Advent Calendar with Bishop L...

By HannaLM99

13.9K 172 5

24 Days of Smut & Fluff (There won't be a fic for day 11, 16 and 21) Originally posted on my Tumblr @ Mayans... More

✨Day 1
✨Day 2
✨Day 3
✨Day 4
✨Day 5
✨Day 6
✨Day 7
✨Day 8
✨Day 9
✨Day 10
✨Day 12
✨Day 13
✨Day 14
✨Day 15
✨Day 17
✨Day 18
✨Day 19
✨Day 20
✨Day 22
✨Day 23
✨Day 24


1.1K 14 0
By HannaLM99

Warnings: cursing, teeny-tiny mention of smut
Sometimes you just hated the club business, with your whole fucking heart. You just wanted to burn the whole fucking thing to the ground and save all of the guys who put their life on the line for the patch. They didn't deserve this. They deserve to be with their families, their friends, to laugh and cry with each other, eat and drink their hearts out, to have something special once in a blue moon. But no, they could never have something nice in their lives. Something always had to come up, and that's exactly what had happened.

The club had to leave Santo Padre to deal with some urgent business that had come up. Friends and families were used to it by now, to have them away for a few days. It was something that came with being in the club, whether you liked it or not.

The problem was that they had to leave when it was the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas, and not just for a few days like they usually would, but most likely the whole month of December.

All of the guys were sad and furious about the whole situation, but they knew that it's nothing they can do about it.

Bishop was anxious to tell you. This was supposed to be your first Christmas together, and both you and he had been excited. You were going to decorate your house together, bake Christmas cookies, buy presents for your families and friends, go to Christmas parties. But that whole plan went out the window. You understood that sometimes the club would come before anything else, but you hated it with your entire soul.

You had thought about various ways to cheer him up when he was away. Something that you knew would keep his spirit up while he was apart from you. After some brainstorming of things you could do, you came up with the most beautiful idea.

What if you made him an Advent Calendar. Not like the traditional ones where you have chocolate or gifts that you open up every day, but how about a smutty Advent Calendar? That would blow his mind and most likely give him a heart attack because of the stuff you were going to make for him.

You already started to plan what you were going to record a week before they had to leave. Buying some toys and clothes for the little shows you were going to pull off. You wanted to prerecord some of the stuff to stay a little bit ahead. But it was challenging with Bishop spending more time at home than usual before the big trip. You had to be secretive with the recordings, taking the opportunity to film while he was away planning.

The last thing you wanted was for this beautiful gift to be ruined.

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