The Girl who Survived (Fred...

Od Mystic_sins

259K 6.3K 7.2K

"You forget, I notice everything too" "I love you tulip" "You know you can be very sweet sometimes, and then... Více

Authors note
Ch. 1 A day at the park
Ch. 2 A Wand and a Friend
Ch 3. Last Day of Summer Holiday
Author's Note
Ch 4. And so, It Began
Ch 5. Start as Friendships
Ch 6. The other Suitor
Ch 7. A Confession
CH 8. Gift of Knowledge
CH 9. The First Truth
CH 10. Collection
CH 11. Secrets
CH 12. Rumors Hurt
CH 13. The Black Dog
CH 14. First Holiday Away
CH 15. Confrontations
Authors note
CH 16. Coming Alive
CH 17. Blinded Visions
CH 18. The Truth about Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail
CH 19. The Do Over Day
CH 20. Some Kind of Ending
CH 21. The First Time
CH 22. A Different Type of Feeling
CH. 23 The Sound of Water
CH 24. A Very Weasley Summer
CH 25. Feelings Return
CH 26. The World Cup
CH 27. Back to school
CH 28. A New Defense
CH 29. The Goblet Has Spoken
CH 30. Technically the Truth
CH 31. Well Done Dragon
CH 32. Dates and Ball Gowns
CH 33. The Yule Ball PT. 1
CH 34. The Yule Ball Pt. 2
CH 35. The Black Lake
CH. 36 Visions or Dreams
CH 37. Sweater Weather
CH 38. Floating
CH 39. Biscotti and The Hogwarts March
CH. 40 Blinding
CH 41. Aftermath
CH 42 The Quiet That Follow
CH 43. Reading
CH 44. Future mornings
CH 45. Guardian
CH 46. A New Year
CH 47. Cutting Deep
CH 48. Trust
CH 49. Leftfield Conversations
CH 50. Strict
CH 51. Psychic Bonding
CH 52. Good Days Turned Banned
CH 53. Cunning
CH 54. Letters
CH 55. Occlumency
CH 56. Truths and Burns
CH 57. Awkward Memories
CH 58. A Very Giving Christmas
CH 58. Rhapsody
CH 59. The Last Party
CH 60. Patronus
CH 61. Smashing
CH 62. The First Act
CH 63. Reactions
CH 64. Family Matters
CH 65. Planning
CH 66. Unexpected
CH 67. Lilies
CH 68. The Last Minute
CH 69.2 Wedding Night Short
CH 70. Leaving the Bubble
CH 71. The Secret Keeper
CH 72. The Secret Keepers Secrets
CH 73. Reaching out
CH 74. What If's
CH 75. A New Marauder
CH 76. A Reunion
CH. 77 An Invasion of Trust
CH 78. Incoming Rain
Remus Bonus Short
CH 79. Smell of Home
CH 80. Joy and Grief
CH 81. Similar Actions
CH 81. Returning
CH 83. Decisions
CH 84. Fear
CH 85. The Second Act
CH 86. Rubies on the Pitch
CH 87. Inferno
CH 88. Dumbledore's Truth
CH 89. Sectumsempra
CH 90. Plotting
CH 91. Clean
CH 92. The Astronomy Tower
CH 93. Turmoil
CH 94. A Realization
CH 95. Farewell
CH 96. Fight or Flight
CH 97. A Wedding
CH 98. An Arrangement
CH 99. Surviving
CH 100. A Blending of Realities
CH 101. Consequence for Humanity
CH 102. Heart to Heart
CH 103. Avalanche

CH 69. A Long Road

1.3K 46 182
Od Mystic_sins

The long awaited chapter. Nothing else needs to be said.

Songs used to write this chapter: 

What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

It's Been A Long Long Time - Kitty Kallen

Make You Feel My Love - Bob Dylan

~Elodies POV~

Minerva waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. Taking both of my hands and giving me one last head to toe look before placing a hand on my face. She'd gotten me this far, it only made sense that she be the one to walk beside me. Not the most popular choice, as both Remus and Sirius pouted when I told them, but they understood.

"My darling girl," She said, her eyes glazing over as we began walking outside to the side of the tent so no one would see me yet. "Your mother and father would have been so proud."

"They are," I told her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't let me fall," I asked her as I kicked forward my dress.

"I never have, and I don't intend to start now my dear," she said and handed me my bouquet.

"Ready?" Ginny asked standing in front of us, wand ready to being the music. I gave her a nod, and with a swish of her wand, "After you sir," Cat was the first to walk in, Wedding band around his bowtie, and she was closely behind.

Her beautiful sleek emerald dress was glowing in the gloomy light. Her fiery hair against it burning, more beautiful than I could have pictured. I counted to five and then jerked my chin forward to open the slit of the canopy, stepping into the beautifully lit tent, which only brought me comfort. I wasn't nervous, but I had to remind myself to breathe. At the end of the line, Fred was waiting for me.

I see trees of green. Red roses too. I see them bloom. For me and you

Everyone was on their feet, staring at me, watching me walk by. Katie with Lee, Alicia and Olivia, I even saw Dumbledore with the Diggory's. Fred on the other hand, looked like he sucked in a breath too quickly, nearly thrown over, as he lifted both of his hands to his mouth and ran them down his chin. A good sign, I took it. He started rocking back and forth on his toes like an excited child wanting things to move along quicker.

And I think to myself, What a wonderful world

If everything I'd gone through in life brought me to this moment, the moment in which I walked away from uncertainty and loneliness, then maybe it had been worth it. Granted, I would have wanted nothing more than to have my parents and Cedric here in person, but their seemingly empty seats at the front gave me a bit of comfort that maybe...just maybe...

I see skies of blue. And clouds of white. The bright blessed day. The dark sacred night

Only a few steps away, Bill in the center, George at his side. Fred looked absolutely stunning in his deep navy blue suit. The twinkling lights above our heads gave it a subtle glow. I thanked Godric I had been able to convince him against wearing a kilt. I hadn't known if he was trying to see how far he could take the joke or if he really wanted to wear it. But everything was perfect. Just as he'd reassured me it would be.

And I think to myself, What a wonderful world

I turned to Minerva and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before moving my hand over to Fred's. It was the best part of my magic, the way that a glow erupted in the core of my chest everytime we touched. It was one of the things that I selfishly hoped would never pass. But nothing else mattered. The only one that did was Fred, and Bill, who was ready to tie our lives together.

"I love you," He mouthed to me silently.

"I love you," I reciprocated back.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls. From what I've been told, it has been a long and winding road that has led us all here today," Bill said opening the ceremony. "There's a muggle saying in a book that Elodie gave me once, it says 'When you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.' I'm not sure how much everyone here knows about these two, but I don't think there's ever been a more accurate saying that would fit," He said, causing a few 'aww's' and some laughter to come from the audience. "Fred, you first?" Bill said and turned to Fred who took out a piece of parchment from inside of his dress robes, earning a few laughs, and a huge smile from myself.

"Elodie Lilian Potter, you are a hurricane, similar to the one brewing outside, but the only place I want to be is in the eye of the storm. When I first laid my eyes on you, it felt like I'd never seen anything so perfect. You had these huge green eyes, and this beautiful auburn hair. I spent the next 7 years telling everyone how much I loved you, and how I wouldn't be completely happy until I had you by my side. And when you told me that you loved me, it felt like...well, it felt like I'd never been so whole. Like I was finally able to breath. And never has a day gone by where I haven't been so completely enamored by you. So, my vow to you is this: I vow to always listen before a disagreement. To always wash the dishes, while you dry. And to always make you smile and laugh, even when it seems too hard to bear. I've never met anyone else like you, and I full heartedly believe that I never will. No one has ever made me feel a fraction of what you do. Through this life, I know I'll never hold anyone else in my eyes or in my heart as I do you. I will stay by your side everyday. And I promise to always earn you, fight for you, and love you unconditionally for the rest of my life."

There was sniffing coming from the attendees, myself included. "Are you crying Ron?" I heard Sirius ask.

"No," He said heavily.

"Can I kiss her yet?" Fred asked Bill eagerly as he reached for my hand to give it a squeeze.

"Not quite yet," Bill told him, holding up a hand to let him know he needed to be patient. "Elodie, If you would," He said to me.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley, you are a piece of work, and I want so badly to be able to explain all the love I have for you. Not the love of butterflies and stomach knots, but the ups and downs that we have encountered together. My vow to you is, to laugh with you, and tell you I love you, every day before going to sleep. To agree to disagree on carrot cake," I said.

"Vegetable bread," He said, interrupting but laughing as he did it.

"And when the time comes that we're old and gray, I promise to still see you with the same eyes and the same heart that I see you with at the peak of our love. You taught me that when you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand alone again. I didn't fall in love with you because I was broken and in need of fixing. No, I fell in love with you because after seeing the deepest depths of your soul, I wanted to make you a permanent part of my world. You have made me feel wanted, and safe and loved and I promise to make you feel the same way for the rest of my life."

"Okay now I'm crying," Ron said.

"Me too," Sirius said as he sniffled.

"Can I kiss her now?" Fred asked Bill again as his voice cracked slightly.

"Almost there, Freddieboy. You waited this long for her, just a bit more." Bill answered him. "Now that we're all properly teary eyed, let's have the rings," He said.

Fred turned to George to collect my ring from him, while Cat jumped off his seat and sat upright at Ginny's feet, exposing his neck so the rings could be unclipped from his bowtie.

"Thank you sir," Ginny said before standing upright again and handing me Fred's ring.

"Fred Weasley, do you take Elodie Potter to be your wife, your partner in life, and your better half, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" Bill asked.

"I do, I do, I so badly do," Fred answered as he slid the ring on my finger. I looked down feeling how thick it had been compared to the last time I'd tried it on. But it hadn't changed, instead, he'd also slipped on a diamond engagement ring in front of the wedding band.

"Elodie Potter, do you take Fred Weasley to be your husband, your partner in life, and your better half, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" Bill asked.

"I do. I truly do," I said and placed a ring on his finger.

"Are you sure?" Charlie asked from the audience causing a wave of laughter and a smack to the arm from Molly. Fred shot him a look as if to say 'Back off' but laughed along with everyone else.

"I've never been more certain of anything else," I said.

"Well then so be it. Join hands properly," Bill said and pulled out his wand. Fred and I held hands to cup each other, so there would be no space between our bond. "Strive to always be united with each other as one, remembering that you are only as strong united, as you are weak when you are divided," He spoke and a golden light beamed from mine and Fred's encased hands, our veins glowing a bright blue, bonding and joining our magic. A few gasps came from the guests as they witnessed our bond was chosen by magic itself.

"Well I'll be damned," I heard Charlie's distinct voice say.

"Godric's soul, now I'm crying," I heard someone else say. Fred was right, it's not something you see every day.

Bill looked at the both of us with a grin on his face knowing that we were more than ready. "Then let no more time pass. By the power vested in me, as witnessed by this teary-eyed lot here today, I declare you bonded for life. And Husband and wife. Go on, kiss her already."

Moving a hand to my face and using the other to pull himself in, Fred kissed me in a way so chast I'd never felt before. I rested my hand on his shoulder, and then let it trail to his neck as everyone else disappeared. I'd found my soulmate. And there was nothing, not another person, not magic, no greater power in the universe, that could ever separate us.

"I love you," I said, resting my forehead against his.

"I love you," He said back, knotting his fingers with mine.

"Witches and Wizards, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Elodie Weasley-Potter," Bill said, allowing everyone else to stand to their feet and applaud us. But all I saw was my long and happy life with Fred, a vision that was long awaited for.


I'd felt as if I'd never danced more in my life than I did tonight. Having to throw my shoes under a table due to being pulled into dance after dance. My favorite so far may have been when Ginny and I danced to Radio Gaga with Hermionie and Tonks. I pulled Fleur from her seat next to Bill, wanting to keep her included even though she wasn't familiar with any songs by Queen. We'd definitely need to work on that.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, let's slow things down for the father daughter dance," Lee called overhead, playing an Elvis song. I stood in the middle of the makeshift dance floor, not spotting either Sirius or Remus for a moment, scared that my heart would stop if they didn't approach me soon.

"I do believe that's me, Elly-Belly," Sirius said with a tap on my shoulder.

"I was starting to think you were going to leave me hanging," I told him, lifting my arm to let him twirl me.

"Never again," He said, pulling me in close.

"How about us?" Remus said, with Harry at his side.

Remus pulled me in, placing a kiss to my forehead. Harry and I were sandwiched between Remus and Sirius for a moment, nearly falling over when someone stepped on my dress. We laughed inappropriately and danced along to the slow song. My little family, feeling almost complete.

"Mind if I have a go?" Mr. Weasley said, cutting in. I caught a glimpse of Fred dancing with Molly. "I'll take good care of her."

"Absolutely," Remus said, giving my hand a pat.

"So, would you prefer for me to call you Arthur now?" I asked as we waltzed around.

"If you prefer. Though I do happen to be fond of being called dad," he said and twirled me once.

He was my father too now, wasn't he. I'd gone my entire life, feeling as though I was alone. Then in the span of one summer, I'd finally had more family than I'd ever thought imaginable. Not only did I have the mother that raised me, but I had three fathers, and mother in law. I finally had my brother, under the same roof. I had my husband, and a child on the way.

I took a seat with Ginny and Ron, who were at the same table as Hermionie and Harry. I needed to catch my breath, and get a drink of water. Everyone was still picking at their roast dinners, engaging in conversation. But my mind was concentrating on not rudding my stomach right now, not wanting to be caught by Aunt Muriel.

"Where is that Nephew of mine? Marrying a half blood, humph!" She said to some poor souls forced to listen a few tables away from us.

"There you are! Let me have a dance with my dear old Aunt Muriel," George said, holding out a hand for her after shooting me a wink. He'd spent most of his night at Angelina's side, so I'd definitely owe him one for this.

Not as surprising though, was Tonks and Charlie spending a majority of their night together. She'd told me before that they were friends during their time at hogwarts. After spending the last couple weeks keeping me company, it seemed as though their friendship had reignited. And the way her hair turned bright pink as they swayed hinted that it was more than just a friendship that was on their minds lately.

Perhaps it was the cloud of happiness I was floating on. Perhaps I was seeing the truth. But if I had to close my eyes and point a finger at anyone in the room, I'd say that those two had something between them on the horizon. Though hopeful so did Remus and Sirius. Something more official.

"Mrs. Wealsy-Potter, will you please do me the honor of this dance?" Fred said kneeling in front of me.

"Absolutely, Mr. Weasley-Potter," I said before leaning forward and wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him. He stood to his feet, lifting me slightly. I laughed as he pulled me back to the dance floor, holding me as close as the space would allow.

"Do you wish we'd picked a different day? One that was less rainy?" he asked me quietly.

"Hey," I said looking up at him. "I wouldn't change a single thing. Can I tell you a secret?" I asked. He nodded at me with a smile on his face. "Today was the best day of my life. And if I could stop time, I'd want to stay in this moment. Forever."

He lifted a hand to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. "We're soulmates. That's something huh?"

"And let everyone know. That it was a reader and joker, that were always meant to be," I said and kissed the corner of his mouth before reaching up for his ear. "I remember promising you loads of sexy, dirty sex tonight," I whispered.

"Mrs. Weasley," He said with fake shock in his voice. "There are still children present," He whispered back, before twirling me once more. "You're mine. And I belong to you. Now that's the forever I'm more than glad to stay in."

The music faded, but we were still knotted together. We properly shoved cake in each other's faces, much to Fred's approval, it wasn't carrot. We were finally able to take our seats, having all the water I wanted at my disposal. I took a bite of his slice of cake, having finished mine, before we were interrupted by a clinking of glasses.

"Hello everyone, George here, uhh, also known as the best man," He said, Stuck on his words for a moment. "Isn't Elodie absolutely gorgeous tonight?" He asked and looked around quickly. "Not only is she beautiful though, she's also caring, sweet and she deserves one hell of a husband. Thankfully for Fred she agreed to marry him before she found one," He said, causing us all to erupt with laughter. "See, Fred gets to leave tonight having gained a wife with all of the qualities one could dream about having in a partner. Now I've known these two for just a fair bit of time. And I can tell you, that there's no two better people that are as well paired together as these two are. So all I can really say... is that you should remember to hold each other close. Because love isn't common, and the love these two have... It's... Well it's magical," He said, holding the weight of something else behind his eyes. "To the bride and groom," He said, lifting his glass.

There was something in the way he spoke. I knew he meant what he was saying, and some part of him believed it. But there was a heaviness. Almost as if it was hard for him to admit what he was saying. I had to stop the thought in my tracks, not wanting to feed something I wasn't even sure was there.

"To the bride and groom!" Everyone else said as they raised their glasses. Fred grabbed his, and I grabbed a champagne coupe filled with water.

"Are we about done here?" Fred said whispering into my ear.

"Godric I hope so," I said, placing my glass down. "There's just one more thing I need to do. "Alright you beautiful bunch, gather round!" I called out, grabbing my bouquet and moving to one end of the dance floor. "Lets see who the next lucky couple will be!" I said turning away from everyone and swinging my bouquet above my head. "One," I called out swinging it once. "Two!" I called out swinging it again. "Three!" I shouted, focusing on who I wanted it to land near.

I tossed it back, and sure enough, it landed in Sirius's open hands, mid conversation. Both his and Remus's eyes widened unexpectedly. But the deed was done, and the message was sent. I walked up to both of them, taking them both into an embrace.

"We know what you're doing Ellie," Remus said firmly.

"It's working," Sirius sang into my ear. "Mmm," He said, waving Fred over to us. "We have a gift for you. For the both of you," Sirius said.

"Now?" Remus asked, as he dipped his chin down slightly.

"Well now's as good a time as any, Moony darling," Sirius said, pulling me and Fred out of the tent and into the misty night. "Come on, this way. Close your eyes," He said, pulling me along a few steps away from the tent, Remus and Fred shortly behind.

I did as I was told, letting his hand guide me. Holding onto my hand, he apparated us away from the party, the sound of music and chatter no longer audible. I heard the sound of gravel crunching beneath my feet. Nearly losing my balance, I had to grab a handful of my dress in each hand to ensure I wouldn't fall on the uneven ground, but I felt myself being lifted.

"Keep them closed," Freddie said. "Keep them closed, keep them closed. Keep. Them. Closed," he kept repeating. His voice began echoing, but my feet met the ground. The air smelled thick of wood oil and rosemary lavender flower arrangements. "Alright open," He said.

We stood in a room, just the two of us. Sirius and Remus no longer with us. There was a single sofa in the living room of an unfamiliar house. Fred slid a door open, exposing what could be a dining room as he flicked his wand to turn the lights on.

"Where are we?" I asked innocently.

"Well, your family didn't think we'd want to be newlyweds in their house, under their roof with everyone's ears listening in. And while it may be quite spacious, with order members in and out it didn't seem like there would be enough space for a baby," he said as he opened a sliding door connecting the dinning room to the kitchen. "Sirius and Remus- uhh, your dad's did this for us," he said, holding his arms out for me to take in the sight.

I looked around the room, while beautiful, the best way to describe it was bare. The floors were a lovely hardwood, as were the stairs. But the only visible furniture was the couch. There may have been more upstairs but that wasn't visible.

"There's a sun room that can be used as a greenhouse through the kitchen. I can turn the basement into my workshop, and that room there can be your office, once you start working at the Ministry. But if it's as secretive as they say, you may not be bringing much work home with you," He said as he gestured to a room across the living room, next to the stairs. "And upstairs, there's four bedrooms. We don't need this much space, but you wanted to stay close so this seemed like the best option."

"This is the house down the road?" I asked, remembering that we'd never met the neighbors here since the house was vacant when we moved in.

"Yeah. We're right in between their house and the Burrow," He said. "What do you think? I did good didn't I?"

"Our own home," I said as I touched the banister. "Our own home!" I said with a huge smile, turning around and leaping into his arms, letting him spin me around as if we were dancing all over again.

"Yeah, I did good," He said into my neck, trailing kisses toward my face. "I love you, you know that?"

I looked at him as he dropped to his knees and placed a kiss on my stomach. "No one has ever made me feel as loved as you do," I said, feeling my eyes run with tears. I couldn't help it anymore, it just all seemed like something I couldn't even explain anymore.

"Hey, no. please don't cry," he said standing back up.

"No, I'm fine. It's- I'm just so happy," I said into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me, engulfing me in a glowing embrace. This was all I'd ever wanted. It was everything I didn't even know I wanted. "I just- I'm really... fucking happy," I said letting the tears run free, as he absorbed them, sharing this moment, and all that were to come with me.

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