|A Spider's Tale|

By RambunctiousCat

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What would have happened if a more broken, desperate Gwen Stacy, fell into the universe of our happy well-man... More

A New Spider: Chapter 1
Stark Home: Chapter 2
A Greater Understanding: Chapter 3
Being the New Kid...again: Chapter 4
The Prison Break: Chapter 5
The Battle of the bugs (and Rhino): Chapter 7
Infinity War-1: Chapter 8
Infinity War-2: Chapter 9
Infinity War-3: Chapter 10
The Decimation: Chapter 11
Good Captain...Bad Captain: Chapter 12
What Planet Are We On?: Chapter 13
Adapting: Chapter 14
What a Pair: Chapter 15
Tony's Gifts: Chapter 16
I got a Delivery for Tony Stank: Chapter 17
Graduation: Chapter 18
A Day Out: Chapter 19
We're our own Team: Chapter 20
Happy Valentines Day!
Good Things Don't Last: Chapter 21
Endgame-1: Chapter 22
Endgame-2: Chapter 23
Endgame-3: Chapter 24
Endgame-4: Chapter 25
Endgame 5: Chapter 26
Trip to Europe: Chapter 27
You're Who!?: Chapter 28
Oh look it's Aquaman! : Chapter 29
L'uomo del Misterio: Chapter 30
A Big Fiery Blob: Chapter 31
Capes & Chaos: Chapter 32
Edict Edith: Chapter 33
Ain't Nothin' But A Heartache: Chapter 34
Ain't Nothin But A Big Mistake: Chapter 35
A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36
Bagels and Beds : Chapter 37
An Avenger's Level Threat: Chapter 38

We got our butts whipped: Chapter 6

5.4K 99 14
By RambunctiousCat

Gwen's POV


Gwen awakes to the sounds of a heart monitor. "What...What happened?" she askes to no-one.

"Well, Gwenzilla, you guys got your butts kicked and I had to save you," Mr. Stark said, huh...she hadn't even noticed him, he was in his Iron Man suit, mark whatever...her head hurt.

Then it all came back to her, the bank robbery, the goons, Fighting The Rhino, and Scorpian, Peter getting stabbed.


Ms. Potts who had been next to Stark stood up and went to Gwen. "Peter is fine Gwen, he is still unconscious you both took a hard beating, It was a good thing I gave you those packs wasn't it?"

"You have multiple broken bones, some minor cuts, and some trauma in your ankles and joints, nothing we can't fix, Peter is stable now, he was cut up pretty bad. Macdonald stabbed him in the shoulder so no vital organs were ruptured, but his spike was poisoned and that really put him through the wringer, Peter also has some more minor cuts on his hands, and arms, and a broken forearm, and left leg. But he should be waking up soon."

Gwen looked over at Peter, which was hard for some reason, his shoulder was heavily bandaged, and his arm and legs in a cast, some stitches were closing up some larger cuts, while bandages were on others, he looked bad; but alive.

Looking towards herself she saw that both of her legs were in casts, and she had on a neck brace which was why it was hard to look around. and bandages around her arms.

Stark continued his summary, "You both have impressive healing factors, so you should both be A'okay by Tuesday, I'll have to call in sick for both of you...Alright I have to do that, there is a TV and other things here to keep you occupied, please when Peter wakes up, explain the situation, and hit the red button next to you"

Gwen nodded and grabbed a laptop from next to her bed. It was Monday, Stark seemed to forget to mention she had been unconscious for a DAY! Going to the News read:

Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider face Scorpian and Rhino! Sunday, May 30, 2018. (yesterday's news)

Today on Callaway Street Spider-Man and his New partner Ghost-Spider engaged a group of 25 armed men and women surrounding Stevens Fair Bank, these people were the 25 escaped convicts from Rykers.

Both Enhanced Vigilantees quickly took care of these gunmen, are detained them. After their fight, two new figures appeared and engaged the two. These two calling themselves Scorpian and Rhino, have been confirmed to be Macdonald Gargan and his colleague Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich Alex O'Hirn, past gang members, and Ryker's escapees.

Gargan and O'Hirn seemed to have obtained advanced combat suits that amplify their abilities. Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider engaged the new threat quickly, but after a time of fighting, both sustained critical injuries. It was reported by a witness that "The green dude just went and stabbed Spider-Man! Right through!" another witness reported, "Yeah, Ghost-Spider got distracted and was hit by the Rhino, I swear I heard a snap when she went through the building".

Shortly after Spiderman and Ghost Spider were launched through an abandoned building close by, Iron Man arrived on the scene, after a small skirmish, Macdonald and Aleksei were forced to leave, Iron Man then collected both Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man, and flew off.

Tony Starks's official statement is "Yes, I did collect Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider, they are currently at my private medical facilities undergoing treatment from their wounds, they appear stable currently".

While we are thankful for these heroes' safety and health, this journalist is worried, what can stop two foes, who easily beat two renowned enhanced individuals into the dirt.

-Emily Broadswik - New York Times

Gwen sighed at the article, It was accurate, back in her own universe she rarely got good press. But here, the New was more honest, they still criticized them, but also thanked them.

Gwen waited a couple of hours, watching TV, looking at social media. Peter eventually woke up, confused, and worried. Gwen explained the situation and showed him the article, as Peter read Gwen hit the red button, and shortly afterward Mr. Stark came back.

"Hey, Peter! looks like your up-" He then went and explained the same thing he did to Gwen.

When he left Peter and Gwen began to talk.

"So...we got our butts kicked..."


"Who do you think made those suits! The last time I fought those two they were easy to beat, that was impossible, I only got about two hits in total on Mac before I was stabbed, last time he couldn't even touch me!"

"I know, and Aleksei's suit seems to enhance his speed, he was crazy fast for someone that big! All I could do was dodge!"

Gwen and Peter began planning their next course of action.

1. review security footage and analyze combat forms

2. train on countermeasures

3. worked out a way to disable their gear

4. upgrade suits

Peter started suggesting suit improvements they could make. joint supports to help with hard landings, padded suit to absorb more force, and help in the cold. Improve Karen's combat analysis program, cause last time it wasn't fast enough, Inbuilt metal knuckle covers, to give their punches more power. They had a lot to do; after they got out of the med bay of course.


Peter and Gwen were in Mr. Starks gym testing their new suits, they looked about the same just above the knuckles were white pads containing titanium-steel hybrid. This allowed them to do more damage with each punch, and with a pad system, it decreased discomfort when punching as well.

Peter had healed well from his fight with Scorpion, but it hadn't left him unscathed, Peter now had a scar starting to the side of his armpit, that went about four inches down his chest, it hadn't been an ugly scar, but it was a personal reminder, they had to be ready this time.

They were both working on their own punching bags, just laying on the punches and kicks, some simple, some involving complex acrobatic feats. It had been a week since their last encounter with Macdonald and Aleksei, they wanted to be ready for next time.

They had added different pads and supports on their arms, legs, and necks, these pads and supports were built to absorb large amounts of force and help prevent bone breakage.

They helped with tough landings, hard punches, and kicks, and they helped them take big hits better. Helping to prevent neck injuries was also a plus. They had also added more scanners and sensors into their suits, just for combat. Last time Karen was too slow and couldn't analyze Rhino and Scorpian's fighting style quick enough, these sensors were only for that purpose. They allowed Karen 360 view, letting her analyze constantly.

School had been going well. there were two weeks till, summer break, Gwen and Peter used all their free time looking for Rhino and Scorpian, sometimes Mr. Stark helped, sometimes he didn't. They had cameras and sensors all around the city looking for Rhin and Scorpian's energy signature.

Peter and Gwen finished their tests and went to the long room. Pulling off their masks, and drinking some water.

Suddenly Peter's mask beeps, and Karen is heard over the speakers, "Scorpion and Rhino's energy signatures were caught by the south-eastern sensor 16-F, their nearing the 'Holland tunnel'.

(A/N that is an actual place)

Peter and Gwen quickly grabbed their packs and masked,

It's time for a rematch.

Done, what will happen next?


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