Illicit Love | Charlie Conway

By RachaelBanks99

7.6K 211 2.1K

Illicit: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom. Love: An intense feeling of deep affection. Annabelle Banks and... More

Cast List
You forgot your shoe
That's an insult to girls
I didn't ask
I didn't do it!
The big 10
An unlikely Ally

Number 1

722 25 408
By RachaelBanks99

The week went by slowly, Belle completing her usual routine of school, dance and Hockey.

It was finally Friday, and the girl was stood beside her teacher waiting to be picked up, being 10 she was in 5th grade, her brother was 12 and was in 7th grade meaning he went to middle school whilst Belle was in elementary school.

"Sorry Miss Harvey, someone's coming I promise" Belle spoke, her classmates had mostly already left, she felt awkward making her teacher wait.

Adam Banks quickly rushed down the pavement, he was a few minutes late picking his sister up but he had a good reason.

He arrived at the school, noticing the girl waiting on the stairs patiently with her teacher. She was gripping her backpack tightly, trying to spot the boy through the crowd of parents.

"Belly" Adams voice panted loudly as he arrived at the gate, the middle school got let out earlier than the elementary, so Belle had no idea why the boy was so late, she didn't mind though, she was just happy he was there.

He watched as she snapped her head towards the sound of his voice. The girl's grin widened as she stood on her toes looking over the crowd to see the boy, she sent him an eager wave; making him laugh as he waved back.

"My brothers there" Belle spoke to her teacher, making the woman nod and motion for her to go.

Belle smiled; thanking her as she skipped down the stairs towards Adam, who stood with his backpack waiting.

"Hey Addy, why are you so late?" the younger girl spoke happily as she reached the boy, bouncing excitedly ready for the weekend.

"Hi Belly, sorry long line at the ice cream store" he rushed out, taking his bag off his shoulder and unzipping it, handing her a popsicle.

Belle grinned excitedly "Ice-cream! Thank you!" she cheered as she hugged the boy making him laugh.

The pair walked home, Belle chatting animatedly about her day; Adam listening and making the occasional comment with a smile on his face, this Adam was Belle's favourite, not the Hawks Adam.

"Then Zoe told Mr Warburton that I stole her bunny rabbit eraser and I got yelled at, but I didn't take it, he checked my bag and gave me lunch detention even though it wasn't there" she spoke sadly.

Adam frowned slightly, his sister was well-liked, but she'd been having problems with Zoe since kindergarten "Want me to go talk to the teacher?" he questioned softly.

Belle shook her head, reminding her brother that snitches get stitches.

"If she bothers you again tell me and I'll deal with it" Adam spoke protectively; clearly trying to be tough.

The girl snickered "Addy yesterday you cried because it was a Halloween episode on the Simpsons and you got scared."

The boy shushed her, a smile on his face as he draped his arm around her shoulder, ruffling her hair before pulling away.

"Besides I pushed her off the swing at lunch as payback, her tooth nearly came out" the girl giggled making Adam grin proudly.

The pair walked in comfortable silence, Annabelle playing with her hands nervously as she thought about her next question.

"Hey, Addy" she whispered quietly, making the boy down at her questioningly.

"Will you come to my dance competition tomorrow? I only have a solo and one group, so it won't take long. I don't have another one for a month" the girl pleaded looking up at the boy, she'd been asking the same question for 5 years.

Adam hummed slightly,  "Is that a yes?" Belle questioned knowing that they had hockey in the afternoon.

The boy smiled "I'll be there, I promise."

The girl grinned excitedly, throwing her arms around him in a hug "I'll make sure it's the best time I've ever done it" she spoke softly.

Adam laughed as he pulled away patting the girls head "Remember Belly, Banks are winners, we aren't made to be second best" he spoke.

"I know" the girl spoke softly letting out a sad sigh as she looked away from her older brother, sometimes he was way too similar to their father.

The girl's brother nodded, content with her answer. He quickly told Belle that they'd be going skating with Alex and Dave instead of going right home; the girl informed him she'd rather walk barefoot on lego than see Dave.

She told him she'd wait for him at Mickey's; a local diner in Minneapolis.

The girl had been sitting for a while, ordering a salad and mango smoothie whilst she waited, her father had her on a strict diet, she already knew if he found out about the popsicle he would be angry, she knew Adam wouldn't tell though.

Charlie Conway entered the diner, freezing as he noticed the girl sitting there alone, he quickly decided to man up as he walked closer.

"Hi Belle; can I sit here?" His voice questioned quietly making the girl look up quickly.

"It's Annabelle" she grumbled ", but I guess" she stated softly watching as the boy scrambled in beside her.

It was awkward, to say the least, the silence was deafening, both children refusing to acknowledge each other.

Charlie sighed as he thought of a way to start the conversation "I saw you with Guy last week. I'm sorry about what Connie did" the boy apologised.

Belle shrugged stirring her smoothie, continuing to ignore the boy as he frowned slightly.

"So; you like to dance?" Charlie spoke awkwardly "I just remember from last week I don't stalk you or anything" he rushed out slightly embarrassed as the girl shot him a look before looking away.

It was silent for a while; the boy placed his hands in his pocket, standing to leave.

"I like to dance" Belle confirmed softly; a small smile gracing her pristine features, making Charlie smile in victory as he sat again. "Can you keep a secret?" She whispered, making Charlie nod.

"Guys my best friend" Belle admitted softly, she had to tell someone, Charlie's jaw dropped "he has been for 5 years; we just can't tell anyone because of how different we are which sucks" she whispered sadly.

Charlie felt guilty at the fact both Guy and Belle felt like they had to hide their friendship, he quickly promised he wouldn't tell. Belle didn't know why she trusted the boy, she just did.

"So you compete in dance, right? Your family must be proud" The boy spoke enjoying the fact the girl was speaking to him.

Belle let out a laugh making the boy raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"They've never come to watch me, they've got more important things to worry about" she shrugged "Only Guy comes, but it's okay" she whispered; for the first time in a while, the girl felt tears brimming, she quickly blinked them away. Banks' showed no weakness.

Charlie nodded understandingly "What about your brother?" he asked, the two siblings seemed to be pretty close, Belle simply shook her head "Dad doesn't want him to, he has to focus on hockey only" that was the one that hurt her most. The girl couldn't care less if her parents showed up, she only wanted her brother there.

She smiled softly as she remembered he promised to attend tomorrow. Charlie nodded softly, looking out the window before freezing.

The girl followed his gaze as she looked out the window; noticing her brother standing, Alex by his side but luckily no McGill.

Quickly she shook her head, forcing a glare at the boy "I don't know why I'm telling you this; we aren't friends, and we won't ever be friends. You stick with your team of losers, and I'll stick with my friends because I'm a winner" she spat placing money on the counter and quickly exiting the diner making Charlie frown as she walked away.

Alex looked at Adam "She was talking to that Spazway dude; Dave won't be happy" he informed.

Adam rolled his eyes, reaching out to punch his friend in the arm "I hope you're not saying you'll snitch on my little sister" he grumbled protectively.

Alex raised his hands in defence "I'd never get my little Anna-Banana in trouble" the boy laughed, he had a soft spot for the younger girl, he'd known her since she was two.

The girl rushed out of the diner "let's go" she smiled, running down the road as quick as she could before they could question her.

Charlie Conway watched as the two Hawk players sent him a glare, awkwardly he looked down, looking towards where the girl was sat, Annabelle Banks was hurting, he knew that. But it was clear she wouldn't be his friend as long as she was a hawk, it didn't mean the boy wasn't going to try though.

He decided to go speak to Guy, he had to know more about the younger girl, she truly fascinated him.

The next day Adam was awoken by a noise coming from Annabelle's room, he slowly got out of bed and walked down the hall, knocking quickly and entering when told he could.

"I can't find my ballet shoe" she spoke to her brother in a panic as she threw things around her room.

Adam walked inside, sitting on the girl's bed "You have like 6 pairs" he reminded as he pointed to her shelf. He then looked at her dance program, she was always stressed on competition days.

"Says here you have contemporary for your solo and jazz for the group, why do you need a ballet shoe?" he questioned.

"Oh, I don't" the girl spoke, taking a deep breath to calm herself as she sat down on the bed beside her brother, her anxiety going 100 miles a minute, she quickly brushed through her hair for the 30th time, nothing could be out of place.

Adam sensed her panic and sent her a smile "You good, ready to win?" he questioned. The boy was simply trying to help but the pressure of winning was exactly what was stressing the girl out in the first place.

The girl simply nodded as she stood "I gotta go, I'll see you there?" she smiled softly. Adam nodded "I'm going over to see Dave first, but I'll be there, I promise" he repeated sending her a grin.

Belle smiled as she exited her room, "I'm ready to go" the girl spoke to her father who was eating breakfast already dressed in his hawk's jacket.

"Okay bye" he spoke boredly, reading his paper, Belle swallowed nervously "Can you drive me?" she whispered.

Her father looked up "I have to help your brother get ready for the game today, you're okay to walk right?" he questioned, although it was more of a statement.

The girl looked at her father "Oh it's a little far to walk and I have to carry my dance and hockey bags" she spoke timidly knowing it was at least an hour walk to the location of today's competition.

Her father simply shrugged "sounds like your problem, not mine" he muttered as he turned the page.

She quickly cleared her throat "right sorry sir" she whispered as she walked past him.

"Annabelle" he spoke getting the girls attention "win" he stated simply.

"Of course sir" she nodded, quickly exiting the house as she took deep calming breaths heading towards her location.

It took her over an hour to arrive at the competition, she was exhausted before she even began, her legs ached from the walk whilst her arms and shoulders ached from the heavy bags. Quickly she got ready and stretched heading to the side of the stage her solo.

She straightened out her costume and checked her hair and makeup, her brother would be out there, she needed to be perfect to make him proud.

Minutes passed and the girl was next, her eyes drifted around the audience as she peered out from the wings looking towards the audience excitedly.

"He promised" she whimpered to herself as she noticed the reserved seats once again empty.

Adam had promised her he'd come, he lied.

She let out a shaky sigh which turned into a small smile as she noticed Guy seated a few rows back.

Belle squinted slightly in confusion; he was talking to someone sat comfortably beside him. 

He was talking to Charlie Conway.

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