Break OUT

By Stormy590

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Begin austism for Austin is a struggle everyday including high school no friends No help just him and his hi... More

First day of school
Beat down
Dad finds out
The attempt
Taken away
Im a failure
The accident
Begin saved
Trust issue
Reliving the past
Hospital visit
Im not okay
Telling my story
Ally is my name

Night terrors

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By Stormy590

I fell asleep in my room and I had a nightmare I dreamt I was in the basement and my dad raped

No no no I kept yelling

I woke up on pool of sweat at three in the morning

I went back to sleep

Same thing

I had gun pointed to my head

I woke up and I screamed Dad

What don't sweetie

I had night mare

Hey it's okay baby girl

I just sobbing

It okay just breath

He stayed up with me

Good morning guys

Good morning mom

You look exhausted

I had nightmare and he said up late with me

Can we play hooky today

Why Not

My dad called the school

It a day off


I went back to sleep

Are you sure we want to install this behavior in her

Trust me it okay

No it not

She having tough time give her time and space



I woke around noon and I just cried and cut

My dad walked in

Sweetie don't do this

I can't help myself

It okay

No it not it not okay

It is

I want out

No you don't

I was overly depressed

I went to bathroom and threw up

I don't feel good

You have fever

I'll make soup go to sleep


I went under my cool blankets and put my headphones and cried myself to sleep

I felt me going down that depression mode again yet my new family don't know how bad it get

Soup ready

I'm not hungry go away

Okay no need to get upset

I fell back to sleep

I started having nightmares about school my life

I need to go to school today but I'm sick

I went to the window and broke the seal I ran to my school

I hit the ringer

Who here


Come in

I'm here

You sure you can do this your dad upstairs

I promise

What you do you'll start lower level start singing

Come through the library second floor third floor

We will stop filming and everyone go to Franey you'll run in and finish the song


What's the song

Warrior by Demi Lovato


Went to the art hallways

Three two one

As each words I spoke made my heart pound out of my chest

Good keep going

Second floor

I ran down the hallway just singing and sobbing

When the filming stopped I may had mini breakdown

I need a breather

No we're not done

I know but I can't do this anymore okay

Pause filming we have crier

I ran down to the mez and just sobbed and sat along the wall. I started shaking back and forth sobbing so hard I couldn't breath

Hey your daughter is having breakdown

Where is she


I'll be back Have them read

I dug my head in hands all the sudden I felt a warm hand on my back


I looked up

I leaned my head on his shoulder and sobbed harder

Shhh just breath baby girl it's okay

I hug him tighter

It okay why so clingy

I'm I'm just

Just breath it okay

My dad kissed my forehead

Let's go home


You can't take her home we have music video

You listen to me closely my daughter is emotional and mentally unfit for this video my dad screamed

We don't have anyone else to do this

Oh bullshit why you taking my doctor

The truth she has the most beautiful voice

You know why


She singing through her pain


My dad punched the lady in the face

Everyone get to class

Jack I'll see in my office

What are you doing

I'm sorry I got angry and when someone is hurting someone I love I take it step further

You might have lost your teaching job

He went into the principal office

Stay here

Everyone father to see

Get to class I yelled

The displenary walked to me

Why are you here


You lying

My dad walked out didn't talk to me but just keeped walking

I slid down the wall and I sobbed into my hands


Jake sit

Why would you punch the photographer in the face

I was protecting her my daughter

You think it fine to punch her in the face

I was protecting a family member

She your daughter

Yes I adopted her

I'm shocked I thought she would be dead by her father

Is that joke to you

Yes she laughs

If you can't so happened respect my daughter there nothing else I quit

Jake think twice

No there fucking way I'll let fucking talk to my daughter like this

This will devastate everyone at this school

I know i can't let this school hurt me or my daughter just because she mental likes

What illness

Depression suicidal thoughts and anxiety disorder of fear

Fear of what


Loss of what

Family death or maybe lost in faith of her school authority

What do you want us to do

Help her each teacher

She comfortable

Let's have IEP meeting

She not disabled



I want out for he room upset I went to my room and I locked myself in my classroom and called the counselors



Can we please have a meeting with all my daughter teacher to teach that mental illness isn't a fucking disability

Jake calm down

I'll not calm down

Okay let make the meeting tomorrow after school


Do you have lawyer

What do you mean lawyers

Alex father threatened to sue you for a million dollars


Don't know

I need to bring him

That will sent Alex back to we're she was

I understand your frustration


I slam the phone

I knocked on my father door

Come in

Sit down please

What's up

Your abusive father is coming to school for a meeting


He sueing me for a million dollar

Are you insane

I'm not

This will bring so much pain back

I understand but this is needed

Right when I was feeling better about myself then a hammer hit my emotions

I love you

What if they take me away from you

They won't

I called your case worker




You okay

Not really I kinda want to punch something

I went to the wall punch a hole in the wall

What the hell

Sorry my daughter angry

Control her

I'm trying she having an emotional breakdown

What the heck was that



I'm strong willed not mentally handicapped like you think

Jake sign these papers for the meeting

Can I come

You think that's okay

Yes I need to face my fears

Okay yeah that fine

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