Violet Adrenaline [Watty Awar...

By JordayDawn

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Hazel was just a normal teenage girl until "the accident". Now she's completely submerged in the world of dep... More

Chapter 1: Boys, Bells and Maine
Chapter 2: Flashbacks, Fathers and Rainbows
Chapter 3: Friendship, Bikinis and Scars
Chapter 4: Pastel, Photographs and Hazzie
Chapter 5: Declan, Ducks and Butterflies
Chapter 6: Pens, Showers and Family
Chapter 8: Cuts and Stitches
Chapter 9: Overdose Is The Least Of Your Worries

Chapter 7: Dreams, Basketball and Divorce

639 35 18
By JordayDawn


I watched the bed cautiously as I worked through the door, on the bed Shawn sat cross-legged and rocked back and forth, with him hands on his knees. He would look exactly how I remembered except for his mangle neck, bent to the side almost entirely downwards. He looked me in the eyes agressively.

"You need to stop," he whispered, barely audibly.

"Stop what Shawn, tell me and I'll do anything for you," I begged him.

"It wasn't you Hazel," he spoke again, this time with more force.

"What wasn't me?" I pleaded.

"You didn't kill me Hazel, it was him don't let yourself be unhappy," he whispered again, this time his voice faded away and his figure faded away with it.

"Shawn!" I screamed out to him, but he had already gone.

I sat straight up in bed with a start, but before I could actually sit up properly I bumped heads with Declan who was straddling me.

"Ouch!" we both cried out in unison, rubbing our heads with our hands.

"And why exactly are you staddling me?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Trying to wake you up." Declan shrugged and kicked one leg off of me, rolling over to the other side of the bed.

"So why are you in my house again?" I asked him slowly, dragging out the last word of the sentence.

"You promised you would play basketball with me this morning, your mother let me in," Declan replied nonchalantly. "She wants to talk to you by the way, she told me to send you down as soon as I managed to tear you out of bed."

"I don't want to," I whinged, throwing the blanket back over my face.

 "You promised Hazel and if you don't get up and stand on two feet write now I'm going to introduce you to the tickle monster." I peeked out from under the blankets to see Declan holding up one hand, wiggling his finger around and smirking evily.

"No," I moaned and tossed the blanket back over my head.

"You asked for it." I felt him get on top of me again,straddling me. He rested most of his body on my lower body and tossed the blanket over me. I playfully screamed as I tried to push him off of me but he had me pinned with his entire body weight. He tickled my neck making me laugh uncontrollably and writhe around trying to stop him.

"No okay, I give in I'll get up!" he immediately stopped, but instead of jumping off of me to let me up like I thought he was going to do, he grabbed my hands and pinned them down, one on each side of my hand.

"What are you doing?" He didn't respond, instead he planted a kiss on my lips, it was just a peck but it took me by surprise.

"Get dressed, I'll see you downstairs." He jumped off of the bed and on to the ground, grinning at me broadly before exiting the room.

I lay in my bed for another couple of seconds thinking about what just happened. He'd kissed me again and this time I didn't want him to pull back, and that dreamed I'd had was it just my imagination trying to reassure myself or was Shawn trying to tell me something. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself all the time. My emotions were mixing together and suddenly I didn't know what I was feeling anymore.

I did what Declan told me and got out of bed, I put on a pair or baggy purple sweat pants and a loose fitting blue top which I tucked in to the sweat pants, I pulled the bottom of the top out so that it hung loose but was still tucked in to the pants. I pulled my hair into a neat bun using a donut sponge and pinned all the loose ends down so it didn't fall out during the intense basketball game. Lastly I pulled on a pair of gold and black adidas trainers and made my way downstairs.

 My mother sat on the couch in the lounge room, a grave expression on her face. Declan sat next to her looking mildly uncomfortable.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked her. She motioned for me to sit down on the couch and I did as I was told, I wrapped my arm around her waist and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Your father has agreed to sign the divorce papers, he's coming over this afternoon," she said sadly.

"Oh mom, I know this is hard for you but it had to be done," I reassured her, she smiled weakly at me and began to stroke my hair like she used to when I was a small child and had fallen over something or hurt myself like every other little kid did.

"I'ts okay honey, I'm ready to move on but I want you to be home by three. I don't want to face him alone," she whispered to me.

"Okay mom I'll be home at half past two." I uncurled myself out of her hug and grabbed Declan's hand, dragging him towards the door with me.

Two hours later Declan and I were exhausted and sweating like crazy, the score was currently fifty-fifty. "Next basket wins!" I call out to Declan who was currently leaning exhaustedly against a pole.

"You're on!' he called back, we both sprinted for the basketball which had somehow rolled it's way in to the middle of the court.

Declan reached the ball first and ran straight for his basketball, I ran after him but he was faster then me. When I caught up to him I ran around the front of him trying to distract him so he wouldn't be able to shoot properly. Apparently it worked because the ball rebounded off the back board and bounced back towards my side of the court, while Declan was still surprised the he missed I quickly sprinted after the ball, I driblled the ball as fast as I could towards my basket but Declan had caught up to me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I grabbed the ball in two hands and held it tight against my chest, screaming for him to let me go. He spun me around and wrapped his arms around me, looking deep in to my eyes. Then he took me completely by surprised and kissed me passionately and even more surprising I kissed him back, giving in completely to the feel of his warm, soft lips on mine. I let go of the ball so that I could get closed to him but instead he unwrapped his arms from around my waist and sprinted after the ball.

"That was contact, you cheater!" I chased after him but by the time I reached the basket he had already scored.

"Nobody ever said we were playing the no contact rule." Declan smirked smugly, making me want to smack the cheeky little smirk right off of his face.

"It's a rule of the whole game cheater!" I yelled at him in frustration.

"Oh baby, I would never cheat on you," he flirted, smirking at me playfully.

"Because I would rip your testicles out," I replied sweetly, grinning at him.

"Yeah okay sweet pea." He joked it off, but deep down I think he knew that if on the odd chance that we actually did get together then I actually word rip his testicles off. "Let's go grab a milkshake, my shout." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I tried to shrug his arm off, the boy was covered in sweat and smelt really bad, but I supposed that I probably smelt just as bad.

We walked to the diner, talking and giggling about the game and random other things. Declan had ordered us both strawberry milkshakes and we sat down at a booth to drink them. Today was probably the most fun I've had in two years and I found it so hard to deal with that because Declan was the one helping me, he was the one helping to make me happy again, to heal me from this awful disease we all call depression. He was helping to lift away the grey cloud of depression I had been hiding under for the last couple of years and despite my earlier protests against the idea I could feel myself giving in to him, and I didn't care. I wanted to be with him so much.

"Earth to Hazel!" Declan waved his hands infront of my face, making me realised that I had zoned out once again. "Why were you just grinning at me like a crazy woman?"

"No reason," I said, casting my eyes down towards the table.

"It's quarter past two we better get home incase your dad turns up early." Declan stood up from the table and extended his hand towards me.

"What do you mean we?" I asked him reluctantly as I entwined my hand through his.

"I'm not letting that sack of crap near you without me being there to protect you," he replied nonchalantly. 

"Well thanks." I smiled up at him and he smiled back down at me, it was one of those perfect moments that you just want to remember for the rest of your life.

We drove back to my house in a comfortable silence, me sneaking quick glances at him every couple of minutes. I guess this was the first time I actually noticed how atrractive Declan actually was, with his light brown hair, green eyes and his strong jaw line made him one attractive man. 

"You going to continue staring at me or are you going to come in?" he asked, realising I was caught I turned away as a light blush crept up my face. "Come on sweet pea."

"You really need to stop with that nickname," I warned him.

"Not going to happen sweet pea." He walked around to my side of the car and took my hand in his once again.

We walked in to the living room where my mother still sat on the couch stress evident on her face. 

"He called me a minute ago he'll be here in a minute, how about I get you two a drink and you can wait out here. Also Hazel if he knocks on the door could you answer it?" Mom bit her lip nervously.

"Ofcourse mom," I replied and settled down on the couch next to Declan, I rested my head against my shoulder and closed my eyes for a few minutes of relaxation before I had to put on my tough face again. Declan rubbed my shoulder in small circles and I could feel his gaze on me.

I sighed when I heard a knock on the door and reluctantly got up from my comfortable position on the couch, Declan followed behiind me and rested his hand on the small of my back in an attempt to calm my nerves.

I oened the door all the way and dad walked in without even saying hello. "Where's your mother?" he asked emtionlessly.

"Go wait in the lounge room and she'll be out in a second," Declan ordered him, my eyes widened in surprise at his harch tone, I had never heard him say anything so harshly before.

My father gave Declan a menacing look but did what he said and went to sit down on the couch. We followed him inside and stood against the wall, Declan glared at my father and dad did the same.

"You better not get my bitch of a daughter pregnant." I gasped at my fathers words and Declan's face turned red with anger.

"Your daughter is anything but a bitch Carl, she's a beautiful girl that deserves a man that will love and respect her." I smiled up at Declan as a blush once again crawled up my cheeks.

"Nah bro, you're just a homo. You shouldn't tie yourself down with one slut when there is a world full of them." My father shrugged and outstretched his arms on the top of the couch, getting comfortable.

"How can you say that, women are precious they are the whole reason we are alive. Those beautiful women carry us for nine months and then spend hours pushingour big bodies out of there small holes, you should respect them, they deserve it," Declan argued, I noticed that his hands had balled  in to fists.

My father opened his mouth up, probably to say something equally as stupid as before but just then my mother came in with four glasses of lemonade on a tray and seated it on the desk.

"Carl just sign these and then you can leave, I wouldn't want to keep you from your world full of slut," my mother spat at him angrily and threw the divorce papers at him aggressively. He quickly scriblled his signature on each of the places he needed to sign and slid the papers back to my mother. 

"Thank god, now I can do whatever the hell I want." Dad sighed contently and got up from his position on the couch. "Don't expect to ever see me again, you dirty whores."

That's when Declan snapped. He pushed himself off the wall and practically launched himself at my father, punching him several times in the face. Dad tried to squirm out of his reach but Declan wasn't giving up, he through one more strong punch before getting off my bleeding father and kicking him in the side.

"Get the fuck out of this house and don't you ever come back," Declan spat at my father who dragged himself off of the floor and stood shakily on his feet. I kept a strong expression on my face but mom on the other hand had her jaw hanging open and her eyes wide.

I expected my father to attack Declan back but instead he just slumped out of the house, I followed close behind him and locked the door quickly when he left. When the door was closed I sank on to the floor, realising that it was finally over. My fathers abuse was finally over. Declan suddenly showed up next to me and wrapped his arms around me, before lightly placing another kiss on my lips but this time I didn't let him stop, I grabbed the collar of his v-neck shirt and pulled him closer to me deepening the kiss as silent tears fell from my face.

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