Someone Call A Doctor [DISCON...

By vigilanteshitposting

36.4K 466 185

Madelyn Taylor is an up and coming second-year resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. She has always... More

The Departure
The Arrival
The First Day
Katie Bryce
Locker Room Brawl
Who's Zoomin' Who?
Frat House
Nothing Left To Cling To
Tales of Lost Time
A Romantic Thanksgiving
Awkward Silence
And Then There Were Five
The Funeral
It's All Talk
Not a chapter, just some important notes
Reconciliation... Or Not
Why Can't We Just Start Again?
I Love It Here... Correction, Loved It Here
Death and All His Friends
I Need To Start Again
In Another Life, I Would Be Your Girl.
We'd Keep All Our Promises
Be Us Against The World?
I Didn't Mean To Say I Love You
Mr. Brightside

The Interns

501 6 4
By vigilanteshitposting

April was sitting on the couch stressing out, and Jackson was right beside her, attempting to calm her down. He failed. "Why the hell are you guys here?" April stressed, throwing her hands up.

"Well, we heard you had a boyfriend and we wanted to meet him! Besides, we missed you, Duckie! We wanted to see you!" Kimmie said, excruciatingly enthusiastic.

April gave her a look, "You three came to my house at, what time is it?" she asked, looking at Jackson.

Jackson looked at his watch, "10:00 on the dot."

"You came to my house. MY HOUSE! At 10:00 at night, when I had no idea you guys were coming, I'm drunk, and I just-" April screamed, but Jackson cut her off.

"April- don't tell them that." Jackson said, giving her a look.

"What? Did you two just have sex or something?" Alice said while laughing.

"No! No, that's not what happened. Actually, Alice, I got into a bar fight with my ex-best friend! Is that what you wanted to hear?" April yelled.

"Oh... well then." Libby said, looking down.

"That's what I thought. But what I don't know is what you three were thinking showing up here like this!"

All three sisters looked down, April started laughing, "Really? Nothing? You're not gonna say anything? I can't. Get out. Get out of my house, that isn't even my house, it's Meredith's house, and she's gonna be here anytime now."

"April- don't take it that far..." Jackson reasoned. Just on queue, Alex, Meredith, Cristina, and Derek walked in the front door. April put her head in her hands, she seemed to be cussing under her breath.

"Who are all of these people?" Meredith asked, pointing at April's sisters.

"They're my sisters. And I was just about to show them the door, when you four walked in. So, on that note, Kimmie, Alice, Libby, the door is over there, if you can't see it." April said, pointing to the door that was bluntly to the right of them, "Bye, guys. I will not see you later."

"But-" Libby said.

"Out!" April said. All three Kepner sisters walked out, defeated, while Cristina and Alex went over to Jackson.

"What was that about?" Cristina asked.

"No idea. I knew she had sisters and she didn't necessarily like them them, but I didn't know she hated them this much. She has a reason to be mad though, they literally just showed up here out of the blue." Jackson said quietly.

"Damn. Why would they show up now, though?" Alex asked.

"Again, no idea. Their reasoning was they wanted to meet me, and they wanted to see her, but I don't know how true that is." Jackson said, shrugging. April was standing at the door, she looked extremely stressed, and Jackson walked over to her.

"Calm down, babe. Why are you so upset?" Jackson said while rubbing her arm.

"They're horrible. Every single one of them. They're- they're some kind of demons from hell. They overstep, the snoop, they're rude, they come to your house at 10 PM, they- they're just horrible! That's one reason I moved to Seattle, to get away from them!" April said, extremely pissed, "Also, they're way more religious than I am so if they found out that I was having pre-marital sex, that would be bad. But I don't care, they would just... tell my mom, and my dad, and my whole family, that I'm some kind of disgrace..." April said, freaking out.

"April! Calm down. If it doesn't bother you, then why do you care what other people think?" Jackson said.

"Because they're my sisters for God's sake. They're judgey. Do you know what they would do to you if they found out? They would murder you, with their eyes. They would literally just give you these stares, and it kills you!" April was spiraling. Everyone else was in the living room watching April spiral and Jackson stand there looks a scared puppy.

Meredith finally stepped up, "April whatever-your-middle-name-is Kepner! Shut up! Listen to me, you've got this. Remember, your sisters? They're bitches. You don't care what they think, even if they give you 'the stare', give it right back to them! It's on them if they don't accept you for you, it's not on you. Okay? Do you understand?" Meredith said, strangely coach-like.

April took a deep breath, "Yeah. I've got this, they're bitches."

"Yes! That's more like it!" Meredith said, then gave April a high-five.

Cristina started clapping, then went over to April before going upstairs, "You've got this, Kepner."

Alex just nodded, not really understanding what just happened, or how, and then went to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, and wash their aroma off of me." April said, walking upstairs.

"How did you do that?" Jackson and Derek said at the same time. Meredith shrugged, then went up to bed. Jackson and Derek shared a confused look then dispersed.

2 weeks later

Derek and Meredith got married, yay! That means loud sex noises were coming from their room, which is disturbing, but everyone had to deal with it. Arizona and Alex started this sick kids from Africa thing, all April knew is it was taking a lot of time. Oh, yeah. Forgot to mention this, they're third-years! New interns were starting on this day, and each resident was going to get a class to boss around, which they were excited about. Owen and Cristina still hadn't got back together, no one really knew what was going on with them. April and Jackson were still going strong. Alex didn't have anyone significant in his life, but he thought he didn't need anyone, April thought, 'You sure about that, bud? Your nurse-screwing sex drive is gonna kick in here soon.' Madelyn and April still hadn't rekindled their relationship, either. Our day starts with the new interns getting doled out.

Cristina walked into the intern's locker room first, "Okay, who's with me? I'm Dr. Yang, for anyone who doesn't know, but who wouldn't know, I'm awesome." Five interns walked up to her, "Oh.... ugh, okay. You're one, you're two, you're three, you're four, and you're five. I have no interest in learning your names." Cristina said as she pointed to each of them.

April walked in next, "Who are my interns... let's see. Garcia, Davis, Wilson, Martin, Young. You are all with me. Follow me, don't fall behind."

Meredith walked in next, "I'm too tired to look at this damn paper, I'm Dr. Grey, who are my interns?" Five scared-looking interns raised their hands, "Well then get your asses over here and let's go. I have things to do!"

Alex walked in next, "Okay... I have no idea who my interns are. I haven't looked at the paper, so you guys are gonna have to help me out here." No one payed attention to him, "Hey!" He said with his voice raised, "Dr. Karev here, who are my interns?" Five interns scrambled up, they looked like messes, "Oh this is just great." Alex said while rolling his eyes and walking away, "Well come on! Are you guys dumb?"

Jackson walked in last, "Okay, I'm supposed to have... uh- I forgot. Harris? Is that one? King? I honestly can't remember. I'm Dr. Avery, whoever's with me, come on, I haven't had my coffee yet so you guys are gonna have to bare with me." Jackson said while walking out.

At a nurse's station

"I have 5 rules, memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change. Trauma protocols, phone list, pagers. Nurses will page you..." Meredith barked to her interns.

In a hallway, walking away from the same nurses station Meredith just arrived at.

"You will answer every page at a run. A run! That brings me to rule number two." April ordered at her interns while smiling at Meredith and walking away, "Your shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food-chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night 'til you drop, and don't complain!"

In front of an on-call room

"On-call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying." Jackson said sternly to his interns, "Rule number four..." He started, then Alex came down the hallway and was reciting the same speech to his interns and was on rule number four.

"Rule number four: The dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?" Alex said collectively to both his and Jackson's interns. Then, Cristina walked down the hallway and saw Jackson and Alex both with their interns, she was finishing the speech.

"Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?" Cristina barked, inspecting her interns closely. All of the interns were extremely confused as to why they all just heard the same speech.

Then, Lexie Grey, Cristina's intern, raised her hand. "Yes?" Cristina asked.

"That was only four rules. You said five." the young intern asked shyly.

Cristina glared at her and then looked at her fellow third-years with a very amused look on her face, "Rule number five: when I move, you move." she said, expecting for her pager to go off, but it didn't. Cristina looked down at her pager, then again, then at Jackson and Alex who were trying not to laugh, "Disperse! Go make yourselves useful, don't sit here like some... useless bugs." Cristina said while flicking her hands. Jackson and Alex also dismissed their interns.

"They looked like scared puppies." Cristina said, laughing as she watched the interns walk away.

"They were so confused." Alex said, he was laughing too.

"Were we ever that... intern-y?" Jackson asked, grimacing.

"Oh I hope not." Cristina said as she began to walk away. Then, everyone's pagers went off. The interns were down the hallway and each resident yelled, beckoning their interns to follow them.

When Cristina, Alex, Jackson, and their interns arrived in the ER, they saw Meredith and April were already there.

"Huge trauma coming in. Multiple burn victims, multiple penetrating injuries, sounds like a bloodbath." April said excitedly as she tied her trauma gown on, "Okay, I don't need all of you. Wilson, come with me. Martin, go into trauma two and wait to help with that patient. Garcia, Young, and Davis, help wherever you can." April ordered.

"Three, come with me. Everyone else, make yourselves useful." Cristina ordered. Everyone else got their interns in order and went to go wait for the ambulances. There were 6 attendings outside, 5 residents, and 3 interns.

The interns were talking amongst themselves, "Shut up." Cristina said, turning to the interns. April laughed at her actions. Then, the first two ambulances arrived. April and her intern, and Cristina and her intern rushed over to it. It was a penetrating injury to the chest, and right when Cristina saw it, she yelled, "Mine! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!"

"Okay, then." April said, going over to the other ambulance, it was a huge burn and a penetrating injury to the abdomen, "Oh, my God! This one's mine!" April called, making her intern follow her. Three other ambulances arrived and the other residents got a patient, with the help of attendings of course. When Meredith got her patient, she saw Cristina's intern 'Three' walk up to her.

"I uh- Meredith? Dr. Grey?" the intern asked nervously.

"What? I need to get inside, move." Meredith insisted.

"I-I'm Lexie."

"That's great, now move." Meredith said urgently.

"Grey. I'm Lexie Grey, your sister." Lexie said, nervously. Meredith looked at her with a blank expression, she looked like she had just seen a ghost.

Apparently Alex overheard their conversation and said, "Are you serious? Another Grey? Wow."

"Shut it, Karev." Meredith said, and those were seemingly the only words she could get out of her mouth.

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