DREAMERS, niklaus mikaelson

By euphemire

376K 13.3K 2.7K


ㅡcast + playlists
ㅡthe great before
i. homecoming
ii. familiarity
iii. hello, fiji!
iv. daybreak
v. evening talks
vi. invitations
vii. the ball
ix. hot rod
x. comfort
xi. around the world
xii. mystic grill
xiii. glitter and gold
xiv. bury a friend
i. just like sunshine
ii. the family
iii. traitor
iv. of flowery shit
v. tequila!
vi. missing you
vii. ah, monets
viii. under pressure
ix. a funeral for three
x. the finish line
i. midnight memories
ii. heart breaker
iii. apologies
iv. all ye faithful
v. bayou blues pt. 1
vi. bayou blues pt. 2
vii. old friends
viii. hello, goodbye
ix. casket girls
x. into the woods
xi. sensual politics
xii. a small death
xiii. sunlight
xiv. the fallen
xv. cruel world
i. after her
ii. the firstborn
iii. inferno
iv. matters of the heart

viii. our bubble

9.6K 428 92
By euphemire

it's just us tonight!

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

THE NIGHT WAS PEACEFUL, tranquility permeating the comfortable atmosphere. It was silent, yes; but it radiated an air of serenity throughout the vast stretch of the compound. Well, until the raging crimson blur that is Rosalie Monet came bounding out of the Mikaelson mansion.

The brunette held a cellphone to her ear, nearly barking out orders to the device. Frustration seeped through her features, the red gown she wore intensifying the angry expression on her face. It was frightening how someone could seem like an angel one moment, then turn into something that could make the devil run for his money the next. Her straight posture, her confident strides, and the aura of authority she held was something else.

She looked like the embodiment of power.

"I swear to God, Jacob," she snarled, "If you don't find my Fiji before I return, I'm gonna do things that will give you nightmares."

Rosalie was having a good time with Nik. They had just finished dancing, and Alaska had excused her to talk to some townsfolk. It was a very lovely time for them to catch up and tell each other stories. The brunette received a phone call amidst it all, so here she was. The youngest Monet had just called in the middle of the night, telling her that he brought the puppy to the Gilbert's, but was now nowhere to be found. It was still unknown as to how exactly it happened, but Rosalie was no doubt furious.

"Why didn't you close all the doors?" she asked, palming her forehead at the reply her brother gave her. "Okay, Jake? Just, I don't know, search the street? He probably didn't go far. I'm sure he'll return."

After a few more exchanges, Rosalie hung up. She walked along the concrete path for a bit, sighing to herself as she allowed her mind to drown in her own thoughts.

The concept itself was ridiculous. It was preposterous, really! But she could not, for the life of her, stop thinking about him. How can someone, who has been used to doing things with laser focus and incredible attention, have fallen so far? Everything she didㅡeating, conversing with friends, even the act reading a bookㅡit was all infiltrated with the ineffable beauty and mystery of Nik Mikaelson.

It's not like she wants to think about him. For some perplexing cause, an odd voice at the back of her mind frequently hummed with the deafening whisper of his name, begging for recognition. It drove her crazy, of course, for she was ever so accustomed to being freely engrossed in her daily musings.

Rosalie huffed softly and rubbed her hands repetitively along her exposed arms. She was extremely grateful that her knuckles were no longer injured. Her mother had also cheered that she would be able to play the piano again after removing the bandages. Although this was the case, the brunette knew that she would punch that psychopathic idiot all over again. Shaking her head, Rosalie tried to rid her mind of the negativity that came with Stefan Salvatore.

The evening was beautiful, there was no denying that. A blanket of the darkest obsidian covered the night sky, dotted with clusters of twinkling stars. It was silent, save the murmurs from the party inside the Mikaelson Mansion. Alas, such bewitching matters must have a priceㅡand a price it came with, for the breeze rustling through the dark oaks was regrettably cold.

Ignoring the chill, she studied the animal in front of her. The horse had a coat of ebony, its mane coloured a shade of creme. How lucky you are, Rosalie pondered, that you don't have a handsome blond to take over your thoughts.

"You like horses."

"Sweet Ophelia!" the brunette exclaimed. She jumped in surprise, eyes widening as she searched for possible threats. Rosalie relaxed upon seeing him standing there, looking at her with an amused expression. With a hand on her heart, she muttered, "You can't just sneak up on me like that."

Klaus tried to keep the corners of his lips from tugging upwards, but he couldn't help it. He grinned wickedly, a sense of familiarity washing over him. It was probably a good thing that he managed to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"Didn't you hear my footsteps?" he mused. "Who is Ophelia, anyway?"

"No! I was...thinking, and I don't know an Ophelia." Rosalie was bewildered, feeling absurdly jumpy. Her veins were permeated with the buzz of adrenaline, heart thumping wildly beneath her hand.

Standing next to her, the grin on his face faded to a soft smile. "Do you always find yourself drowning in your thoughts?"

The brunette looked sideways at him. They smiled at each other, eyes conveying that they'd understood the other more than they'd like to admit. "More often than I'd like."

Klaus took his suit jacket off and stood behind her. He held it, gesturing for her to wear the clothing as she was still astounded that he did such a thing. Once her arms were in, she quietly mumbled a 'thank you.'

"You know," he spoke up after a few moments of silence, "horses are the opposite of people."

"They're loyal," he chuckled silently, shrugging it off; but Rosalie saw through him. He was making it seem that it wasn't a big dealㅡloyalty; like it was something he didn't care about. She saw the underlying pain his eyes held. They were stunning; but so, so hurt. She saw the torment, all the agony, as though he was searchingㅡno, longingㅡfor something. She simply saw him.

"My father..." he continued. "He hunted me for a long time and the closest he came was the day he killed my favorite horse. He severed its neck with a sword as a warning."

Rosalie cringed at the brutality a father could show his own son. How messed up was that?

"I think," she said, making him look at her once more, "that you can find that people can be trustworthy and committed, given that the circumstances are fit. I've seen it myselfㅡyou just have to find the right person."

She smiled comfortingly at him, golden eyes offering a sense of comfort; and Klaus returned the gesture, feeling a flood of warmth invade his body.

"And your father is a downright arsehole."

He guffawed loudly. Rosalie chuckled a bit, glad that he was amused by her comment.

"Oh, love," he shook his head, grinning. "Can...can I take you somewhere?"

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

"Is this the part where you murder me and drag my body to the woods?"

He snickered at her comment, amused by her humor. Klaus crossed his hands behind his back as they walked side-by-side along a cobblestone path. Once she had agreed to his offer, the blond had told Rosalie that it was 'a surprise.' She had been teasing him about it ever since.

"I've had a pretty fulfilling life, you know. But, for your information, my sister will come looking for me, so you better have a good hiding spot. Wait,"ㅡshe feigned a confused expression, "ㅡwhere are you hiding your weapon? Don't tell me you left it in the mansion!"

Mocking disappointment, he shook his head. "Oh, damn. I forgot to sharpen my axe!"

The brunette cackled so enthusiastically one might think that there were exploding fireworks lodged in her throat, but he was staring at her like she had fallen from the heavens. It was strange, really, for anyone outside to see the hybrid looking this awed.

"Okay, I think I'm warm enough," she gave him his suit jacket, which he wore again, because he was not in the mood to hold the cloth. She had this glow around her, and he couldn't look away.

With his enhanced eyesight, Klaus saw the lights from a distance and he reluctantly took his gaze from her.

"We're here." He announced, feeling a bit nervous as he awaited her reaction.

Rosalie gasped at the sight before her. Ahead of the pathway was a single gazebo adorned with fairy lights, faintly glimmering amidst the darkness of the night. She looked at him in disbelief, and he chortled at her expression. Klaus tilted his head towards the direction of the building, his grin entertained.

The brunette raised her eyebrows before walking towards it, him following behind her up the wooden steps.

"Okay, this,"ㅡRosalie looked around, wonderstruck, "ㅡis really amazing. How did yoㅡ"

He was holding one of his hands out, the other behind his back when she finally faced him; cherry lips pulled back in a gentle smile and blue irises gleaming with something she couldn't fathom.

"Will you dance with me?"

The reluctance must have been apparent on her face (that, or he recalled how she kept tripping over her own feet when she shared a dance with Kol and himself), because Nik gave a small, endearing smile that had her heartbeat racing.

ーlord huron

Dazed, Rosalie neared him soundlessly. It was quite hard for the brunette to think straight when he was so close to her, especially when he was looking at the Monet like that. There was something trapped within the confines of his stunning eyes. Something he desperately wanted to say, something she definitely wanted to uncover. But why?

Why would you look at me with flames of the raging sun?

She took a step closer, keeping her gaze on his. Her hand rose, slowly placing it uncertainly on his outstretched one. His palm was outrageously warm in contrast to hers, causing goosebumps to erupt along the surface of her arms. Rosalie gulped, throat feeling terribly dry. She moved closer, hand travelling to meet the cuff of his white shirt. Her fingertips caressed the protruding veins on the area, but her eyes remained on his.

With her hand on his arm, she drew nearer. Every hint of oxygen escaped Rosalie's lungs when he placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer. A small gasp of surprise left her lips at the sudden, but gentle, action.

Why would the surface of your palms set my skin ablaze?

"Stand on my feet," he requested, voice soft as though speaking any louder would disturb the sweet quietude they were so pleasantly blanketed in. Before she could respond, he whispered, "Trust me?"

Why would you talk to me with the tenderness of a thousand dying stars?

Albeit reluctantly, Rosalie placed her feet on his. He looked confused, admittedly not the reaction she expected. The fabric in front of her gown was slightly pushed to her sides, his body claiming the space. He wrapped his arm around her lower back, the strong limb curling above her hips as the blond pulled her impossibly closer.

Why would you hold me like I'm about to fade away?

They stood there for a moment, bathing in the bliss that came with each other's presence. He broke the silence after what seemed like hours of wondering, "Are you wearing socks to a formal ball?"

He ledㅡwalked, more likeㅡto the center of the gazebo and started swaying side to side. It was rather calming, she had to admit. Dancing under the stars with an extremely gorgeous man? She was surprised she didn't faint from the pressure.

"Don't judge me." She grinned, "I can't remember where I've left my flats. Besides, no one's gonna notice my feet under this gown."

He raised an eyebrow, amused.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, still grinning. "No one except you."

Nik smiled, liking her sentence very much, how she thought of him as an exception. He could never get used to the breathtaking beauty of Rosalie Monet. She had this...well, he didn't quite know what it was but there was something about her that undeniably attracted him. She was good-looking, extremely so, but her personality was intensely beguiling to him.

"I feel like we've met before," the brunette whispered, the playful tone fading into one of seriousness. She pulled back, slightly, maintaining eye contact with the blond, who was also staring at her. The brunette couldn't identify what his expression was, and it drove her crazy.

"I don't know," she mumbled after a few seconds passed. Her gaze was directed to the space behind Klaus, as she couldn't bear the intensity of his look. "I just have this strange feeling that I know you from somewhere."

Rosalie wanted to ask him if he felt the things she did when she was with him. She craved for answers like she did every other day. The brunette wanted to interrogate him, for she was not a fan of leaving questions unanswered.

But she didn't.

She didn't even know why she didn't. Rosalie leaned her head sideways onto his shoulder, her cheek resting softly on the smooth black surface of his tuxedo and her arms around his neck. He could've gone into a cardiac arrest if he was able. Taking a deep breath, a smile bloomed on his lips as he buried half of his face in her brown curls. Her scent washed over him, making the hybrid feel comforted and wild at the same time, current problems now lay forgotten.

And so, they stayed there in each others arms. Under a dome of stars in the middle of the night, swaying to music, in a bubble neither wanted to escape.

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Esther said, tapping a glass to catch everyone's attention. "Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass."

Rosalie snickered quietly when Klaus executed a posh gesture when he handed her a flute of the said champagne. The pair couldn't stop smiling after the dance they shared, dizzy with euphoria. They didn't talk for the rest of it, only swaying in each other's arms and sharing soft smiles every now and then. They had almost missed Esther's speech, but the brunette reminded him that people were probably looking for them. It took a tremendous amount of self-control for him to agree, telling himself that he couldn't be selfish with her.

They had rushed in the building hand-in-hand, giggling to each other as they nearly toppled over. Some people simply grinned at the display of pure happiness, while others looked at them like they were either drunk or crazy.

But the other Mikaelsons knew.

Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Estherㅡthey knew Klaus missed her terribly, and even though Rosalie didn't know it, she felt the same.

"It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one." the Mikaelson matriarch announced, looking proud.

Klaus and Rosalie smiled at each other, hands still connected. The Salvatore brothers saw how the hybrid was acting around the Monet. He was all soft and smiley, no trace of the nefarious Klaus they knew. They looked at each other, puzzled. What was going on?

"I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" they all raised their glasses and took a sip of the beverage, unknowingly helping the Original witch with her sick plan.

be kind. ❞

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