Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby...

By cherubkookie

85.2K 3.5K 1.7K

Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungko... More



5.2K 208 123
By cherubkookie

warning for : dirty talk. its not explicitly negotiated but its all consensual <3

There is a cup of coffee sitting at the edge of Jungkook's desk. He can smell it from his seat, even with the lid on it and it makes his stomach turn in want but he doesn't touch it. Minji has sat it there, just like the day before and the day before that. This time though, it's not with a shy smile or a twinkle in her eye. She just sat it down before pulling out her school supplies.

So it sits, like it had the day before, and the day before that.

He didn't want things to be awkward like they were, but he couldn't bring himself to talking to her about what had happened. He felt so embarrassed and ashamed that he made himself so vulnerable to her so quickly. He had been insanely irresponsible. Not to mention the possibility that she realized he had been upset when he left, that's probably why she left the coffee. She felt bad.

If Jimin knew these thoughts, he would have scolded Jungkook right at that moment. He would tell him that he can't assume that she pities him and that they should communicate. This alone made him feel guilty for not talking to her about the situation. It seemed like these days his conscience was ruled by the words ' what would Jimin do'.

It had been only a few short days since Jimin had helped through his subdrop. The entire night after Jimin agreed to consider training him if he wanted, Jungkook was attached to his hip. He had a plethora of power naps on his chest and wallowed in the affection he felt so starved of. Jungkook couldn't remember a night where he had slept so well. Even when he woke up in the morning it was to his arms being wrapped around Jimin's hips, the stuffed rabbit squished between their bodies. It was also the morning that Jimin pressed another one of his kind kisses to the top of Jungkook's head when the younger had to hide his face to ask him to train him now that he was 'up' from his drop.

Jimin had agreed to consider it, promising that if the boy showed that he was serious then he would be happy to. He had supplied him with book after book, saying he didn't have to rush to finish them all but then sent him twice the amount of links to articles and blogs that he demanded he research before he came to Jimin saying he was ready.

Jungkook stayed up all night until he finished every one and was able to start the book that Jimin deemed most important.

He hadn't realized all of the resources he was missing out on, finding out a lot of the information he gathered on his own were not from certified, experienced experts in the scene. Turns out you can't trust every BDSM blog you find on Tumblr, go figure.

Quickly, Jungkook realized why people became obsessed with the scene. His curiosity was aimed in so many different directions but his brain also twisted with every question he could think of. Questions that he was told to write down and research himself before Jimin gave him his own personal answer. The older man gave him plenty of specific resources but he also made it clear that Jungkook should research on his own to form his own opinions. Jungkook secretly relished the fact that a majority of the time he agreed with who Jimin referred him to instead of the people he found on his own, that had to show how compatible they were in the scene, right?

He was pulled out of his thoughts as the professor dismissed the class, the boy gathering up his things. Minji was halfway out the door and in a conversation with her friend when jungkook found it safe to take the now cold coffee and throw it away, wincing at the sad feeling he felt knowing that once again he'd rejected free coffee because of his own shame.

He hurried to his car, slipping out of the parking lot and turned up his music as he found his way to the closest florist. It was a cute little shop, one that Jungkook remembered admiring one day on a walk. He'd always wanted to buy someone flowers, to receive them as well, but the idea of going and picking out the perfect bouquet for his partner always made him blush silly. He remembered how he couldn't in his past relationships, too young and broke. But now he had money saved up in his account from fixing phones and computers. He could afford to spend a little of it, knowing he rarely ever did.

He stepped into the shop, a bell ringing over his head when he did so. A man looked up, his brown hair falling into his face. He gave Jungkook a grin, his hands closing the book in his hands.

"Can I help you look for something?"

"I need a bouquet." Jungkook said shyly, looking around himself at all of the flowers.

"I can help with that!" The kind man walking around from behind the counter. "Who is it for? Girlfriend?"

Jungkook quickly shook his head with a nervous laugh. "No, just a friend. I..I still want it to be pretty though."

The man gave him a slow nod before he looked around his shop, his eyes scanning the coolers before he stepped inside and pulled out a bouquet of sunflowers and baby's breath. They were pretty, but they weren't right.

"Do you have anything softer? Maybe in white?" He offered, voice shy.

His brows creased together in thought before he came back with a bouquet of gardenias. In between each were little bundles of flowers that were so pale pink that they appeared almost as white as the gardenias.

"We have all white as well.. But I personally think this looks better."

Jungkook took them from him easily and looked it over before he looked back up at the tall man and grinned.

"These are perfect."

The florist seemed satisfied with that answer and led him over to the register where he rolled them in a paper bag and tied a delicate white ribbon around them. Jungkook spared no thought to the price as he pushed his card into the chip scanner, nearly bouncing in place with excitement.

Very delicately he placed them in the passenger seat of his car before he drove off, following the address he put into his GPS. It was on the nicer side of town, not far from Minji's own apartment building. This one was a little taller than hers, but possibly a little older as well. It was still far nicer than the cheap flat he and Taehyung lived in, though he was grateful he could afford to live in the city at all.

His hands shook as they grasped to bouquet, taking the elevator up to the floor from his texts and found the familiar number. Apartment seven, he was faced with. He raised his fist to knock on the door, unable to stop his own fidgeting as he waited, his own nervousness gathering as he heard footsteps come to the door.

It swung open, leaving Jungkook faced with a sleepy Yoongi, his hair ruffled and looking even smaller than tiny in a black hoodie.

"Jungkook-ah, you shouldn't have." He teased with a monotone, eyeing the flowers in the youngests hands.

"I didn't know you'd be here." He replied shyly, looking down at his thick black boots.

"Are you disappointed?" Yoongi tested, raising a brow. It instantly threw Jungkook into a state of panic but before he could word vomit and apologize the older man pulled him in by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm just a teasing kid." He chuckled, a fond smile slipping onto his face before his brows furrowed. "Jimin-ah! Don't make this poor boy wait any longer."

"I'm coming!" A playful voice rang out and Jungkook could already feel the nervousness filling him again.

"Do you and Jimin-hyung live together?" He stammered out, attempting to soothe himself with conversation.

It didn't seem to be working if the look on Yoongi's face was anything to go by but the man took pity on him. He shook his head, walking over to Jimin's fridge and grabbing a water bottle as if he very much did live there.

"Hobi and I live together. I'm staying here tonight, they're doing maintenance on our apartment. He's staying with Jin-hyung and Namjoon."

Jungkook nodded, his mouth open to speak before it was promptly snapped shut as Jimin walked into the room.

The man had a talent of always looking beautiful, something that Jungkook knew would send him into an early grave. But today he was downright sinful. Instead of his typical attire of some sort of off-duty model, all denim and white button ups, he looked something else entirely. He was wearing a black silk button up, only buttoned to the middle of his chest with thick, gold body chains draped over his shoulder across his chest. His chest seemed to glisten with something, as if he had been dusted with glitter.

"Ditching the business casual part of 'business casual meets slutty' are we?" Yoongi asked, his brows raised but his tone not having a droplet of surprise.

It was true that Jimin was typically covered up. With the exception of his dance outfits, Jungkook had been lucky to even see a glimpse of his collarbone when he wore a T-shirt or sweater.

"I felt like showing off." Jimin shrugged, as if the sight of his abdomen wasn't about to make every blood vessel in Jungkook's body combust.

His dark eyes zeroed in on the youngest, a bright smile taking over his lips as he rushed over, grabbing the flowers from his hands.

"Oh Jungkookie, are these for me?" His tone teased, and the younger could do nothing except hold them out, his brain still screaming at his lungs to breathe.

Jimin didn't seem to mind, taking them out of the paper wrapping and grabbing a vase from under his kitchen sink. Filling it up with water he dropped them into it. His fingers danced delicately over the petals as he admired them before he went back over the younger and pressed a kiss against his cheek.

"I've gotten many gifts before, but I think those might be my favorite."

"Really?" Jungkook squeaked out, knowing plenty of the people who subbed for Jimin and probably were the ones who showered him in gifts had much more money than he did. He could even recall a story Taehyung told him about how once a sub was allowed to buy Jimin a pair of Chanel earrings as their reward.

But Jimin just nodded, twirling a strand of Jungkook's hair playfully. His eyes were lit up with mischief as was his smile, pouting playfully.

"Are you going to tell me I look good, Jungkookie? I got ready just for you."

The younger could feel his heart beating out of his chest at the playful tone. Jimin was normally such a calm, reserved person that he really didn't know how to handle this outpour of attention unless he was thrown into the middle of being upset. He had never so blatantly flirted with him before.

"Stop teasing him." Yoongi said with a roll of his eyes. "And stop touching him like that, you're gonna make him cream his pants before you even get to the club."

Jungkook startled, as if he was suddenly remembering that the oldest man was there. His cheeks turned even more red and he let out a nervous sigh, wanting desperately to reach out and hold Jimin but not knowing if that was okay. He forced himself to have restraint, locking his hands together behind his back.

Jimin seemed to take notice, his coy smile turning into something that resembled the sinister smirk Jungkook saw him with on stage. It blew his mind how many different sides to him the man had. How he could go from caring and responsible to flirty and playful to something much darker and sadistic in a matter of seconds. Jungkook didn't know if he was more terrified or turned on, somehow he felt like when it came to Jimin they were the same thing.

"Don't give me any ideas, Hyung. I've been bored lately, Jungkook-ah shouldn't suffer because of that."

"I think you look really nice, Jimin-ssi." Jungkook said nervously, the man's head whipping back over to him. "Very..pretty." He added on for good measure.

Yoongi even raised a brow at Jungkook's choice of words, his expression unreadable. Something darkened once again in Jimin's gaze and he grabbed him by the wrist, tugging him towards the door.

"C'mon Jungkook-ssi. It's time to go."

Watching Jimin drive isn't something that Jungkook ever considered to be life changing until he saw it in real life. He looked ethereal behind the wheel, one hand steering and the other rested on this own thigh. Every so often Jungkook could hear him humming a song under his breath or admired the little crease on his forehead when he got annoyed with another driver.

"You're awfully quiet tonight." He mused, looking over to the passenger seat briefly.

"I'm always quiet." Jungkook attempted to reason.

"Not with me, are you nervous?" Jimin asked kindly.

"A little bit."

"Is it the club? Or am I the one making you nervous?" A smirk was already tugging at his lips.

Jungkook shrugged, angling his body more towards the man and rested his head against the leather of the seat. Jimin had a nice car, it didn't look overly expensive but it was definitely nicer than Jungkook's. He distantly wondered just how well it paid to be a professional dominant.

"Ah." He tutted, looking back over at him. "I need words, remember?"

Jungkook flushed scarlet and looked down to his hands, toying with his fingers absently.

"Both, I think. It's the first time I've been back since that night, y'know."

"Oh I'm aware." The blonde assured him as he pulled into a small parking lot for employees. Jungkook squinted his eyes slightly, how was he allowed to park there if he wasn't working?

"Every night that I visited the club I'd wait, and if I was with a client after I'd come ask Soyoung if she had a message for me about you."

"Who is Soyoung?" Jungkook asked, narrowly avoiding the fact that Jimin waited for him to come see him after their situation but he never had.

"Mistress Kitty, sorry. I forget some people don't know her vanilla name."

"Should I call her that instead?"

Jimin shook his head as they walked to the back of the club, opening the heavy door after he unlocked it.

"No, she prefers her title. Some doms prefer that at the club, like me. Namjoon-Hyung and Hobi-hyung have titles but they only use those during play with their partners."

Jungkook stepped past him through the door, bowing his head politely to Jimin when he held the door. The back door opened up to some sort of hall that Jungkook hadn't seen before. It seemed to be mainly for storage, shelves covering both walls and filled with different boxes labeled for different things.

Jimin led him out into a more familiar hall, one not too far from Jimin's office.

"We have some things to go over before tonight starts, okay?"

Jimin brought the keys out of his pocket once again to unlock his office before he held it out for Jungkook to take, much like he did the first time he met him. The younger man shook his head with a smile and waved his hands in front of him.

"I don't need it, I trust you."

Jimin looked more than pleased by that statement, his eyes crinkling up into a familiar fond expression as he nodded and put it back in his pocket before he held the door open for him once again. "I'm glad, but if you need it just ask."

Jungkook nodded, going to sit in the chair by the couch. Jimin's lips twitched slightly, as if he had to stop him from saying something and went around to his desk, sitting on the very edge of it. The younger masked his disappointment at the man not deciding to be closer to him. Ever since the other day it was as if he craved being held. He had missed out on the simple pleasure for so long, he didn't want to go another second without it if he didn't have to.

"First things first, you will not be leaving my side tonight. I know you're not a newbie anymore but I have a reputation here and I'm not going to ruin it over me not being responsible enough to keep track of my s- my guest." He stammered out before he sighed in relief at Jungkook's nod.

"All of this still overwhelms me sometimes, I don't want to be left alone here tonight. Watching you and Hoseok was fine but seeing people that I don't know is scary."

The average person might have thought it the opposite. But for Jungkook, he knew that Jimin cared for his subs and wouldn't ever actually cross their boundaries. Sure, he was willing to bet the rest of the people playing at Persona were the same way if his friends had anything to do with the vetting process, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure, and that made him anxious.

"I understand, I'm glad you don't have an issue with that then. Another thing is, you have to tell me if you're upset. No running off this time."

"I can't run off, you drove."

He made his tone light hearted but it was obvious by the stale expression of Jimin's face that the joke hadn't landed the way he'd hoped it would. He winced slightly and shook his head, his eyes trained on the ground.

"Sorry, bad joke. I promise I'll tell you if and why I get upset."

"Good." Jimin praised with a sigh. "Now let's go get a drink before all the fun starts."

Jungkook stood up abruptly, eyes wide with excitement. "You're letting me drink?"

He knew he probably sounded like a bit of an alcoholic to be saying that but he there was no denying that it would help his nerves. He hadn't expected to be allowed to drink after Jimin made it very clear that he had to be sober to watch him and Hoseok play.

"I'm allowing you to have one drink. I'll only have one too. I want to make sure that both of us are sober." He replied before he opened the door for Jungkook and locked it behind them.

"I thought we weren't playing."

"We're not." Jimin replied as they walked to the bar, his hand sliding over to press against Jungkook's lower back. The younger stumbled over his feet briefly in surprise, causing Jimin's lips to twitch in a silent smirk. He quickly wiped the smug expression off of his face, continuing to speak. "I've told you before, even voyeurs are a part of the scene. Besides, maybe I just want you to remember tonight in perfect detail."

The last sentence was made to sound harmless, his tone casual. Jungkook thought it anything but, he knew that his imagination would be getting the best of him but he couldn't help but think of all of things Jimin could do to him that he would want to remember.

Jungkook slid into the bar seat, Jimin doing the same and his hand slipping from him to hold the back of his chair protectively instead. He seemed to pay his own action no mind but Jungkook flushed at the gesture. He knew that even though Jimin was obviously strong, paddle skills and dancing doing much to prove his strength, Jungkook was easily stronger. He was already taller and heavier, and lately his hobby of going to the gym was turning into more of a passion. But despite that, he felt safer with Jimin around. The way he made it so obvious that he was with him.

He was kind and friendly, as always. But there was this aura of respect that he had, as if he knew how important he was and was unconcerned with anyone who wanted to test it. Not that anyone did, of course. Jungkook had only seen people speak to him with the utmost respect.

"Hello homos!" Hoseok greeted from behind the bar, his colorful vanilla wardrobe traded in favor of a tight black shirt, a bar rag tossed over his shoulder.

"I'm actually bisexual." Jungkook supplied.

"Partial homo then." The older man grinned before he clapped his hands together. "What are we drinking?"

"Anything Jungkook-ssi wants." Jimin smiled back before he slid his card over the counter. Jungkook reached out to take it and refuse but he was met with a death glare that could finish a war.

"Heard." The bartender replied. He was clearly amused by Jimin's words but didn't acknowledge them, taking the dom's card before he looked over at Jungkook, his fingers reaching out to ruffle his hair. "Have you ever considered dying your hair? Also, what are you in the mood for Jungkook-ssi?"

"I did my hair half pink in high school and got in really big trouble." Jungkook winced before he gave the man a shrug. "I don't really drink a lot. I just stick with beer."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at the simple request but nodded, going over to the cooler and grabbing two beers. He uncapped them and slid them over to the gentlemen. Jungkook took a sip, relaxing into the seat. Maybe since beer wasn't high in alcohol volume, Jimin would let him have another one.

"There aren't many people here tonight." He noted. From what he had seen, the club was usually pretty full. Especially the bar area. However tonight it seemed most people were out doing other things, only a few patrons sat in the bar.

"It's still early. People don't really start rolling in here until seven or eight." Hoseok replied and Jimin nodded in confirmation.

"Do you professionally sub? Or dom? Can you switch professionally?" The youngest asked with a furrow of his brow.

"You can. I don't, for me it's not really a lifestyle like it would be for Jimin or Yoongi if they had partners. I'm like Namjoon and Seokjin, I do it to destress and enjoy myself. Personally, I think turning it into a job or something I do everyday would take that away. I volunteer for events but mainly I just bartend."

"Hoseok-Hyung is also still new to the scene. He has only been to Persona before and he only started coming a couple months before Tae. It takes time and credibility to work your way up to being offered a professional play position here." Jimin supplied, his blonde hair nodding at his friend in reference.

"Yup, time that I do not have. Jimin only became a professional so fast because he has nothing better to do than to bust his ass here."

His words were teasing but Jungkook could see the pride in Hoseok's face when he talked about his friend's accomplishments. Jungkook had to admit, from the research he had been sent, it was a community of extremely high standards. He could only imagine the type of studying and mentoring Jimin had to go through to reach a point where he could not only profit off of playing, but have such a good reputation for it as well.

"So I won't have any trouble vetting him, then?" The youngest asked and both heads whipped around him in equal amounts of surprise and pride.

"No you won't." Hoseok beat his friend to it before he shook his head, his orange hair swaying. "You really have been studying, you know the lingo and procedures now."

"Of course he does!" Jimin said, as if he was offended that Hoseok thought he wouldn't. "Taehyung has actually been updating me on how much he's been studying, he's really taking it seriously."

"Glad to hear that, you must really wanna get trained then." The oldest man teased. "Don't worry, you'll be collared before you know it."

He walked away with a wink, leaving Jimin to glare at him as he did so before turning back to Jungkook. "I don't know if you've reached that far into your studies but collaring-"

"Is something that comes with time and a committed partnership between the dom and sub. Some people use it to play but he meant the serious, wedding ring level."

Jimin's lip twitched slightly when he was interrupted, before his expression was replaced with one that was much more impressed. Jungkook could almost feel himself getting giddy at the opportunity to prove what he had been learning.

"Typically, the sub has to prove their devotion to the dom and to serving them."

"Good job, I'm proud of you for taking this seriously. You're really proving yourself."

Jungkook looked down shyly, his cheeks tinted with a flush. He couldn't help but feel small compared to Jimin, though he knew he was far from it. Perhaps it was the hand on his chair or the knee pressing into his thigh or the smell of his cologne filling his nose, either way it felt intoxicating. Far more drunk than any alcohol could ever get him.

"Thank you, Jimin-ssi."

"Why do you call me that?" Jimin replied, his voice quiet but curious.

Jungkook shrugged, spotting the older man's request to use his words from a mile away before he opened his mouth. "It just became a habit. When we met everyone had me call them Hyung except you. I know you call yourself that..Jimin-ssi just seemed more respectful."

"It sounds taunting, I feel like you're teasing me. From strangers, it's fine since I prefer people to be polite. From you, though.." He trailed off, his lips pursed as if he was debating what to say next.

"What?" Jungkook persisted, his heartbeat beginning to pick up.

"You're not mine, so it doesn't really matter." Jimin replied, holding a finger up when he saw the younger about to protest. "But, if you were, I'd have to bend you over my knee until we break that little 'habit'."

Jungkook felt the air leave his lungs immediately. His lips dropped open in shock, a zip of electricity rolling throughout his entire body. The room suddenly felt hotter and he couldn't help but squeeze his thighs together. Jimin seemed to pay him no mind, as if what he was was just referencing the weather and not him saying he wants to spank Jungkook.

He couldn't resist picturing it. He wondered if Jimin would do it fast, pull him over his knee and lock him down with his leg and a hand in his hair. Or if he would take his time, build up the anticipation until Jungkook was shaking in preparation for the spanking. He knew that Jimin's hands were small, petite in an endearing way, just like the rest of him, but after what he saw him do to Hoseok, he knew he would barely survive it.

"Come on, Jungkookie. If you want to drink your beer you better hurry. I want to show you some things."

Jungkook snapped out of his daze, sitting up to drink his beer until he finished a little over half of it. Jimin pushed the beer bottles closer to Hoseok's side of the bar and signaled to his friend to run the tab. The oldest man did so, walking over and handing him the card before he raised a brow at Jungkook's obvious distracted nature.

"You okay, Kook-ah?" He asked.

"He's fine." Jimin replied for him, resting the hand that was on his chair on the back of his neck instead. Hoseok narrowed his eyes at the action, as if he were putting together a puzzle before he saw the smile that was painted on Jimin's face. He looked unsurprised but clearly amused, walking away with a shake of his brightly colored head.

Jungkook couldn't help the shiver that ran through his body as Jimin's hand drifted back down to the small of his back once he was led away from the bar.

"You and I are going to have a little quiz, okay?"

"Okay.." Jungkook trailed off, his brows furrowed in confusion.

More people had joined the club, setting up various equipment in different areas. All in different stages of play by this point. The young man still held back a wince at the sight of a woman on her knees with a cock being shoved down her throat. No matter how many times he would come here, he didn't know if he would ever be used to the actual sex that was on display. It was amusing to him, how unbothered he was at the sight of someone getting beaten or tied up but the moment he saw people having sex he felt as though he was intruding. Jimin however, didn't bat an eye.

"Do you see that woman in the red over there? What is her sub strapped to?"

Jungkook looked over at where a woman in red latex was flogging a man restrained against the large X fixture that he had grown familiar with. "That's a Saint Andrew's cross."

Jimin hummed in approval as they walked, his eyes catching on another sight.

"What is that called?" He questioned, his head tilting towards a man receiving a small metal stick in his urethra. Jungkook winced at the very sight of it, causing the older man's face to light up in amusement.

"Sounding, that's a red. By the way."

"Oooh, you're already thinking about your colors. Very good."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the simple praise, the hand on his back feeling much warmer under his attention.

"One more question, then we can have fun. What's that called?" He asked, his eyes watching a woman laying upside down on a table that was standing up.

"Inversion table."

"Very good!" Jimin complimented him before he guided him towards one of the stages, taking a seat in the last row.

Jungkook took a seat beside him, scooting in closer on instinct when Jimin wrapped his arm around the back of his seat. The blonde didn't seem to mind, a smile growing on his lips insisting the contrary.

"What are we about to watch?" Jungkook asked, taking note of the several people on stage moving around equipment.

"Something that might interest you. You seemed interested in pain, I figured I would show you what that looks like when you also want to receive pleasure."

"I've felt pain during pleasure." He notified him, Jimin's gaze instantly becoming less than happy with his answer.

"If you're referring to your escapade last week, then yes I suppose you've felt pain during pleasure. But that wasn't a scene. Besides, this isn't pain during pleasure. This is pain because of pleasure."

Jungkook's brows furrowed in confusion but Jimin simply reached over with his free hand and patted his knee gently.

"You'll see what I mean. If you get uncomfortable, we can go see some other things or go back to the bar. There is going to be mild mind play also but it's important that you know all of this is consensual. I actually know this couple and they have to be one of the best examples of healthy BDSM that this community offers."

Before Jungkook could reply a man stepped out on stage, he appeared a little older than Jimin, perhaps early thirties. In his hand was a long pink leash, a curvy naked woman attached to the end of it. Her collar was pink like her leash, heart shaped tags hanging off of it that jingled each time she crawled forward closer to her dominant. Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the soft leather and he could feel Jimin's eyes watching him.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"

Jungkook only nodded, watching nervously as the woman got off of her knees, her ponytail swaying as she crawled up onto a massage table. She was laying on her back as her dom cuffed her to the table. Jungkook looked away instantly when he saw her legs spread towards the audience. It still felt rude but he felt a squeeze to his knee reassuringly.

"You can look if you want, it's okay." Jimin whispered kindly, allowing his hand to stay on his knee instead of pulling it back. Jungkook looked back up, secretly thankful for the grounding action.

The scene started abruptly, once the woman was locked in, her dominant quickly got to work. Within seconds she was moaning, her legs thrashing as he fingered her open, a vibrator pressed heavily against her clit. Jungkook had had sex enough to know her reaction was genuine. It was as if he knew her body better than she even did, he understood how they maintained being so happy together.

By the third or fourth orgasm he gave her, she was fully shaking, his brown eyes rolling back as she begged him for a break.

"How long is he going to do this for?" Jungkook whispered to Jimin, fully enraptured in the scene. Jimin however, had been watching Jungkook for most of the time, his eyes analyzing and cataloguing every physical response he saw the man give.

"As long as he wants to." Jimin replied, watching with intrigue as Jungkook shuddered in response.

Jimin took in the sight of his body language, crossing his own legs for good measure. There was no doubt that Jungkook was into the scene, his eyes never leaving the stage. He could feel the older man's breath grow closer to his skin as he leaned in to whisper.

"Jungkook, Do you like this?

He merely received a nod in response, before Jungkook caught onto his expectant gaze.

"Yes, I really like it."

"Does it make you think of me?" He asked, his tone very careful.

Jungkook's thoughts were constantly being pulled back to the man but the question threw him for a loop. His thoughts spun with the idea of him and Jimin being on that stage, having that done to him.

"Yeah." He breathed out.

"Okay." Jimin responded, clearly in thought. "I'm going to try something but I need you to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable."

Jungkook couldn't help the curiosity that lit up within himself at that statement as he nodded, whispering back a quick confirmation that he would.

"Daddy! It hurts." She whimpered, her hips unable to move back as she curled her hands into fists.

"I know it does, Baby. But you like the way it hurts, don't you? You like letting me hurt you?"

Jungkook felt his breath hitch as the woman nodded. There were tears gathering in her eyes and he instantly went down to grab his friend's hand. Jimin squeezed it gently, his thumb rubbing soothingly over the back of his hand.

"Do you see that? See the way she wants to please him? Have you ever wanted to be so good that you wanted it more than it could ever hurt?"

His tone was dark, but curious. Jungkook recognized the flip inside of him, the one he saw with Hoseok. His body felt like it was on fire and he could feel his jeans tightening even further. Obviously the woman was beautiful and seeing her spread apart intrigued him but it was the simplicity of Jimin's hand in his own and his hot breath against his ear that made Jungkook want to fall to his knees right then and there.

"Answer the question, Jungkookie~" Jimin taunted quietly and he's eyes lightened up in amusement when Jungkook let out a quiet whimper.

He did, was the thing. It had never occurred to him how far he was willing to go to please his partner, but for Jimin he didn't think there was a limit. The idea of being hurt only added to his dedication to wanting to please the man. If it was what he wanted, then Jungkook would keep going until he dropped dead.

"Yes, I want to please you."

"Me?" Jimin asked, faux surprise painting his tone.

"Yes, only you."

The woman on stage screamed with what had to have been her sixth orgasm in the past half hour. Her thrashing had stopped, her body giving in to the overstimulation. Pained whines fell from her lips as her partner continued the sensation.

"It's too much."

"Ah, who decides it's too much?" The dominant replied, his tone strict.

"Daddy does." She sighed out.

He pressed the wand harder against her clit, ignoring the way her legs attempted to kick out. Jungkook gripped Jimin's hand harder, unconsciously pressing his nails into the man's hand. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

"What's your color baby?"

"Green-ah!" She squeaked out, her hips beginning to rotate again as she prepared herself for another orgasm.

"Then it is not too much. You're my toy. I should be allowed to play with my toy until I'm happy right?"

Jungkook felt himself grow dizzy with arousal at the words being thrown around, Jimin's hand letting go of his in favor of gripping his thigh harshly.

"Oh that got to you, didn't it baby? Do you want to be a toy? Want someone to play with you however they like?"

Jungkook whimpered, unable to speak. He knew the older man's rule about using his words but he questioned if he was even physically able to. The idea of being strapped down, with Jimin using him like a toy, it was almost too much. He pushed down at the now full erection that pushed against his jeans, holding back the urge to hiss at the sensation. Jimin's eyes instantly flew to where he held his hard dick, his eyes turning dark. It was clear that he was trying to hold himself back, his hand instinctively going to the front of Jungkook's pants but instead it only gripped harder at his thigh.

"Fuck I'd like to use you." Jimin muttered under his breath, almost as if that was meant for his own ears only. Jungkook's eyes rolled back at the words, his hips stuttering as he felt warmth flood through his body.

Jimin waited outside of the bathroom for Jungkook, much like he had the first night that they met. Jungkook smiled shyly at him once he walked out, his eyes trained on the ground.

"You know, I really just wanted to get your mind going with some scenarios to see what you might like. I didn't think I'd be so good that you'd come from it."

Jungkook let out a groan, covering his face with his hands until he heard Jimin chuckle. The older man grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his face with a fond smile.

"I promise it's nothing to be embarrassed about. My ego got inflated, you got to orgasm, it's a win-win situation for the both of us."

The brunette's body ran hot with embarrassment but he couldn't help the grin on his face at Jimin's playful attitude. Quickly his hand was taken in the others as he was finally led back out to the car. Jimin opened the car door for him, and he ignored the swirl of safety that he felt when it was shut after he got in, rubbing his cold hands together. The dom quickly realized and turned on the heat once he started the car, quiet music filling the silence as he pulled out onto the road.

"Do you just want me to take you home? I can drop off your car tomorrow, Taehyung and I are getting lunch anyways so he can give me a lift back to mine."

Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, not wanting to make the man's life any more difficult but instead all that came out was a sleepy yawn. Jimin rolled his eyes and held out an expectant palm as he drove, looking satisfied when Jungkook bashfully dropped his keys into it.

They arrived at Jungkook's apartment building quicker than he hoped they would, his eyes already growing heavier during the warm drive.

"Should I walk you up?" Jimin questioned once he opened his door for him, perching his chin on the door.

"No, I'm okay." He replied sleepily, a serene smile on his lips. He couldn't help himself, post orgasm cuddles being his favorite as he leaned in for a hug.

Jimin returned it without a thought, one hand curled around the back of his neck and the other rubbing down his spine gently. Even outside of the car and in the chilly October night, Jungkook felt more than warm in his arms. He curled himself down to become smaller, nuzzling his face into the blonde's neck before he pulled away with a pouty expression.

"Jimin-Hyung.." He trailed off, capturing his attention. The older man placed a soft hand on the side of his cheek, fondness covering his face. He seemed more than happy at the affection he was receiving from the otherwise reserved man, nearly melting into Jungkook's arms even further at the use of the honorific. Jungkook did have to admit, it felt nice to call him that, cozy even.

"Yes, baby?"

"C'n I have a kiss?" He mumbled out.

Jimin looked positively endeared, letting out a breathy laugh as his eyes crinkled up into an elated smile. He shook his head happily and leaned in to press his full lips against the younger boy's cheek.

"That's all you get for now. Hyung will give you a real kiss once you earn it."

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