the siphon | h. potter

By sagittary

83.4K 3K 983

"with great power comes great responsibility"... at least that's what those silly muggle comics said. being... More

~twenty one~
~twenty two~
~twenty three~
~twenty four~
~twenty five~
~twenty six~
~twenty seven~


2.4K 99 72
By sagittary


The next few weeks were uneventful. Which was fine with Cassandra, she was finally able to begin settling in to her new home.

Fridays quickly became her favorite day of the week. After their first fun small party in Harry and Ron's dorm, the group decided to make it a weekly occurrence. However the group had grown so much it's become a tight squeeze in the small dorm, but no one seemed to mind.

Unfortunately, being a student at Hogwarts involved more than partying. It seemed every week the teachers managed to find more homework to assign. All of the fifth years were drowned in work, but Cassandra was sinking more than most. Not only did she have to learn the material taught in class, but in most of her subjects she had to review material from previous years. All the extra work kept Cassandra in the library most nights.

Tonight was the same. It was Thursday night, so Harry was at Occulumency lessons with Snape and Ron was at Quidditch practice. Hermione usually kept Cassandra company, but she didn't show, leaving Cassandra alone.

Cassandra was reading a book about different antidotes to potions and potions when her attention was... disrupted. A book slammed on the table across from her. Cassandra jumped in her seat. In front of her appeared a tall, dark haired boy looking down at her with a smirk. It was Theodore Nott.

"Hello," Theodore greeted as he sat down. Cassandra blinked in confusion at the boy.

"Uh... hello Theodore," she said unsurely.

"Call me Theo."

Cassandra closed her book and placed it on the table, "don't take this the wrong way, but um... what are you doing here?"

"I've come to read of course," Theo smiled and patted the top of his book. Cassandra raised an eyebrow at the boy, showing her skepticism. "Alright alright you got me, I didn't come to read."

"Shocking," she teased. Cassandra tried to appear annoyed, but a grin formed across her face. Something about Theo's smile made her want to smile too.

"I came here to inform you we are going on a date." Cassandra almost choked on the air she was breathing. Her eyes widened in confusion at the boy in front of her. He responded by leaning forward in his chair and resting his head in his hands. He stared back into Cassandra's eyes, goading her to say something, anything.

"I'm not- what are you talking about- we don't have a date," Cassandra stuttered, "I don't even know you."

"That's why we're going on a date this Saturday." Theo said while standing up from his chair, "meet me by the trail to Hogsmeade at noon," he pronounced before beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" Cassandra called and Theo looked back at her, "I haven't even said yes."

Theo only responded with a smirk before walking out of the library, leaving Cassandra in shock. She was left to think about what had just happened. Why was a stranger so interested in her? And what the hell was she supposed to do. This Saturday was Valentine's Day.

Admittedly, Theo was extremely cute, but she was more more interested in exploring Hogsmeade with Hermione. Unfortunately, Ron and Harry wouldn't be joining them. Ron had quidditch practice and Harry was going on a date with Cho. Cassandra pressed her lips together as she remembered Harry's Saturday plans, suddenly Theo's proposal became more enticing.

Cassandra wasn't exactly sure why Harry's date bothered her so much. Harry had become one of her best friends, she should be happy for him. Instead Cassandra felt sick when she thought about it.

Then, she remembered the morning after the first party in Harry and Ron's dorm. She didn't remember much about what happened during the night, but she could remember the morning clearly. She was woken up by bright sunlight filling the room. Once her eyes fluttered open, she saw a blue shirt in front of her. It took Cassandra a few seconds to realize she had slept on Harry's chest. After Cassandra woke up, she stayed pressed against Harry's chest and listened to his heartbeat as he slept. She felt safe in his arms, something she hadn't felt in months.

As she remembered laying against Harry's warm body, Cassandra began to realize why the thought of Harry and Cho unsettled her. But she quickly pushed that thought aside, Harry clearly wasn't interested in her and Cassandra didn't want to set herself up for disappointment.

With that thought, Cassandra decided to accept Theo's offer. At least she could spend Valentine's Day with someone actually interested in her. She picked up her books and walked back to the common room, there was no way she could focus now.

When she entered the common room, Cassandra saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at their usual spot by the fire. Ron was still drenched from quidditch practice although he had already changed out of his robes. He was watching Hermione who was writing an essay with extreme focus.

Hermione and Ron were sitting together on the loveseat and Harry was sprawled out across his favorite armchair. Cassandra sat down on the floor between Hermione and Ron's feet and rested her back against the couch. "Rough night?" Cassandra asked Harry. He didn't even notice her arrival, he seemed to be lost in thought. His eyes glued to the fire. When he heard Cassandra speak, Harry's attention jumped to her.

"Um... what? Sorry." Harry shook his head, as if trying to focus his attention back on the real world. Once his gaze fell upon Cassandra on the floor he began to stand up, "Cass take my seat."

"No, sit back down," she smiled, "I know how tired the extra potions lessons make you." Harry looked like he wanted to argue, but his exhaustion spoke for him and he collapsed back into the seat.

"Where were you?" Ron asked curiously.

"I was in the library."

"Bloody hell, it's like having a whole new Hermione," Ron muttered.

Hermione shot her head up at Ron annoyed, but she ignored him. Before Cassandra could say anything else, there was a tap on the window above them. The quartet looked up and saw an owl hovering outside. Hermione jumped from her seat and rushed over to the window. With Ron's help, the pair was able to force open the old window and grab the letter from the unfamiliar owl's leg. Hermione pushed Ron away and unfolded the letter. She quickly read the message and threw in it the fire. Looking accomplished, Hermione sat back down above Cassandra.

"What are you so happy about?" Harry questioned.

"You'll find out. But I need you to meet me at the Three Broomsticks at 2:00pm. Bring Cho if you'd like, but I need you in the pub at 2."

"Urm... alright," Harry agreed tentatively.

"Cassandra, I can show you Hogsmeade before we have to go to The Three Broomsticks."

"Well about that..." Cassandra began.


"I sort of have a date," Cassandra winced while looking up at Hermione.

"You have a date?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Careful Ron, you'll hurt my feelings."

"You've been here a month, who is asking you on a date?"

"Theodore Nott," Cassandra replied smugly to Ron. She turned her head to look over at Harry. He was already staring at her with no discernible expression.

"But... but... he's a Slytherin," Ron stammered.

"Yes, and he's hot."

Ron looked at her speechless while Hermione was laughing. "Well... you'll definitely have to tell me all about it afterwords. There's a few rumors about him and I've been dying to know if they're true," Hermione smirked.

Without a word, Harry stood from his chair, walked out of the common room, and up to his dorm. Cassandra looked at Ron for an explanation, but he only shrugged.

The three teens talked for another hour before retiring to bed. But, Cassandra didn't get much sleep. For hours she laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, her mind filled with endless questions.


When Cassandra woke on Valentine's Day, she didn't want to get out of bed. Nervousness filled her body from head to toe, and she wasn't sure why. Back in the muggle world Cassandra went on plenty of dates. But as she dressed for the day, Cassandra couldn't control the nerves. It took her nearly thirty minutes to find an outfit suitable to wear. After she was satisfied, Cassandra left Gryffindor tower and went to meet Theo.

When Cassandra arrived he was already waiting. He was sitting atop a large black rock reading a small leather bound book. When he noticed Cassandra, he shut the book and jumped down.

"Hello, darling," Theo smirked while walking towards Cassandra.

"What are you reading?"

"This?" he asked and held up the small book in his hands. Cassandra nodded. "Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, it's one of my favorites."

The pair began walking down the long snow covered path to Hogsmeade. "I thought purebloods hated muggles and everything they create."

"That's the general idea... just don't tell my dad," Theo smirked.

Theo and Cassandra talked about their pasts for the remainder of their short journey. Theo told her about his large family and even larger estate. He tried to sound impressive, but Cassandra could see past his smug demeanor. He talked with pride, not love.

Once the pair reached Hogsmeade, Theo dragged Cassandra into a sweets shop. When she walked through the door, Cassandra was hit with the warm, sweet smells of candies. Theo lead her around the store and showed Cassandra all his favorites.

Cassandra's favorite were the jumping jellybeans. They were difficult to eat due to their constant movement, but they were fun to flick at Theo.

Despite her objection, Theo bought a bag of the jellybeans for Cassandra before they left the store. She wanted to reject the gift, but her sweet tooth took control and began eating the jellybeans before they even left the store. "Maybe we don't need to go to Madam Puddifoot's, it seems you've already had lunch," Theo joked.

"Oh very funny," she laughed and gave Theo a slight shove. It was meant to be playful, but Theo slipped and fell into a pile of snow.


"Oh my god, I am so sorry," Cassandra blurted out, suddenly feeling extremely guilty. She reached her hand out to Theo for assistance.

Before she could process her mistake, Theo grabbed her hand and with a swift tug Cassandra landed into the snow pile next to him. "Ah, revenge is sweet," Theo beamed.

After pulling themselves from the pile of snow, Theo and Cassandra rushed to Madam Puddifoots. They entered the tea shop dripping wet and extremely cold. Theo chose a seat next to the fireplace and they slowly began to warm. They were met by a woman Cassandra assumed was Madam Puddifoot. She brought tea and scones to which Cassandra was extremely grateful.

Cassandra began telling a very intrigued Theo about the muggle world as they drank and ate. He was extremely curious about the concept of laundromats. She assured Theo that if they ever had the opportunity, she would take him to one. They were continuing their conversation about muggle schools when there was a sudden outburst across the shop.

"Go on leave," cried a girl sitting in the dark corner of the shop. Cassandra squinted her eyes and saw Harry and Cho sitting at the table. Cho was crying into her napkin and Harry looked extremely confused. "I don't know why you asked me out in the first place if you're going to make arrangements to meet other girls right after me... Who's on the list after Hermione? Cassandra?!"

It was Cassandra's turn to look uncomfortable, obviously Cho hadn't noticed her either. "It's not like that!" Harry exclaimed, but Cho wasn't listening.

"Goodbye Harry," Cho sniffled and rushed toward the exit.

Harry stood from his chair and shouted after Cho, but she was already out of the door. Harry looked around the pub and met Cassandra's eyes. She sent him an apologetic look, but Harry ignored her and instead ran after Cho.

Once Harry left the shop everyone returned to their respective conversations. Cassandra and Theo stayed in the pub for another hour before parting ways. Luckily, they had stayed so long their clothing had time to dry. When they stepped back out into the crisp air, the temperature was significantly more tolerable.

Theo turned to Cassandra, "we should do this again."

"Yeah we should," Cassandra smiled. She stood awkwardly for a moment. What was she to do? Should she wave, lean in for a hug, or simply just walk away? Completely flustered, Cassandra decided to choose the easiest option and said goodbye before turning to walk to The Three Broomsticks.

Obviously Theo was not content with Cassandra's decision because before she could take a step a hand stopped her. Theo grabbed her arm and twisted her body to face his. He softly grabbed her chin and placed his lips on hers. Cassandra stood shocked for a moment, but quickly kissed him back. Before the kiss could deepen, Theo pulled away with a smile.

"I'll see you around, Darling," he smiled before turning back to the castle.

Cassandra made her way to The Three Broomsticks with a smile still plastered across her face. Admittedly, she had not expected the date to go so well. Theo seemed like an arrogant rich boy when they first met, but after talking to him Cassandra could see he was more than that facade.

The Three Broomsticks had a completely different atmosphere than Madam Puddifoot's. As soon as Cassandra walked through the door she was met with loud voices and dim lighting. The dark lighting in Madam Puddifoot's purpose was to set a romantic setting, while the dark lighting in The Three Broomsticks had a different effect.

It didn't take long to find Hermione. She was sitting in a booth with Harry and Luna. Cassandra walked over and slid into the booth  next to Luna. Hermione looked up at Cassandra and noticed the smile still on her face. "I take it your date went well?" Hermione smirked.

"It was... enjoyable," Cassandra replied. She looked over at Harry who was tightly gripping his the handle of his glass. "I saw you and Cho got into a little row."

"Yeah, lets just say I don't think Cho and I are going on anymore dates," Harry mumbled then took another swig of his drink. Cassandra sensed the topic was unstable, so she changed the conversation.

"Did the interview go well at least?"

"Yeah, Rita said it should be published in a couple of weeks," Hermione answered. Last night Hermione told Cassandra about her plan to blackmail Rita Skeeter into writing a positive piece about Harry in the Quibbler in attempt to spread the unaltered truth about Voldemort. At least one thing had gone well for Harry today.

After Cassandra promised to share the details of her date later with Hermione, Hermione let her leave the table to get a Butterbeer. Harry, Luna, Hermione, and Cassandra sat in the pub and talked until they were forced to go back to the castle for dinner. As the made the journey back to Hogwarts, Cassandra couldn't help but reply every moment of the day in her head. Cassandra smiled, she wasn't sure what Theo was to her yet, but she knew she at least had another great friend. And nothing is better than that.


Um guys why am I simping for Theo now. Also sorry for bringing up the terrible memories you probably have from reading Harry and Cho's date scene.
Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter :)


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