แดพแตƒแต–แต‰สณ & แดตโฟแต โžต H. Potter โœ”๏ธ

By hollandspotter

1.3M 46.5K 95.8K

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก, ๐‡๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜/๐ง ๐Œ๐š๐ฅ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž.. ๐“๐ก๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก ๐ฉ... More

Hello! 'หŽห—
hello (2)
'หŽห— First Letter
'หŽห— Second Letter
'หŽห— Third Letter
'หŽห— Fourth Letter
'หŽห— Doubts
'หŽห— Fifth Letter
'หŽห— Sixth Letter
'หŽห— Oh Brother
'หŽห— Seventh Letter
'หŽห— Eighth Letter
nineth letter
tenth letter
eleventh letter
twelveth letter
thirteenth letter
fourteenth letter
the meeting
fifteenth letter
sixteenth letter
seventeenth letter
eighteenth letter
nineteenth letter
twentieth letter
twenty first letter
sirius black
twenty second letter
twenty third letter
twenty fourth letter
malfoy twins
twenty fifth letter
twenty sixth letter
full moon?
twenty seventh letter
twenty eighth letter
twenty nineth letter
thirtieth letter
thirty first letter
page 394
marauders map
thirty second letter
lucius and draco
the confession
king's cross
thirty third letter
thirty fourth letter
thirthy fifth letter
thirty sixth letter
thirty seventh letter
thirty eighth letter
thirty nineth letter
real family
fortieth letter
forty first letter
world cup
forty second letter
forty third letter
forty third letter
forty fourth letter
astronomy tower
goblet of fire
forty fourth letter
forty second letter
forty fifth letter
forty sixth letter
forty seventh letter
forty eighth letter
forty nineth letter
dance partner
dance lessons and chaos
fiftieth letter
fifty first letter
the L word
fifty second letter
fifty fourth letter
father's visit
in this together
the yule ball
fifty third letter
fifty fifth letter
fifty sixth letter
order of the phoenix
fifty seventh letter
fifty eighth letter
fifty nineth letter
sixtieth letter
drifting apart
sixty first letter
dumbledore's army
last time
bubbles' diary
haz's diary
sixty second letter
sixty third letter
the attack
the argument
valentine's day
goodbye, sirius
back with you
the poem
weasley's wizard wheezes
dark mark
said & done
sixty fourth letter
secret revealed
dinner party
hermione's heartache
the promise
snow angels
draco's diary
christmas party
back to the burrow
date day
ron's choice
late night snack
the wedding
malfoy manor
theo's regrets
goodbye dobby
high enough
back to hogwarts
the fire and whispers
the final battle
looking back
romeo & juliet
Vol 2,
Vol. 2.1 | Four Years Later
Vol. 2.2 | Memory lane
Vol. 2.3 | The Moon
Vol. 2.4 | Telling Teddy
Another letter?
Vol. 2.5 | Runaway (Almost) Bride
Vol. 2.6 | Reunited
Vol. 2.7 | Home
Vol. 2.8 | Ron's Plan
Vol 2.9 | Butterfly
Vol 2.10 | Doe
Vol. 2.11 | Love Train
Vol. 2.12 | Best Friends' Happy Day
Vol. 2.13 | Snatched Away
Vol. 2.14. | Weird Juice
Vol. 2.15 | Pre-Engagement
Vol. 2.16 | The Confrontation
Vol. 2.17 | Potter V Nott
Vol. 2.18 | Draco Malfoy's Help
Vol. 2.19 | Antidote
Vol. 2.20 | Father's Blessing
Vol 2.21 | Unwanted Engagement
Vol 2.22 | The Ring
Vol. 2.23 | The Celebration
Vol. 2.24 | The Dance
Vol. 2.25 | Popping The Question
Vol. 2.26 | Finally.
Vol. 2.27 | Baby?
Vol 2.28 | Mini Potter
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Paper & Ink.
the first chapter, rewritten

best brother award

6.4K 253 1.1K
By hollandspotter

So I'm thankful for my sister, even though sometimes we fight.
When Hogwarts wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived.
I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry
So I bought this ring to tell her that I'm always by her side

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad
If we got each other, and that's all we have
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you.

If we have each other by,
Alec Benjamin.
(But i changed up the lyrics a bit to match the situation a bit lol)

y / n  m a l f o y

It's been about 5 days since the incident. It hurts. Not having him around, not hearing his laugh again, not seeing his smile.

If he would just listen to me- It wouldn't have been like this.

It shouldn't be like this at all, Harry misunderstood. He misread the situation.

Sure, it did look like me and Cedric were in the middle of something.. Romantic. But Harry just caught us in a bad moment.

Cedric has apologised multiple times, tried to talk to me everytime he got the chance to, but i tell him off. Politely, of course.

I just don't want Harry to see us and get the wrong idea again.

I miss him.

I've tried to contact him and everything, i've wrote, i've approached him, but he always avoids me.

I hate this feeling. The loneliness.

It's not like Ron and Hermione don't come to comfort me and everything, but everytime they try, i tell them that Harry needs them more.

And he really does, with his second task and all that he has going on right now.

Draco hasn't even talked to me. He glances every once in a while, and frowns seeing Harry not with me.

But he doesn't do anything about it, anyway.

So i'm just.. Alone.

"Y/n." A voice calls out,

I stand up quickly, seeing Dean on the end of the stairs of the boys' dormitory.


"Trouble in paradise with Harry?" He asks, but he still doesn't look at me.

I know that i've hurt him, bad. So i understand if he doesn't event want to look at me, but at least he's trying to comfort me.

"Yeah– Something like that, i guess." I shrug, sitting back down on the sofa.

"You should talk to someone about it," Dean suggests, "Not me, though. I wouldn't be able to listen to you without.. Lashing out. Why don't you talk to your brother?"

Maybe he's right. Maybe i should just be the one to reach out to Draco. I shouldn't stay silent when i need help.

"Okay. Thanks, Dean," I force a smile, and he does so too.

I tell Draco to meet me in the courtyard, and that i desperately need comfort right now.

He instantly agrees.

I walk to our meeting spot, which ironically enough, is the same spot where Harry practically begged Draco to let him be friends with me.

I chuckle to myself at the thought.

But knowing how different things are right now,

Chuckles turn into tears.

I carry on walking, wiping the tears off my face.

"Draco!" I call out as i approach him.

He runs up to me as soon as he heard my voice, and pulls me in to a tight hug.

He knows.

I cry intensely on his shoulder, as he rubs my back and keeps whispering reassuring words.

He says that everything will be fine.

But not really,

I don't believe that.

"Okay.. Let's sit down," Draco softly says, taking my hand as we both sit on the grass.

"So, i notice that you aren't with Potter much anymore, why is that?"

"Remember when Cedric asked me to teach him how to dance?"


"So Harry caught us in a really bad moment, our faces were only inches apart. And now he thinks- He thinks i was–"

"Cheating on him?" Draco asks, cutting me off. And i simply nod.

Draco's body stiffens. He looks tense, his fists are clenched, the identic scowl on his face, he basically looks like he's ready to kill Harry.

"That little–"

"No! No, Draco! It's my fault–"

"How?" Draco suddenly shouts, "How is it your fault? If his tiny brain can't understand that you have nothing going on with Diggory, then that's on him!"

"I just– Can you talk to him?" I request, looking at Draco with pleading eyes.

He scoffs, "Oh i'll talk to him alright."

"No! Not like that.. You just have to tell him that– That i really care about him. And i really really really like him, and that he should listen to me.. Can you do that, Draco? I know he's your enemy, but–"

"Don't finish that sentence," Draco shushes me, "I'll do it."

A wide smile instantly creeps on my face. I jump excitedly, and hug Draco.

"Thank you!! Thank you, Draco!! You just won the best brother award!"

"Who made that up?"

"I did!"

"I just don't like to see you cry, especially because of Potter. I'm your big brother, and i'll do big brother things for you. Simple as that," Draco shrugs, but with extra pride in his voice. Saying that he's my 'big' brother.

"You're older than me by 6 minutes, shut up."

He ruffles with my hair, giving me a winning smirk.

"Alright, off i go. To have a little chat with Potter." He says as he stands up, sauntering away.

"Bye, bye, Draco!"

"Oh wait! Almost forgot!" He exclaims, turning back to me while reaching for something in his pocket.

"What?" I ask as he reveals a ring box.

He puts the beautiful ring on my finger, as i stare at it with confusion.

"What's this?"

"This, Y/n, is a promise ring. I purposefully bought it for you. Here, i have the same one, see?" He says, showing me an identical ring on his finger as well.

"So, with this promise ring, we promise to always be there for each other. I'll always be by your side, and you'll always be by mine."

I furrow my eyebrows, but with a smile on my lips. Staring at him in disbelieve. "Who are you and what have you done to my brother?"

"Oh shove off. I'm doing something nice here, Y/n! Is it really that hard to believe?" He groans, complaining.

"It is, actually. Why the sudden act of kindness?"

"I saw that you've been down this last few days, and wanted to do something. That's all."

"Thanks, Draco."

"Alright, off to my chat with Potter now," He tells me, although he says the word chat in a weird tone.

"Don't do anything stupid, Draco. Just talk to him like i told you!"

"Alright, alright!"


h a r r y  p o t t e r

5 days.. 5 days since i cut Y/n out of my life. I look over at the view from the bridge.. Making me remember when Y/n and i went flying with Buckbeak.. That's when i kissed her cheek for the very first time.

And that's when the feelings really came to me. That's when i realised i have feelings for Y/n Malfoy.

But now, i avoid her everytime she gets close to me.

Is it hard for me? Yes. Very. I miss the way she looked at me when i talk to her. I miss her little chuckles, i miss her calling me Haz. Even though i think it was stupid, it still was sweet.

I just don't understand how she could betray me. After our confession at the astronomy tower, after all of that begging to her brother, after summer, after everything.

She still went for Cedric.

I look at the sneakoscope that Y/n gave me in third year, playing with it in my hand.

I smile, remembering her intentions giving it to me.

She said if there's someone untrustworthy around, it was supposed to light up and spin.

"Oh sneakoscope," I mutter to myself, staring at the thing. "Why didn't you light up? Why didn't you spin when Y/n is around me? She's someone untrustworthy, isn't she?"

Maybe this thing is broken, maybe.

Or maybe..

Y/n was telling the truth all along.

But why should i believe her words when i saw living proof of Y/n and Cedric together?

"Potter." I hear a voice coldly calls, i turn to see Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want?" I scoff, "If you want to tell me that i won't last 5 minutes in the second task, go away. I'm not in the mood, Malfoy."

"No, no," He shakes his head, leaning against the guard rail of the bridge. "I'm here to talk about my sister."

"Goodbye," I say, turning around and walking away.

"Wait! No, listen! Please Potter."

Malfoy's voice sounds.. Hopeless. It's really unlike him to plead.

I turn around, walking towards him again.

"What?" I say coldly, and he crosses his arms.

"If it wasn't for Y/n, i wouldn't be doing this. She really likes you, Potter. I really don't know why– But she's been horrible without you. She's ruined. She never even smiles anymore. Can you just- Talk to her again?"

If Malfoy wants to talk to me for Y/n, then she must be really bad. I can't imagine the pain that i put her through. She's always been an optimistic and happy soul, and i.. I ruined that. But-

She ruined me first. She lifted me high up only to throw me to the ground again.

"No chance. Your sister hurt me, Malfoy. Isn't she happy with Cedric?"

"No, no! That's where you're wrong!" He shouts, pulling his platinum hair in frustration, "She was just teaching Diggory how to dance. I was there too, but i had to leave. She doesn't care about Diggory as much as she cares about you! Don't you see her avoiding him everytime he approaches her?"

He does have a good point. I've seen Cedric trying to talk to Y/n, but she scooted away from him everytime.

And no there's no way that the sneakoscope lies, is there?

"I dunno, Malfoy," I shake my head, looking down. "I think i need some time alone."

"I don't care what you need, i just don't want to see my sister crying all the time."

And at that, he leaves.


"Harry! Harry!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me as i walk down the corridor.

I look back to see,


Of course.

I carry on walking, not paying any attention to her. I decide that i don't want to talk to Y/n at the moment. I still need time to process this.

"Wait up, will you?" She catches up with me, holding my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I bite, and i see her face drops. I feel bad, but..

"I just- I want to talk to you."

"Go talk to Cedric."

"No! No, Harry, please! I have to tell you something, something important!"

"I don't care, Y/n! Leave me alone, i don't want to hear it!"

"But i lo–"

"Cho!" Just to my luck, i see the Ravenclaw girl walking past. I start walking with her, leaving Y/n alone in the corridor.

I'm sorry Y/n, but you have to know how it feels too.

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