Just a Fan

By w2mm00

76.5K 2K 1.1K

Are you just a fan? Or are you genuinely in love with Ariana grande? I do NOT own any of these pictures. I re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

4.2K 120 56
By w2mm00


It's been a couple of days since Christmas and if Ariana tries to cast another spell on me with her fucking wand I'm gonna break it.

"CAN YOU STOP" she poked me again with her wand and ran off. I ran to catch her and the dogs followed me. Ariana has stayed with me since I've been in LA and I'm leaving in 2 days. Anyways she made me go to her house to pick up Toulouse and Myron. The other dogs are in New York.

"OW FUCKING BITCH" I yelled out. I banged my cast on the side of the fucking island. Ariana ran over to me and checked my hand.

"Are you okay?" My sweet lovely annoying girlfriend asked.

"Yea it's whatever"

"You sure?"

"Yes babe im fine"

"Okay good, now move" She moved me out of the way and walked over to the fridge and grabbed some water. I walked up behind her and placed my chin on her shoulder.

"I wanna do something today."

"What do you want to do exactly?" She grabbed my forearm and rubbed it.

"Let's go in a date. I mean since I am leaving in two days."

"You're coming in my jet right?" She asked me.

"You coming to New York?"

"Yes. I mean... I do live there." She said mocking my tone

"Technically not really. You fucking live everywhere"

"You're not wrong. But no... New York is just i don't know. It's a dream come true I guess"

"I get that." I grabbed her hand and spun her around to look me in my eyes.

"So... Ariana"

"So... y/n"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Of course I do you asshole. Where are we going?"

"I'll surprise you. Just dress... comfortable"

"Okay. But can I get a kiss first."

I smiled and leaned in and pecked her lips.

"And everyone is coming"

"Baby... I love everyone but... what about just us." She ran her hand up and down on my collar bone.

"Ariana when you see where we're going you're gonna be happy I said let's bring them. Just trust me. Please?"

"Fine. Only because you're cute and I trust you"

"Babygirl I ain't cute. I'm fine as fuck"

"Ew no don't do that. That's cringey"

"Mmtch you love it." I sucked my teeth


"Fuck you Grande."

"You could fuck me before we leave..."

"I heard that Ariana!" Joan yelled out. Ariana's jaw dropped and I laughed at her.

"Ha ha. That's what you get for poking me with that stupid ass wand. You lucky I didn't break that shit."

"Break it and I break your other hand."

"Touché Grande" She chuckled to herself and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you go get ready please."

"Okay but I want a real kiss. And carry me" She put her arms up and looked me in my eyes. How the fuck can I say no? You know how??? YOU CANT

"Fine" I picked her up koala style and she started kissing my ear and whispering... unholy things. We got to the room and wiggled her way out my arms. She was standing in front of me and started to push my body towards the bed. She pushed me down gently and climbed on top of me.

"Ariana stop. You need to get ready. And I already told you how I feel about having sex."

"Why don't you want to have sex again?" She asked while kissing my ear. I took a deep sigh and moved her off of neck and ear. She looked at me confused.

"Ariana because I don't want to move this too fast and I don't want our relationship just being based off of sex"

"So you think our relationship is just based off of sex?" She crossed her arms and lifted her eyebrow.

"No no. I didn't mean it like that. I just want to get to know the inside Ariana more" She smirked and leaned down in my ear and whispered.

"You know how you can get to know the inside ariana more? By fucking me." She nibbled on my ear. I'm about to fuck the hell outta her- no no no. Y/n stop.

"You're making this harder for me Ari"

"Which you? You or you." She said while wiggling her lower half.

"Both. Now get off. Go take a shower so we can leave"

"Fine. Take one with me?"

"No fucking?" I put my pinkie out and wrapped hers around mine.

"No fucking" she said. I smiled and picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

We took a shower and there was no fucking. I may or may not have gotten hard but you know... I dealt with it when she got out.

I got out the shower and she was in her bra and underwear. She already did her make up. So I walked over to the closet and grabbed a sports bra and some boxers. I walked out the closet and she motioned me over to her.


"Come take a pic"

"We're in our underwear Ariana"

"So? Come on" she pulled me by my arm and wrapped it around her body. We took a couple of pics and then I let go and walked back over to my outfits.

I put on a nike sweatsuit and put on some airmax's

I walked out the closet and Ariana was ready. I chuckled and walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small ass body.

"You look cute"

"You said dress comfortable" she said.

"And you're comfortable in those heals?"


"That's a lie. I'll bring some crocs for you or whatever." She wrapped her arms around me and looked up and pouted.

"You know me too well."

"Yea yea. Whatever. Let's go check up on them"

"Wait so they already knew?"

"Yup now let's go." I walked away and she followed behind me.

"Y'all mf's ready yet?"

"Yea let's go" Malissa said.

"Let's go vámonos everybody let's go!" Everyone yelled out but I shook my head because of the cringe.

"Let's go yall. Bro are our parents still trying ready?"

"Yup" Malissa and Dante said. I sucked my teeth and walked over to their room and knocked.

"Come in" my mom said. I walked in with Ariana's hand in mine and my mom had no shirt on.

"Omg ma. Let's goooo. We're late. And plus can you please put a shirt on."

"Your mom has a bomb body"

"Thank you ari. Somebody appreciates it. She acts like she aint get it from me."

"Okay that's my cue. Mom just put a shirt on pleaseee" I said and walked back out.

"Y'all, Ariana and I are gonna wait in the carrrr!!!"

"Ight whatever. Don't have sex in the car y/n!" Auntie D(Ms. D) said.

"Omg." I mumbled to myself. I shook my head and grabbed Ariana's hand and grabbed the keys and my phone and walked out. We walked over to the car and I opened the door for Ariana and then walked to my side of the car. I turned on the car and my Bluetooth automatically connected to my phone. And the first song that played was Make Up.

"Ohhh shiiittt" I said and turned it up and Ariana chuckled and pulled out her phone.

"I like to fuck with you. Just to make up with you. Cause the way you he screaming my name make me wanna make love to you." I started singing and body rocking.

"Yup" ariana said.

"I might break up with you. Just to make up with you. At the end of the day boy you know that I'm bout to wake up with you."

"I love it when we make up." I sang out loud. And the car doors opened and everyone came inside and started singing along.

"Go ahead ruin my make up" they sang

"Love it when we make uuuppp" I sang out.

"Go ahead ruin my make up" they sang

"Yo y'all did y'all thing with this mf song."

"That's what we do" Victoria said and i just shook my head and chuckled.

We were finally almost there and Ariana looked at me and gasped.


"I know where we're going"

"Where are we going?"

"To fucking Disney world" I nodded my head and chuckled and put my eyes back on the road.

"Ding ding ding. We got a winner" I said and she slapped my arm.

"Stop being sarcastic." She said and I playfully rolled my eyes and just kept driving.

We finally got there and they put us in our parking section. Ours was Simba.

"Yo Dante take a picture. I might forget where the fuck we parked"

"Ight" he pulled out his phone and started taking pictures.

"I'm exciteeedddd" Ariana held onto my arm and started shaking it.

"Good. And I already told them that we'll split up so you and I can have some alone time together. Well... with your body guard" as I said that she pouted.

"Baby you know I can't walk around without him."

"I know I just... kinda wished you would trust me a little more"

"What is that supposed to mean?" She stopped in her tracks.

"Guys keep going we'll catch up" I said and they nodded and walked off. The bodyguard stood in the same place but I moved her over to my by a parked car.

"When you're around me I don't want you to feel like you're unprotected. I got you. When you're with me it's okay. I'll do whatever I can do to keep you safe."

"And I get that. But I don't want you to get hurt y/n" She said but I grabbed her hands and brought one up to my lips and kissed it.

"As long as I can keep you safe that's all that matters to me. But I'll let the bodyguard come along because there's a lot of people here."

"You're an asshole."

"Okay?" I said and she let go of my hands, pushed me, and walked away. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I put my hands in my pockets and followed along behind her. She was talking to everyone while I was quiet in the back. Joan noticed that, so she walked over to me.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head and we kept walking.

"You're lying y/n. Tell me what's wrong?"

"It's nothing Ms. J. Just a little misunderstanding between Ariana and I. Nothing major" She nodded her head and hooked her arm with mine. I smiled and we kept walking. After we kept walking I started to get a little thirsty.

"Ms. J, you want something to eat or drink?"

"A water would be good" I walked her over to the stand with me and I bought her and I something to drink.

"Enjoy your drinks" the cashier told me.

"You too- fuck. You know what I mean" I said and the cashier laughed. I feel so fucking embarrassed. Joan laughed as well and I shook off my head and we continued to walk and we saw everyone waiting. We walked up to our group and Ariana and I made eye contact. I shot her smile but she ignored me and walked up to her mom.

"Where'd you guys go?"

"Y/n and I got thirsty. So she bought me and her a drink." Ariana looked up at me.

"Thank you for buying my mom a drink."


She hooked her moms arm and walked with her.

"wow." I said. I shook my head once again and walked slower behind everyone else. Then a girl came up to me.

"Umm hey"

"Hi?" I responded.

"You're cute" I chuckled. Of course this would happen right now.

"Thank you... I guess. Can I ask why you came up to me?"

"Umm I wanted to ask if you were single?"

"Umm no. I'm in a relationship"

"Are you here with her?"

"I am actually. Why?"

"Well you seemed sad."

"No im fine."

"Well if you do get sad or bored of her. You should take my number down."

"Nah im good. I'm 100% sure I won't get bored."

"Well you can just have friends too right-"

"No not right. Wrong. I just said I was fucking uninterested."

"And I'm just saying that if you change your mind you can have my-"


"You don't have to get loud."

"Obviously i fucking do if it ain't getting in your thick ass skull. And fix your fucking lace front your hairline looks like Lebron before the hair implants. Now leave me the fuck alone" I walked passed her and walked towards the group. They were all staring at me and Dante and Malissa were laughing which made me laugh.

"Y'all are some assholes." I said and Ariana shook her head and turned around. Yo wtf did I do now??

"I can't do this shit anymore." I walked over to Ariana and wrapped my arms around her.

"Get off of me."

"Fine. I don't know why the fuck I said to go on this date. This shit has been nothing but me feeling butt hurt over some stupid shit." I said and pulled back.

"Y'all I'm gonna wait for y'all at 'Be our Guest'. Go fucking have fun." I went to walk away but my mom grabbed my hoodie snatching me back


"What is up with you?"

"Nothing but can you please get off of me?"

"No because we came here as a group. So we will continue as a group." Dante and Malissa walked up to me but I was not in the mood.

"Talk to Ariana" Malissa said

"No what the fuck." Then Dante slapped me in the head.

"You two are ruining the trip. Go up to her and apologize" he said

"For whatttt??? I didn't do anything"

"Whatever y/n. You two aren't going to keep ruining this trip. You two better go take that shit to the bathroom. Matter fact I have an idea." Malissa said.

"What the fuck is your idea. She won't fucking listen to me"

"I'll ask her to come to the bathroom with me. Then I'll leave while she's using the bathroom and you walk in."


She walked over to Ariana and talked to her. Ariana nodded her head and walked away. After a while I saw Malissa walk back out and I walked in. When I walked in Ariana was washing her hands.

"Of fucking course" She said. I took a deep breath and walked over to the sink and sat on the counter and looked at her.

"Can we talk please?"


"Why are we even in this situation Ariana?"

"You wanna know why? Wow you're just really fucking slow. Okay" wow okay
Ms. Thang I know I'm slow but you ain't have to call me the fuck out like that.

She walked over to me and stood in front of me.

"What made you assume that I don't trust you."

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant like... when I'm around you I don't want you to think you're not protected or anything like that. I wanted to tell you that I understand the fact that you need a bodyguard. But... I also want you to understand that I'm capable of making sure you're okay. Even if I get hurt in the process I don't care. It's what I signed for. And I also really want you to just feel like Ari and not just "the Ariana Grande" when you're around me."

"oh." She said.

"If you were to have let me finish talking to you then you would've understood where I was coming from." She sighed and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I don't want you getting hurt."

"And millions of people don't want you getting hurt. Please just let me do my job." I leaned my forehead on hers and she pouted.

"I'm sorry"

"For calling me an asshole?"

"That and because I've been ignoring for no reason."

"Mhm. But i don't know if I accept that apology."


"Because you made me look stupid in front of... oh i don't know... everyone"

"And I'm sorry for that"

"Yea okay."

"I am. Accept my fucking apology y/n."

"Fineee. I accept your apology." I leaned in for a kiss but she dodged it.

"Come on bellísima don't be like that" She looked me in my eyes and leaned in and kissed me.

"Okay come. on. now." I tried to say in between kisses that she was placing on my lips.

"Fine." She kissed my lips one more time and then grabbed my hand and pulled me out. We walked over to the crowd of people and met with our group.

"Finally y'all are good. I was gonna start ripping my strands of hair one by one" Dante said

"Dante what fucking hair?" I said and his jaw dropped and then he punched my arm.

"You are so mean to me."

"Pack it up Cat Valentine let's get going, I wanna go on some rides. We've been walking for mad long" I said and then moved Ariana in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Ugh we should've left them arguing" Scott said.

"Man Fuck y'all. Don't hate." I said and then I brought my arm up and gently grabbed her chin to turn her face so I can give her a kiss. I only did that to make them annoyed 🤪

Everyone groaned and fake gagged



"Did i see tongue...."

"Take that shit somewhere else"

Is what Ariana and I were hearing which made Ariana laugh into her sleeve.

"Wanna ditch them and go on a ride later?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head and then turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me down a little and I went to lean in but she pulled back a little but our lips were still touching the slightest bit.

"If another girl flirts with you while I'm around I'm getting Malissa to beat her ass." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle and bite my lip a little.


"I laughed because Malissa would do that shit too. And then beat my ass for even conversing with her"

"I really like Malissa."

"Yea... you too are both crazy" I said but she slapped the back of my neck.

"We'll see who's crazy."

"So do I get my kiss now or..." she smiled and leaned in but I pulled her in by her waste with my left arm while my other hand was carrying my drink. She gave me a kiss and then slipped tongue in it. I was about to do my thing and Yk... suck on it. But she pulled away before I could fully do it.

"I think we gave the paparazzi a good show" she said and then pecked my bottom lip.

"What do you mean?"

"There's always paparazzi. I bet we just helped someone out with that kiss."

"You still haven't explained anything"

"You're so slow. The paparazzi make money off of these pictures. Depending on if anyone else has that picture."

"And then they sell it?"

"Yesss" She said sarcastically

"Whatever" I said and let go of her but she pulled into my arm and hooked hers with mine.

After a while we went on a bunch of rides and Ariana and this is going to be the last ride as a group and then Ariana and I will go on a ride together alone. We walked to space mountain and then skipped everyone in the line and I heard people mumbling and saying slick shit. But I decided not to say

They walked us over to the Kart and the dude tried to help Ariana.

"Thank you but I got it" I said and he nodded and moved over. I grabbed Ariana's hand and helped her into the kart and then I slid in after her. Everyone went on the kart with us and then we all put on our seatbelts. And I made sure Ariana's was tight.

"Babe stop what are you doing"

"Girl you act like you not skinny" She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Look up and smile" she said and that's what I did.

"Where are we smiling?"

"Never mind just give me a kiss" she said and that's exactly what I did. Whatever my baby wants she gets.

The kart started moving and the ride started. It's not bad in my opinion. I mean when you work with heights you get used to it.

We finally finished the ride and walked to where we get the pictures.

"Aww look another example of PDA" Malissa said and I flipped her off.

"I like it" Ariana said

"Me too. You wanna get it?"

"Duh" She paid for the picture and I looked at her confused. I shook my head and pulled out my wallet and grabbed money. I pulled her hand out and opened her palm. I placed the money in her hand and she pushed it against my chest.

"Stop I don't want your money" She said

"But I want to pay-"

"No y/n"

"Whatever. I'll just give it to your mom. Matter fact I'll give it to Nonna when we get back" i said while taking the money from her hand and she rolled her eyes.

"Y'all we'll meet y'all at the restaurant. We're going on the ride"

"i know i want to go on a ride" Ariana mumbled to herself and took a picture of the picture she just bought... and I looked at her like if she was crazy


"You know what Ariana... you can't say things like that in front of them" She put her phone back in her pocket and then pulled my ear.

"Ow ow"

"You act like you didn't finger fuck me in the kitchen" She whispered in my ear.

"Was it in front of them?"

"Would you like to do it in front of them?"

"Ms. Thang for one, you don't have the guts to even let your mom watch you record a make out scene. And you're saying that?"

"I- you suck" she pushed me away and I laughed.

"Correction... I lick" I said and then winked at her mad cocky.

"See y'all later" they all said.

I grabbed Ariana's hand and spun her around into me.

"Finally... some alone time" I said and she did that cute thing she does when she sticks her tongue between her teeth.

"So I was wondering... let's go on the haunted mansion"

"I thought you were never going to fucking ask let's gooo" Ariana said gripping my hand and pulling us over to the ride.

We had to wait on the ride because I didn't want to hear anyone complaint about us skipping because Ik damn well imma pop someone in the mouth.

We were waiting online and I was leaned up against the pole while Ariana was holding onto my waist as I caressed her arm.

"You sure you don't want to have sex later?" She said while rubbing my stomach. Now she knows damn well...

"I don't know Ariana. I already told you how I feel. I want you to heal first"

"And the dick helps me heal... somewhat"

"You horny fuck"

"I'm just playing. But baby you are helping me heal"

"Fine. Once in a while. Not sex every day Ariana" She smiled and leaned her head upwards and I leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Okay. So can today like.... be a day where we do?" She pulled my head down so she can whisper in my ear and she said "because I've been horny all day."

I cleared my throat and just pulled her into me closer.

"Fine we can have sex... in your house though" she gasped and then squealed.

"Omg reallyyy???" She said and I nodded.

The line moved up and I moved up and then Ariana moved up and gripped my arm.

"Omg so can we stop at the Airbnb?"

"For what?"

"So we can get the cock ring, the lube, the handcuffs... the gag ball"

"You wanna do that?"

"Mhm... oh and when you weren't looking... Malissa gave me a gift"

"What was it?"

"Sex dice" When she said that I bursted out laughing.

"I'm not even surprised"

We continued to wait on the line then reality hit me. I have to go back to work in four days. Ughhhh

"What's wrong?" Ariana looked up and me.

"I have to go to work in four days. Which mean I have to get back to working out tomorrow so that I'm not as sore" I said and then took a long deep sigh.

"I forgot about that." She said while rubbing my arm.


"Well you still never answered my question on if you guys are leaving with me on my jet"

"You sure? I mean we're going to be left alone. On a plane. With my family. Do you know how much arguing there's going to be?"

"I'll be fine. I'll be drinking champagne anyways" she said

"Okay... we'll see how you hold up"


"What is up with you?" I asked.

"This line is taking forever and I want to have sex already"

"Ariana you need to chill there's people around"

"So? I'm a grown woman"

"And this is a children's park so calm your tits... well this case... your clit" I laughed out and she punched my arm and I laughed even harder.

The line moved faster and we were now inside. We had to hop onto the moving seats I almost busted my ass. I tried to not make eye contact with everyone but Ariana kept laughing so I just had to look forward.

"Fuck you"

"Please do" she said and then placed her hand on my thigh.

"Nope we not doing this now come here." I said and moved her closer to me and she cuddled into my side.

"I'll protect you baby." I teased

"You're going to protect me daddy?" She whispered in my ear.

"Never mind." I let go of her

"Okay baby come back come back" she whined and wrapped my arm back around her.

That's when the worker came up to us and the kart.

"Hey you two... no sexual doings are allowed. Also known as blowjobs or fingering." The worker told us and fuck that moment at the penthouse when we were talking about my dick. This is 100x more embarrassing.

"Oh we weren't-"

"You wouldn't be the first. So don't be embarrassed. You'll be surprised how many people have done it. Please just keep it PG." the female worker said. She looked young.

"Will do." I said. Ariana just sat there quiet as the seat thing kept rolling.

"You see what you did?"

"We don't talk about this"

"I know we'll talk about it." I said and she punched my arm.

"Why aren't you holding me?"

"Why'd you move?"

"Because the worker-"

"Okay then. Come back" I put my arm out and She leaned in and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Hey ari?"


"When I was younger this used to be my dads favorite ride"

"Wait really?"

"Yea. Funny thing is... I hated this ride. The first time I went on it my dad had to hold me and tell me I was going to be okay"

"That's cute" She said while looking back up at me.

"You're cute"

She fixed herself and leaned in my ear and whispered.

"I can't wait until you Fuck me"

I repositioned myself in the seat and cleared my throat. I kind of felt my dick get a little hard so I fixed the crotch area on my sweats. Ariana giggled but all I did was nod my head. She wants to be freaky? Bet. She leaned back into me and I moved my hand from her shoulder down to her waist. I started rubbing on her thigh a little and she crossed her legs, one over the other. I chuckled and pulled my phone out and took a video of us. She stool her tongue out and I did the same and then I turned my face towards hers and then she licked my tongue and then kissed me and sucked on my tongue a little. We pulled back and looked back at the camera and she blushed and I winked. I cut the video and then saved it so I can post later. My account has been private ever since Ariana and I were spotted together. I still got 13k followers though so I'm pretty sure some people are going to still screen shot and whatever. But I think only the Arianators will see them. We started paying attention to the ride. After we got out a couple people took some pics with Ariana but the bodyguard stood next to her.

"Are you and Ariana like TOGETHER together?" One of the teens asked me.

"Define TOGETHER together"

"Are you two like... having sex?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh. He was gay. You want to know how I knew? Maybe because he has a rainbow crochet bracelet.

"We definitely have sex." Ariana walked up behind me and rubbed my arm.


"Oh shh. They know how I am. Right cutie?" She asked the teen and he nodded and laughed. I shrugged it off and then I took his phone and took their picture. I gave it back to him and he smiled and then he gave me a hug. Another girl came up to to Ari and asked for a picture. She was a little girl so Ariana ofc didn't say no.
I took their picture and gave the parents their phone back. The little girl walked up to me and then pulled on my pants.

"Yes?" I said looking down at her.

"You're pretty"

"Thanks beautiful." I leaned down and the little girl gave me a hug. She let go of the hug and then ran away to her parents. I chuckled and then stood back up and Ariana was biting her lip.

"Stop looking at me like that in public"

"I'll look at you however I want y/n." She said and I raised my eyebrows and just nodded my head. Now she knows damn well she's only talking to me like that because she knows I would put her in her place. And she likes that. But I'm not going to.

"k" I walked away and she followed me along with her bodyguard. She pulled me by my hand and stopped me.

"Can I go on your back?"

"no" I kept walking and I heard her sigh.

"Please my feet hurt."

"put on the crocs. Oh wait... your mom has them" I said trying to get on her nerves.

"Please carry me?" She said with puppy dog eyes. Ugh how can I fucking say no to that.

"UGH. Get on" I turned my back to her and leaned down and she hopped on my back. I gripped into her legs buttt since she wants to play around I moved them more up by her... area. I squeezed a little and I felt her breath hitch against my ear.

"baby stop..." She whispered against my ear and I squeezed a little harder this time. Her breath hitched once again and she moved up higher on my back and I chuckled.

"I know what you're doing ariana"

"I don't care." She mumbled against my ear. I shook my head and we... well the body guard and I... kept walking to the meet up spot. We bought some food there and ate it along the way to walk to the car. We finally left the park and I decided to  start blasting music on my phone.

"Y/n/n stop with that ghetto ass shit. We're not in Brooklyn" my mom said

"Mom you know you wanted dance to it. It's fucking Beyoncé. You love Beyoncé" I said and she rolled her eyes and smiled. I gave Ariana my phone and grabbed my moms hand and started dancing with her. She finally gave in and started dancing along with me. Then I grabbed Joan and Courtney's hand and started dancing with them.

"You know you can't deny Beyoncé. Come onnn" I said while swaying our arms. Joan finally gave in and started dancing.

"Come on Court" I said and she cracked a smile and started dancing.

Before I knew it everyone was dancing to Beautiful Liar. The song finished and we all laughed and to be honest. I wouldn't mind living like this for the rest of my life. Happy.

"Dante race you to the car?"

"Bitch I don't want to run after allat walking. Pshh you got me all the way fucked up"


"Brian, Scott, race me?" I asked. They nodded and Malissa shook her head because she already knew what I was going to do.

"Ariana call it" I said and got into position as well as them.

"3...2...1... go!" They ran and I just shook my head and laughed.

"Ion run." I said and everyone laughed. They were still running until they noticed half way that I was still with the group walking slow. They shrugged and kept running.

"These mf's." I mumbled to myself

"They don't stop" Victoria said and I laughed.

We continued to walk in the car and I threw Courtney the keys. She smiled and walked to the drivers seat and unlocked the cars. Once everyone got in Ariana sat in the back back with me. Well more like on me...

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting on your lap it's more comfortable."

"Mhm. No funny business miss."

"Mhm Ik." She said but then turned away to the window. Ik damn well this girl is lying and she's smiling looking out that mf window.

Throughout the ride Ariana kept trying to "get comfortable" but she was just rubbing on my dick. And to be honest I'm hard as hell. Ariana noticed that and palmed it with her hand. But I'm not going to let her think it's affecting me. So I pulled out my phone and started scrolling on Instagram. I remembered the video we took and I posted it on my story. I went back to scrolling on my stream and Ariana started rubbing my print through my pants and played with the draw strings at the same time. She ran her nails across my dick print on my right leg and that made my breath hitch but I'm not giving up that easy... momma ain't raise no bitch. I ignored it and kept scrolling through my phone. That's when Malissa texted me. This bitch is right In front of me...

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
Are y'all staying at the Airbnb tonight or nah?


Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
Y'all fucking?

Maybe... sn Yk your girl getting some tonight🥱

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
Ew okay. Can I sleep in your room tonight?

Are you forgetting Ariana and I had sex there orrrr

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
I'll change the sheets. And plus I want to sleep on that bed it looks comfortable

Fine whatever

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
K thanksss. Love you bitch


Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:
Can you at least give me a real mf heart and not that damn shit?

Ugh ❤️

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:

Petty asf

Dusty bitch🤪🫀🐟:

I rolled my eyes and then that stopped quickly since Ariana rubbed the tip of my dick.

"Baby?" She whispered in my ear


"I'm wet." I visibly swallowed.

"You can wait until we get there" I said and tapped her thigh playfully. She repositioned herself again but placed her right leg on my dick. It was more so her inner thigh rubbing on my print and she was literally dry humping me. Yea no momma definitely raised a bitch. I cleared my throat and with that Ariana smirked. She got what she fucking wanted. yay.

But I got my ways too sis.

I placed my hand on her thigh and moved up toward her... yea.

I got closer and closer until I was there. This girl isn't telling me to stop. Why isn't she telling me to stop?! Our fucking friends and family are in this car. Well I mean we are all the way in the back. And we are stuck in traffic. And everyone is sleeping. Should I do it? Nah I ain't gon do it... Ariana started breathing heavier and started rubbing harder against my print.

Imma do it

I started rubbing the hem of her pants and right underneath it touching her bare skin. She caught what I was doing and she stopped my hand. But... Ik exactly what's she's doing too. She's trying to make me be the one to sub. She moved her hand from my dick to the side of my face and caressed it softly. She moved my head  so I can look her in the eyes. She got close to me and our lips were damn near touching.

"Remember that one time you asked me about your underwear while we were on ft?" She whispered and I nodded.

"Wanna know a secret?" She licked my bottom lip.


"That same night I had to use a vibrator to finish what you started... you made me want you so fucking bad" She said and then kissed my lips for a second and then bit my lip.

"But that's not happening tonight now is it?" She whispered and lifted her eyebrow.


She smirked at my response and leaned into my ear.

"You're fucking me tonight right? I won't have to finish what you started?" I shook my head and lick my lips, I then leaned in but she pulled back slightly. I leaned in again and she pecked my lips. She went to pull back but I moved my hand up to the back of her neck and pulled her in for a more heated kiss.

"Fuck I need you inside of me right now" She mumbled against my lips and then went back to kissing me. She unbuckled the seatbelt and laid me down. She was laying on top of me and she kept rubbing herself on me. I moved my hands down to her ass and gripped tight. She moaned softly and quietly but I kissed harder so that she can swallow her moans. She roamed her hand around my body and then to my chest. She worked her way down to the hem of my sweats and stuck her hand in. She gripped onto my dick and squeezed it a little. I groaned to the feeling and I bit her lip. She started stroking it a little and then ran her thumb across my tip. Now she knows damn well I love that. But she stopped and then smirked into the kiss. She started to pull her pants down a little and since my hoodie and shirt was up a little I felt how wet she was against my abs.

"I'm so fucking wet babe I don't think I can wait" She mumbled against the kiss.

"Ari we can't"

"You don't even have to go in." She said and rubbed against me and my breathing started getting heavier. She moved her hand back to my dick and pulled down my sweats a little and my dick fell against my abs. She smiled and then got on top of me but didn't slide me in. Instead she just rubbed my dick between her slit and I almost moaned to the feeling of it but I have to remember there's other people in this fucking car.

She leaned her head against my shoulder and bit down hard. I clenched my teeth trying not to make a noise. I gripped onto her ass and rubbed my dick against her clit faster. This isn't for me. I'm doing this for her. Because if this was for me I would be inside her fucking her senseless. But no.

"Just the tip?" She whispered into my ear very softly.

"Ari we can't... honestly"

"Fine... then watch me" She said and then kissed my lips and then stopped rubbing herself against me. She moved her hand down her body slowly and I felt like I was in a fucking movie. She ran her fingers down her slit and her mouth opened slightly but I kissed her before any moans could escape. She started rubbing herself and I bit by lip because damn was this hot as fuck.

"Touch yourself baby" she whispered in my ear while my eyes were just watching what she was doing. I look her back up into her eyes and lift my eyebrow. She nods her head and I comply and start jerking myself off. She stops what she's doing for a second and she lubes up my dick with the wetness that she created. That's still fascinating in my opinion. She goes back to what she's doing and started to rub herself. I started to twist my hand while watching her and I bit my lip harder.

"Baby go faster" she whispered in my ear and that I did.

I started to jerk myself off faster as well as she did herself. When she went faster I did too.

We were both going at a very fast pace and I can tell that Ariana was about to finish as so was I.

"Cum for me baby" I whispered into Ariana's ear. She kept that pace and then came on my stomach and her head leaned on my shoulder. She rode her high and I kept going. I busted my nut and I slowly jerked myself until I was finished. I was still riding my high but I felt Ariana lean down and lick off the mess we made. She chuckled and leaned up to my ear and whispered.

"You haven't learned have you? When I want something. I get it. I mean I only made a song off of it." I chuckled and then pulled my pants back up to cover my dick and Ariana pulled her pants back up. We laid like that for the rest of the ride until we got there.

Next chapter is about to be only smut. You're welcome

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