𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 & 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 ||�...

By thethinkingpen

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"Let me be honest, that mark above your breast, turns me on so much" he said as he kissed my cleavage. "Oh, a... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia Middleton
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 3 - The Seeker
Chapter 4 - The Stone
Chapter 5 - The Stone Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - The Hunt
Chapter 7 - The Stay back
Chapter 8 - The Life Spirit
Chapter 10 - The New Seeker
Chapter 11 - The Detention with Malfoy
Chapter 12 - The letter
Chapter 13 - The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 14 - The Chamber of Secrets Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - The Bar
Chapter 16 - The House
Chapter 17 - The Train Ride
Chapter 18 - The Hippogriff
Chapter 19 - The Boggart
Chapter 20 - The Match
Chapter 21 - The Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - The Malfoy Manor Pt. 2
Chapter 23 - The Beheading
Chapter 24 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 25 - The end of Year 3
Chapter 26 - The Party
Chapter 27 - The Ride
Chapter 28 - The Intruder
Chapter 29 - The Quidditch World Tournament
Chapter 30 - The Champions
Chapter 31 - The Foolish Fight
Chapter 32 - The First Task
Chapter 33 - The Date/s?
Chapter 34 - The Audition
Chapter 35 - The Yule Ball Pt. 1
Chapter 36 - The Yule Ball Pt. 2
Chapter 37 - The Second Task
Chapter 38 - The Hogsmeade Date
Chapter 39 - The Third Task
Chapter 40 - The Memorial Service
Chapter 41 - The Parties
Chapter 42 - The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 43 - The 'Umbitch'
Chapter 44 - The Detention
Chapter 45 - The Kiss
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - The DA Classes
Chapter 48 - The Tutoring
Chapter 49 - The Incident
Chapter 50 - The Christmas Break
Chapter 51 - The Christmas Break Pt. 2
Chapter 52 - The Teaser
Chapter 53 - The DA Detention
Chapter 54 - The Surprise Party
Chapter 55 - The Gryffindor v/s Slytherin Match
Chapter 56 - The Prophecy
Chapter 57 - The Curse
Chapter 58 - The Match
Chapter 59 - The Ball
Chapter 60 - The Break-up
Chapter 61 - The 6th Year
Chapter 62 - The Memories
Chapter 63 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 64 - The Halloween Party Pt. 2
Chapter 65 - The Amortentia Smell
Chapter 66 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 67 - The Dark Mark
Chapter 68 - The Burrow
Chapter 69 - The Spell for Enemies
Chapter 70 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 71 - The Arrangement
Chapter 72 - The Malfoy Manor Ball
Chapter 73 - The Horcruxes
Chapter 74 - The War
Chapter 75 - The War Pt. 2
Chapter 76 - The 'Aftercare'
Chapter 77 - The Trial of Draco Malfoy
Chapter 78 - The Trials of Mr. & Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 79 - The start of year 7
Chapter 80 - The Boy Band
Chapter 81 - The Opening Night
Chapter 82 - The Eating Disorder
Chapter 83 - The Eating Disorder Pt. 2
Chapter 84 - The New Prankster
Chapter 85 - The Accidents
Chapter 86 - The Excerpt
Chapter 87 - The Christmas Eve Party
Chapter 88 - The Christmas Eve Party Pt. 2
Chapter 89 - The Storm
Chapter 90 - The Veracity
Chapter 91 - The Graduation Party
Chapter 92 - The Wedding Day
Chapter 93 - The Baby Mama
Chapter 94 - The 9 3/4 Platform
Chapter 95 - The Happy Ending

Chapter 9 - The Start of Year 2

1.6K 39 2
By thethinkingpen

I finished my training after a month and we all went back to our homes for the remaining summer break, except for Rafael. I had grown to like the kid. He was always very kind to me, even when I would lash out on him. I went to stay at Fred and George's house for the last few days of the break, my parents had to go somewhere again. So, I owled them asking if their mom would let me stay there for a few days and she agreed. Mrs. Weasley is such an amazing woman. She's never even met me before, but when I arrived at her house, she engulfed me into a hug, so warm, it started to feel like home.

I was visiting Diagon Alley, before starting my second year at Hogwarts and I met Hermione and her parents and they were just like her, kind and bright. We all were at Flourish and Botts waiting for our books, when I saw Malfoy, a feeling in my stomach came, not knowing what, as soon as our eyes met, I couldn't help but blush and he noticed it too. He had grown taller, if I were to hug him or stand beside him I would reach his shoulder. We all were waiting for some 'Gilderoy Lockhart'. People were waiting in line for his autograph to his book 'Magical Me'. I had heard that people fancied him for his looks, which I couldn't see. He was an ordinary looking man, who had too much pride for his own good.

We were about to leave the shop, when suddenly Malfoy walked down through the stairs and ripped a page from some book. I was standing with Fred and George and talking to them when Draco suddenly came in front of Harry and spoke.

"I'll bet you, you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page" he said with hate coming out of his mouth as he said Harry's name. He then looked at me, suddenly changing his demeanor, he looked calm and contained.

"Leave him alone" said Ginny gritting her teeth.

"Oh, look, Potter's got a new girlfriend, two in two years" he said sarcastically and looked at me and suddenly a cane hit him on his shoulder, as soon as he saw the cane, he knew whose it was. I thought I saw Draco hurt by the way the cane hit his shoulder and the man holding the cane was no other than Lucius Malfoy.

I went by Ginny's side, since Draco's father pushed him with his cane to her side. I wasn't worried that he might hurt her but still, no chances could be taken. Soon Hermione, joined my side. I was holding a handbag full of books and I could swear I thought Draco touched my bag. As soon as I was about to check the bag, Mr. Malfoy looked at me and said, "Miss Middleton, I presume" he then looked at Draco and he nodded.

"Yes, Draco has told his mother all about you, fighting a troll in first year, your hand, but unfortunately a muggle" he said with disgust.

Draco told his mother about me? Why would he do that? Maybe he was just sharing his experience as a first year at Hogwarts. Before I could say anything to Mr. Malfoy for calling me a muggle with a disgusted face, like it was a crime to be a muggle, Draco softly held my wrist to stop me from talking, he might've have remembered that punch that I gave him the first day he called me a 'mudblood'.

He must be thinking what would his father say if she got out of hand, and what would his father do, if she did something wrong. He had already seen the wrath of his father over the years, he could not have any other child, especially not Olivia hurt by him. As soon as Draco held my wrist, I calmed down, a feeling of relief and calmness took over my body.

He made sure that no one saw him holding my wrist. Soon, Mr. Weasley came in between and started calmly talking to Mr. Malfoy. He told us to wait outside and he tried his best to not show any kind of inhumanity in front of his children. But before we could leave, their argument came to a stop and Mr. Malfoy said, "See you at work"

Then Draco came in front of Harry and said just like his father did, "See you at school" and looked at me and nodded and left.

We all reached school and I had to have a word with Professor Snape about the powers that I had. Harry and Ron were nowhere to be seen, neither on the platform nor the train. We thought that maybe they would be behind us and we let it go.

Before the dinner, I decided to stop by Professor Snape's office in the dungeons. I was headed down the dungeons, it was quite dark and I didn't like the idea of being there, not alone, at least. But I had to, to find out the truth.

"Looks like someone lost their way"

I turned around to see Draco Malfoy with his infamous smirk on his face.

"I didn't lose my way. I wanted to see Professor Snape before dinner" I said kindly.

"Snape? Why in the world would you have to see Professor Snape?" Draco asked.

"Nothing that concerns you, Draco" I said again calmly.

"Malfoy, how many times do I have to tell you that Middleton?" he said irritatingly.

"Now, what is happening here?" Professor Snape to the rescue.

"I was coming to see you Professor; I have to talk to you about something" I said looking at Professor Snape.

"Alright then, follow me Miss Middleton" he said in his cold tone. "And Mr. Malfoy, I believe that the feast will be starting soon" and we left.

As we entered his office, he told me to sit on a chair facing his desk. "Now, what is so important Miss Middleton that you're missing the feast"

"Sir, I had a few questions about my stay here over the summer" I didn't give him the chance to protest and I continued, "Why do I have so many powers and abilities? I mean I'm a muggleborn, and no other witch or wizard in my time has it. Even if they're pureblood or half even. So why is it that I'm more than a witch? An esprit de vie?

"I'm sorry, Miss Middleton, I don't know what to tell you. And even if I did, it wouldn't be my place to tell you." He replied coldly, turning all my questions down. I knew that there was something he wasn't telling me.

Before I could say anything, Mr. Filch had brought Harry and Ron in his office. They were covered in mud and Ron's wand was broken in half.

"Harry? Ron?" I said shockingly.

"Liv?" they said in unison. "What are you doing here?"

"You were seen by no less than seven muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds since before you were born." Snape said angrily. I connected the dots, seeing the newspaper and realized that they flew on Mr. Weasley's car and had risked their life.

"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us" Ron said sarcastically.

"Silence!" he said angrily. He then stood from his chair and marched over to the boys saying "I assure you, that if you were in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home tonight. As it is-"

"They are not" he was cut by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, to their rescue.

"Miss Middleton, you are hereby excused. Wait for your friends in The Great Hall and proceed for dinner." said Professor McGonagall

I stood up and left the office and headed towards The Great Hall. I was still dreading to walk alone through the dungeons, just seeing them and its dark hall gave me shivers down my body.

"Olivia" a familiar voice said. I turned around to see who it was. Chris. I ran up to him and hugged him and he took me in his arms and twirled me around. He was like the big brother I wanted and never had, I had grown to love him and him, me.

"You're the sight to sore eyes, Chris. I missed you so much." I spoke.

"You too, darling. What are you doing here? In the dungeons?" he asked me.

"I was in Snape's office, I wanted to ask him something" I told the truth.

"Alright, the feast is soon starting, let's go" he said taking my hand and we went running.

We soon arrived at the entrance of The Great Hall, and I saw Cat and Jo, they gave me a warm hug and then I saw Rafael. He was walking down from the stairway looking down and was about to reach the gate where we were standing, when I ran to him and engulfed him into a hug. He was taken a back by it but he soon gave in realizing it was me. He gently placed a kiss on top of my head, as he was taller than me and I could only reach his chest.

We all walked into the hall and separated our ways and sat on our table. I went and sat beside Hermione, when Fred sat in between me and Hermione, on my right and George on my left.

"What was that?" said Fred.

"With that cute Ravenclaw boy?" completed George.

"What? Nothing" which it was, I liked him, but not like, like him. We had grown close over the summer and him and we used to owl each other a lot.

"Ohh come on, love" said George nudging me with his elbow.

"He's staring at you" completed Fred nudging me from the other side.

Then I looked up from my plate, he was. He was staring. As soon as I saw him, his cheeks turned red and he smiled at me. And I smiled back.

"You guys, I'm almost 13, come on. And you guys are my best friends, if there's anything, which there isn't, I will tell you guys first" I said them and started digging into my food.

"Hey!" Hermione and Ginny said in unison, when I referred to the twins as my best friends.

"Ohh, quit it guys!" I said knowing well that the girls were kidding.

Harry and Ron soon joined us and talked about how the way to 9 ¾ platform closed and how someone doesn't want Harry in Hogwarts, this year. The sorting of First years was over. Soon we all finished dinner and went to our dorms. 

The next day, we went to Greenhouse 3 for our Herbology lecture with Professor Sprout. It was about Mandrakes. She asked if anyone knew about the mandrakes and I did, so did Hermione.

"Miss Middleton, not you" she said throwing me a knowing smile that why I knew about mandrakes.

"Yes, Miss Granger." Hermione went on explaining about the mandrake and won Gryffindor 10 points, she had arranged earmuffs for us. We all wore them, and she told pointing at me.

"Miss Middleton, now can you show us how to plant the mandrake?"

"Um, yes Professor." I said shyly. I was standing exactly across Malfoy.

"Now, I would like to remind you, to check if you firmly wore the earmuffs and that they are covering your ears properly. Now watch me closely. You grasp your mandrake firmly, pull it sharply out of the pot."

The mandrake's cries filled the whole room, making Neville faint, which was quite funny because every other wrong thing used to happen to him only. I gently rubbed my index finger on the top of the mandrake's root, which quickly calmed it down and it stopped crying. I had read it in my Herbology book, that only a few witches and wizards are able to do it, and I wanted to try it. Everyone was shocked to see it.

"Got it? And now, quickly dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm and there it can stop crying." I said quickly before anyone could ask me how I did it.

"Very well explained and executed, Miss Middleton, another 20 for Gryffindor" Professor Sprout said proudly, knowing what she taught me over the summer.

"Right on, plenty of pots to go around. Do what, Olivia just showed you" she continued.

And that's what everyone did. They all pulled their mandrakes and cries became more in the room. I was staring at Malfoy to see how he would do it, and he did exactly what I did, he tried to tame the mandrake. But it went south. The mandrake bit his finger, which made Malfoy furious and I giggled. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows but quickly changed it into a warm smile. 

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