clothes at my face. "Have a shower and get dressed, We are going to LA."

"Wait I thought you said we were going back to London." I roll out of bed landing on my ass on the floor.

She gives me a look and I huff standing up.

"We will afterwards but someone wants to talk to you in LA."

I'm to tired and to hungover to question her right now so I do as she says.

wow five chapters in one day i'm on a roll

it's getting to the fun stuff to write now 😁

twpk ❤️❤️

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