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marvel images and oneshots where i write for any character in the mcu/aos/spiderverse REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY... Daha Fazla

requests [open]
bucky barnes
pietro maximoff
steve rogers
clint barton
Tony Stark •
tony stark
peter parker (th)
sam wilson
bucky barnes
tony stark
grant ward
daniel sousa
pietro maximoff
stephen strange
lance hunter
your first 'date'
Bucky Barnes •
bruce banner
~ loki 2
~ ikaris

he first sees you

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1-800-MAKKARI tarafından

This chapter will showcase when certain superheroes first met you ( there might be a part two... ) and I'm going to try to make each as unique as I can. Will there be a tiny bit of cussing, yes...
Also I'm going to have a little note after each preference bc I like to talk about what I write.

Terms you may need to know ( I have no idea what the usual way these are used for ) and each can be whatever you want!
- y/n is your first name
- l/n is your last name
- y/e is your eye color
- y/h is your hair color

Steve Rogers : Messy Breakfast :
( think Agent Carter season 1 diner )

        The long story short - is it was a really short story. Steve had only been out of the ice for about a month or two living in a small apartment in Brooklyn that SHIELD had set up for him. ( Despite the super soldier knowing nothing of the twenty-first century ). Steve was told that he could go anywhere, do anything he wanted and that SHIELD would be taking care of him in the shadows. That's how he wound up outside of an retro-styled diner hoping for a bit of home.
        He sat in a little booth towards the back, hidden from view for the most part. He settled on looking at the menu after scoping out the restaurant for a bit. Steve was in his own little world until a gruff cough brought him out of the menu to see a hunched over red-haired woman waiting on his order. He managed to stutter it out, caught off guard.

       "We'll have that right out for you, hun."

        So he sat back and waited looking around at the walls. Records hung on the walls and the checkered pattern on the floor looked well worn with marks that looked like little wheels etched into the tiles. The whole diner had an aged aesthetic to it ( that many would consider a little exaggerated or extreme ).

       "Excuse me, sir? Did you order the number five with the extra sides of bacon and scrambled eggs?"
      "Yes ma'am, that's mine."

        And then he looked at her. She was wearing the soft blue uniform that all the other waiters were in, but it complimented her y/e eyes. She carefully set the plates on the table ( hoping that she wouldn't drop yet another meal ). Steve scooted out of her way, careful not to accidentally brush her hand as he took a plate from her.

       "Thank you, ma'am."
       "Of course, do you need anything to drink, sir?"
       "A coffee please."

        Y/n reprimanded her thoughts as they strayed vicariously once her eyes met his. Between the baby blues that looked like they had all the time in the world to tell a story and the toned muscles all she wanted to do was sit and ask him about himself. Still she reminded herself that she was working and that bills were soon to be due. Deep inside she yearned to be able to hear this man's story, for her aspirations weren't to work in this diner but to have her name printed across a row of book shelves all written by her. ( That's why she had first taken this crappy job in hopes to hear of the people's lives ).
        Once y/n got his coffee together she brought it by the table expecting to see only a small portion of the mountain of food gone. Instead only a little was left and Steve thankfully chugged the coffee down. Y/n stood there for a second, chin having dropped a little before her mouth spoke before she could think.

"Are you a super human or something?"

Which obviously caused Steve to choke in surprise on a smaller sip of coffee and spitting it to splash all over the table. Heads turned to the table and the red-haired woman from before growled almost as though she was summoned from wherever she had been to order y/n to get to cleaning. Y/n scurried back with the towels and sprays, bright cherry spots still prominent on her cheeks.

"Sir, I am so sorry."
"No, no. I made this huge mess and now you to have to clean up. I hope I didn't get you fired or anything."
"Oh no, it's fine, sir, really. Gretel wishes she could, but this old place doesn't have enough staff already."

Hearing what she said y/n whips her head around only to see Gretel on the other side of the diner speaking with a couple in a booth. The scarlet in her cheeks only growing brighter.

"Um, sorry sir-."
"I'm sorry what?"
"That's my name, Steve Rogers. It's really no big deal either."

Y/n looked at him, an odd grin plastering itself to her face. Steve tried not to think about how cute she looked with that small smile covering her lips.

"Y/n. Y/n l/n let me take these and I'll go grab your check."

Y/n already knew that the idiotic smile growing would be stuck for the rest of her day. And suddenly she realized something beyond exciting.
Y/n hands Steve his check after running the credit card he gave her through the register. Sliding it and the receipt to him as she passed on her way into the kitchen. She wished she had a chance to say goodbye, but when she saw the receipt missing among the rest of the trash as she picked up the tip and cleaned the table the grin grew wider.

Y/n had realized that maybe she had become a larger part in someone else's story, even if it had come through an incredibly awkward incident she hadn't had time to think over. ( Why had Steve reacted so strongly to her questioning if he was a super human? ). Still the one moment that proved that she might be a part of his, even for just a short period of time - was that he had accepted the receipt with her number scrawled onto the back.

( word count : 887 )
I really feel like this is an adorable way for Steve to meet someone. A little home sick and he meets someone very sweet and awkward who has big dreams. And the reader insert for this one is so cute to me!!

Tony Stark : Not You :

There are often moments in a woman's life where she is hit on by someone she has no interest in. And y/n lived in the wonderful, loud city of New York, New York. She had been cat-called and jeered at a million times, still she took care of herself. Between the boxing classes she went to to keep herself fit and working in an office where it quickly became 'a woman's job' to do the filing. She kept to herself, and took care of herself.
But y/n had gained the opportunity of a lifetime. A chance to work for Stark industries, a chance to even meet the Pepper Potts. Y/n's idol the moment she heard of her, a woman who worked her way up in the ranks to become the head of possibly the largest company on Earth. Even if y/n didn't get the job as Miss Potts secretary she would still get to meet her, as Miss Potts believes in meeting her possible personal employees face-to-face. The only deal breaker that y/n saw was possibly having to deal with the Tony Stark ( a man that she simply couldn't stand ).

"Y/n L/n, Miss Potts is ready to interview you now."
"Thank you."

Y/n made her way into the office in a black form fitted pantsuit. Her y/h hair was pulled back in a neat half up bun, and her think framed glasses complimented her y/e eyes. The strawberry blonde smiled kindly standing to take her hand. Y/n made sure to sit once Pepper did. The two talked for quite sometime, until Miss Potts asked a burning question she had.

"Your resume really impressed me, but I do wonder why you want to switch companies?"
"In all honesty, I've always admired Stark Industries and the work you do here. And, well, I've always admired you. It doesn't help that the men where I'm currently working do not respect me in the slightest."
"I know exactly where your coming from y/n. That's all the time we have. I'll be in touch soon."
"Thank you for the opportunity Miss Potts."

She had a wonderful feeling about this. Maybe it was her chance to get to do something fantastic, be important. At least until she opened the door with a burst of gumption, knocking an unexpected man backwards onto his arse.

"Oh sir! I'm so sorry!"
"What the hell! Potts what is going on here?"

Her mouth opened in shock - she didn't - oh gods. There goes any chance of her getting the new job now.
He was not happy. Not only was his new Italian suit dirty, but he was still on the gods-damned floor. Tony looks up to see a y/h girl. And he may have done the stupidest thing y/n had ever seen in her life. He ruffled his hair and smirked as he stated.

"Oh it's interview day then. I didn't know we were accepting models?"

Y/n's mouth opened and closed, her eyebrows knit together as y/n tried to register the words and respond - and still get her dream job.

"Tony, I though we agreed there would be no flirting or hitting on my new secretary. I've already lost six this quarter and you had to pay off one of them!"

Finally finding her voice, y/n managed to make out babble before stepping over the billionaire to leave.

"I really am sorry Miss L/n."
"Um, yes well. Good-bye, Miss Potts."

She managed to keep her eyes away from Mr. Starks. She didn't breath until she made it outside of the tower and onto to the subway to head home. Y/n was originally in shock, but now she could feel the color burning in her cheeks.
Mr. Stark was still confounded with the secretary he assumed Pepper would pick. Most of the time women threw themselves at him ( or flat out slapped him ). But Miss L/n had not only managed to appear calm, she had actually said something quite hilarious in passing. 'What? I'm - no - not you.' With the fact that Tony knew he could have any woman in the world that he wanted, yet he found himself fascinated with one so politely uninterested.
And as y/n looked at her laptop in awe again wondering how in hell she had managed it, she questioned it over and over, but she had gotten the job...

( word counted : 734 )
I love the idea of Tony Stark being like 'I want that one' and then women being like I hate you, sleep with me, or nope nope nope!!! So this reader insert is our independent girls who don't need no man that actually think that a little bit of love could be good.

Peter Parker : The Locker Downstairs :
( just a thing you need to know for this - I adore accents so the reader insert for this one just has an accent - any accent you want - y/a for the accent of your choice )

There was one thing that y/n hated more than anything. Moving. The first time her dad had insisted it would be fun, and Iceland had been fun ( until they moved again ). He was in the military - except he wasn't just any military. He was SHIELD ( even after the world knew it gone ). So here she was, New York, New York, with a dad that sweared this would be permanent. She didn't believe him in the slightest.
The short secretary glaring the teenagers out of her way marched through the halls and y/n hurried to keep up with her. She kept her head tucked down, wary of the glares directed her way. She bit her lip anxiously as another shoulder bumped into hers. All y/n could ask for was a locker far from everyone else - ughhhhhhh.
Her eyes burned as she looked at the boy's back standing in front of his locker. It also happened to be directly above hers'. Gripping the slips of paper with a combination and a schedule scratched onto them y/n bit the inside of her cheek hard.

"Excuse me?"

Her accent was crisp and clear and the brunette in front of her turned at the sound of it despite the loud buzz in the hall.

Back to this morning - Peter had run late ( having gone on a midnight patrol and slept past his alarm that morning ). So as he was stumbling half asleep through the Midtown High halls, he didn't register much. His internship with Mr. Stark had been going well, along with the decathlon team and his school work. ( Besides the fact that the decathlon team had recently lost a member ). However his sleep schedule was a literal wreak.
So when the voice of an angel with a beautiful y/a accent directed the simple phrase his way he turned far too quickly. What he saw was a girl, absolutely gorgeous in every way, he stuttered and blanked on what words even were.

"Um, hello. I-I'm new and I guess my locker is under yours."
"Um yeah, go ahead locker buddy."

Both of their cheeks flushed as possibly the awkwardest thing Peter could have said came rushing out of his mouth. Still she set her bag down and began struggling with opening the locker. Peter who was being observant ( possibly for the first time in his life ) saw her struggle and knelt to help her. The two eventually got the locker opened and y/n grinned at the boy.

"Um, thanks."
"Oh, yeah. No problem."
"Well, um I guess I'll see you around."

Y/n turned and rammed directly into an extremely tall girl's chest ( at least to y/n who was a tiny package of [ insert whatever height you think is great for a tiny person ] ). MJ looked at the new girl with a sigh, before telling her to follow her to first period. Y/n's eyes grew wide and began chasing after the girl who hadn't even introduced herself. All the while Peter's eyes followed the two girls who had turned down the hall, soon traveling to the back of MJ's head.

( word count : 521 )
I'm flying by the seat of my pants!! Such a cute idea that a school that SHIELD and Stark is already involved with would have other kids of being in their ranks there.

Sam Wilson : Are You Blind! :
( might be my favorite idea, no offense to anyway by the way in this one )

Sam Wilson liked to run, liked to stay fit after coming home. Running through Washington D.C. was nice - people normally kept out of each other's way and you could see a bit of history every time you turned your head. But one place he really enjoyed running through was a park ( more specifically a dog park ). Except today had been a crappy day and he didn't need anything else to go wrong.
While running through the dog park where he would often get to pet a number of pooches of any breed that soothed his soul. And if something even a little irritating happened he figured, no he knew, he would lose his cool.
Y/n L/n had honestly just decided to take her white lab, Admiral to the dog park. Yes - it may have been her fault that she had dropped his harness and couldn't see it anywhere, but there was something she couldn't entirely be faulted in. Not seeing the man who rammed into her -.

"Hey! Watch it! Are you blind?"
"I'm so sorry!"

Sam turned away from the woman, anger burning beneath his skin, continuing his run with a huff. How can anyone be that careless?
Grunting y/n moved her foot across the ground in a more hurried action, finally finding what felt like the harness and sweeping the bulk into her arms. Whistling a tune she soon hears the distinct patter of paws and a furry head pop up under her hand. A grin spread to her face as she looked downwards.

"Alright, bud, let's try getting this back on you, okay?"

A gentle bark came from his muzzle and her y/e eyes shine as she laughs gently. She did eventually got the harness back around Admiral. ( She didn't even need to find a policeman or random stranger walking by to help her with it ).

"Home, Ad."

Y/n had been born blind in one eye with her eyesight still strong in the other. She saw so much; the sky, the stars, trees, flowers, and people. ( She misses the stars - no wait - she misses seeing other people the most ). Her parents got her a defected seeing-eye dog named Nugget when she was very young. Her parents being incredibly rich were prepared to care for their daughter for their entire lives.
        Until of course at a regular checkup ( due to other complications at birth ), they found a tumor behind her good eye. The surgery she underwent made her cancer free, but in a matter of months she lost her eyesight completely ( and met the adorable white lab puppy, Admiral, for the first time ). Her parents paid for tutoring and did everything they could to help her ( including setting up a research team still dedicating their time to regaining the sight of those without it ).

She could have the perfect origin story of a hero ( or a villain ) when her parents were killed in a hit-and-run car crash when y/n was nineteen ( leaving her alone with a fortune, her caretakers, and her best friend, Admiral ).

"Haha, guess what Ad? I dropped your harness today, and some asshole came and ran into me. Blamed me entirely and ran off without a thought while I was still searching for it!"

Admiral let out a bark that sounded exactly like a laugh. Admiral had always been her best friend, acting like a human would at times. Eventually making it to her front door she heard Admiral bounce up and get the bell. The door opened to a kind faced old woman who practically dragged the girl inside.

"Y/n the charity hall for the veterans program was your idea and your already half an hour behind schedule!"
"Sorry Mrs. Laney! I dropped Ad's harness and it took a minute to get him back in it."
"Ohh! I don't care, go get in that dress I hung up in your bathroom, missy!"

She may have forgotten about the ball she had planned in order for a veterans program that helped soldiers find health care, mental care, and other help after their services, to gain more funds. Of course she did have to attend the ball despite most definitely not being excited about going to it.
However Mr. and Mrs. Amide ( Mr. Martin and Mrs. Laney - her caretakers and surrogate family ) would be going with her. Of course, Admiral was going too, he had an adorable little tux-harness set.

The one thing Sam figured would make his night go right was the charity ball he had been invited to ( being on the staff of the very veteran center that was receiving funds ). Yet who would figure that the very person whom he'd been barreled into by ( or that he had barreled into ) was not only sitting at his table, but was the largest benefactor there.
- and she was bLiNd!

        When a group of three came to the table, the first thing Sam noticed was that the woman in the pearl colored dress had an adorable date with white fur in a tiny tux, and a service harness. The second thing he realized was that she was the woman from his run this morning. She was coming to sit directly beside him.

       "Hello. I'm y/n l/n."
       "Hi, um, I'm-."
       "I know who you are," she interrupted leaning in close to whisper, "you're the asshole who I may have run into this morning looking for Admiral's harness that I dropped."

        His chin dropped looking at her y/e eyes that were looking just to the right of him. Her grin had grown as she confided that since she lost her sight her hearing and memory had gotten better. In short she had recognized his voice the moment he opened his mouth. He apologized of course, she laughed it off though ( she being a sarcastic little shit all her life ). The two made up by the end of the night, Sam even took y/n out on the dance floor with the protective gaze of Admiral on him the whole time as he guided her in a waltz.

( word count : 1014 )
1 - was I going to end this after about 400 words, yes. Did I, noooo. Instead I want on to actually make a basis for a relationship. ( will I continue it - maybe??? )
2 - this came in a dream when I started thinking of how I would want a reader insert to meet Sam and tbh he seems like the kind of guy to do this on a bad day. Red vision, you know...

Scott Lang : Really? :

        Scott hadn't been out of jail for that long when he came to the brilliant decision to work at a Baskin and Robins. He was walking back towards the apartment he was sharing with his jail-buddy Luis after a late night shift when he heard something going on down an ally.
        Walking down it as quietly as Scott could he soon heard the tell-tale heavy base of whatever had been popular on the radio recently. A secret nightclub?
        He went to turn away, uninterested. That is until he heard the clicking of heels against pavement. And he looked towards the sound to see a woman heading out of the ally just like him.
        Y/n's heels clicked faster and she glanced around carelessly. The men behind her however were speeding up.

       "Stop that girl!"
       "Here missy, missy!"

        That got Scott's attention. A panicked look flew into y/n's y/e eyes for only a moment before she quickened her pace. The two drunk men behind her tipping with every step and their wallets felt heavy beneath the folds of her jacket as anxiety caught up with her. ( But she needed the cash inside, she'd find a subtle way of getting their cards back later ).
        Scott saw her coming ( and thinking something really bad was going to happen ) he slipped into a side door with a darkened overhang with a not fully thought out plan. When y/n passed by he grabbed her, covering her mouth, as the two drunks ran past the hiding spot.
        Only y/n wasn't thankful about being abducted and elbowed the man holding her awhile biting his hand. Scott trying not to scream released her with a muffled shriek. Their eyes met as she twisted away, an arm locked in his grip.

       "What the hell, let me go!"
       "Sorry, I'm just trying to save you from those drunks..."
       "Really? Well you can let me go. I don't need saving Mr. Captain America wannabe."
       "I, um, I can always turn you in for stealing these?"

        Her mouth dropped before she lunged at the wallets in his free hand.

       "Give those back. I worked hard to get those two idiots drunk enough to think I was interested."
       "Look you're obviously like me. But why'd you do it?"
       "None of your business. Now would you give me back my stuff?"

        She knew it was past time for her to be home, which meant her neighbor was long gone from sitter duty. So she punched him in the nose, took the two wallets and checked that the cash was still inside, running for a block or two before switching directions to head back to her apartment.
        Y/n sighed putting the key into the door and walking inside to the little one room apartment and spotted Finn passed out in his bed. She sighs and brushes a bit of hair out of her toddlers eyes before combing through the wallets ( with gloves on, to place the cards and licenses in plastic bags ). Overall it's a decent bit of cash and y/n grins as she sinks into the couch, she's going to be able to pay the bills again.

        Tomorrow was her day off too, which meant that she could probably spare a little bit of the bonuses she'd been stashing out of Finn's sight to make the day fun for the two. ( She was even more relieved by the fact that she would probably never have to see the jerk from tonight again ).

        That was until at one p.m. the next day when she walked into the Baskin and Robins on the corner with Finn on her hip, and her jaw dropped. Because there behind the counter was the douche from last night ( looking a bit tired with a minor black eye ), Scott's mouth had fallen open when he saw her. Y/n looked down at her kid with a small sigh, she had promised him ice cream from this place this morning - and she would never break any promise with her son.
        She was extremely quiet, only asking Finn what he wanted and ordering it. Y/n wouldn't look Scott in the eyes. Soon she was sitting at a little corner table wiping a bit of ice cream off Finn's chin when someone else sat at the table. She looked up at the guy with Jack written across his name tag and let a huff of air blow between her lips.

       "Yeah, just trying to take care of him."
       "I've got a little girl, well she's almost six now. I don't have visiting rights yet because I got mixed up in some stuff."
       "It's my day off, and as much as I have to work to support me and him I try to make the days I spend time with him special."
       "Well, ah, my breaks almost over, but maybe I can talk with you some other time."

        She looked at him and every bone in her body told her to say no. To walk out the door and never see him again. Try not to fall into the trap of heartache once again.

       "Yeah, um he-here's my number."
       "Oh, and my name's Scott by the way."

( word count : 831 )
what better way to actually meet Scott then getting caught robbing people, him 'letting' you get away with it, and then seeing him again ( where he works ) and he meets your kid??

( overall 4441 words )
[ after editing it 4531 words )

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