Redeeming Criminals

By cloud_stormy39

19.2K 497 173

Shadow and Mephiles are well-known criminals who have been given a chance to turn their life around. They soo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

1.9K 46 42
By cloud_stormy39

No P.O.V

Over a few weeks, the two gruff hedgehogs seemed to slowly stop being as awful as they once were. Although, they still had that lingering thought of getting their freedom. But something else seemed to be growing for the hedgehogs. Mephiles and Shadow suddenly began feeling weird around the two hedgehogs who were helping them all the time. As if something was making them feel happy and secure around them. Even though they liked the feeling, they always tried to brush it off and ignore it. It wasn't until they had each one to themselves again that they actually said something to their interests.

Mephiles' P.O.V

It was now or never that I was going to say something to him. I don't know what it was... but I felt this amazing connection whenever I was with him. I had to say something or else the feeling of it might kill me. I saw him drawing at the dining room table, minding his own business. His gray quills were shinier in the sunlight, and for some reason, I loved it. "S-Silver!" I managed to say. He turned around and saw me standing there. Those amber eyes really got to me. "You need something Mephiles?" he asked me. His voice is something I also loved. "I need to... to talk to you... if that's ok?" he replied at last. Silver got up and smiled at me before heading out the door. We walked down the block or two and I took him to a small forest that I knew about. "Just so I don't feel like you're about to murder me, what did you bring me here for?" he asked. I felt stupid for making him feel that way but tried my best to keep calm because I was already so nervous as it is. "Look... Silver... I know you probably feel weird about being here... about it just being us, stuff like that. But I... I'm not here to hurt you. In fact... I'm not sure what to say about any of this. I've been nervous ever since I spoke to you this morning."

Silver looked confused but I tried my best to keep focus on my mission. "I'm not sure what it is Silver... but ever since we've encountered each other. You're the first person I haven't had the urge to strangle, put down, or anything for that matter. I've never had anyone have the guts to stand up to me or anything that you have done with me. Something about you makes me feel... saner I guess. I just... I feel better around you. It's like the program actually helped me a little bit. I guess there are some areas where I still need help. But with you... maybe I can find that help." I told him.

I felt the heat in my cheeks, in the tips of my ears, and I even felt like I was sweating. "What are you trying to say Mephiles?" he asked me. I knew I had to spit it out. I had to or he'd never know. "I... I think I like you, Silver..."

Shadow's P.O.V

I heard that Mephiles was confessing to Silv since I finally convinced him. Understandably I knew he was nervous, after all, who wouldn't be when they're confessing to the one they love. I didn't think we could love to be honest. But I guess there's a surprise in store for everything. I looked out the window to see Sonic swimming in the pool and cooling off. He sat on the edge of the diving board and shook out his quills. I felt myself blush and growl at myself at the same time.

When I looked back out the window, I saw him looking at me through the window. He waved at me and then ushered me to come outside with him. I blushed and finally got up and put on my swimming trunks and went outside the door. I walked outside and saw Sonic had jumped back into the water. "Hey, Shadow! You came! I was worried you wouldn't come!" Sonic said once he came up to the surface. "Well, it's not like I had anything else to do." I replied, then I went slowly walked into the pool from the steps. "I'm glad you did though! I was starting to get lonely." Sonic replied and swam closer to me. "I didn't know you liked swimming." I told him. "I used to be terrified! But, thankfully Silver helped me get over my phobia. Ever since then, I've loved the water!" Sonic explained before he went back under the water. I took a deep breath before going underwater and chasing after Sonic who swam to the floor of the pool.

He seemed to be teasing me as he swam away from me and winked at me. I chased after him and caught up to him on the other side of the pool. Right before I could grab him, he slipped out of my grip and he tapped my shoulder. I thought I about lost him until I caught his ankle.

Sonic looked at me with shocked eyes. I tugged him back before wrapping my arms around him and took him towards the surface. "Ugh no! Shadow! You weren't supposed to catch me!" Sonic cried and tried getting away from me. "Well, maybe you shouldn't have teased me!" I chuckled. He laughed as I threw him into the air and he crashed into the water again. Somehow we made it back to the steps of the pool where we were trying to catch our breaths. He was sitting on the steps and I was almost sitting right next to him. We were laughing and trying to breathe when suddenly, I felt his nose touching mine. He didn't seem to notice since he still had water in his face To avoid anything awkward, I yanked myself back, then quickly looked away. "Shadow? Are you ok?" Sonic asked me concerned. I didn't know what to say. Those emerald eyes were starting to get to me. "S-Sonic... can I tell you something?" I asked at last.

"If it's what you need to do. Of course." he replied and got somewhat close. I took in a deep breath. I can do this. "Look... I know you see me as a friend. But... in the time that I've been here... I feel like I've gotten attached to you. In a way where I wish... we could be something more." I told him. Sonic now looked at me more confused than ever. But he seemed to want a straightforward answer. "Can you be real with me?" he finally asked.

I took a deep breath. I didn't think I'd ever do anything this bold. But this was the only thing I knew how to do because I wasn't the best with words. I pulled him in close, put my hand near his cheek, and put my lips on his.

Silver's P.O.V

Did he just say what I thought he said? I think he did. "Y-You... You like me?" I managed to say at last. He looked back at me and nodded his head. His face turned red and I'm pretty sure my face was turning red too. "I wasn't sure when the best time would be to tell you but... I feel like... I had to tell you. Or else it'd be killing me forever!" Mephiles explained to me. I wasn't sure what to say myself. "Mephiles... are you sure you like someone like me...?" I asked aloud.

"Yes! Why wouldn't I?" he asked back. I felt my emotions build up and look away from him to avoid eye contact as I began crying. This was probably making him feel worse or more confused than ever. "Silver... did I say something wrong?" he asked. Now I just felt worse. "N-No! Of course not! It-It's just that-" I whimpered. Suddenly I felt Mephiles' arms wrapped around me which startled me for a minute. "Tell me what's wrong." he pleaded. "You'll think I'm disgusting!" I cried, more tears coming down. "I don't think you are. You're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Now please, tell me what's wrong! I don't like seeing an angel cry." Mephiles reassured and he lifted my chin and wiped away my tears.

Taking a breath I looked at him and sat down next to him. "When I was a teen, I dated this one guy in high school. He seemed so nice. I mean... he did everything a normal boyfriend everyone would want. He was always there for me, he was gentle, he was kind, he brought me flowers, he gave me space, and he seemed to respect me. Then out of nowhere... he hit me. I don't know why. He just said I deserved it... I was so confused. After that... he completely changed! He'd hit me all the time... he insulted me... he invaded my space... everything. One night... he was in a really bad mood... he shoved me into the wall... he kissed me by force. Next thing I knew... he tied me up... gagged me... and... he..." I explained, but I felt myself choking up. "Take your time." Mephiles reassured. I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath to calm myself. "He tied me up in the bedroom... he made sure I was gagged so I wouldn't cry out for help... and he... he undressed me... and he raped me... I've never felt so disgusting in all my life." I finally cried. I felt Mephiles pull me in close and rub my back. "After telling Sonic... I got justice... but I still felt horrible. I thought it was my fault! So I promised myself to never fall in love again because I was scared someone else might treat me that way too!" I wailed. I couldn't help but let it all out at the very moment. I've never talked about it. Never wanted to. But now I wondered if Mephiles thought I was disgusting so I released myself from his grip, and turned to look at the ground.

"Silver... look at me," Mephiles whispered and I couldn't help but look up. "None of it was your fault. Don't you ever think that either! He was an asshole and someone like that doesn't deserve you! I understand why you might have trust issues. I get it. If it had happened to me, I'm sure I would've felt the same way. But you aren't disgusting. If anything, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I want to be with you... but if you're too scared or nervous, I completely understand. Especially since you know my background. Even so, I want you to know that I'd never put my hands on you like that. Despite me getting into fights and whatnot, I'd never want to hurt anyone unless they tried to hurt me. You somehow know how to make me feel weak whenever you come near me. Something about you has made me better than ever and I like that you're trying to improve my life. I just want to return the favor by showing you how much I care about you. But it's your choice." Mephiles told me.

Remembering those awful moments made me fearful of everyone and I didn't want to be that way anymore. Everything that Mephiles told me seemed to be heartfelt. I don't want to hurt his feelings, I liked how it felt, and he seemed genuine. "I wouldn't mind trying. But... if anything... let me warm up to you at my own pace?" I replied. Mephiles' eyes softened and he brushed back my quills. "Anything you want." he replied and snuggled up to me. I liked how he felt next to me and I snuggled in him too. His arms wrapped around me and I just laid there in the middle of the woods with him.

Seeing him calm, made me calm. Without really thinking, I looked at him and pecked him on the cheek. He seemed to like it because he got even closer to me. I think this was going to be a worthwhile relationship.

Sonic's P.O.V

He's kissing me. He's actually kissing me! B-But what should I do? Thankfully after sitting there frozen in shock, he broke the kiss and looked at me. "I'm... sorry. I should've composed myself. You can yell at me or even hit me. I probably deserve it." he told me. I wasn't sure what to say but finally, something came to me. "You really like me, don't you?" I asked him. His ruby eyes looked at me passionately and he nodded his head. I felt my cheeks warm up and my ears prick. "S-Shadow... I do like you back... but I don't think you want someone like me." I told him at last. He looked at me confused but wanted answers. "Why do you think that?" Shadow asked. "I just don't think you would keep me for long. I've dated a wide range of others. They all got bored of me really fast. I feel like the minute you have me, you'll get rid of me in a few days. It hurts... everyone just decided I wasn't worth it. I felt like maybe they were right. That's why I don't really agree on going on dates with anyone." I explained to him.

"I'm not like other people Sonic. I'd never just dump you without a real reason. In fact, I'd do everything to try and keep you by my side. I don't think I've ever met someone as bold as you. Someone who I can relate to or just be honest with. You're the only one who doesn't have a problem dealing with someone dark. I want to prove to you that I can be a good person. Especially since I don't want to be locked up in a cage anymore. I really do like you. I want a chance. But I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. That's not who I am. I just had to tell you about my feelings or I'd be insane if I didn't confess already." Shadow explained to me.

Knowing Shadow's background, I knew it was going to be a little bit more challenging. Everything about him though... it's so special. I didn't think he was like everyone else I encountered. This seemed different than before. "I'll give you a chance. I'm ready for something new." I told him happily. He looked at me and was so happy to hear my response. I don't think I've ever gotten a bigger hug than he gave me. "Thank you!" Shadow gasped. I hugged him back and just relaxed in his arms. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked him embarrassed. He chuckled and put his lips on mine again. We kissed some more before he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Shadow held me more and we walked around in the pool, just looking at each other. "You're cute from down here." Shadow told me sweetly. "Aw thank you! You're very handsome yourself." I giggled.

We got tired and finally got out of the pool to dry off. When we went inside, we changed into some warm clothes before sitting by the fireplace. I think he must've burned out from all that swimming because he fell asleep right next to me in a heartbeat. I don't think I've ever been so happy. Eventually, he woke up a bit and rubbed my back then kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" he asked me. "I don't mind!" I replied happily. We got up and headed upstairs. Right before I could take another step, I felt myself being lifted off of the ground. "W-What are you doing?" I cried surprised. "Just carrying you to our destination!" he sneered and carried me off. "No! Put me down!" I pleaded, but it was because I felt embarrassed. "No can do Azul!" he teased and finally brought me into the bedroom. Once he placed me on the bed, he got on top of me and looked at me slyly.

"You look so submissive from this angle." he said seductively. "Sh-Shut up." I snapped and looked away. "I'm teasing you Sonic!" he reassured and began kissing me all over my body. It felt amazing. I've never really had a guy who wanted to be all over me. When he started kissing my throat, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. "Oh. It looks like I found one of your sweet spots!" "N-No! What are you saying! I-I don't like it!" "Oh, you don't do you?" "N-No! It-It tickles!" "Well then, I guess I'll have to do it more!" Shadow continued to kiss my throat and I couldn't help but let it all out.

It felt so good and so awful at the same time! But when I felt his tongue run across, I had to get him to stop. "Shadow stop!" I cried and pushed him gently away from me. He seemed worried that he hurt me so I looked away for a minute.

"I'm sorry if I-" Shadow began. But I stopped him. "No! It's ok! I'm sorry! I freaked out and... I just didn't think it through..." I explained. From the corner of my eye, I saw him smile, and lift my chin. "You have the right to tell me no, ok? Your body, your rules. I have to respect that. Just tell me and I'll stop. Now can we snuggle?" he replied and kissed me. "Yes, we can." I sighed and laid next to him in the bed. Surprisingly, he fell asleep faster than I thought. His chest fur was so cuddly! I just messed with it until I soon drifted off to sleep myself.

Hey guys! Hope ur having happy holidays and a merry Christmas! I just wanted to thank u guys for ur support and I hope everything is good for u guys! Today's been very busy for me since we've been doing Holiday stuff. I will say I'm going to take a mini-break from all this so don't freak out if u don't hear from me in a couple o' days.  I'm still open to ALL ideas you might have and anything else. If u want 2 see more of me and my personal life, follow me on insta; cloud_stormy39. U can even DM ideas there. Until next year guys, peace.

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