I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

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It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



1K 29 13
By benandmirandalover

Miranda walked down to Richard’s office giving Callie the whole spill on everything that went down in the o.r.

“Wait a minute you both were about to have sex right there.” Callie said laughing.

“What’s funny.”

“I just didn’t know that you get down like that.”

“With Ben honey I would probably get down anywhere. You just didn’t have greatness until you’ve had him.” Miranda said seriously.

“I had Mark.” Callie said

“And now you are into women.” Miranda said laughing.

“Touché” Callie replied laughing.

Miranda walked in to the office and she shut the door.

“Bailey have a seat.” Richard said and she sat down in front of his desk.

“Now your actions as a surgeon and a hospital professional was out of line. That woman has been nothing but nic-

“Nice? That woman is annoying, she’s catty, jealous, spiteful and I no longer want her here.”

“Tell her to leave Webber she no longer needs a place at my hospital.”

“Your hospital.” Richard questioned.

“Yeah, I know that this will be mine someday. I will be the chief. But if she continues to be here then I just can’t stay. I might follow Ben where ever he goes “ Miranda said standing and shaking her head.

“Miranda I have never seen you act this way over a man even Tucker and you both were married for so long.” Richard said crossing his arms.

“I love this man, I know that now and I know that I cannot loose him. Not to Kim or to anyone and anything else. He’s mine.” Miranda said being territorial.

“Kim might not let him go so easily.” Richard said.

“Well looks like Kim will have another fight on her hands. If she thinks that slap was something then she better prepare for an ass whopping. “ Miranda said before she scuffed saying “hmmm calling me trash like she lost her dam mind.”

“Trash?” Richard said loudly.

“Exactly.” Miranda said using her hand for emphasis.

“ Dr. Bailey. Next time just fight her out side of the hospital and please protect your hand.” Richard said smiling.

“Thank you sir.” Miranda said smiling.

“Bailey loose the smile.” Richard said causing Miranda to smile more.

“Dr. Bailey you are going to be an excellent wife to him. When the time comes.” Richard encouraged.

“Thank you sir.” Miranda said getting up and walking out of the door.

Miranda was looking for Ben. She wanted to know what happened to him and if he was choosing her or if he was staying with Kimberly.

She was genuinely confused, he kissed her and they were going to have sex but he left out with Kimberly so what would have happened if they would have had sex would he had still left her.

Miranda searched the examining rooms, to see if he was helping her examine her lip.

Miranda was walking to last examining room that was down the hall before she could reach the door she saw Kimberly walk out and she was pulling her shirt over her head and straighten her clothes. She watched as Ben came outside of the room.

Miranda gasped and stood in her place watching him. She caught Ben’s eyes for a split second before she turned on her heels and walk back In the other direction.

“Miranda.” Ben called out after her.

“You still going after her Ben.” Kimberly yelled grabbing his arm.

Miranda had a good mind to turn around and give her the business but she refrained listening to what Richard said.

“Get off of me Kim. I told you I love her.” Ben said snatching his arm off but Miranda kept walking as fast as her feet would allow her.

When she reached the lobby of the hospital, she saw Ben on her trail not knowing what to do she pushed through the doors and walked out side.

“Shit.” Miranda said as it was pouring down out side. She didn’t even have the keys to her car. Miranda crossed her arms and stood.

“Miranda?” Ben questioned looking out of the hospital door.

“Mi-ran-da !” Ben yelled.

“What Ben, stop calling my dam name.” Miranda said getting angry. She was trying to cool down and as much as she wanted him an hour ago, he was infuriating her now.

“Miranda that wasn’t- Miranda I didn’t-

Miranda held her hand up.

“You were in there with that woman and she walked out putting her shirt on.”  Miranda said looking up at him.

“And I don’t even know why I am upset, you kissed me but you never said that you wanted to be with me.”

“What!? Miranda I said I still want you.”

Miranda looked up at him as the rain poured down over them. “I thought that was because I said no sex in the o.r. I declared my love for you and you never shared yours so how was I supposed to know and if you want me then why did you leave with her and she came out of that room with her shirt off.” Miranda asked loudly, frustrated.

“Miranda I love you and I want you. There I said it. I will never stop wanting you. I want to be with you and have everything you said with you. I went with her because you actually split the woman’s lip. She needed stiches. The reason her shirt was off was because she had blood on the front of her shirt and she changed it.
Ben grabbed her hand not holding it but examining it.

He was trying to figure out, how a woman with such short hands could actually reach up and smack a woman plus splitting her lip. It was the most bizarre thing he had ever saw and he was curious as to how much power she possess.

“What are you doing.” Miranda asked as he looked at the purple bruise and swelling.

“ You split the woman’s bottom lip with the back of your hand. It’s wasn’t a punch but a slap, I’m just amazed.” Ben said but he really did feel bad for the woman.

“So are we a thing now.” Miranda asked.

“Oh we are a thing. Since you proposed to me and all.”

“I did not propose to you “Miranda said laughing loudly.

“Well what do you call it. You said that you loved me and I could have a wife and kids and a family. Sounds like a proposal to me.” Ben said shrugging his shoulders.

She loved him so much. They were the craziest together. Standing together in the pouring rain laughing together.

“What ever.” Miranda said hitting his arm and then wincing from her hand that burned.

“See calm down with the hitting.” Ben said pulling her in for a hug. He wiped the rain that hit her nose away before kissing her. Miranda moaned at the contact and pulled him closer.

“I love you Miranda.” Ben said once again.

“I love you too.” Miranda replied pecking his lips.

“Are you coming home with me.” Ben asked with a toothy grin.

“You would like that wouldn’t you.” Miranda said rolling her eyes.

“What fiancés don’t stay together.”

“Uh here you go. We are not fiancés we are boyfriend and girlfriend until you proposed to me.” Miranda said nudging and crossing her arms.

Miranda went back inside with Ben and she changed her clothes. Grabbing a towel for her hair.

“You ready?” Ben asked zipping up his jacket.

“I sure am.”

Miranda intertwined her fingers with Ben as they walked out of the lobby together.

“You both deserve what is coming to you.” Kimberly yelled snarky across the parking lot.

“Excuse me.” Miranda said loudly unlatching her hands from Ben.

“Bitch you heard me.” Kim said folding her arms.

Ben had to jogged to catch up to Miranda before he even realized. She flew across the parking lot.

“Miranda no.” Ben yelled grabbing her before she could leap on the woman.

“Aww little bitty Bailey is Angry.” Kimberly taunted.

“I’ll show you how little bitty I am. You think your lip fucked up now. I’ll make it so you can’t speak.” Miranda yelled. Struggling against Ben’s grip.

Ben was honestly scared of this side of Miranda. It was least expected and she sounded so different. Yeah she was feisty, smart mouthed and hardcore in general but this person went for the kill.

“Miranda come on please let’s just go. She doesn’t deserve your time or energy.” Ben coached.

“Fine come on. Let’s go HOME.” Miranda said putting emphasis on the word home to rub it in.

“This isn’t over.” Kimberly replied chuckling.

“Yeah what ever.” Ben chuckled along with Miranda as she rolled her eyes.

“Ben did you have sex with that woman.” Miranda asked laughing.

“No, I didn’t.” Ben replied.

“Really.” Miranda said scuffing thinking he was lying.

“Miranda I never had sex with her. We only kissed.” Ben said seriously.

“So you mean to tell me that you never put your penis inside of that woman and she is acting crazy like that.” Miranda laughed amazed.

“What.” Ben said confused.

“I’m saying I could have partially understood if you had slept with her because I know what’s it’s like to sleep with you and it would make someone become possessive. Because your just that good.” Miranda said and she looked at Ben who was cheesing like he won the lottery.

“Don’t let it go to your head Mr. Warren.” Miranda said as she stood beside her car.

“Mmhhmm.” Ben said smirking.

“But Miranda you are good too. Like amazing. I think I’m that good to you because you are that good to me. So together it’s phenomenal. You complete me.” Ben said as Miranda opened her car door.

“I’m going to go get some clothes and then I’ll be right over.” Miranda said as she pushed her lips out for Ben to peck his lips.

“Okay cool. I’ll be waiting. Like I was for almost a year.” Ben said chuckling.

“Don’t start. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Ben said backing away from her car.
He looked out into the parking lot and saw that Kim was gone. He shook his head.

He didn’t know that she even had a bad side to her but he guess if he was her he would have been mad too, to see that your guy was kissing another woman and told you that he loved her as well.
Ben felt like he was the one to blame in all of this.

3 days passed and Miranda saw Ben leaning against the nurses station reading a chart.

“Hi love.” Miranda smiled walking up to him, handing him a cup of coffee.

“Thank you.” Ben said taking a sip before kissing her on the cheek.

“ Your welcome. So I was thinking tonight that we could take Tuck to that kiddie bounce place and eat pizza and stuff.” Miranda said rubbing his arm.

“Sounds great what time do you get off.” Ben asked.

“Miranda Bailey.” A man in a suit said loud with authority cutting them off.

“Yes, this is she.” Miranda said looking up at him before looking at all the people that started staring at her and the man.

The man handed her a Manilla folder saying. “You’ve been served.” Loudly.

“Served!?” Miranda gasped as the man walked away.

Miranda opened the envelope and read the paper sweeping her eyes over it multiple times.

“Oh my God.” Miranda said in disbelief.

“What?!...what is it Miranda.” Ben asked trying to see the paper.

“That bitch press charges on me.” Miranda yelled shoving the paper in Ben’s hand.

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