Determined To Make You See.

By OfficialRedLight

774 32 23

It was a long day a Draco needed a break he went to Moaning Myrtles bathroom for a breather unaware of being... More

No Way!
Just Listen!
Newly Friends.

Home For The Holidays.

200 7 12
By OfficialRedLight

A few months later, Christmas holidays.

It was almost time to set off on the train, Draco was going back to the Manor for the holidays. Although he didn't really want to other than to see his mom.

He didn't care much for his father. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a certain raven haired boy.

"Mind if I sit?" Harry questioned. Draco pointed to the seat in front of him. Harry waddled over to the seat and sat down.

"So.. are you excited for the holidays?"  Harry questioned smiling, although he wasn't all to happy. "Eh, I dont really like that daft place, rather hang out with you.."

Harry blushed and nodded. "Well I'd second that. The Dursleys are so annoying and rotten." Harry stated.

"The way you always describe them, I dont think I could survive a day with them." Draco chuckled. "You wouldn't.." Harry sighed.

The laughter stopped after being interrupted by nonother than Ginny Weasley. "Harry, come sit with me.." Ginny said giving Draco a dirty look.

"Well uh, I was gonna sit with Draco." Harry said softly, Draco smiled to himself. Ginny scoffed.

"You always chose Malfoy over me, and I'm sick of it!!" Ginny whined.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Ginny, that's not true your just being dramatic." Looked expressionless as if he's used to this.

"Excuse me! Dramatic?!" Ginny scoffed once more. "Hey.. it's okay just go sit with her. I'll be fine." Draco said while standing up from his seat.

"Move weaslet." Draco pushed Ginny out the way to get out of the cabin. Ginny scoffed once again. "Thanks Harry!"she sat down next to him. Harry rolled his eyes.

The next few hours had been just plain boring and annoying. Harry had to listen to Ginny complain about everyone and everything.

"Ginny can you stop talking for a few minutes.. I have a headache." Harry said.

"Oh, baby I'm sorry you have a headache.. let me help you."she leaned forward pulling him into an embrace. Harry pushed her off lightly. "I'm gonna go find Draco.." Harry stood up and walked away. Leaving Ginny shocked and by herself.

He searched most of the cots until he found a bleached blonde boy. Of course he was a natural platinum blonde.

"Hey." Harry said, Draco lifted up his head. "Hey.. why aren't you with Weasley?" Draco asked dropping his head again.

"Shes being annoying again." Draco chuckled to himself. Harry sat down next to Draco, like next to Draco. Draco's breathing hitched slightly.

Draco and Harry sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds while staring into eachothers eyes. Without knowing it Harry and Draco started leaning in, forgetting boundaries.

They leaned in until their lips touched. Their lips collided and Harry put his hand on Draco's cold cheek. Draco's lips were soft and a light shade of pink to go with his porcelain white skin.

Harry deepened the kiss. He had never kissed Ginny like this..

it was always awkward, and weird as if they didn't click as much as they thought they did. But with Draco it was comfortable and compassionate.

Almost as if they were desperate for it to happen. Harry bit Draco's bottom lip softly, asking for entrance.

Draco separated his lips slightly, granting permission. Harry's tongue slipped into Draco's mouth. They fought for dominance, surprisingly Draco won.

Draco and Harry's tongues hooked onto eachother, their tongues grazing and colliding was something Draco dreamed about since year three.

Draco had fixed himself to where he was sitting on his knees next to Harry, wrapping his hands around Harry's waist. After a few more minutes of a deep steamy make-out session,

It had finally ended. They pulled away short of breaths. "Wow.. i- um" Draco murmured quietly,

But Harry heard it. "Yeah.. that was incredible.." Draco looked into Harry's eyes. "Really..?"

"Hell yeah! That was the hottest thing that's ever happened to me before." Draco felt all fuzzy, good to know he felt the same.

"Same." Draco fixed his position back to normal, and fixed his hair. Harry not really needing to do anything to his hair because it was already untenable before he got here.

"Oh, looks like were here.." Draco said honestly totally disappointed. "Oh.. well then let's be off." Harry says flashing his charming smile

that never seizes to light up Draco's world. "Yeah." Draco and Harry said their goodbyes and parted ways for now.

Draco going to the Manor, and Harry going to the Dursleys.

With Draco.

Draco entered the cold home, being greeted in a warm embrace by his mother, he did not hesitate to hug back immediately.

"How was the trip back, honey?" Narcissa questioned with her loving smile. Draco blushed remembering what had happened.

"Nothing to exciting.. although something interesting happened over school." Draco explained all of what happened at school..

Except the kissing stuff, she didn't need to know. "Well I'm glad you finally put your Differences aside and became friends."

She flashed a smile. Draco smiled back. "Okay, well I'll let you unpack." She called an elf and had him help Draco.

He walked to his room quickly and quietly, knowing if he made to much noise he'd be in trouble.

He opened his door, walked in and shut it. He wondered what Harry was doing right now. Was he still on his way home or was he unpacking in his room.

He spent most of the afternoon noon practicing his Latin. "Master Malfoy, dinner." The elf's voiced echoed throughout his huge room.

He put down his quill and made his way to the Dining room. He sat down next to his mother not daring to make eye contact with his father.

"So I heard you and Potter are friends now.." Lucius put down his fork.

Startling the poor boy. "Hm- Oh Um yes father.." Draco looked up at his father. "Good, we could use that."

Was his father really that selfish. Would he really sacrifice his child's happiness for his greedy desires.

"I have no intention on hurting Harry, father." Draco said sternly. Lucius growled.

"You will do as I say!" Lucius yelled slamming the table with his fist. "Hunny just let him enjoy what he- AH!"

Narcissa was cut off by a harsh slap to her cheek. "Mom!" Narcissa held her hand to her cheek. "Leave." Lucius scolded Narcissa.

She reluctantly moved out of the Dining room. "Come here son." Lucius held his hand out. Draco hesitated for a brief moment before getting up.

Lucius quickly grabbed Draco by the hair, pulling him close to his face. Draco winced in pain. "Dont ever defy me, or there will be consequences.." Lucius growled, tightening his grip. "O-ow!"

Draco cried out. "Answer me boy!" Lucius tugged the platinum strands. "Y-YES, FATHER!"

Lucius let go his painfully tight grip. Making Draco sigh in relief, quickly touching the spot on his head.

This was gonna be a long two weeks..

YAY! This was longer than the others! Also poor Draco🥺

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