The White Snake - ENGLISH VER...

By RilaZou

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Despite Adrien's warnings, Lila defames Marinette again in front of her friends. Causing resentments of the c... More

Chapter 1: The New President.
Chapter 2: A True Friend.
Chapter 3: The Weight of Actions
Chapter 4: The Serpent VS The Viper
Chapter 5: The victim and the criminal.
Chapter 6: The last judgment, and the last punishment
Chapter 7: Take Care Of Her
Chapter 8: Epilogue, The White Snake.


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By RilaZou

The sun shine over Paris, in the midst of a new Hero's Day, but as was customary in the city. It was very rare that there was a quiet day in the city of love, now known as the city of the Akumas.

The Eiffel Tower square was fenced by emerald spines, police cordoned off the place to prevent civilians from getting too close, and Nadja Chamack presented the news, albeit without the usual enthusiasm.

-Here, in live where a group of students and two teachers have been captured by esmerald snakes, but for some reason, an akuma hasn't been spotted as such, on the other hand... -the reporter posed her gaze on a girl with jet hair and picked up in a pair of unmistakable ponytails -, as far as you can see, Marinette Dupain-Cheng hasn't taken her eyes off that strange and huge flower bud.

Indeed, the young designer watched melancholy at that plum blossom bud, ignoring the voices of her companions, who kept fighting those huge snakes that more tightened their grip on their bodies.

-Please stop this Marinette! -Alya, who was at the ringleader, while Lila was away, begged, with two snakes squeezing her every time she tried to say something – you don't have to do this! -she retorted the brunette more, but Marinette didn't look away from the flower, to which the blogger already shouted exasperated - please listen to me!! –the bluenette barely turned to see her, then made a few signs, and two emerald snakes descended with Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancour as their prisoners.

-What's Adrien's old man doing here? -Nino wondered, but like Alya, he received no response from the girl.

-This ridiculous! Totally ridiculous! This snake is wrinkling my clothes, not to mention how cold it is, Dupain-Cheng! You better not go after Adrinkis! -Chloe claimed, noting that the model was the only one missing from the group.

Soon, Chat Noir arrived, still confused and shocked with what was going on, and addressed the young designer, aiming at her with her cane.

-Release them! -He said -FREE TO MARINETTE!" -the hero jumped towards the girl, but to everyone's strangeness, none of the esmerald snakes reacted, and they were even more surprised to see Chat stop the blow before he touched Marinette -You don't have to do this, we can find a solution -the black cat said.

-She doesn't listen...!- Alya replied almost immediately, but bluenette 's words silenced her by surprise.

-I have nothing against you, Chat Noir, unlike them, you've always been noble heart, but unfortunately... -Marinette made an gesture with her hand, and two snakes came off the ground, imprisoning the hero-, don't hurt him, I just want you to watch, and don't worry Chat Noir, I have no intention of taking your miraculous, yet,-the girl stewardess walked towards the group of students , while the snakes accommodated a imprisoned Chat Noir near the plum flower bud, and covered his mouth so that he would not invoke his power-, once the trial against these bad people ends, you will be free, I give you my word.

-Do you talk to him? -Alya was offended- Can you tell why you haven't told us anything all this time?

-You never listen to those who speak with the truth, Why do you believe with the right to be heard then? -she inquired dry, and Alya was pale.

-Marinette! -Luka's voice was heard from the crowd, and the young woman watched the musician accompanied by her mother and Kagami, as well as Jagged, Penny, Clara Nightingale and many other acquaintances appeared in the crowd – please, let them go!

-You're not being yourself -Kagami said, looking at the group -they've obviously let you down, but you're not the kind of person who holds a grudge.

-Indeed, Marinette is not able to hold a grudge, she is a pure and incorruptible soul, so I do this, to protect her -the girl said, and in her words, Luka opened his eyes in horror.

-You... you aren't Marinette! You're not really Marinette! –the students drowned an exclamation point, while Lila was frozen instead, while Chat Noir observed the flower button and couldn't help but spill painful tears.


A week before...

In the park, Marinette and Alya had prepared a picnic, with the help of their course group, and while the jet handed out the coconut macaroni, Nino and the boys had a video chat with the model.

-I'm sorry, I'm not there, my father forbade me to go, he says he doesn't trust food served outdoors - an annoyed Adrien apologised, but his friends downplayed him.

-Don't worry, dude, here we save you for tomorrow when you come to class -Nino encouraged him.

-Thank you very much, see you tomorrow -said the blonde, having to reluctantly cut off communication.

-It's already served! -Marinette's happy voice called his friends, while bringing them a tray with the macaroni -I hope you like it.

-How delicious! -Rose praised her, while the others of his companions tasted the sweets, of course most.

Chloe made disdain for the macaroni, and Sabrina reluctantly followed him, suffering not to try those sweets. But Lila was boiled with the blood of rage when she saw Marinette's attention for her snacks, and by looking at the sweet table next to the young designer walking beside her, more than her companions were distracted, pulled the tablecloth, then muddyed with the food, and screamed like crazy against a speechless Marinette.

-KYA! Marinette pushed me against the table - Lila whined, and the girls went to help him.

-It's not true!- the bluenette defended himself.

-Calm down girls, Lila, are you sure Marinette pushed you? -Alya asked confusedly -she may have bumped into you by accident... - but Lila interrupted her by regurgitating several times, to alarm everyone.

-UGH! Marinette, are these macaroni coconut?! GLUP! I told you I'm allergic to coconut! -Rossi exclaimed pitifully, as she was cared for by the girls - not only have you pushed me, but you also wanted to poison me! I thought we made peace! -Lila pointed it at her accusatoryly, faking outrage- Do you still hold a grudge against me for making a mistake when you were expelled from school?

-Is true Marinette? -Alya claimed, to which the girl was pale – Did you make them of coconut knowing that Lila is allergic?

-No! Lila lies, she never told me anything like that – Marinette tried to defend herself, but as always, Chloe came out with her comments out of place.

-Please Dupain-Cheng! If you wanted to sabotage Rossi, you should have been more discreet- the blonde just remarked, and everyone looked angry at the young bluenette.

-It's not true! For the last time, Lila's lying! -Marinette began to despair, but her companions turned her back on her and took Lila away, who smiled victoriously for her task.

-I can't believe what you did, your jealousy is going too far, girl, -Alya said indignantly.

-Please listen to me Alya! -Marinette pleaded with the edge of crying.

-No! I'm not going to listen to you, now I have to go to a pharmacy and get something for Lila's stomachache, which you caused! –and without saying more, the brunette left Marinette alone in the park.

-Marinette... -Tikki called him from his bag, but his carrier let go of sobs and ran away unacfare without knowing that from afar Mayura, who learned of the picnic, decided with Gabriel's permission, to spy on them in case Lila or Chloe gave any situation that favored them.

And she hadn't been disappointed.

-Hawk Moth, we have a target available- the woman communicated to her boss, as she jumped off rooftops following the girl near Senna River -Lila Rossi has given us a new opportunity to akumatize Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

-Perfect! They see my little akuma, and he demonizes that wounded soul – in his lair, the villain turned black one of his butterflies and sent her to Marinette, while Mayura was already preparing one of his feathers.

Meanwhile, Marinette reached the banks of the River Seine, very close to the stairs, and barely regaining her breath at the edge of the stairs. The one Lila will accuse her in front of her peers of trying to poison her and once again pretending to be the victim of her machinations, hurt her more than she would have imagined.

-Calm down Marinette, you're going to be fine, we're going to work it out... -Tikki tried to cheer her up, but his carrier denied hurt.

-This has no solution, I'm sick of trying to get them to listen to me, I'm sick of it...-a dry blow makes Marinette flip, and to her horror, she sees Mayura sending a feather to her and immediately, an akuma appears - NOO! -she exclaimed, but it was late, the akuma entered his bag and the feather on Adrien's bracelet on his birthday.

-Poor little girl, defamed by a malicious liar, and her friends have turned her back on her –Marinette held her head tightly so as not to listen to Hawk Moth- Princess Justice, I will give you the power to deliver justice over those who commit terrible crimes, in return, you must give me the miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir. - and immediately, Mayura joined in the villain's deterrence.

-You don't have to keep suffering small, I'm going to give you a protector, someone who will take care of you at any cost and won't let you suffer again for Lila and her lies, as well as those friends of yours who have turned their backs on you at the first opportunity -the woman promised, as she approached Marinette to emphasize her words, but the girl walked on her back, to keep her distance while fighting the akuma.

-NO! I'm not going to listen to you - Marinette was fighting Hawk Moth's control, something the villain was starting to annoy him with.

-Don't be foolish, young lady! I offer her a unique opportunity to take justice over those who have hurt you, you have no choice - threatened the man, already losing patience.

-There's always a choice...,- the bluenette said, seeing Mayura approach, she gave a couple of jumps in the back--Don't come near me! –Marinette went one step further and felt nothing.

Mayura covered her mouth when she saw the girl fall on her back down the stairs and then heard a dry noise, and it was all darkness for Marinette.


-Okeyyyyyyyy, I need a moment -Plagg flies into the yard of my house, places a picture of Lila in the punching bag and starts hitting him with all his might.

-Looks like he didn't take it well,- then I feel like something's going on next to me, and I see Toothless set a Lila-.Snails doll on fire, really they haven't taken it well...

-I suppose there will be karma, not just for the witch? –offended Plagg question, while I see that the sack is shattered.

-Yeap, Gabriel, Nathalie, Lila and all those who hurt Marinette will be punished by her...


-You will know the next cap, and don't worry, that things will start taking their course until you reach the moment present at the fic, WE SEE!!!

PSD 1: Well, I wrote this fic in Spanish (my native language), but seeing the enormous approval of the animatic, I decided to translate it into English.

And a big thanks to Brave Chaser for bluenette's suggestion to refer to Marinette. You saved me! Thank you so much!!

And have a merry Christmas !! PSD 2: For those who want spoilers.... The fic has its own trailer, or musical so to speak.

YEAAHHH! It's my first animatic of more than 1 minute, and I'm very proud of the result, snif XD

You will find it on my youtube channel Soledad de Los Ríos, entitled as:

Fanfic Trailer, Miraculous Ladybug, The White Snake (OC)

I hope you like XD

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