cold souls; trixya au

By liaxzamo

6.5K 365 161

where trixie mattel travels to chile to learn how to ski or where katya zamo is a ski instructor More

not a chapter, just an update;;
twenty two;;
twenty three;;
twenty four;;
twenty five;;
this is an end;;

twenty one;;

186 14 2
By liaxzamo

The weekend in Santiago was hard to pass. Looking at the city streets, I imagined Katya there. She had told me that she has a house in the city, where she spent most of the holidays, and that she ended up going there at least once a month, while her parents took care of the hotel. How would she be like in other seasons? I found myself wanting to know what clothes she would wear, if she got tanned, if her hair tone became more alive...

Deep down, I still hoped that she would suddenly appear, but as the hours passed I realized that it was just another illusion. And it's not like I haven't been warned again. If I'd listened to Pearl, I certainly wouldn't have been heartbroken now, wanting to relive all the moments, even though I knew it had no meaning for her.

When it was time to go home, I couldn't wait. At the airport, while my mother finished checking in, I even put on my earphones to disconnect myself from the world and time went by faster.

Suddenly James tugged on my arm, saying something that I didn't feel like listening to. As he continued to insist, I took the phone off, just for him to stop disturbing me. However, when I asked what it was, I saw that he was smiling and pointing forward.

That's when I saw her.

The airport was packed, but suddenly everyone froze. Only one kept moving, walking right in my direction.

"I can't believe it", I said as soon as Katya stopped in front of me. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Of course you would!", she said, looking at my face carefully, as if she was missing every detail. "Sorry Trix, the biggest mess has happened. After I said goodbye to you at your hotel two nights ago, I went back to the pub just to ask a friend to replace me in the morning classes, as I'd decided to go down to Santiago, just to stay a little longer with you, in the bus. As soon as we got down there, I'd climb back up. As my friend said he could, I called there from the pub to book my ticket. However, when I woke up in the morning, I'd a message on my cell phone saying that the purchase had been canceled. I called the reservation center right away, and they said that my sister had called the same day, a little later, and said that I wouldn't go anymore. I explained that I had no sister, already knowing who was behind it, but they said that unfortunately the bus was already full by now. I still insisted, said that I could even go on foot, but they didn't allow it at all. Then I saw that I would've to say goodbye to you at the hotel door. Except that, with all this, I ended up wasting a lot of time and, when I got there, the bus had just left! I still saw it coming down, but there was nothing else I could do."

So it was all that woman's fault. Surely she'd heard Katya booking the ticket and was in charge of getting in the way! I swear to God, if I ever see Pearl again...

"As I'd not even written down your phone number, I'd no way of telling you. I even tried to find the hotel where you were going to stay, to at least give you an explanation. But there was no way, the bus company explained that all passengers disembark at the same location and then go to their destinations on their own. As the part of Santiago you'd booked separately, the only information I got, at the hotel where you stayed in the Valle, was the time of your flight back to the States, as this was in the package that your mother bought from the travel agency. Well, the rest you must imagine. I took the bus earlier today and came straight here, to wait for y-"

She didn't have to say another word. I threw myself into her arms and only stopped kissing her when my mom appeared beside us.

"Hey! Wait a minute, girl! I already suspected that something was going on between you two, but I thought it was just a flirt! I know we're not in the last century, but as a mother and almost a father, I need to ask. What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Katya was a little shy, but she continued to hold my hand and replied: "Well, I know we're not in the last century, but I wanted to ask her out or something. I intend to spend all winters with Trixie. And, whenever possible, the other seasons as well."

I don't know who was more surprised, me or my mom. However, I think I recovered faster, because I said: "Yes!"

"Hey, she asked me", my mother said shortly after, but I was no longer listening, as I was busy giving her several kisses. But I think her response would also be positive, as she just walked away shaking her head and spent the rest of the time talking to my brother, without paying much attention to our romance.

When the time came for boarding, Katya hugged me and said that, before, she needed to write down my number and all possible social media.

"I'll miss you. Do you promise me to let me know as soon as you get to the States?", she said, holding my chin, to look me straight in the eye.

I nodded, wanting to put her hidden in my suitcase.

"I guarantee that I'll comply with what I said," she added. "I'll try to visit you as soon as possible, okay? Maybe next summer?"

I kept wishing that it would really happen and that time would stop very quickly.

Because I was sure that, with her, any season would be unforgettable.

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