You make me feel safe (Corpse...

Von moody__moony

126K 5K 6K

Two Streamers; one that always hides his smile and the other that doesn't show his face at all. Through playi... Mehr

More blushing
Chickening out
Bad decision?
Movie night
What are we?
Party game

Did you mean it?

8.1K 340 507
Von moody__moony

1:37 pm
Sykkuno woke up with his head pounding and feeling disoriented. How did he get here? He could tell that this was his room, but he didn't remember leaving Corpse's house. Suddenly feeling his stomach churning, he hurried out of his bed to the toilet. While throwing up, he thought about how he could feel this bad, he hadn't even drunk very much. Regretting every decision he ever made, he sat on the cold bathroom floor and wiped away his spit.
Pushing himself up, he went back to his bed, already feeling a bit better. Trying his best, he thought back to what happened yesterday. He probably fell asleep on the way home, but what happened earlier?
Then it hit him. „God i want to kiss you so bad right now." Had he really said that? Oh Jesus. Did he kiss Corpse? No no, he would certainly remember that, right? Note to self: never drink again.

Scratching his head, Sykkuno thought it was best to call Corpse and maybe apologize for his stupid behavior. He dialed his number and waited a bit for him to pick up. Soon enough, there was some noise on the other line.
Hello Sykkuno.
Umm hi Corpse...
How are you feeling?
I- i think I'm hungover? I threw up earlier and my head hurts a bit.
Oh god i'm so sorry, if had known that you get drunk so easily i wouldn't have offered you another drink. Are you mad at me?
Noo! Why would I be? It wasn't your fault. But ummm I- wanted to ask umm, did i say any weird stuff yesterday?

Corpse said nothing for a few seconds. Surely Sykkuno would remember, he hadn't been that drunk, right??

Do you not remember?
I- i r-remeber saying that i wanted to k-iss you... but we didn't kiss right?
No, we didn't.

Sykkuno felt relieved. He would want to remember their kiss, if it ever were to happen.

Oh- okay. I-i'm really sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i understand if you don't want to see me again...
How about we talk about it later in person?
Do you want to come over to my house again?

Wait what was happening? Sykkuno was confused. He had expected that Corpse had been disgusted by Sykkuno coming onto him, but apparently not. Or maybe he was but he wanted to shout at him in person? Sykkuno didn't feel well enough to go by his house though.

I don't think i can drive there without throwing up. You could come over here, if you're comfortable, i'm alone, the others are gone for a few days.
Okay sure, i'll be there in an hour okay? In the meantime you take a warm shower and drink a lot of water. It should help with the hangover. Make sure to eat something too.
Okay i'll try. See you later Corpse.

Corpse hung up without saying goodbye. Odd. He was probably mad after all. It worried Sykkuno even more. Grabbing a fresh towel on the way, he went to take a shower like Corpse had suggested. The hot water was relaxing his muscles slowly, releasing some tension. The steam felt nice on his face, this truly har been a good idea. He showered for a bit too long, when he realized Corpse would be here soon. Putting on some fresh clothes, a light purple T-shirt and some jeans, he checked himself out in the mirror. He fixed his hair and then went down to make himself a small breakfast. His headache was almost gone and he didn't feel ill anymore. While he was preparing his food and jamming out to some music, the doorbell rang.

He floofed up his hair a bit before he opened the door. Corpse looked extra stunning today. His hair looked curlier than ever and he was wearing a black hoodie and a lot of chains.
"Hey Sykkuno, can i come in?"
"Of course!" Sykkuno held the door open for him and shut it as soon as he had entered.
"Can I get you some water or something else?"
"Yeah some water would be great."
Corpse followed Sykkuno into his kitchen, where he got a glass of water. He quickly gulped it down and wiped his mouth with his hoodie. Sykkuno was staring at him. The silence was deafening.
"Sooo, um are you feeling better?" Corpse asked, in an attempt to make the conversation less awkward.
"Yeah, the shower worked wonders..."
Great, now Corpse had an image of Sykkuno in the shower in his head.

"Listen Corpse, i'm very sorry about how i acted, i can tell that i made you uncomfortable and I-"
"Did you mean it?" Corpse interrupted him.
"Did you mean it when you said i wanna kiss you so bad right now." He paused. "Or were you really that drunk?"
At first, Sykkuno wanted to deny it, say that yes, he was so drunk he didn't know what he was doing. It was partially right, he wouldn't have told Corpse this normally, but it was true. He really had wanted to kiss him.
"I- y- yes. I meant it." Waiting for a reaction, waiting for Corpse to turn around and run away, just do anything, Sykkuno glared at Corpse.
He did nothing of the sort.

Instead he just stared at Sykkuno, while he slowly walked closer to him. He closed the distance between them, only being a few inches from his face.
He then wispered, so that Sykkuno could feel his breath on his face: "Well, do you still feel the same way?"
Sykkunos hands were shaking, he wanted to do nothing more than kiss Corpse with everything that he got. He felt like he had a knot in his throat, unable to speak. Corpse was waiting for an answer though, so Sykkuno said quietly: "Y-yes. Please..."

Not waiting any longer, Corpse leaned in completely, planting his lips on Sykkunos. They felt even better than he had imagined, soft and Sykkuno even tasted of mint. Sykkuno was very hesitant at first, not being very experienced at kissing. Corpse put his hand on Sykkunos face softly, to try and deepen the kiss. Sighing against Corpse's lips, Sykkuno opened his mouth a bit. It made Corpse go insane. How could someone make him feel this way? Corpse licked Sykkunos bottom lip, almost making him moan slightly. The kiss quickly got heated, Corpse took the lead, their toungues swirling around eachother. Sykkuno was now pressed fully against one of his kitchen counters. His hands were roaming Corpse's back and then found their place in his curly hair, tugging at it.

Corpse broke off the kiss before it could get too heated, he really wanted to make sure that they took it slow, he didn't want to overwhelm Sykkuno. Their faces were still incredibly close, Sykkuno was gazing into Corpse's deep brown ((ORBS💀)) eyes. Now that he had kissed Corpse once, he never wanted to stop.
"That was..." he had no words to describe how he felt right now. Blissful, was probably a good word.
"Yeah... god you look so good right now."
This made Sykkuno blush a deep red, his legs felt like jelly. Damn, he should probably sit down.
"I love it when you get flustered." Corpse chuckled.

They spent most of the day playing games, once or twice stopping to make out, because they couldn't get their hands off eachother. Every time, Sykkuno would be a flustered mess after, trying his hardest to stay calm, but failing. It was getting pretty late, Corpse and Sykkuno had spent to whole afternoon together and both of them were starving.
"I should probably get going.."
"Ohh.. umm okay." Sykkuno tried his best to hide his disappointment, but failed miserably.
"Please don't be sad Sykkuno, i- i can't bare it."
"You could sleep over if you'd like? The others wont be here until next week..."
If someone else had made this invitation, Corpse would instantly believe that this was about sex. But it was Sykkuno. His inncoent bean Sykkuno. He considered it and when he saw Sykkunos pleading eyes, it was clear.
"Okayy. I'll stay."
He liked seeing Sykkunos excited at that statement, he was jumping up and down a bit, like a kid.
"Great!! We could cook some food, i'm so hungry."

He went to his kitchen, expecting Corpse to follow him, but he was still laying on Sykkunos couch.
"I guess i'll cook for us then!" He called to him.
Sykkuno wasn't the most experienced cook, but he had learned quite a bit from his grandmother, when he used to live with her. In the end, he ended up making some curry, Butter chicken to be exact. It was one of his favorites. ((I fuckin love butter chicken, goddayum)).

Corpe was "awakened" from his trance on the sofa, when he smelt the amazing flavours coming from the kitchen. He quickly got up and followed the smell. The sight in front of him was adorable. Sykkuno had his back turned to him, swaying to the beat of a song that Corpse didn't recognize. He could hear Sykkuno humming to it. Corpse approached Sykkuno and slid his hands around him, to hug him from behind.
"Oh! Corpse, you startled me!"
"I'm sorry, do you want me to leave?"
"N-no this is nice." Sykkuno started leaning against Corpse's body, loving how it felt when Corpse rested his head on Sykkuno.

A bit later, both of them were enjoying Sykkunos meal. "God, Sykkuno, this is amazing." Corpse moaned while taking his first bite, leaving Sykkuno mesmerized. "I- i'm glad y-you like it Corpse."
Sykkuno cleared his throat and dug into his food.
After the food, both of them were incredibly full and exhausted. It was only 10 pm, but Sykkuno could barely keep his eyes open.
"Umm i know it's pretty early, but i think i'm gonna go to bed.."
"Oh okay, sure. Then i'll try to sleep too, i'm pretty tired as well." Corpse smiled at him.

When they got to Sykkunos room, he realized, that Corpse had no clothes with him to sleep in. He searched for something that would fit Corpse, finally finding a shirt that had been way to big for Sykkuno.
Corpse changed in his room, while Sykkuno brushed his teeth. Later, Corpse entered the bathroom and made himself ready for bed aswell.

They both climbed into bed, facing eachother. Sykkuno felt a sudden confidence, as he leaned in to kiss Corpse softly. The kiss wasn't long, but it still felt magical. Corpse's stubble was scratching Sykkuno's face slightly, but he enjoyed the feeling. The kiss involved no tounge and after some time, Sykkuno pulled away and wispered: "Goodnight Corpse... sleep well."
"Good night Sykkuno."
Sykkuno then turned around and smiled brightly as he felt Corpse's arm on his waist. ((They're spooning.)) He leaned into his touch and sighed contently. Soon after, Sykkuno fell asleep with a smile still in his lips.

Editor's note:
Sorry for not updating yesterday, i was soo tired and just couldn't finish the chapter. I tried to make it longer, i hope you like it :)) If the kissing scene is horrible to read, please tell me lol, i wasn't really sure how to make it detailed without making it gross. Btw, if something is in two brackets like this "(( ))" then it's just some annoying notes from me lol😃
Thank you guys so much for all your lovely comments!💕


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