Drunk Without Cause

By Promise_Me_Hope

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Being forced to move so many states away from all that he once knew, Nessa was nervous to tackle his new life... More

Author's Note.


1.3K 76 76
By Promise_Me_Hope

The door opened up and Nessa stepped inside. The house was rather eerie, but the air was still warm. From somewhere within, he could hear hushed whispers. His name fell from their mouths as they spoke about him from afar.

She stared at the screen, waiting for something interesting to happen. The movie they were watching was honestly insufferable. All of the actors didn't seem to understand how to do their own jobs, the cinematography was atrocious, and the plot was so predictable that it felt like a toddler wrote the script. And if Emi had to deal with one more person making out, she was going to jump off of a bridge.

"I think I'm going to vomit." Keely's breath tickled Emi's neck as she whispered. She obviously wasn't going to actually vomit, she was referring to the dialogue occurring between the protagonist and the love interest. It was so cheesy, it caused them both physical pain. "We probably should have planned this date out a few days in advance."

"You think?" Emi muttered, unamused. At least, she sounded that way. The pair often hate-watched shit romance movies in their own time. Emi simply liked to act as though it was the worst exprience of her life. Which she did with just about everything.

Emi turned towards Keely, officially deciding that she was over this awful excuse for a movie. The theater was relatively full given that it was a Friday night, but it seemed to be almost entirely filled with couples. Some people were crying over the movie, as though it was actually good enough to cause such an onslaught of emotions.

Keely instantly understood what she wanted, their lips meeting earnestly. Every time they kissed, it was like a wildfire. The kind of passion that scared the shit out of Emi. Never before had she kissed someone and felt so vibrant after. As though the only thing keeping the world from ending was the pressing of their lips onto one another.

And if their kisses were wildfire, then their sex was fucking explosive.

Without a moments hesitation, Emi disregarded her popcorn, climbing into Keely's lap. They were in the last row, so it wasn't disturbing anyone behind them. The closest people were three seats to their left. It was only a matter of time before they were kicked out, which was entirely the point of doing it in the first place.

Emi lived in a world of adventure. She wasn't the kind of girl to leave a movie theater because she hated the movie. She was the kind of girl to make out in one until they got kicked out. That was her way of getting her money's worth. That was what made her and Keely such a perfect couple—Keely never gave a rat's ass about trouble.

Keely left hot kisses down Emi's neck, their hands feeling each other up as though it were the last time they would ever be able to touch. They kissed as though this were the last time they would ever get to be together. That was what made their relationship so ethereal.

"Excuse me?" A man's voice could be heard from behind them, a flashlight momentarily blinding the pair of them. "You can't be doing that in here."

Keely let out a long giggle, leaning her head back to gaze up at him. "And what might that be?"

The guy had an expression of what appeared to be disgust once he took in the pair of them. Emi's resting bitchface suddenly became even more threatening. If he kept looking at them like that, then she was going to cut his head off.

"This is a movie theater, we don't allow that." He said instead.

"You see, the thing is." Keely was a talker. One thing she loved doing was talking until people were at their wits end. Emi could listen to it for hours. "My girlfriend and I don't know what that means. We're going to need you to specify so that we won't do it again."

He was blatantly physically disgusted once he heard the word girlfriend. It was at that moment that Emi leaned her whole body towards him, making sure that her cleavage was right in Keely's face. "Actually, I think I might have an idea."

"What's your idea?" Keely grinned, resting a hand atop her shoulder.

"It's the thing that this man never gets." Emi looked him up and down, giving him a snarky expression. Homophobes could get fucked for all she cared. In fact, they should get fucked, preferably by someone of the same gender. That way, they'll realize what all the hype is about.

"Oh." Keely nodded, smiling as she kissed Emi briefly. "Sex?"

"Alright, that's enough." He was fuming now, and though Emi still wanted to rip his heart out, she was satisfied with having gone for his dick instead.

Letting out a low chuckle, Emi stood, pulling Keely up with her. "Two girls is more than you have probably ever even spoken too. No wonder you look at us like that."

Emi was fairly sure that he was vividly fantasizing about her death. The feeling was mutual. "I'm not going to ask again, you're getting kicked out."

Doing her absolute best to have all of her cleavage out in his face, Emi got nice and close. She didn't even bother with the nice girl act, too busy giving him the most intimidating death stare that she could possibly muster. "You never asked in the first place. But don't worry, because this place needs to get fumigated anyway. In fact, you're lucky we were here to tell you."

"The fuck are you on about? Get out." He pointed at the doors.

Keely weaved their arms together. "She's talking about the fumes radiating off of you. I can smell your toxic masculinity from here."

"That's it, I'm calling security." He began reaching for something. Though they had all been speaking in relatively hushed voices, most people in the audience were starting to get really pissed off by their obnoxious presence.

"Here's a tip, try sucking dick." Keely started to inch slightly towards the door as the guy started speaking into a walkie. Emi kept talking anyway. "If you like masculinity, then two dudes fucking is like double the testosterone."

The doors opened, allowing light into the dark space. People were really starting to get angry. A large security guard entered.

"Which is why we're fucking." Keely rushed out as she started running towards the exit, fingers intertwining with Emi's.

"Because we hate toxic masculinity." Emi finished for her, yelling the words as they did their best to avoid either of the men. "Two chicks is the most feminine combination imaginable."

The security guard tried to catch them as they ran, but he quickly gave up. They got all the way outside, heading just out of sight before they started to slow down once more. Keely was laughing her ass off, her body bumping into Emi's as they walked.

"Guys like him are why I'm gay." She said in between fits of giggling.

"Guys like him are why I've given up on being bi." Emi agreed. "What a fucking prick."

"Yeah." Keely let out a long breath before grabbing hold of her purse. It was a brown fringed bag, absolutely suiting her aesthetic. "Next stop Ilya and Venice? Or do we need to go somewhere else first?"

As she spoke, she pulled out a rolling paper and handed it to Emi. That was followed by a very small bag that she could smell almost instantly. "Mum is home right now, so fuck that. Ilya and Venice for sure."

At the speed of light and in the most well-practiced manner, Keely took out some weed and grabbed the paper back, rolling the joint immaculately. She handed it to Emi, who licked it and finished up the job. Keely pulled out a lighter.

"Tubular." That caused Emi's smile to finally expose itself. One thing Keely loved doing was talking like she was a classic hippie. It always got Emi to smile or laugh, which wasn't as common of an occurrence as Keely wished it was.

They each took a few tokes as they carried on their merry way. They kept away from where more people would be walking past, that way they wouldn't get into trouble for smoking pot out in public. But if they were to get caught, they would just book it and hope for the best.

Watching as Keely took one last toke—which was most definitely too many, but her tolerance was very high—they began towards the bus stop. It would not have been shocking if some people could smell the weed on them, but neither gave a single shit. They simply talked about pointless things as they waited for the bus to near the stop closest to Ilya's house.

Then they both proceeded to get off, walking down the sidewalk towards their destination. The fact that they were two girls walking down a street in the bad side of the city, was definitely not the smartest move they could do. But most locals had seen Emi and Keely around enough times to know that they were good friends with the Polyakov family, plus Venice. If anyone were to try anything, they'd have those guys to worry about. And that was possibly one of the worst things they could do.

They approached the small and rundown home, knocking on the door. When it opened, Keely instantly jumped forward and draped herself over Ilya. She got easily excitable when she was high.

"Nice to see you too." He laughed, patting Keely on the head. She pouted. Emi rolled her eyes, grabbing Keely's hands and placing them on herself instead. Unlike Keely, she was not a very touchy person, but she was also the jealous type. So whenever she caught Keely being overly touchy with someone, she would make sure to indulge in the dramatic display of interfering.

Even with Ilya, because Ilya was the only man that Keely had ever slept with. Even though it had been a threesome and Emi was apart of it, it still bothered her. Keely was a lesbian and it annoyed her that Ilya was the only guy to ever take that title away from her.

Ilya took them straight to his room, where Venice was sat on the bed. The blatant pornography taped to his walls wasn't a shock since she had been in there countless times before. And besides, it was honestly pretty tasteful and violently Ilya.

"So what have you two cats been up to?" Ilya asked, sitting beside Venice. He was the only one allowed to sit so close to Venice, even though Emi was never really told why. She knew that it had to do with some things he went through before he met Ilya, but those things were left unsaid.

"The usual." Emi replied, sitting on the floor and glancing at Keely who plopped down desire her. She laid her head against her shoulder affectionately. Emi had to refrain from giving off any vibes that weren't her usual intimidating ones. "Getting kicked out of places."

"Of course." He nodded.

"And getting high." Keely joined in.

"It would honestly be weird if you weren't." That comment came from Venice.

That was very true. Though Emi had been around sober Keely plenty of times, that wasn't the case for most other people. Keely spent almost her entire life high in some way, which often concerned Emi a little. But at the same time, they were just teenagers. They weren't going to die or anything.

The reality was that Emi simply cared too much for Keely. She was the only person that Emi had ever met that made her feel so utterly intoxicated. Which scared her to no avail. No one else had ever had such power over her.

But despite all of that, Emi didn't care.

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