Chaos: (Remastered 2022 Editi...

By schofield26

195 30 4

The Earth shattering novel, Chaos, that started The Evolution Universe. Embark on the journey with Parker Jac... More

Copy rights and other books by R.E. Schofield
~About the book:~
~Chapter 1: Parker~
~Chapter 2: Parker~
~Chapter 3: Parker:~

~Chapter 4: Parker:~

7 1 0
By schofield26

       It's been one-hundred, forty-eight days, twenty-three hours, thirty-two minutes, and ten seconds since I had my first encounter with a zombie. I'm not sure of the exact time; but just know we're in the present time. We are back to here and now. Obviously, I survived the onslaught of the dead creatures that were closing in on me, that day. It wasn't an easy thing to do, either.
      Everything has changed since that day. For one, I didn't even know what the hell was going on then. Truth be told I still don't. I'm not even sure if they're zombies; or some kind of crazy, gone terribly wrong, science experiment. All I know is if you are bitten, scratched, or get any of their poisonous blood in your system you will be granted a horrible death before coming back as one of them. I don't know about everyone else but that sounds like the definition of a zombie to me; but that can't be, right? Zombies come from the art of fiction.
       This is really happening, though. How could it all be real? So, I'm going to stick to the name I've given them... The Cannibalistic Dead. For some critics the term is too long and for others it might be a tongue twister. So, I'll go with a little bit easier term and call them their true name. A name that goes with what they really are. They are abominations.
       Judgement Day, finally, arrived. People for centuries feared the day that the apocalypse would start. Even more so they feared in which form the end of the world would appear as. I guess, in the form of the dead roaming the Earth is what was ultimately chosen. I wonder if someone of a higher power has a big wheel of fortune type of wheel. Whenever they decide to spice things up in their story they give the wheel a good spin and whatever it lands on is what the end of the world would come as. Sounds like one big sick game; but I promise you this world is no game. It's a fight to survive. Dog eat dog type of world. The things everyone has had to do in order to survive has changed us. No one will ever be the same. Even if the day comes that there's a life after the apocalypse.
       I lie down my pen in the crease of my notebook as I look out at the clear blue sky. Ever since the world has gone in the shitter pollution has dropped and one benefit is that we get the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Something that would've never happened in the old world.
       I dig into my brown leather bag and pull out a green apple. As I bite down into it my vision drifts towards a big green sign above the highway. It reads Oklahoma City: 1 mile.
       Finally, I've reached my destination after a long journey over the past few months. What's in Oklahoma City, you might wonder? My family is, or at least they were when everything wasn't bad in the world. I know I probably should have mentioned before that I wasn't from Louisville. It just didn't seem to come up till now.
       I was born and raised in Oklahoma City up until the day I ran off with the girl that, well, changed my life forever. I think that's about the nicest way I can say it. I hope when I reach my family's home I'm welcomed back with open arms. I hope that nothing has been damaged from the outside world. I miss the place sometimes. There just nothing like home.
       I would like to say that I knew my parents were safe when everything started but the truth is I can't; and I'm ashamed of the fact that I'm clueless to know. After I ran off with the girl to Lexington my parents and I had a falling out over their disapproval from them about my decision. I wish that I had repaired things a while ago with them. The only family member I had been in contact with before the outbreak was my younger sister, Raylee.
       A few weeks after the outbreak happened and the dead began to outweigh the living businesses began to shut down. Power plants fell. Civilization all together fell. The electricity went first, then the water, then because there wasn't any electricity the communications finally fell. The last time I spoke with Raylee was a few days before communications had stopped. At that point they were holding up well. Dad had built up the fencing and they had only seen one or two of the dead near the farm. In this new world though things can change in the blink of the eye. A wrong sound at the wrong time could attract a nearby herd. There's just so many things that could go wrong in a day let alone nearly five months.
       There's not a day that I don't fear what might've happened to my family. My hopes and dreams are that I will get to the farm by the end of the day and they will be safe. My parents and I will make up and forgive one another. We'll be together and stronger because we are together. It's a hard world to be in by yourself. With that said it can sometimes be an even harder world if you have people whom you don't know. I will have my answers soon enough, though.
       By the time, I begin my journey for the day it should only take me a few hours to get to the other side of the city. That's if I don't have any interruptions. The cities can be some of the most dangerous places especially closer to nightfall. If I plan on getting to my parent's farm before the sun sets and the moon begins to ascend in the sky I need to get going soon.
       I write my last lines for the morning, put my notebook in my bag, finish my apple, and then proceed to begin the last stretch to what will hopefully be a happy ending at the end of the day.

Hello, readers. Here's yet another chapter of the Remastered version of Chaos that's never been read anywhere else but Wattpad. What are your thoughts about the chapter? We're you surprised to find out that Parker hasn't been in touch with his family for years before the outbreak? What will you think happen as his journey begins across the city? I would love to hear feedback and comments from everyone. Good or bad comments are welcomed. Sincerely, Your Favorite Neighborhood Wattpad Author, R.E Schofield.

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