Rogue Queen ➵ 2.0

By IceSky_

373K 13.2K 1K

❝Never mess with the Royals. You'll feel the flames of hell before you even get there.❞ Back then, I wasn't a... More

➵ I. New Life
➵ II. Asher
➵ III. The Plan
➵ IV. Returning
➵ V. Wish That You Were Here
➵ VI. Accepting & Rejecting
➵ VII. Flawless Suspicion
➵ VIII. Riley
➵ IX. Straight Single, Taken Gay
➵ X. First Date
➵ XI. The Revealing
➵ XII. Killing Kia
➵ XIII. King, Choir & Consequences
➵ XIV. The Rogue Kingdom
➵ XV. Alpha Meets King
➵ XVI. The Truth Comes Out
➵ XVII. Christmas
➵ XVIII. Unity at New Years
➵ XIX. The Past Can Leave Scars
➵ XX. The Burning House
➵ XXI. Leaving Arguments
➵ XXII. Am I a Psychopath?
➵ XXIII. Created to be Hated
➵ XXIV. Insecure
➵ XXV. He Was Right
➵ XXVI. Alpha Meeting
➵ XXVII. Mate Against Mate
➵ XXVIII. After
➵ XXIX. Found You
➵ XXX. One Wish
➵ XXXI. Going Home
➵ XXXII. Preparation
➵ XXXIII. Taken
➵ XXXIV. Call For Help
➵ XXXVI. Finally
➵ XXXVII. Start a Riot
➵ XXXVIII. Come This Far
➵ XXXIX. Fall of the King
➵ XL. Reviving
➵ XLI. Overcoming Challenges
➵ XLII. Starting Redemption
➵ XLIII. The Scavenger Hunt
Behind the Pages
➵ What If Oneshot
Sunsets on Us

➵ XXXV. Tortured

4.4K 155 16
By IceSky_

TW: Attempted rape near end of chapter. Thatcher plans it but it does not occur. Skip from "Would they?" to ""Plan B?" Alix asks, glancing at Thatcher, who nods curtly.".

Friday, February 9th, 2018, 11:00am

Asher's POV

I can't feel anything. My body must be in a lying position because of the way I sense the gravity, like you can just tell which way is up. I can feel where my limbs are and what position I'm in but I can't feel what I'm resting on, anything in contact with my skin or any aches in my body. Like the touch and pain receptors in my body aren't working. It makes me feel like I'm just floating, in a void on nothing.

My eyes open slowly only to be met with darkness.

I try squinting but I can't make out anything in the darkness. Normally, I would be able to see even in darkness thanks to my wolf vision.

Jayden? I ask worriedly.

I don't get any reply. So he's blocked I guess; I'm alone without my sight and sense of touch. What else am I missing?

I try breathing in a way I'm sure is obnoxiously loud but I can't hear it. I don't smell anything either, even without Jayden. I sit up slowly, straining my ears for the sound of anything, my body sliding against what I think is a floor as I crawl around, searching for anything. I try listening for footsteps, any possible sound but I hear nothing.

The only reason I know I'm on the floor or ground without sight or touch is because my hand is pressing against something. I can't feel it but because I can put weight on my arm and not fall or something, I know there must be a wide, solid surface. It's hard to explain.

Just think, if you can't see and can't feel texture or pressure, then if you move your hand and it suddenly stops and you can't push and make it move any farther in that direction, there just be something there stopping it, right?

Suddenly, my arm jerks as I try to slide it forward. When I try again, the same thing happens.

I sit back and kneel, trying to figure out what's stopping me from moving forward. Chains, probably. I run my hand down my arm and it catches on something around my wrist that I, of course, can't feel. It sticks out from my wrist, so it's probably a cuff connected to chains.

Exploring more, my hand closes around what I'm guessing is the chain. It's not too thick, I can tell that from the position my hand is in, wrapped around the chain. I think the tip of my thumb is on top of my fingers, so the chain is thin enough I can wrap my hand around it.

I pull on the chain, sliding my hands down the links to where, by exploring and sliding my hand against what must be a wall, I think the other end is embedded in a plate slightly sticking out from the wall's surface.

I sigh, sliding down the wall and sitting against it and drawing my knees up to my chest. I try blowing on my hands but I can't feel that. Whatever they did to me is a little unnerving. I can't see, can't hear, can't smell and can't feel touch. It just feels like I'm nowhere.

So how do I get out?

I definitely won't be able to escape on my own. Without Jayden, I can't mind-link.

Shit, why didn't I think of that before? The chain necklace from Rei. It lets you mind-link even if there's wolfsbane in your body. Well, I guess I'll see if it's still around my neck or if they found a way to remove it.

Thinking of reaching my mate and friends, pushing against the mental walls that fall in place from mind-linking blocking substances in my body. I sigh in relief when the walls crumble and worried voices flood my mind.

Asher. Rei's voice is the loudest in my head. You're finally awake. Are you alright? Wait, that's a dumb question, you've been kidnapped. Are you hurt?

Don't think so, I reply. Whatever they did, I can't see, can't hear, can't smell and can't feel touch. Wait, what do you mean, 'finally awake.' What day is it?

Asher, today's February ninth, Raiden says. You've been gone three weeks and we still have no fucking idea where they took you.

Wow, I say softly.

They give me a quick run over what happened while I was out, how they've asked my alpha friends for help, how Riley was passing information to King and how King has had a whole plan behind his seemingly disconnected actions.

Asher, Drake's voice says.

Hi, I reply. Mind explaining how you're in this conversation?

River answers, Rei gave us chain necklaces since we're obviously helping to search for you. We stick together, we wouldn't just let you die.

We still have nothing to go on, Killian says, voice frustrated, If he can't see, hear or smell, we still have no idea where he is or what we could do to find him.

Then we wait for a hint, Nick says.

I mumble softly, I hope he doesn't kill me before then.

The only reason I know how long I've been trapped here is because of Rei telling me the days that have gone by.

It's only been two days since I woke up.

Over those days I've been locked in here, my senses have slowly returned. Whatever they did to me has worn off. I can see the small, filthy stone room I'm trapped in. I can smell the stale air, hear the clanking chains around my wrists and footsteps on the floor above me and feel the cuffs digging into my wrists, along with my aching body and stiff muscles from having only the floor to sit or lie on.

Jayden has come back too, which I find is strange if it was wolfsbane in my body blocking him. With wolfsbane you have to have it removed, it doesn't usually just wear off. Though it could have been a witch or warlock that used magic and put a spell on me, that would explain why it wore off.

Anyway, around everyone morning and night, Thatcher leaves water and a few scraps of food for me. What little scraps left for me aren't much, just enough water to keep me alive and food not even. Usually just four or five bites, not nearly enough to satisfy my hunger.

Thatcher comes down every morning and night to unlock the chains from the wall-but not from around my wrists-to let me go to the bathroom, then re-locks the chains to the wall.

I'm drawn from my thoughts at the sound of footsteps coming closer. My body tenses as Thatcher King appears in the doorway of the small dark room I'm chained in. I can't smell any scent on him that would tell me where we are. Just the distinct rogue scent and the scent of the forest. Nothing really helpful.

"Hello, Cinder," Thatcher says pleasantly, as if we're good friends.

I don't say anything, just stare at him, waiting for his next move and letting Rei and the others know what's happening, letting them see through my eyes.

"What, not going to say anything?" Thatcher asks, tilting his head and sounding hurt. He studies me for a second, gaze lingering on my eyes before his own blue eyes brighten happily. "Queenie! Glad you could join us." I can feel Rei's anger as her presence lingers in my mind. Thatcher continues as if it's just a casual conversation, an eerie smile on his lips, "So, how's the rescue plan coming along?"

As Rei's snarls echo in my head, I notice Thatcher softly humming a quiet tune while rocking back and forth of his feet, from his heels to his toes. Listening to him, I think it's that song by Eminem, Lose Yourself.

Definitely a little psychopathic, Jayden mumbles.

Uh-huh, I agree.

Thatcher sits in front of me, out of range of the chains, crossing his legs. "Did you like the plan we used to capture you? I think it was pretty clever but also simple. I distract Queenie and then while she's focused on me, have one my rogues sneak up on her and when you rush to protect her like a good little mate and leave yourself open, my Rulers take you down. How didn't you guess what was happening? I don't know, wait for Cinder to tell you."

My eyebrows furrow at his last sentence. It sounded more like he was talking to himself. I still don't answer. I don't understand him. He kidnaps me, leaves me down here for a few weeks and is now talking like nothing happened?

It's like he's started losing his sanity, Clove mumbles.

That or he's just never shown us this side of him, Rei adds. I bet he just never showed us this, he's careful and probably knew we would have seen something wrong.

Maybe answer him, Asher, Raiden says. If it keeps him happy, then answer him.

Got it, I reply.

"Well?" Thatcher asks, "Done leaving me out of the conversation?" Slowly, I nod, knowing my eyes will become clear as I stop mind-linking. He smiles but it's not like a normal smile. It's a happy smile but something about it is twisted, making it eerie. "So? Are you gonna answer why you couldn't guess the plan?"

"You've always seemed fixated on Rei," I say slowly. "We thought if you were gonna kidnap anybody, it would've been her."

Thatcher nods in a way telling me he's considering and thinking about my words. "Right. I forgot about the flirty-flirty lovey-dovey act. I didn't like that, no no. It was weird."

"What, so you never liked her romantically?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh no no no," he replies in a way that's almost childish. "She's strong and determined but too nice. All I need her for is her skill in battle and her rogues. The only reason I would want to mate her is to make sure she can't turn on me."

"If you need her rogues, then why let them follow her?" I ask, holding back a growl at the thought of him mating Rei.

He shrugs, "People work hard for a goal that appeals to them. If they didn't want to attack for fun, then they wouldn't try as hard to get better at fighting. But if they could choose to attack to help others... It gave a reason for the little softhearted rogues to train. All they need now is a little manipulation and they'll fight for me and a reason that's just a lie."

Anger flares from the presence of the ones still watching through my eyes. I can understand that. Thatcher not only had a whole plan that none of us knew about but he's been planning this from at least the very beginning of the rogue queen. Rei was nothing but a tool to him.

Why is he telling us this? Zaine mumbles. He knows we're watching and that we can ruin his plans. It makes no sense.

So I stay on guard, I reply.

"Hey Cinder?" Thatcher says curiously, "Do you know how loud the crash of a collapsing house on fire can be?" My brows furrow at the sudden question. A collapsing house on fire? My eyes widen, knowing what he's hinting at. In my mind, Clove and Killian start cursing Thatcher while Rei growls. I can feel Zaine's anger but he wasn't as attached to the house as the others were, so he's not as mad. Thatcher continues, seemingly more talking to himself now, "I wasn't even that close by and I saw the sparks go flying. Falcon must've done a good job if they didn't know about the fire until the house almost fell on them... Very good job, yes."

(A/N Falcon is now in the character list, at the bottom along with her girlfriend, Alix, who will be introduced later in the chapter. Do I give a shit that there are probably more curved couples than straight couples? No, no I don't.)

I growl. "Why? Why would you burn down the house of a family who's done nothing wrong?"

"I didn't burn it down," Thatcher replies. "Falcon did. She's the one who followed Queenie and started the fire."

"I know you told her to do those things," I hiss.

"Then you're asking why I ordered the house to be lit like a bonfire, not why I did it, because I didn't," he says like a smartass. "And I ordered it for two reasons. One, the older Ranger girl refused to join the Kingdom. And two, to eliminate the threat."

"What threat?"

"Ooo, impatient," Thatcher sings with a stupid grin. "I mean Rei. I had Falcon watching her the second she left your territory after Queen Bitch faked that banishment letter. When she didn't kill herself a few days later, I knew she was the fighter kind. She was bound to run into some rogues eventually and be brought into the Kingdom. She was a threat to me and my position. I knew there were many rogues already wanting to rebel, she would be the spark that set them off.

"So I decided to get her out of the way. Nearly did, too. I underestimated just how much fight she had in her. But you know, her staying alive worked in my favor. With how innocent her mind was, it didn't take much for her to agree to work with me. And it went well for nearly two years. Until suddenly, you were back into the picture."

"Well, I'm sorry your mate died but that doesn't mean you can take someone else's," I say before thinking over the words.

"Sorry?" Thatcher repeats, tilting his head as his brows furrow. "Why are you sorry? I'm not."

"What?" I say, confused. "She died. Why aren't you sorry?"

"Should I be?" he replies in confusion. "She was really annoying, always blabbering on and on about how I should join her pack where it was safer. She never shut up and it was awful. So I killed her. Why, should I regret it?"

My body freezes, eyes wide.

He killed her. He killed his own mate. No one ever just kills their own mate!

Why would you? Rei mumbles, continuing my thought. They're your other half, the person made for you. It's forbidden, why wouldn't it be? Killing your mate is like-

"King!" shouts a voice, cutting Rei off. "We're here you old motherfucker, where are you?!"

"Downstairs!" Thatcher shouts back.

I hear loud footsteps coming down the steps and a moment later, a short female appears in the doorway. She looks around my age, maybe a year younger. She's dressed in a lot of black and quite a lot of leather. Black leather pants, that disappear into her black combat boots, along with a white t-shirt and black leather jacket. Her short black hair is swept to one side, hanging over one dark eye.

The most attention drawing thing however, is the bird with her. A peregrine falcon stands on the woman's shoulder, sharp eyes watching me for a second before moving to Thatcher.

"Alix, Falcon," Thatcher says, "How's life?"

"Same as always," the woman, Alix, replies. "Falcon here was an idiot and has got herself stuck in bird form for a while while her energy comes back. So, what do ya need now? Blind him again? Permanently?"

Thatcher shakes his head. "Nope. I need you to remove his Chain."

Alix's eyes wander to me, seeing the necklace around my neck. "Ah. Got it."

"It'll burn you," I say, hoping she won't be able to.

It's the only way to communicate with Rei and the others. To know what they're doing and to let them know if I learn anything here. I need it.

"Oh Little Alpha," Alix says, voice sickly sweet. "I'm the one who took away your senses. I can do it to myself too. Without feeling touch, it's easy for me to snatch that pretty little necklace of yours without being burned."

My body tenses and I try to move away as she steps closer to me, dark eyes glowing for a second before the light fades. I squirm away from her, kicking my legs out at her. She only laughs softly, eventually cornering me.

We'll find you, Asher, Raiden says quickly as Alix's fingers grasp the Chain around my neck. I swear, we'll find you.

As the mind-links flicker, the necklace being removed, Rei's voice hurriedly echoes in my mind, Asher, I love you.

Alix steps back, holding my Chain and giving me a smug smirk. She hands it to Thatcher then steps back to lean against the wall.

"Good!" Thatcher says with a smile as he claps his hands together. "Now we can get to the fun."

Jayden mutters, I don't want to think of what that entails.

I don't know what day it is.

I think it's only been two or three days since Alix took my Chain.

Thatcher's been torturing me. Whips, needles, knives, fire. It's not just pain he's inflicting, he'll push my body past its limits to levels of exhaustion I've never felt before.

I still don't know where I'm being held. For all I know, we could be in another country. I just have to hope the pack will find some way to track down where Thatcher took me.

My teeth clench in an effort to not scream as Falcon brings the whip down on my back for the thirtieth time today. In total, I must've received over a hundred lashes. I don't want to know how scarred my back must be by now.

My breathing comes in ragged pants, tears in my eyes from the burning pain inflicted by the whip dipped in wolfsbane, making the wounds heal slower and blocking out Jayden again.

You're an Alpha. You can handle a little pain. Suck it up. It's just a strip of leather. You're fine.

... No, you're not. It's pathetic. Can't deal with a little whipping. Can't overpower a rogue or at least up a fight. Weak. Why would anyone want to stay with you? Pathetic.

A hiss escapes my lips as the whip is brought down again, making another cut on my blood-covered back. Falcon gives me one more lash before dropping the whip, coming over to me and undoing the restraints around my wrists and ankles and the one around my waist to stop my squirming.

"Good news, Little Alpha," Falcon says mockingly. "We're nearly done for today."

I hold back a sigh of relief. That means I get to sit alone for the rest of the day, only a little more torture for today.

Falcon takes the silver chains connected to the cuffs around my wrists and drags me back to that small room I woke up in. After connecting the chains to the wall again, she spits on me and leaves. Wiping away her spit, I slowly lean back against the wall, grimacing as my back stings in pain.

I should be able to deal with this. I've had broken bones before and been badly beaten. I should be able to handle the pain.

I can tell my body is deteriorating. I've had hardly enough food for the past week and I was unconscious for three weeks before that. My body is becoming thinner and my skin has become paler. I've been feeling weaker with the passing days.

Pathetic. I'm stronger than this.

Yet I'm dependent on Thatcher for everything right now. Food, water, bathroom breaks (that I follow because I don't want to be sitting in my own piss), and basically everything else given to me here, which isn't much at all. Christ, I'm getting used to this routine.

I let out a long sigh. I hope the pack has something to help find me.

Hearing footsteps, my body goes rigid. What now?

A few seconds later, Thatcher appears in the doorway, holding a plate and glass of water. A soft breath of relief escapes my lips. Goddess, my throat feels so dry and I feel so hungry. Thatcher sets the plate and glass down in front of me. My brows furrow slightly, noticing there's more food on the plate than usual.

"You've been good, Cinder," Thatcher says, sitting against the wall across from me. "You deserve a treat."

Slowly, I reach out and grasp the glass, taking a few small sips. This is all I'll get, I feel like I should savor it. I eat slowly, keeping part of my focus on Thatcher, who sits there watching me.

"You look nice with those new scars," Thatcher murmurs softly once I finish eating. "Very pretty, yes. Much better than the smooth scarless skin you had before."

"You're sick," I manage to whisper harshly.

"Sick or strong?" Thatcher replies. "Look where you are. Chained and broken. Now look when I am. Free and doing much better than you are. You wouldn't be here if you were like me, strong. Yet here we are, Cinder. You're weak and pathetic. I'm starting to question if you want to escape or not."

My jaw clenches at his words. But he's right. I'm weak. Pathetic.

"You try so hard to protect your pack," Thatcher murmurs. "But I don't see them rushing to save you. They'd rather carry on with their lives than come save you. Let Raiden take over your pack and forget about you. After all, why should they risk their lives for a weak little thing like you?"

"They will come for me," I say, trying to hide the waver in my voice. "Rei won't leave me here. Neither will Raiden, or the rest of my friends or my pack."

"Rei?" Thatcher echoes. "You bullied her. Rejected her. And because of you, Raiden lost his twin. How do you know they weren't just faking the forgiveness they gave you? How do you know that Rei really wants to be with you? I didn't see anyone running after us to save you. Why would they waste their time searching? Why would they come and try to save you?"

Lying. He's lying. That's all those words are. Lies. Attempts to destroy my hope, exploit my insecurities. But they still hurt worse than anything they've done to me.

"They could've been lying when they said they were searching for you," Thatcher continues. "They could be doing nothing to find you and just said they were. They don't want you. Why would they?"

No. They will find me. They wouldn't leave me here. Rei wouldn't abandon me. Neither would Raiden, Scott, Dean, Clove, Killian, Zaine. Mom wouldn't and neither would Zander. My pack wouldn't leave me here.

Would they?

"Anyway," Thatcher says, "It's Valentine's Day. The love day. And since you have no one to spend it with, I thought you could spend it with one of my Rulers."

As if on cue, Daring, Four, Max, AJ, Darcy, Alix and Falcon all come sauntering in.

"What was so important you interrupted my sleeping in?" Daring asks grumpily with a yawn.

"You know what mates do on Valentine's," Thatcher says. "I was thinking you could include Cinder here in your amorous activities."

Max coughs, having choked slightly. "Excuse me?"

"Did I fucking stutter?" Thatcher replies coldly.

"No," Daring snaps back. "No way. We may be twisted, but there is no way in fucking hell I'm raping someone. Even if I didn't have Four, it would still be a hard pass."

AJ nods, agreeing with Daring.

"You're taking a pass?" Thatcher says. "I don't recall saying you could."

"Fuck you," Four spits. "We're out."

As Daring, Four, Max and AJ attempt to leave, Darcy, Alix and Falcon block them.

"Come on, guys," Darcy sneers, "It's sex. What's the difference between Cinder and your mate?"

"Uh, he's my mate?" Max hisses, his hand grasping AJ's tightly.

Darcy wrinkles her nose. "Turning down a fuck? Your sister would be disappointed."

"She's not my sister!" Max growls. It takes me a second to remember Max was also a half sibling of Kia's, they had the same mom. "She was a dirty whore, everyone thought so!"

"Plan B?" Alix asks, glancing at Thatcher, who nods curtly.

Alix's eyes glow for a second, before she and Falcon lunge at the four Rulers. By the way they stumble, I'm guessing Alix took away most of their senses. It doesn't take long before Daring, Four, Max and AJ are on the ground, Alix and Falcon chaining them to the wall across from me.

Daring snarls furiously, glaring at Thatcher, his eyesight having returned from the brief sensory loss. "What the hell, Thatcher!"

Thatcher shrugs, his eyes turning apologetic as he looks at his brother, "This is what happens when you disobey me." He turns away, his gaze hardening again as he turns to Falcon, "I assume you have the footage?"

Falcon nods, pulling her phone out. She swipes through a few things before I hear voices from what must be a video and I'm shown the phone screen. It shows what I recognize as the living room of my home with my friends. I can see Rei and Raiden in the room, their voices the only thing heard.

"You're sure it doesn't hurt?" Raiden asks.

"It doesn't," Rei's voice replies. "The block is working just fine. He could be getting tortured for all I know, I don't feel it and I don't care."

My breathing catches at that. No, Rei wouldn't do that. She wouldn't just leave me. She said she loves me.

Raiden nods. "Good. He doesn't deserve you, Rei. He never has and he never will."

"Then you understand why I just let him die."

"I'm just disappointed we won't get to see it."

"I have to agree with that!" Zaine's voice says loudly. Both Rys twins look towards the kitchen where the warlock must be. Zaine comes into the room with Killian following him, "He was weak and he was stupid. You don't need a pathetic mate like him, Reina."

"The pack doesn't care either," Raiden adds. "They're happy that Asher is gone."

No. No, my pack cares about me. They care about me like I care about them. Raiden cares, Scott cares, Dean cares. Mom, Zander, everyone. They care about me, I know they do.

"You talking about the lifted burden?" Dean says as he comes into the room.

Rei nods. "Just saying how we're glad he's gone."

Dean laughs softly. "Gone and hopefully dead. He was weak."

"Nothing but a burden."

"Glad he's gone."

"No one needs him."




The voices of my friends dissolve into a terrible high frequency whine, one that pierces my mind. As a werewolf, even without Jayden, the sound hurts so bad. It screams in my mind as my eyes squeeze closed and I draw my knees up to my chest. I try to cover my ears to block out the shrieking noise, shaking my head desperately. It doesn't do anything to stop it, the horrible noise echoes in my mind and makes a terrible pounding start in my head.

Nothing but a burden.

Glad he's gone.

No one needs him.




I don't want to be here. I want to be back home, with my pack, my family, my mate. I want to escape this torture. I want peace. I want this pain to be over. I want out. I want someone to come for me. They said they would come for me. They said they would help me but they're not are they? They just said that; they never meant to find me.

They said they would come for me. He said that we stick together. He said they'd find me. She said she loved me.

They said they wouldn't leave me!

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