A Child of Mischief (Loki/Ave...

By krissy_girl94

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Long before the events of Thor and the Avengers, the god of mischief fell for a common Asgardian maiden. Late... More

1. Shock and Awe
2. Love and Unbearable Pain
3. Banishment
4. Hurtful Goodbyes
5. A New World
Time jump
6. Buisness As Usual
7. All Jokes Aside
8. Explanation
9. Traveling Realms
10. Asgard
11. Mind Over Reality
12. A Test of Skill
13. Festive Fiasco
14. Mind Games
15. Training the Mind
16. Battle Grounds
17. Mischievous Ways
18. Whose to Blame
19. Memory Lane
20. Secret of A King
21. Seeking Guidance
22. Decision Making
23. Royal Argument
24. Calling Home
25. Casting Votes
26. A New Day
27. Legends
28. New Life
29. Taking a Stand
30. Truth Telling
31. Secret's Out
32. Bargain
33. Meetings and Goodbyes
34. Unlikely Explaination
36. Payback or Revenge
Time Jump
37. Unhinged
38. Deadly Birthday
39. A Lie Unveiled
40. Rescue Mission
41. A Family Reunited
42. Survival
43. Awakening
44. Winds of Change
45. One Final Test
46. Family Crisis
47. Offer of A Lifetime
48. 1 Year Later
49. Together Again
50. Festivity

35. Rumor Control

76 3 0
By krissy_girl94

As Thor stands in the hallway, close to the infirmary, he can't help but think that Cora may be right. Stunned about how things with her have gone so far, Thor doesn't move from his spot. Pondering his choices so far, Thor doesn't see when Lady Sif comes up next to him.

"Are you alright?" Lady Sif asks worriedly as she places a hand on his shoulder.

"I've done so much wrong, when it has come to Cora." Thor says as he looks at Lady Sif.

"You've done what you could. Whether she see's that or not, you are trying." Lady Sif says as she pats Thor's shoulder.

"She blames me for what just happened to Loki. She's right, I caused this." Thor says and hangs his head.

"You did not cause anything. Your father wishes to speak with you in regards to Loki. But, seeing as how you have not been given any sort of update, the conversation will not be a long one." Lady Sif says, Thor looks at Lady Sif with wary eyes.

"I am not sure if I can even face my father after this." Thor says as he points to the infirmary doors.

"You go speak with your father, and I will speak with Cora. Perhaps it is not the words of a man she needs to hear." Lady Sif says as she pushes Thor in the direction of the Throne room. Lady Sif turns in the direction of the recruits rooms and makes her way to Cora's.

As Lady Sif turns down the hallway to Cora's room, she can hear voices talking.

"I know your upset and still figuring everything out, but was kicking Thor out of the infirmary the best thing to do?" Lady Sif hears Peter ask in a quiet tone as she stands outside of Cora's room.

"Honestly, it felt like I wasn't in control when I did that. Asgard has made me feel like that since day two of being here. I didn't mean to do it, I just pictured Thor being put out of the room and my mind made it happen." Cora says defensively as she lays her head on Peter's shoulder.

"You can't let what's been brought to light get to you. Otherwise, Thor may send you back to Earth, and I doubt you want that to happen." Peter says trying to comfort Cora. Cora lifts her head from Peter's shoulder and looks at him.

"Maybe that's what needs to happen. Because it seems me being here is creating a whole lot more bad than good." Cora says as she gets up from the floor and walks to the window and stares out it, looking at the clear star covered sky. Lady Sif's eyes go wide as she hears Cora say this. Quickly and silently, she turns and heads for the Throne room.

"Do you feel someone near by, as though someone is listening to us?" Peter asks as he looks at Cora's door. Cora turns, and rushes to her door, and as she looks down the hallway, she see's Lady Sif turn the corner.

"It was Lady Sif. Great, now she's going to go tell Thor what she heard." Cora says as she turns back to Peter with an annoyed expression.

"You don't think Thor will send you home just because you suggested it, do you?" Peter asks as he stands up from the floor. Cora just shrugs.

"Who knows, I've already said that's what I want to have happen if he didn't start to make things change with the others." Cora says as she sits down in the chair in front of the desk in the corner of her room.

"Hopefully he won't make good on that." Peter says as he walks over to Cora and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Let me see your headquarters communicator." Cora says as she looks at Peter and holds out her hand.

"What do you plan on doing?" Peter asks as he takes off his wristband and hands it to Cora. Placing it on the desk, and pressing the middle button, Cora takes a deep breath before answering.

"I'm going to tell Nat what's going on." Cora says, Peter looks at Cora with wide eyes.

"You don't need to do that. I did that when you were knocked out from the battle." Peter says, Cora looks at him and shakes her head.

"Hey Friday, voice call Natasha at headquarters. You may have told her all of that. But, she doesn't know the current events." Cora says and then looks at Peter.

"Voice calling Natasha Romanov at headquarters." Friday says and the line begins to ring. The line rings for two minutes before Friday responds again.

"I'm sorry, Miss Cora. But, Natasha is in a meeting, shall I take a message?" Friday asks, Cora closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she calms herself.

"Yes, Friday. Take a message." Cora says, and then whistles hers and Natasha's secret distress whistle that lets the other know it's an emergency and they need help.

"Message sent." Friday says, and then goes quiet. Peter just looks at Cora confused and shakes his head.

"You know, when Nat hears that, she's gonna overreact and try to find a way to come here." Peter says as he scoops up his wristband and puts it back on.

"Let her. Then maybe she can knock some sense into Thor." Cora says just as Runa comes rushing into Cora's room.

"Runa, what is it?" Cora asks as her eyes go wide. Runa takes a few deep breaths to calm herself before speaking.

"It's Loki." Runa says, before Runa is finished saying Loki's name, Cora is out of her chair and out the door. Peter and Runa try and keep up with Cora as she rushes down the hall toward the infirmary. Just before she gets there though, she overhears Ruby talking with the others in an empty corridor.

"I don't see why she's getting all the attention, first she goes after Peter and now she's ditching him for Prince Loki. How big of a whore could she be?" Ruby says giggling, Cora's mouth falls open when she hears this and Peter grabs her arm to hold her back, but Cora shakes it off. Rounding the corner of the corridor, Cora walks up near Ruby. Olivia and Andre's eyes both go wide as they see Cora. Ruby notices their change of expression and gives a devious smile before turning around to face Cora.

"If you have something to say, then I suggest you say it to my face." Cora warns as she sizes Ruby up.

"It's obvious as to what's going on. Your trying to advance your skills and powers here, so your going straight to one of the ones that can help you do that. And your doing it all in front of poor innocent Peter, how pathetic and low could you be?" Ruby says as she smiles and looks around at the group behind her, then crosses her arms.

"You need to keep your mouth shut. You don't know anything about what is going on. None of you know what is going on. I suggest all of you keep my name out of your mouths." Cora challenges, Ruby and the others laugh at her, the only ones that stay quiet are Olivia and Andre.

"Your just going to continue to be a whore around here regardless, so why even bother telling us what to do?" Ruby says, before Cora can even think, she raises her hand and slaps Ruby across the face. Everyone around Ruby backs up and looks at Cora with wide terror filled eyes.

"Cora, why are your eyes Red?" Olivia asks as she steps toward Cora ever so slightly. Cora's eyes go wide and she quickly turns and hurries away from the other recruits, and continues toward the infirmary.

Once at the infirmary door, Cora rushes inside and closes the door behind her, completely forgetting about Peter and Runa who were slightly behind her.

"Cora, I need you to calm down before I tell you why you were needed back here so soon." Dagny says as she comes out of the back room.

Cora closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, just as she lets out her breath, the infirmary doors open and Runa and Peter enter before they close the doors. Opening her eyes, Cora looks at Dagny as she waits for news. Just as Dagny is about to say what is going on, the infirmary doors open again, and Andre and Olivia enter, then close the doors behind them.

"Cora, what's going on? And don't tell us you can't say." Olivia says, Cora turns and looks at Andre and Olivia with wide fearful eyes. Opening her mouth to try and say something, Cora stops as she hears Loki from the back room.

"Let me go! I have to get her back, she's mine." Loki screams, Cora rushes toward the back room, but just as she tries to enter, Dagny gets in front of her, shielding her view of Loki.

"What's wrong with him?" Cora frantically asks as she looks to Dagny.

"With him being so exhausted and in pain, his body is still too weak to heal on its own. So, his mind has resorted to casting hallucinations to heal itself." Dagny says as she looks from Cora and over her shoulder to Loki.

"What can I do?" Cora asks as she tries to peer over Dagny's shoulder to look at Loki.

"Another go with the amulet may help get him to calm down." Dagny suggests as she keeps herself planted between Cora and the back room entrance.

"What ever he says to you, just ignore it. He's been through a lot the last few days, staying up all hours of the night to make sure your well taken care of has put a toll on him and his mind." Runa says as Cora looks back at Runa and nods, then looks at Olivia and Andre who look utterly confused.

"Okay, let's give it another shot." Cora says as she turns back to Dagny, who moves out of the way and let's Cora pass by.

As Cora makes her way into the back room of the infirmary, Dagny and Runa position themselves in front of the entrance so Peter, Olivia, or Andre can't get in while Cora uses the amulet again. Once Loki see's Cora, his eyes go wide and he gasps.

"Caitriona, how— how is this possible? I saw you die right in front of me." Loki questions as he tries to escape the restraints, Cora gets up close to the bed and sits on its edge.

"I'm not her." Cora says as she pulls the amulet from the inside of her poncho, and let's it sit against her chest. Loki's eyes go wide and his mouth falls open.

"Adamaris? But, how? This cannot be right, you were just a newborn yesterday. How can you be grown?" Loki asks confusion coating his voice and face. Cora looks back at Dagny, who nods to her. She looks behind Dagny at Peter, Andre, and Olivia. Peter's eyes are filled with worry and concern. Andre and Olivia both have their mouths wide open and their eyes are nearly popping out of their skulls as they put the pieces together. Cora looks back at Loki and takes the amulet off from around her neck.

"Don't worry about that now. You need to rest for a good while." Cora says as she places her hand over Loki's as he tries to pull free from the restraint. Loki relaxes his hand once Cora places her hand over his.

"I've already lost so much time with you. All because Odin could not stand to have a halfling live amongst the patrons of Asgard." Loki begins to talk nonsense and Cora just looks down to keep herself composed. Cora turns her head to look at Dagny, who just simply nods her head, Cora nods back.

"We don't need to talk about that right now, you however need to get some more rest." Cora says as she holds the amulet over Loki. As the amulet begins to glow, Loki gives a tired smile, but relaxes.

"I'll only lose more time with you, if I rest." Loki says as he attempts to fight the amulets powers.

"You won't lose time with me, Dad. You'll have time when you wake up." Cora says as she focuses her concentration on the power the amulet gives off. The more Cora focuses on the amulet, the more Loki relaxes and eventually passes back out.

"There, that should be enough to keep him out for a while." Cora says as she places the amulet back around her neck and gets off the edge of the bed, then walks back to the group that stands outside the door.

"We'll come and get you, if anything changes again." Dagny says, Cora looks at Dagny and nods. As Cora exits the back room, she looks at Peter, Andre, and Olivia and sees Peter with a small smile on his face as he looks at the shocked expressions on both Andre and Olivia's faces.

"So, you're..." Olivia begins to say but stops as Cora just simply shakes her head.

"How long have you..." Andre tries to ask. Cora thinks about the answer before saying it.

"Just today, well speculation of everything started yesterday, but it was confirmed today." Cora says as she walks up to Andre and Olivia, then crosses her arms as she stops in front of them. Peter stands next to Cora and crosses his arms.

"I swear, if either of you say a word of what you know and have just seen to Ruby I will be your worst nightmare. Far more worse than what you guys endured while going through the alternate realities." Cora threatens, as she can feel the emotions building inside her, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to keep her control.

"You think we want death wishes. But, everything does make some sense now." Olivia says, Cora opens her eyes and turns her head up slightly at Olivia.

"What do you mean?" Peter asks as he looks back and forth between Olivia and Andre.

"With Ruby thinking Cora is trying to get with Prince Loki to advance her skills. She saw Cora run up to Loki earlier and hug him. She also thinks you two have been sneaking around." Andre says, Cora gives a horrified look at both Andre and Olivia, then shudders and slightly gags at the thought.

"And I thought Thor and Peter were the only ones that saw me hug Loki earlier. Look, it's not what she thinks it is." Cora says as she defends herself.

"We know that now. But, wouldn't it make things easier if you just told everyone the truth?" Olivia asks, Cora gives her a horrified look and immediately shakes her head.

"No. No, way. That will just give Ruby and the others more ammo to use against me, when they try and attack me when I least expect it." Cora says and looks back to the room where Loki is.

"Go on, go be with him. I'm sure he'll like the surprise of seeing you be there for him when he wakes up." Peter says, Cora looks back at Peter and gives a small smile.

"What are you guys going to do?" Cora asks as she relaxes.

"I may see if Fandral or Volstagg want to have a friendly duel. If we are being tested on our fighting skills at some point, we might as well get to training." Peter says, Andre and Olivia both nod in agreement.

"Yeah, you two can fight Fandral and Volstagg, I'll try my hand at dueling Lady Sif." Olivia says confidently, all three pairs of eyes look at Olivia as though she is crazy.

"You're brave for wanting to take on Lady Sif." A raspy voice says from the main infirmary room. Everyone that is gathered in or near the back room entrance looks toward the sound of the voice. Cora becomes annoyed instantly as she knows the voice belongs to Thor. Not wanting to acknowledge Thor, Cora turns and walks back to Loki's bedside.

"I will get full reports from Fandral, Volstagg, and Lady Sif once your sessions are done. So, do your best and listen to the critiques they each give you." Thor says dismissing the three recruits, they instantly leave the infirmary and head toward the training grounds.

"Runa, Dagny. How is he doing?" Thor asks turning his attention to Loki's wellbeing.

"He's alive, if that's what your asking." Cora says as she keeps her eyes on the restraints on Loki's wrists.

"Now, you listen here. The attitude needs to stop or else." Thor threatens, Cora turns her gaze onto Thor and she holds her mouth in a tight line.

"Or else what? You can't hurt me anymore than I've already been hurt. Send me home, throw me in the dungeon. Do whatever you want, because I am done." Cora says as she walks up to Thor and gets in his face. As the anger builds, Cora can feel herself begin to lose control. As Cora sizes up Thor, Thor begins to back out of the room where Loki is and into the main infirmary area.

"Cora, talk to me. Where has all of this animosity come from? You were not like this before coming to Asgard, so what has caused you to change?" Thor honestly questions knowing something more than what Cora already knows is bothering her.

"You. Everything that has happened to me so far is because of you. The hellacious feast on day one, the botched battle on day two, nearly dying from heat stroke yesterday in the village, and then there is ALL of today!" Cora yells as she advances on Thor to make him move to the middle of the infirmary.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. But, you must know all of us are trying to help accommodate all of you. Focusing the attention on just one of you will only make things more difficult." Thor says, Cora just shakes her head as her eyes begin to fill with tears.

"It hasn't just been the last three days. It's been the last few years, you knew who I was for so long, and kept it to yourself. Every time you were off saving the world with the other Avengers, you never once mentioned my lineage to them." Cora says as she turns away with tears in her eyes and covers her mouth to keep from screaming.

"Do you think that would have been the best thing to do, tell the others as soon as I figured out who you were?" Thor asks, Cora uncovers her mouth and turns back to Thor.

"You could have done it at any given time. Especially when I was on the Helicarrier, Seven years after you threw me to Earth. You knew who I was when you had first seen me on that particular day. Hell, for a split second I think Loki had figured out who I was, before the Tesseract reclaimed his mind." Cora screams as she walks back into the back room.

"Cora, please..." Thor begins to say but, with her back to Thor, Cora puts her hand up to silence him.

"Just go, you've done enough. Oh, and by the way I called Nat, either she'll call me back or she'll be calling you once she checks her messages." Cora says keeping her back to Thor as she pulls a chair up next to Loki's bedside with her mind. Thor's eyes go wide, but he says nothing as he walks out of the infirmary.

As Cora tries to calm down, a feeling of dread and loneliness comes over her and she ends up laying her head down on the edge of Loki's bed and crying until she falls asleep.

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