A Fakebook Lover

Por lifeless_soul

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Mariah Wilkerson is a shy and self conscious girl. Her life is completely changed when an unexpected friend r... Más

An Unexpected Friend Request
Mark the Cutie Pie
I made a grown man cry
Love me back, please?
A Shocking Past
My First Kiss
Bloody Rumours
Sour Lemon
A Dead Doppelganger
A Second Chance
A Painful Birthday Present
Heartfelt Confessions
Jumbled Mess (Mark's Point of View)
Undying Love

Fantasy Fanatic

3.6K 118 20
Por lifeless_soul

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to xHelloWorldx because she was awesome enough to make me this beautiful cover for my story on the side ===>

Thank you so much <3

I was sitting in Apple-C Café, a popular hangout spot for teenagers, with my girl best friend Casey and talking about all the random things going on in our lives. Casey, the awesome friend she is understood my decision and she was ecstatic about it. She was very fond of the fact that I am acting rebellious for once and dating my teacher.

The day I got Michael’s text about how he wanted to talk to me, I was certain that he was going to realize that I am too boring for him, but much to my pleasure he asked me out in a real cutesy kind of way.

My mom was yelling at me to do the dishes, as per usual. But, I was in la-la-land, thinking of all the possible ways I can make Mark fall in love with me. A knock on the door took me out of my reverie. I lazily walked towards the door and opened it wide and hid behind it. The person who was on the other side did that whole horror movie routine with the “hello? Is anyone here? Gasp! How did the door open by itself?” I took him out of his freak out and ditched my spot behind the door to stand in front of the doorway. He visibly relaxed and smiled at me.

                “Come on in. what are you doing here?” I asked a little surprised.

                “why? Are you not happy to see me?” he smirked “well, remember how I asked you to meet me tonight because I needed to talk to you? I just need to let it out and get it over with. So, want to guide me somewhere private? I really need to talk to you”

I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded my head then grabbed his arm and started leading him towards the staircase when my mom’s rude voice ordered me to clean the kitchen. Okay, I need her to shut up for a minute so I can talk to Michael peacefully, on the other hand, it won’t be so bad to get rid of him because I don’t really need him crush my ego my letting me down. Well, it’s now or never it’s better to just go get it over with.

I asked Michael to stay by the stair case and made my way towards my mother’s room. I sat tight next to her on her bed and got ready to make her understand how important it is for me to talk to Michael.

                “Mom, I promise I will clean the kitchen but, please don’t yell at me while we have company. Right after I am done talking to the “company” I will clean the kitchen and do the dishes. Please mom let me go talk to that person”

I deliberately didn’t say who it was because she would never leave us alone, she is just too nosey.

 My mom just sighed and nodded her head. To say I was surprised by her fairly reasonable behavior would be an understatement of the century. I quickly scrambled out of the room and grabbed Michael arm again and ran to my bedroom.

                “Mariah um okay uh here I bought this banana cream pie for you, um you should open it up” he said nervously.

                “I will open it Michael first tell me what did you wanted to talk to me about?”

                “Mariah it’s a question I wanted to ask” he sighed “just open the lid of this box please, just do it”

I had to urge to yell Nike! But I restrained myself and with a confused glance at him I opened the lid. I gasped at what was there and felt my heart beating because I was so overwhelmed. Inside the box was a pie alright, but on that pie in chocolate frosting were the words “will you be my girlfriend” Please be mine”. It was the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. I looked up to see Michael’s face and he looked so nervous. I wanted to laugh at his face I mean what has got him so nervous why would I say no to such a sweet and handsome guy? I have realized that that you can’t make someone fall in love with you. Love just happens, if I have to force a guy to love me then that’s not real love. Yeah, he will probably love me for a while, but he is not falling for me, he is falling for the person I am pretending to be; after realizing that I am just not the way I pretended like I was he will eventually fall out of love.  And when that happens then what? I will go back to pining for my unrequited love.

So, that’s why instead of wasting my time and breath with unnecessary words, I put the pie aside, got up, sat on Michael’s lap and kissed him. I kissed him with so much passion it knocked the wind right out of both of us. After the shock wore off he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back just as passionately.

After a while we pulled apart and grinned like Cheshire cats at each other.

                “Is that a yes?” Michael asked in a husky tone.

                “Psh no that was a goodbye kiss, get out of my face” I said smiling and pushed myself off of his lap.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers.

                “No, after kissing me like that you can’t just get rid of me. Mariah you are my girlfriend now and you’re mine okay?” he said and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

                “Well you’re a good kisser so I suppose I can be your girlfriend”

He held me tighter and we just talked about random things until my mother’s hissy fit started again.

                “Michael I have to go do some chores, I’ll see you tomorrow or something” I muttered.

                “What? No way, I am helping you do whatever chore you need to do then I am taking you out”

                “But...” I started, but Michael took my lips in his and effectively shut me up.

                “Okay, let’s go, tell me what I should do?” he asked with so much enthusiasm that it would seem like I am offering him some steamy sex instead of making him do boring chores.

I took his hand in mine and lead him towards the kitchen. Michael decided to do the dishes and have me the awesome job of cleaning the kitchen. We got done doing all our chores in an hour. It took so long because Michael decided it would a great idea to have a water gun fight and drenched me in ice cold water. I avenged myself by aiming my water gun right at his family jewels and squirted the whole gun empty.

The shocked expression on his face turned into a pained one and my sicko sadistic alter ego decided to make an appearance and start laughing. My hysterical laugh caused me to forget my surroundings; that’s why I didn’t notice when Michael got up and picked me up like a sack of potatoes. He carried me on this shoulder cave-man style and placed me on a chair. Then, he tied up my hands and legs on the chair with my mom’s scarf. I was so shocked and confused that I didn’t even resist or ask him what he’s doing, I just looked at him with my murderous glare and frowning lips. He quickly kissed my frowning lips and started mopping the kitchen floor.

                “Don’t make that face Mariah” he said laughing “you were just too distracting with your wet shirt and all; I am quickly going to clean this then we are going out” he said with a wink.

I poked my tongue out at him but didn’t say anything. Well, I am getting a break from cleaning, why argue?

10 minutes later Michael was done and was currently untying me from the chair. He took my hand in his and started walking out the door when I stopped him.

                “I can’t go out like this! I smell like Pine sol! Let me go change at least” I complained.

                “Wear loads of dark make up and something purple please?” he said while giving me a puppy dog face.

I reluctantly agreed and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. Why is he asking me to wear makeup and purple clothes again? I thought we went over this! I walked inside my closet and picked a random purple button down shirt and paired it up with my black skinny jeans. It’s nice out today, I hop e I don’t get all sweaty. I quickly wore some thick black eye liner that gave me raccoon eyes. Finally, I picked up my flats and ran downstairs.

Michael was standing by the doorway of the main entrance with his arms folded across his chest. He looked completely lost in thoughts. With my ninja-like stealth i crept behind him ready to pounce on this back when in a quick motion he had me pinned against the wall with his hands on either side of my face and his mouth on mine. He kissed me with way more passion then he did before, his tongue danced with mine and by the time we were done our breaths were coming out in pants. When he pulled apart, the look in his eyes looked almost nostalgic. It was like he has kissed me million times before and he missed kissing me. I didn’t understand that look but I brushed it off. Right now it’s time to go out and have fun, and not thing about what is going on in my boyfriend’s head.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice that I was outside of Michael’s car and he was holding the door open for me—patiently I might add.

I sheepishly smiled at him and got in.

I ride went by super-fast, maybe because I was still lost in la-la-land. Or Harry Potter land because riding a hippogriff would be so much better than riding a stupid car.

We got out of the car and I was happy to see that we were at the skating rink. I love ice skating! I am a freaking pro.

I held Michael’s hand, but, he was stiff and the muscle on his jaw was ticking.

He squeezed my hand and starting walking the opposite direction of where we are supposed to get the skates from.

                “Hey, Michael we left the skates renting booth behind” I said with a confused look.

Whatever he was going to say was drowned out by someone yelling his name. I tried to turn around and see who it is, but, Michael kept dragging me with him in a fast walk. Well, that guy must be really annoying if Michael is running away from him like that.

The guy yelling ran and caught up with us and I heart Michael say something that I don’t want to repeat.

Michael and I turned around and my mouth dropped open. Right in front of me was one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen. He was like the guy I imagined as Adrian Ivashkov in Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. He had light brown hair that was perfectly messy and sparkly emerald green eyes. My dignity was faced by my pathetic attempt at hiding my gaping with fake yawning. But whatever, I tried. The hot Adrian look-alike smiled and pulled me into a hug which caught me off guard. Since when do people hug some random person just for the heck of it?

                “Hey girl, what’s up?” I awkwardly hugged this stranger back and quickly pulled apart.

I blushed and Michael quickly took my hand in his and glared at the guy which made the guy put his hands up in surrender.

                “Um hey nothing much I am Mariah by the way and who are you?”

The stranger hot guy chuckled and said “good one” what the hell? What’s so funny about being a “Mariah”?

                “Come one Mariah we need to get the skates let’s go” Michael said while dragging me along with him once again, but this time it was towards the renting booth.

                “Hey Samantha, take care of yourself and Michael and this look suits you better than that whole rock chick persona. Oh and I know that you know my name but I’ll humor you anyways! I am Adrian. See you around” he pretty much yelled and left.

Once again I was caught off guard by a lot of things. Firstly, am I supposed to be Samantha? Secondly, what rock chick persona? And lastly, this is so creepy! His name is Adrian, maybe he is a vampire as well.

Michael paid for our skates and we sat on the couch to tie our skates when I heard Michael curse.

                “What’s wrong baby” I cooed in a high-pitched annoying voice and Michael gave me a dirty look.

                “I forgot I can’t skate” he mumbled with a look of embarrassment obvious on his face.

I know as a good girlfriend I should have said something along the lines of “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you” or “We can do something else instead” but me being the worst girlfriend ever—I mean I am in love with a guys who is not even my boyfriend, I laughed, and not just a little giggle but it was full on doubled over cackle and very close to becoming a  rolling-on-the-floor-clutching-your-stomach-almost-on-the-verge-of-peeing-yourself laugh. It was not even that funny but I am kind of on edge lately and kind of hysterical so in my jumbled mess, I like to call my brain, it was quite funny.

By the time I was done, I saw Michael looking at me with raised eyebrows and it clearly conveyed “Are you done yet?” I straightened up and grabbed his hand, walking every step with determination.

                “I’ll teach you how to skate, I’ll teach you so well that by the end of this thing you are going yo be a pro, now let’s go”

Michael was clutching the sides of the entrance to the ice rink, and all the people who wanted to enter were getting impatient. Michael was blocking the whole width of the threshold and he looked absolutely terrified.

I took his hand in mine and started skating forward, he was moving along with me, or stumbling along would be a better choice of words.

                “Look, Michael you do this, first you slide your right foot to the right then you slide your left foot to the left” I said while doing the said tasks “It’s not that hard, but, I am not going to say it’s like walking like all the other teachers do, because it is nothing like walking, who slides left and right while walking? No pain, no gain Michael, now, chop chop do exactly what I did”

An hour later, Michael wasn’t a pro like I claimed he will be, but, he was able to go around the whole rink without face-planting. He was still kind of clumsy, but he was skating instead of stomping like before.

                “You want to go home Mariah? I can’t feel my legs anymore! Please let’s go, I’ll buy you ice cream” Michael whined.

I rolled my eyes but nodded my head nonetheless.

We ate our four-scoop ice cream and then Michael dropped me home.

                “Mariah, I think you should tell Mark about you and Michael, he is going to be mad if you don’t tell him soon” Casey’s voice said and effectively took me out of my day dreaming about my boyfriend.

                “Yeah, I am going to tell him tonight, he is coming over for our movie night”

After talking about all the random things best friends tend to talk about, Casey and I bid each other adieu and drove home.

The sight of a familiar BMW in my driveway made me so excited to see the brown-haired man who drives it that I all but ran to the front door of my house.

I unlocked the door and quickly walked in. I was surprised to see the living room empty, with a confused face I checked my mom’s room and it was empty as well.

                “Mark? Are you there?” I asked the empty room, frowning.

                “I am up here, in your room!” Mark yelled.

I walked up the stairs towards my room and saw my best friend lying on my totally at ease with my laptop resting on his stomach.

                “Meme, come sit here, I need to show you something”

I made my way towards the bed and sat on the edge. Mark had his facebook account open, but instead of his profile, Michael Simmons’ page was up on the screen.

                “So, why exactly are you stalking our teacher?” I asked curiously.

                “You are always hanging out with the guy, I need to inspect and stuff, you know, I care about you Meme, I don’t want to see you getting upset and crying over this guy, your tears are too precious, they are not worth wasting over a stupid guy” Mark said, pulling me into a firm hug.

I nodded my head and gestured for him to show me whatever he wanted to show me.

                “Read this Meme” he said putting the laptop on my lap.

Well, I don’ know what Mark is freaking out about, all it says is the “Michael Simmons went from single to in a relationship” speaking of relationships I need to tell Mark about mine. Before I could get a word out Mark asked me to read all the comments on Michael’s relationship status.

I rolled my eyes at his stalker-like behavior but obliged. I clicked on show all and read through all the comments. My emergency alarms were going off the entire time I was reading the comments. I was so confused that I read the entire conversation again that was going on between Stacy, Adrian, and Michael.         

                Stacy: wow you already are in a relationship. I see it didn’t take you long to get over Samantha.

Adrian: What are you talking about Stacy? He is still dating her, I saw them together at the bowling alley.

Stacy: Haha! This is some kind of joke, or you are smoking too much pot, Samantha’s dead, he must be with his new whore.

                Michael: let’s not talk about my personal life on facebook, we will talk about this later.

                “Meme, something is fishy about this guy, I know it hurts right now, but, you should be happy you guys didn’t go far into your “relationship”” he said and gave my hand a squeeze.

Okay, that’s my cue to let him know that I am Michael’s girlfriend. Mark would be so mad, the cowardly part of me was yelling at me to not tell him and that he will be very angry. But, a more rational part of me knew that I had to tell him someday, why not let today me that day? So, I stood up straight, made up my mind, cleared my throat and got ready to talk.

                “I am Michael’s girlfriend Mark” I muttered.

The look on Mark’s face was one of absolute shock, which I understand, but, his eyes were telling another story, they were flashing an emotion I never wanted to see in Mark’s eyes, it was of pure hurt. Why is Mark so hurt about this? I mean I know I didn’t tell him about my relationship with Michael, but, that is hardly a big deal. Maybe to Mark it is a big deal. I can’t bear to see him so hurt and upset, it actually made me want to cry; the fact that he was so hurt because of me made me feel like a straight up bitch.

                “Mark I would have told you sooner, but, it has only been a week and I didn’t know how you were going to react, I am so sorry Mark, I understand if you don’t want to talk to me. Friends tell each other stuff and I didn’t even tell you about my boyfriend please…” Mark cut off my rambling with a big bear bug and I melted into it like an ice cream on a hot summer day.

                “Don’t worry about it, it’s okay, but, I need to do some investigation about this guy, I hope you don’t mind”

                “Do whatever you want, I want you to like him Mark, if my best friend doesn’t approve, then, I won’t date him anymore”

                “You are cute, please be careful around him until I find out everything about him okay?”  Mark said and kissed my forehead “now, let’s watch a horror movie, don’t look at me like that Meme, I’ll let you sleep with me so don’t worry”

I sighed and put on “Sinister”, then sat on the couch curled up next to Mark and smiled a content smile because I get to spend the entire night in Mark’s arms, surrounded by his smell, and sexy body.

My thoughts made me want to choke myself. What am I thinking? I have a boyfriend for goodness sake, why am I thinking about my best friend like that?

Uh-oh I think getting a boyfriend is not going to get rid of my past feelings, bad Mariah…

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