Date with a death eater

By ph0ebevines

2.4K 30 16

He leant into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck, "They seem pretty busy," he whispered, mischief lacing... More

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Some time in the future

- chapter 1-

488 6 8
By ph0ebevines

My first ever day at a wizard school, not just any wizard school though. Hogwarts. The most famous wizarding school in the Uk, even the world most people would argue. And I'm about to start my third year here with no experience with magic what so ever, crazy I know, but apparently, they think I have the talent. Herse to embarrassing myself I suppose?

What could go wrong all I have to do is find the platform, get on the train,  try not to make anything awkward or embarrassing in the process, then make it seem like I know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm here, but I couldn't even complete step one so it's all destined to go downhill.

I made my way into London station, pushing through crowds of people, who were running around trying to catch there train. I had an hour and a half till the Hogwarts express left so I wasn't overly worried about rushing anywhere but on the same strength, I had no idea where platform 9 3/4 was or if it even existed.

I still had a thought lingering in the back of my head making me question if this was all a prank and the large man waltzing into my room at midnight was just all part of it, but then again anything was possible when you didn't know your parents.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, clutching it tightly, then ventured further into the station. I was scanning the crowds desperately hoping to find someone who could tell me where to go, then I caught a glimpse of the same man that invited himself into my room so I ran over to him.    

"excuse me, sir," I questioned tugging on the abnormally large man's shirt. He turned on his heels and towered over me, his eyes gently lowering to meet mine.

"ah! Y/N I wondered when I would see you again! please call me Hagrid. " he sounded happy to see me almost as if it was an accomplishment that I made it this far.  He turned his back to me and not even a second later piled me up with a stack of book and a black robe.

I furrowed my brows, looking down at the books, a particular one caught my attention, it was soft and green with little tentacles, which we're moving, the book also appeared to be growling at me. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of it, it seemed as if it was going to try and eat me. "what is this and why is the book moving?"

"oh, this little fella is one of the books you will need this year, if he gives you any trouble, just stroke the spine," he replied with a tone as if the whole ordeal should be obvious to me. I lifted up my hand and ran it along the spine of the book and it stopped growling and fell completely still. I looked u at the man in shock and he just gave me a small smirk. " Have you got your wand, I believe it was sent to you."

slowly, I smiled at him, nodding hesitantly as I wasn't sure whether to class a long thin bit of wood as a wand but the strange old man who gave it to me seemed pretty insistent on me taking it so I guess we will just go with it, I suppose everything right now was a bit out of the ordinary. "would you mind telling me how on earth I am supposed to carry all of this." I could hardly see over the massive pile of stuff I had been given and had almost dropped a couple of my books just in the few minutes we had been stood talking.

" Oh silly me, I almost forgot, this was sent to me to give to you." he chuckled, placing a large brown case on the floor in front of my feet then popping open the lid. It was full of beautiful black and dark green clothes which I had never seen before. "Put all of your things in here then, we don't have all day."

I dropped the pile of things into the suitcase and slammed the lid shut and studied the top. There was a gold logo engraved in the middle with a sentence that read 'Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.' on the side there were two matching gold letters, a ' y/f/i' and an 'P.' "hagrid what do these letters mean?" I looked up and furrowed my brows in the hope he would give me a completely normal answer, I could do with the reassurance that at least one thing was normal.

" That's your initials." He responded. I had hoped for a normal answer and did not receive one. My last name began with a ' y/l/i', not an 'P.'

"Um, are you sure you have got the right person? the first one is right but the second one isn't." I stated.

He shook his head, picked my case up off the floor and flung it on a trolley behind him. "Now I need to go, I will see you very soon,"  He handed me the trolley with my case on and on top was a beautiful black owl in a silver cage. "Norris will look after you, he is yours now." my eyes widened and I gave the bird a small scratch with my finger, then looked back up to the man to say thank you but he had disappeared. 

I turned on my heels, pushing my trolley, aimlessly until I ran over a stone completely losing control of it, letting it run straight into a girl stood a few feet away. " I am so sorry, I-" I began, desperately trying to amend things.

"oh don't be silly, you must be Y/N. Ronald has been non stop talking about you. I would recognise those Y/E/C from anywhere." she interrupted, shutting her book and giving me a gentle smile. "im Hermione granger"

I took a second to study the her. She had light brown hair that had been tied back into a loose ponytail, she was about the same height as me and had big brown eyes.

"it's lovely to meet you, I have to ask, how does this Ronald person Know me?"  I asked, my voice laced with confusion. I had no idea who these people were, so how did they know me?

Hermione shook her head, and strands of her fluffy hair fell right in front of her face. " I'm not the right person to tell you that." she laughed, her eyes apologetic and her lips fell into a slight smirk. I quickly shrugged a little giggle escaping my lips, I didn't really want to ask any more question, I was already trying to figure out enough stuff. "anyway Y/N you must be looking for the platform am I right ?"

" How did you guess," I answered sarcastically glancing over to my trolley. She let out a single laugh and gestured for me to follow her. We pushed through all the people and stopped in front of a wall.

I looked over to her with furrowed brows, she gave me a small wink then ran at the wall at full speed, disappearing as soon as she hit it. I rubbed my temples, then decided to just follow her lead, what was there to lose at this point, I had already come across a half-giant and a growling book.

Soon enough I found myself standing next to the girl on a different platform, I scanned my surroundings and there was a large red steam train to my left and the rest of the space was filled with families. " Well, shall we." she continued, gesturing towards the train. I gave her an eager nod and we carried on walking a little further down the platform.

I was too busy taking in my surroundings to notice a boy approaching me until I walked straight into him. He was tall and blonde, with piercing grey eyes, dressed all in black, carrying an evil expression. Behind him were two boys following him like little minions. "Watch where you're going you filthy little mudblood" he spat right in my face, the two behind him began to cackle and I just rolled my eyes. The blonde looked behind him and a smirk grew on his face, "oh she thinks she is better than us."

" No, I don't have the flexibility to get my head far enough up my own ass," I growled back at him.

Before either of us had a chance to say another word  I felt Hermione's hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from the trio.

" You need to keep your mouth shut, Malfoy is trouble." she insisted. I glanced back behind me with a shrug, he didn't seem like trouble, he just seemed too full of himself but who was I to judge, I didn't know him. "I am going to find my friends, you should be okay," I gave her a small reassuring smile and she disappeared into the crowd.

I let out a long sigh then pulled my trolley over to the edge of the train to join the pile of everyone else's, then hopped on through the door just next to it.

I walked along the thin corridor, peering into each compartment, hoping to find an empty one, Just as I reached the end I found one and threw myself down in the seat and flung my bag on the chair opposite me. I looked down at my jeans and baggy jumper and realised I looked an absolute mess, this wasn't going to give anyone a good impression. I leant forward and pulled my bag onto my lap, rummaging through it to find the black satin dress my mother had left me and possibly a bit of makeup.

I grabbed my robes and I walked out of my compartment, leaving my bag in there so people knew it was occupied and wandered back down the corridor in an attempt to find the toilet. Once I found it I did a quick change and pulled my robes on. I stood looking n the mirror for a few minutes,  just staring at myself and smoothing the creases out of my dress.

I gave a satisfied nod and grabbed an eyeliner and mascara, applying it quickly before turning on my heels and walking out. I already felt ten times more confident in my appearance and I was defiantly ready to make a good impression now.

The doors towered over me and a sudden wave panic overwhelmed me taking up every inch of my body. I took several deep breaths and was contemplating turning around but the doors flew open so I had no other choice.

I took another deep breath and a confident step forward, walking down the middle of the hall with all eyes on me. A smirk fell onto my lips as I caught sight of a couple of gobsmacked faces.

A low mutter filled the hall as I brushed past everyone, not wasting my time giving anybody a second look. Just as I approached the professors I heard a small voice from a ginger boy that caught my attention, he was only sat two people away surrounded by a table of people in red robes. Gryffindor I was assuming.

" bloody hell, my mum was right. she looks so different," he said clearly trying to catch my attention, but I just chose to ignore him, I had other things on my mind.

I continued up the steps and took a seat on the stall, looking out over everyone when I caught sight of the blonde again, Yet this time he didn't carry the same evil expression instead he had a smile on his face, that soon dropped as we locked eyes. He raised his eyebrows at me then turned to his friends, I rolled my eyes and snapped my gaze straight out in front of me, maybe Hermione was right this boy was trouble.

A woman placed a heavy hat on my head and it began to talk at me, at this point in time I couldn't be less phased, I had come across a lot of odd things today. "ah Y/N Prewett, I wondered when we would meet you." the hat boomed. Well, that cleared up the initials on my suitcase, but that was defiantly not my surname. " a distant relative to the Weasleys."

"Thanks for clearing that up" I sniggered. I had no idea who the Weasleys were and where this information had come from but who was I to argue with a hat that could clearly read my mind.

A group of boys and one girl, all ginger, stood up and cheered. My attention was immediately drawn to the girl who just shot me an apologetic smile, her soft brown eyes and my Y/E/C ones lingered on each other for a minute before I looked over the rest of them, next to the girl was a set of twins, then a tall boy who looked a lot older than the rest of them and then finally the other boy sat with Hermione. I screwed up my face and tried to ignore them as best I could I didn't want a group of people I didn't know to embarrass me.

" being a part of the Weasleys you should be in Gryffindor." the hat continued.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose in despair, I didn't want to be put in a house because of this so-called family I had just found out about. "but I believe your ambitions are greater than theirs, you have a strong determination to prove yourself and you are defiantly powerful."

A smirk grew across my face and I shot a look over to the blonde raising my eyebrows at him. These qualities were new to me but I'm sure a magical hat knew me much better. "better be Slytherin!"

I jumped off the seat and the table dressed in green jumped up and began to cheer. I walked over and sat in the empty space in the middle of the bench next to a small girl with dark brown hair, almost black, She had pale skin and faint freckles peppered over her nose. My attention was drawn to her unique yet beautiful eyes, one was a dark emerald green then other a diamond blue. She shot me a small smile, stretching out her hands towards me. "Isla fisher."

I shook her hand and returned the smile, "Y/n, Prewett apparently." I laughed. She titled and furrowed her brows, implying to me that my comment had confused her. "Yeah I didn't know about them, I had a different surname till this morning."

Her eyes widened and she shuffled a little bit closer, " so you don't know your family?" I shook my head, I didn't know what else to tell her. " that must be hard."

" I survived on my own, - "I began, catching a glimpse of the blonde staring at me from a few people away, I hadn't even noticed he was sat so close until now.

"Oh so miss mudblood is related to the Weasleys, how tragic." he interrupted. I put my finger up to Isla and jumped up, walked and leant down on the table opposite him.

" Sweetheart, get your head out of your ass, your not finding very good insults being stuck up there all the time." I hissed, curling up the corner of my lip and looking him up and down, " and clearly it's not looking too good on your appearance either you look a bit peaky." I gave him a tap on the cheek and turned on my heels and went back to sit with Isla, who was sat with her mouth slightly apart.

" You are mad." the girl managed to say, through her state of shock. I glanced over to him and he was giving me a cold stare.

" You learn not to deal with people's bullshit when you have no parents because it happens quite frequently," I responded, turning back to her and sticking my middle finger up in the boys direction.

The girl shook her head and we both shared a small laugh before turning to the table of food that had now magically appeared in front of us. There were tons of different dishes spread all the way down the table, I started picking up lots of small bits, filling my plate. " so what year are you starting in?" the girl asked.

I quickly swallowed my mouthful then turned my head to look at her, " 3, how about you."

"I am in year 3 as well, do you know what subjects your taking?" she continued, waving her fork in front of her face.

" well from what I have been told, Divinations care of Magical creatures and Muggle studies," I replied. I had no idea what these subjects were or how you did them but I suppose that's what I came here to find out.

"We have all our classes together then," she squealed. I gave her a smile through my mouthful of water, it was going to be nice to have a familiar face in all my classes. " but so does Malfoy." She glared over at the boy and screwed up her nose.

"He will be no trouble, don't worry," I said, swallowing my water and looking over her shoulder at him. He was sat muttering away to his friends and occasionally glancing up at the pair of us. " we should go to the common room, I haven't been their yet."

" Yeah, sure, come on." We jumped up from the table and walked out of the hall without giving anybody a second look.

We were wandered through several dimly lit corridors until we came to a flight of stairs at the very bottom was a painting. We ran down and Isla muttered something and the painting opened reavealing the green lit common room. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me in, the whole place had been themed around the same dark green colour, matching our house perfectly. There were two black leather couches, both in front of a grand fireplace. At the back was two separate doors, one labelled 'girls' and the other 'boys' in the middle was a dark oak table scattered with book and quills. I stood for a second just taking it all in before Isla dragged me over to the door at the back of the room.

The dorm was just as beautifully decorated, the walls were a matching shade of green and so were the beds. there was a large window and a bedside table in between each single bed. Either side of the door was 4 chest of drawers and tucked away in the corner was another door labelled ' bathroom.'

I scanned the rooom once more before my attention fell on my owl that had been placed on the furthest bed. I ran over and immediatly gave him a small stroke, then hauled my case onto my bed.

" Looks like your next to me." the girl squealed excidtidly, i looked up and saw her sat on the bed opposite with a cat climbinig over her, "this is luna, she wont be a bother." i walked over and perched on the edge of the bed giving the cat a gentle stroke on the head.

" thats norris, he was a present from Hagrid." i laughed, titling my head and looking at the owl as he pecked at the side of the cage.

" Hagrid brought Harry is owl as well." she stated. I looked at her with furrowed brows, "Harry Potter?" i just shurgged my shoulder, i had no idea who she was going on about. " the chosen one." i jsut shook my head and walked back over to my bed. "The boy who lived?"

" Isla, i have no idea who he is no matter how many times you say his name." i laughed.

I clicked open my case, took out the stack of books and started to go through all of the clothes. There was two black dresses and one dark green, a coule of long sleeved white shirts and a long black coat embroided with black flowers around the collar. " I also have no idea who gave me the clothes, they just came with my case." I took them all out and noticed a small black envelope in the bottom, I held it up to my face and looked between it and Isla, who just shrugged at me.

" Open it then." she insited. I flipped it over and slid my finger under the silver wax seal. I carefully unfolded the piece of partchment, the writing was beautiful, nothing like i had ever seen before.

Dear y/n,

i have heard so much about you, it must be difficult starting a new school. I hope evreyhting is the right size and that you like it all.

Yours sincerly.

But it hadnt been signed off by anybody, only making it that little bit more confusing. I read it out to Isla who just furrowed her brows and moved over to my bed, too look through all the clothes. She held one of the dresses up , "whoever got you these has good taste." she said, soudning very surprised. I nodded, picked up the pile of clothes and stuffed them in the top of the chest of drawers opposite my bed.


We sat on the bed talking about our lives in general and taking the time to get to know each other, Isla did seem really sweet so it was a nice opportunity. However, we were interrupted by another pair of girls who walked in giggling, One of them I recognised from the great hall, she was sat a few seats away from Malfoy, the other I had never seen before. " Oh, we have the mudblood joining us." one of them sniggered.

I looked over to Isla and rolled my eyes, before jumping up off my bed, walking over to her and in one swift movement pulling out my wand and holding it to her chin so she was pressed against the wall. I wasn't sure what this was going to do, I couldn't use the bloody thing but she looked terrified so it was worth it. " better get used to it my darling." I gave her a small wink and turned on my heels throwing myself back onto the bed.

" You heard her pansy, I would mess with this one." Isla joked, faking a small shiver, sending both of us into uncontrollable fits of laughter, whilst the other pair just hurried off muttering to each other in annoyance. " That's Pansy Parkison, she is literally obsessed with Malfoy and the other one is Jemima Longstay, she is like Pansy's little minion."

" She is just as full of herself as Mr Blonde Barbie." I laughed, but to my surprise, the girl looked at me with pure confusion. " Your kidding, you don't know what a Barbie is?" she shook her, shuffling down into her quilt and giving me a small smile, she looked really tired so I thought it would just be best to leave her. " I will explain another day, I'm going to go for a walk, I will see you in the morning"

" Don't get lost, or caught," she replied, leaning over to switch off her light. I grabbed my book and the letter of the bedside table then crept out. To my surprise, the common room was completely empty so I just wandered straight over to the door without any hesitation. As I reached for the handle I could feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head, I snapped around and rolled my eyes as I saw the blonde stood leaning in the doorway of the boys dorm. I chose to just ignore him and walk out the door, " Where do you think you're going." he called after me, I stuck my middle finger up and slammed the door behind me. I didn't have to answer to anyone, especially not him.

The corridor was peaceful now, all I could see was the moonlight dancing through the windows. I began to walk down the enchanted corridor just happy to get time to myself again. Everything was perfectly silent, it was the perfect place to read. I hopped up onto one of the window sills tucking my knees up into my chest and opening up my book. Matilda had always been my favourite book as a child, it helped me to escape reality, I would always try and do magic with my mind like she did, however, I didn't need to imagine it anymore. I ran my fingers across the darkened pages as I thought about the one time I heard my mother read it to me when I was very little. I almost remember her doing the voices of all the different characters.

suddenly, a tall man dressed all in black appeared in front of me. "Miss Prewett" his words dragged out with long pauses in between each. it still felt weird to her that name. I gave him an innocent smile as I remembered that I wasn't actually supposed to be out at this time. As I looked him in the eye, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly, like he was surprised to see me for some reason. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly then swung my legs over the side of the window sill.

" Professor." I nodded, hopping down and going to walk off but his hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me back around.

" Out for a little walk are we?" he questioned. " That normally ends with a detention."

" lovely." I scoffed, pulling out of his grip and disappearing around the corner. I really couldn't care less if he gave me detention or not, it's not like I had any parents to tell me off about it. I snuck back into the common room but was followed closely by the man. I threw myself down onto the sofa and just looked at him, waiting to be shouted at. He stood looking at me for a few seconds before gesturing over to the boy's dorm.

" I want you to keep an eye on this one Mr Malfoy." he insisted. I snapped my head around to see the blonde stood with a smug look spread across his face.

"Oh lucky me," I muttered, opening my book back up to shut the pair out. Maybe saying what I thought wasn't always the best way to go about things, because now I was stuck with the cocky popular boy.  The man waltzed out the common room without another word, leaving the two of us in complete silence.

" Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut, I have to put up with you now." he spat, breaking our silence and distracting me from my book.

"im great company," I replied sarcastically, looking up from my book and raising my eyebrows. "If you don't piss me off, which you have already excelled at." I slammed my book shut, turned to face him and crossed my legs. He walked a few steps closer to me, tilting his head and taking a seat opposite.

" Oh please, your just jealous." he spat.

"Of what daddy's money?" I pouted sarcastically, getting up and heading over to the girls dorm. It was clear there was rich, you didn't even need to give him a second to look to figure it out. I heard a faint ' bitch' as I walked into the dorm room making me chuckle to myself. Today had certainly been eventful, growling books, giant men, a new family and a sudden found confidence, but it was only the beginning of my journey.

A/N-  HI all I don't know if anyone will be reading this but if you are thank you! this is my first story so just bear with me : )

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