By fatjuicycoochie

3.8K 194 38

"๐™ป๐š’๐š”๐šŽ ๐š ๐š’๐š•๐š๐š๐š•๐š˜๐š ๐šŽ๐š›๐šœ; ๐šˆ๐š˜๐šž ๐š–๐šž๐šœ๐š ๐šŠ๐š•๐š•๐š˜๐š  ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š›๐šœ๐šŽ๐š•๐š ๐š๐š˜ ๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š  ๐š’๐š— ๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐š๐š‘๏ฟฝ... More



126 9 1
By fatjuicycoochie

- t s u b a k i -

——— flashback ———

Amber and I are currently sitting on the couch, participating in our weekly activity of getting high. It's actually been a while, so when she asked, I jumped at the chance to do so. Little did I know, I forgot I made plans with Sero tonight.

We are just talking and laughing, having a good time when there's a knock on my door. I panic and try to hide everything, but the door opens so I hide it behind my back, actively blowing smoke out of my mouth.

Sero looks at me with a look, putting two and two together just based on the smell. He homes over to me, grabbing the blunt from me and taking a hit. I whine and try to take it back, but he keeps it.

"If you're gonna forget about our plans to smoke with Amber, I'm joining you."

It clicks after a moment, being a bit slow at the moment. "Wait, you smoke!? But you're a hero! It's illegal!"

"I could say the same to you missy. You know it's illegal. But anyways, my entire friend group smokes, mi amor. We got caught by Aizawa one time back in high school, but he didn't snitch on us because he actually joined us," he laughs, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Anyways, you guys want some food? I'm down to make something."

Both Amber and I nod quickly, wanting some food. He just laughs slightly, walking into the kitchen and making some good munchies foods. After all, he's the only high-functioning person of the friend group. Bakugo is getting there, but he's still a little out of it.

He hands us each a serving, letting us eat. I smile and grab his collar, pulling him down for a kiss. "Thank you~ it was really tasty~"

He smiles and pecks my nose, "I'm glad."

I let go of him, letting him sit up normally again. We just smoke for the rest of the night, having the time of our lives.

——— flashback over ———

Ever since then, Sero has been comfortable smoking around me, already having explained that it's mostly for his anxiety, so he's still very high functioning unless he purposely wants to get baked.

That brings me to tonight. Sero is currently hanging out with everyone, catching up with them. They try to see each other once every week, but sometimes their schedules don't line up. I guess that's what happens when your whole friend group is pro-heroes.

I've actually met them all at least once, Bakugo a couple times now. He seems to like me... I think, anyways. I'm just chilling at home when I get a call from Sero. "Mi amor, you should come over~ Everyone wants to see you~"

I shake my head, "alright. Are you at your place?"


"Give me a minute to get changed. I'll be over soon here."

"Okay~ I'll see you soon~"

I hang up the phone, laughing slightly. I just change into some sweatpants, a crop top, and layering a flannel over it. I just put on some slip on vans, not caring too much at the moment. Luckily, I still have my makeup on, so I didn't need to worry about that. Before I leave, I slip on a beanie as it's a little windy today and I don't wanna mess up my hair any further.

I grab everything I need, texting Sero that I'm on the way because he gets upset if I don't. I don't really know why he doesn't like me walking alone, but it also gives me a sense of peace knowing he's waiting for me if anything bad happens.

I get to his place, the person at the gate letting me in as I come over quite a bit. I go up to his apartment, knocking once to let him know I'm here before I walk in. I slip off my shoes, finding them all hanging out in the living room, obviously having been smoking but put it away since I'm here.

I give them a look, "Sero did you really not tell them that I smoke too?"

He just shrugs as they all look relieved, being less uptight. I see he doesn't have buttercup out and I pout softly, feeling bad for the snake. I go over to her terrarium and taking her out carefully, letting her settle into place.

Mina comes over excitedly, "wow, you're not scared of that giant thing?"

"No, of course not! She's the biggest sweetheart I've ever met~"

I see Sero smiling to himself, talking to the rest of the group. Mina and I join them again, sitting in our respective spots. Bakugo just raises an eyebrow at me, "you're pretty badass if you aren't scared of Buttercup"

I just laugh softly, "more of I'm used to her now. I was a little surprised when I came over for the first time to see my boyfriend holding a huge ass snake."

Sero pouts, "in my defense, I don't have my cat sit on my shoulders like a damn parrot."

"Okay, okay, fair."

I kiss his cheek, staying close to him. He keeps an arm wrapped around my waist, chatting amongst everyone. Suddenly Denki looks straight at me with a stupid look on his face. "Your quirk, are you able to create any type of plant?"

I just laugh, quickly rolling a few blunts, giving Sero a look when I lick the paper. I see him gulp and he looks away which makes me laugh under my breath.

Denki, Mina, and Kirishima all get excited. "So you've never had to buy any of your own?"

"Nope! Try it~"

They do as I say and I watch their reactions. They all look surprised and I smirk, "probably better than the stuff you guys can get your hands on~" I wink.

Sero flicks me, "stop being mean~"

"Hey, keep it up and I won't make any more for you."

He immediately shuts up and I hear Bakugo laugh. "I like her."

I smile in satisfaction, Sero laying his head in my lap. I drag my fingers through his hair, occasionally braiding it while I talk to everyone. They all seem to like me, which is good. As far as I've heard, his past relationships went very poorly so I'm assuming they find it refreshing to know I won't do the same thing.


After a few hours, everyone is baked, including Sero. I do t think I've ever seen him actually high before. He always makes sure he doesn't smoke too much so he stays high functioning.

——— slight spice ———

I'm just talking to Kirishima when he whispers in my ear, "the deseo tanto, mi puta~" (translation: I want you so badly, my sl*t/wh*re)

I tense up, blushing as I clear my throat. I just hold my conversation with Kiri, but he is persistent. He kisses and nibbles at my neck, making my breath hitch every now and then.

I see that Bakugo has noticed what he's doing bc he's trying to convince Kirishima to go. He just slaps Bakugo's hand away, wanting to talk to me.

Sero starts to drag his hand up my inner thigh, making me let out a gasp which was actually pretty noticeable. Bakugo can see how frustrated I'm getting, whispering in Kirishima's ear.

He clears his throat. "Well, anyways, Bakugo is a grandpa and wants his beauty rest," he laughs slightly. "Since we are the last remaining, we'll go so you guys can enjoy your night together~"

They leave after Sero and I say goodbye, which leaves Sero alone with me. He flips us over, pinning me to the ground. I let out a noise of surprise, looking at him with a bright blush.

He licks his lips, his tongue piercing shining. I pull him down by the collar of his shirt, kissing him in a seductive manner. He eagerly kisses back, running his hands along my body.

He pulls away from the kiss only to tease me by kissing my neck. He leaves marks all over me again, that being his little thing he does every time we do anything sexual.

He eventually pulls away, picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom to continue our activities.

——— spicy over ———

I wake up in the morning extremely sore, a sharp pain shooting up my spine as I sit up. I wince, remembering the events that took place last night and sighing. So I guess he gets really horny when he's as high as a kite.

He wakes up and hugs me from behind, pulling me close to him. He kisses the nape of my neck which makes me smile.

"Are you sore, mi amor?"

I shrug, "I am, but it's not that bad."

"Take the day off. We can lounge around today. I have the day off~"

I sigh, "okay, fine. Only because Im not in the mood to go work right now."

He smiles and kisses my shoulder, being content. "Now come on, sleep in with me. "

I shake my head slightly and I lay down with him, laying my head on his chest, my arms and legs wrapped around him. He smiles, holding me tight.

We sleep for a few more hours until we get woken up by an angry Bakugo being calmed down by a worried Kirishima. I get up, not caring that I'm dressed in Sero's shirt and my underwear as they are both very gay men.

I groan and walk out, "Bakugo, what the actual fuck are you yelling about?"

"I left my phone here and I can't find it!"

"Jesus, it's on the counter. I found it last night and was planning to run over to your office today. There's no need to come storming in."

He grabs it but he must of felt bad because he gives me a hug. "Thank you. I actually really appreciate the fact that you were going to run it over for me."

I smile and hug him back, noticing he smells a lot like cinnamon. When he pulls away from the hug, I give him a friendly kiss on the cheek just to piss him off a bit. "Have a nice day you two~" I wave them out.

Sero comes waltzing out, wrapping his arms around me from behind in confusion. "What did they need?"

"Bakugo left his phone and I was gonna go bring it to him earlier, but you made me go to bed~" I tease him, laughing slightly. He pouts at me, hiding his face in my shoulder.

I smile and kiss the top of his head. "I'll make some breakfast here, feel free to do whatever."

He nods and walks off, most likely to shower. I make some waffles as he has a nice waffle maker, cooking up some eggs and bacon for the sides. I finish up after about a half an hour, going to find him.

I check the bedroom, seeing he isn't there so I walk into his bathroom, finding him in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his hips.

He turns around, water still dripping so he obviously just got out. I blush, looking down, "breakfast is ready, I'll keep it warm for you."

He just smirks, "you've seen me naked before and you get embarrassed by this?~"

I look up, refusing to look anywhere else but his face. He comes close to me, pulling me close and kissing me passionately. I reciprocate as I always do, wrapping my arms around his shoulders despite the fact he's still wet.

He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "Did you want to take a shower too? I'm sure you're feeling a bit more gross than me at the moment," he laughs softly, knowing he wasn't exactly the most cleanly last night.

I blush and flick him, "I was planning to take a shower after breakfast. Now come eat you loser." I walk off, only to have Sero slap my ass as I do. I whip around, grabbing a towel and whipping him with it. He yelps as it leaves a bright red mark on his side, whining and rubbing it.

"You're so mean to me~" he pouts at me. I just cross my arm, shifting my weight to one leg. "Slap my ass and I whip you. You know the rules."

"God, you and a towel is the equivalent to me with a shoe."

I nod and hang the towel back up, walking away and to the kitchen. I dish us both some food, Sero coming out as I set them at the bar.

He sits down and kisses me happily. "Thank you, mi amor~"

I let out a soft smile, finding this man to be the biggest dork alive.


For the rest of the day, we just lounge around and watch movies. For dinner, we ended up just ordering some chicken, wanting something easy.

While he is cleaning up, I go and grab buttercup, bringing her to the bed with me and laying down. She makes herself comfortable, still wrapped around my body. I smile and let the snake sleep, not ever thinking I would ever have a soft spot for a snake.

As I lay there with her, I end up dozing off as I stayed up way too late last night.

- s e r o -

I search for them after I'm done cleaning up, knowing she probably brought Buttercup into the bed again. I see them sleeping there together so I take a picture of them, finding it adorable.

I send it to the groupchat, Bakugo and Mina responding right away.

Mina: 'omg! that's adorable! who would've thought Sero would find someone as crazy as him lmao'

Bakugo: 'I knew I liked her for a reason. She's a badass'

Sero: 'hey now, you guys can't steal her from me'

Mina: 'won't! promise!'

Bakugo: 'don't worry, I got my manly man to worry about'

Kirishima: 'IM RIGHT HERE'

Denki: 'tf did I miss? Am I the only person working right now?'

Sero: 'yep'

Denki: 'oy, tf. Why are you guys not working?'

Sero: 'it's my day off! Bakugo and Kiri don't work late'

Mina: 'neither do I lol. Perks of owning your own agency~'

Kirishima: 'see? Maybe if you weren't lazy, you wouldn't have to patrol almost every day'

Denki: 'hey! I do just fine!'

Sero: 'anyways, I'm going to bed, night losers <3'

Denki: 'night!'

Mina: 'tell Tsubaki to sleep well for me!'

Bakugo: 'Goodnight bro'

Kirishima: 'night loser'

I set my phone down, getting into bed with Tusbaki and Buttercup. I pull the blanket over the three of us, drifting off decently quick.

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