before the pain | luke (JATP)

By crystal_mei

504K 17.4K 28.5K

what's your biggest dream? to become a famous rock star of course oh yea original Okay okay... what's your bi... More

After The Pain
thank you
a.n - q/a


5.5K 230 406
By crystal_mei

It was a quietness that had taken over the Patterson's home, as a fight between a son and a mother had just ended, Emily took a deep breath as she looked at Luke with a serious face. "You can not drop out of your senior year, just because you wanna make music Luke!"

"Mom, it's not just music! We're good and this gig can change our lives, I can't spend my time in a classroom" He tried once again to explain but the sound of his father closing the door that Thursday morning, made the whole house once again quiet.

Luke took his backpack and without saying his goodbyes he went and drove to school, of course, he knew his parents were never pleased by the idea of their son making music, and yes, he knew the idea of dropping out with only half a year before graduating sounded crazy.

However, Luke knew that playing the Orpheum would make Sunset Curve famous, which would make them go on tours, book more gigs, he couldn't be stuck in math class, while he would be outliving his dream.

He knew how to cheer himself up, so as he parked his bike, he went directly to locker 272, where Mila as always was placed chatting with Reggie and Alex. Luke sneaked up behind her, surprising her when he gently kissed her cheek.

"Morning" He whispered into her ear, which made her cheeks turn red, Alex and Reggie looked at one another and smiled like two small fangirls, seeing their ship finally getting together.

"Are you ready to decorate the gymnasium today?" Asked Reggie, as he looked at Luke, who did not seem pleased to be reminded that his Thursday, which he could have spent on rehearsing, would be spent on Bobby asking if the blue or white lights would work better for the dance floor.

"Did your mom find a dress?" Asked Alex, trying to ignore Luke's face of disapproval. Mila nodded slowly as she faked a smile, which of course the boys noticed, however, did not ask about.

"Yea... my mom found one for me... I think I'll ask Caroline to alter it, but else it's okay... now will you excuse me, I have to use the restroom"  and with that, was Mila gone from Luke's arms, he looked confused at Reggie and Alex who shook not knowing what was wrong either.

As lunch came by, walked Mila into the cafeteria thinking she would be able to get her lunch, but when she came to the lunch lady, a note was placed on her plate, she looked confused at the wrinkled woman, who simply smiled at her. She took a deep breath and opened the note, finding a smile form on her lips.

She walked up the stairs and when she came to the top a melody of a guitar-playing was heard, on the floor was a blanket with her usual lunch waiting for her, as well as Luke with a bright smile seeing her, with a guitar in his hand.

"You couldn't just write, meet me at the roof could you?" She asked as she showed the note, which in bad handwriting had written: 'Important meeting, the roof at 12'

Luke shook his head with a bright smile: "Sit down my lady" He chuckled, which made her giggle as well, she carefully placed herself beside him as he sighed, giving her her usual chicken sandwich and apple juice.

"What is all of this?" Asked Mila as she opened her juice taking a sip. "You seemed sad this morning" He truthfully spoke as he looked into her eyes, she took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of peppermints.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, he shook his head as he placed her hand in his. "You know, you can tell me everything right?" He asked as he looked at her, she nodded slowly as she placed her head on his shoulder. "I know Luke..."

There was a quietness which went over them, however, it was not a bad one, it was a relaxed quietness, an understanding one, which Luke gently broke by playing the melody of 'Bright' causing her to smile.

"Sometimes I think I'm falling down I wanna cry, I'm callin' out For one more try to feel alive And when I feel lost and alone I know that I can make it home Fight through the dark And find the spark" Luke gently sang, as Mila bit her lip nodding her head to the melody and voice of her boyfriend.

"And times that I doubted myself I felt likе I needed some help Stuck in my hеad with nothing left I feel something around me now So unclear, lifting me out I found the ground I'm marching on" She sang when the song came to her verse. The melody was gentle, their singing almost in a whisper.

"We will fight to shine together" They ended as they looked at each other, Luke looked down at her lips but before he could do anything, she leaned over, kissing him gently, he placed the guitar away from them, moving his hands to her waist kissing her back.

A smile formed on her lips as she slowly leaned herself down, not breaking their lips as her back hit the blanket covered ground, Luke put himself above her, holding himself up with his arms as he kissed her softly, one of his hands sliding carefully down her body. Like butterflies in their stomach, chills came down Mila's body as her hands went up his back to his hair, pulling him closer.

As the kiss got more and more passionate, the sound of the school bell ringing caused them to quickly move away from one another, Mila's face turning completely red seeing Luke's even worse, he cleared his throat before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"See you after school" Mila hurried to say, as she kissed his cheek standing up with the juice in her hand, walking to the door, about to exit the roof, Luke nodded with a smile as he looked at her, just before she left she turned to him and giggled.

"And thank you... you did put me in a better mood" She spoke, causing Luke to smile even more and when the door closed he leaned back, biting his lip, thinking about the smell of coconuts and how she tasted of strawberries.

Mila did however later that day not seem pleased when the gymnasium was filled with boxes and Bobby was standing in the middle asking if the blue or white lights would be best. She crossed her arms and sighed.

"The blue" She finally answered as she walked over finding some of the snowflakes and taking them out, she got a ladder and began claiming to hang them. This was about the time, the rest of the boys, as well as Caroline Black, Aera, and Daliah as well walked into the gymnasium.

"You did not tell me, we would be decorating with them?" Said Daliah as she looked at Bobby, who looked wide-eyed at Mila who tried not to laugh. "Hey! Hey! What is she doing up there!" Yelled Luke who hurried to the ladder to hold it.

"Easy boy, your girlfriend is not dumb" Laugh Aera as she took some of the ice decors and looked around finding a good place to begin putting those, which she decided would be the bleachers.

"No, that I know, but why are you up there" Mila giggled, going down the ladder and ending in Luke's arms. "I'm okay" She answered as everyone began decorating, Luke shook his head. "You get the decorations and I will deal with the heights."

Reggie laughed. "You do know, it's you who are afraid of heights and not Mila right?" Luke did not have time to answer as Caroline smiled brightly. "Oh wow, this is exactly what I wanted"

Caroline had gotten her first secret Santa present, which was a pair of golden hoop earrings with a pearl. Aera looked over at Alex who shrugged with a smile on his face, enjoying the view of his gift being a success.

This however reminded a lot of them, that they still need to have given at least two gifts before December 18th where they go on Christmas break. Mila however was not worried, she had already handed Bobby one of his gifts and now she simply needed to find that Beatles album that he talked about back in November.

As time went by, the gymnasium became beautifully decorated and even though Daliah did not speak once to Bobby, he still had fun handing her the decorations she needed to hang up. It took them less than two hours before the whole gymnasium was filled up.

Leaving the seven of them on the ground. "I hated every bit of that" Said Alex truthfully which caused them all to laugh. "Let's play a game, get in a good mood before going home," Asked Caroline as she sat up, Luke and Mila looked at each other skeptical before sitting up like everyone else.

"What do you have in mind?" Asked Luke. Caroline bit her lip thinking for a bit. "Shall we play middle schoolers and play never have I ever?" Asked Dalaiah with a small smirk, which caused the rest of them to look at her worried.

"Let's play put a finger down then" They all took out all five of their fingers as they sat in a circle. "Okay I start, put a finger down if you've ever gotten drunk" Daliah started, and with that everyone beside Alex and Mila put a finger down, which caused them to high five instead.

"Okay, uhm put a finger down if you've ever done something illegal" Asked Caroline, which caused all the boys to put a finger down and Mila to think for a bit. "Was what we-" Mila's question was interrupted by all the boys saying "yes", which caused Mila to put a finger down.

"Never have I ever, ... uhm i don't know, killed a cactus" Everyone looked worried at Reggie as he was the only one to put a finger down. "They are hard to keep alive okay?" Alex shook his head as he looked at Reggie.

"That... I.... okay.... never have I ever been rejected by my crush" Everyone again took a finger down beside Luke who smiled at Mila.

"If you don't put a finger down, I will actually break up with you and reject you" Luke widened his eyes by these words and put a finger down immediately, which caused everyone to laugh.

The game continued until Daliah lost as the first to not have any fingers left, having been with the attack: "Asked out Bobby". She did not at all seem pleased by this, especially as the question came from Bobby himself.

They all decided it was time to go home and when Mila placed herself in Reggie's car ready to drive home, her thoughts began again, maybe it was because she once again was not with Luke, who always made her think of other stuff, or because she had to tell her parents now.

"You okay?" Asked Reggie as he started the car with Alex half-asleep in the backseat, Mila looked at Reggie with a fake smile as she nodded. "Yea... I'm fine..."

Miss Millianna Garcia

We are pleased to inform you, that your application to Hamilton College,
have been accepted and that we are excited to welcome you as our new
student as of August 1996. As you of course know, our school is known
for its science program, but
for its science program, but we are thrilled to have you joining our as
known writing program. We will therefore with happiness in our hearts.
As well an acceptance of a scholarship for your school year 1996-1997.


We will look forward to seeing you for student week, September 3rd.


Mr. Anthony Leach principal of Hamilton College

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