Tied To You

By Wibbit2020

44.9K 1.5K 2.9K

This is the same magical Boiling Isles you know, but... Everybody has a red glowing string around their ring... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

4.6K 131 302
By Wibbit2020

"Ohhhh mittens!"

I was woken up by they very obnoxious sound of my siblings bursting into my room.

My room was slightly cold due to my fan being turned on. Lately I've been getting restless at night, and the fan has been helping. Sometimes I wonder if I cant sleep because of my siblings.

"What do you two want?" I shoved my face into my pillow, groaning at their presence.

"You gotta get up for school mittens! You're going to be laaatteee!" The two said in unison.

"WHAT!" I practically flew out of bed, grabbing Edric by the shoulders and shaking him back and fourth.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I let go of him turning to my window.

It was still dark out...

"I see stars." Edric said with a shaky voice.

I turned back over to them to see Emira doubled over laughing, and Edric shaking his head to get his vision back.

"I'm going to kill you both."

I lit a small purple flame in my hand causing the room to light up in a purple hue.

Em stopped laughing and Ed just looked strait up at me, eyes wide.

"Awh shit!" Em grabbed Ed's hand running out of the room as I followed close behind. "Get back here!" I ran down the large stairs of the house folloing them into the kitchen.

Ed and Em were in a corner of the room with their hands up in defence. "I swear I'm going to kill you two!" I said as Em just started laughing.

"Okay mittens you wi-" Ed stoped in the middle of his sentece staring at me with wide eyes, as if he was a lost puppy dog.

They always find it so funny to bother me. Always acting like something's serious. When we were kid's they told me my pet died. Only for me to run in the room to see him perfectly fine and have glitter thrown on me.

"What are you staring at?!" At this point I was fuming angry. If this was some kind of trick I really would kill them.

"Amity your ring..."

Amity? Since when do they call me Amity?

I looked to my left hand seeing a small red glow barely noticable under the purple light from the flame.

I extinguished the fire in my hand, looking at my ring finger, my hand just barely infront of my face.

I had a soulmate? I had been waiting 17 years... Where have they been all this time?! Why couldn't the ring show before? I was more ecstatic then anything.

The sun was barely in the sky. Most likely telling me I had to leave to school soon.

But that doesn't matter right now.

Never thought I'd live to see the day were I said 'school dosen't matter'.

"Amity has a soulmate? AMITY HAS A SOULMATE!" Ed slapped both his hands to the side of his head in shock.

I almost felt like crying. Of course I didn't. Blights don't cry.

Emotions welled in me. A lump formed in my throught and I didn't know what to feel.

Anger, sadness, happiness. I could be mad they ,didn't show for 17 year's, or sad that now my parents expectations would be raised, or just plain joy that I had a soulmate.

I swear I could hear my own hear beating out of my chest.

Two pair's footsteps were heard coming to the kitchen as the door swung open.

"What is the ruckus down here?" A female voice came from behind me who I immediately recognized as my mother.

"Amity has a soulmate..." Emira's breaths were short and shallow as if she just ran a marathon.

"Ahh good Amity. We can now restore the Blight name now that you are normal." My father spoke with pride in his voice as he stood tall along with it.

"The three of you need to head off the school now. I don't care that Amity got her soulmate, we didn't get this name by being late. Now run along." My mother put a hand on my shoulder, drawing me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to her while I stood tall. She had a smile on her face and joy in her eye's.

This may be the once in my life I could see my mother genuinely happy. I wanted to saver this moment but I knew if I didn't do what I was told she wouldn't be happy for long.

"Yes mother." I turned, heading out the kitchen with Ed and Em following behing me.

The walk to school was completely silent.

Not a word was exchanged from the three of us.

Although I was considered 'popular', I knew that nobody really thought of me as anything more then a outcast.

I thought my enire life I would live as an outsider. Nobody wanting to be friends with the weird girl with no soulmate.

But this changes everything.

We arrived at the front of Hexside as Ed and Em split off from me, still as flabbergasted as before.

I walked over to my group of so called 'friends', who were standing by my locker.

I honestly didn't feel like talking to them. They were all fake know it all's that my parents deemed as 'worthy' to be my friend.

They didn't matter to me right now. What mattered was finding my soulmate. If I were to find my soulmate within day's of finally getting one my parents would be proud.

Not only that but it means I would be able to make up for all the lost time I had without them.

My eye's were still wide and my gaw hung open as I stopped infront of them.

"Hey Amity. What's with your face?" Boscha said barly looking up from her scroll.

I slowly raised my left hand so they all could see as I kept my eye's glued on the floor, never looking up.

All their eye's widened as they looked at my finger, seeing the red glow emanate off the ring.

"Oh my god Amity! That great! You finally have a soulmate! Took them long enough." Skara said while playing with the pages of her book.

"It just showed up this morning."

My friend's smiled at me reassuringly before turning back to their scrolls with bland expressions as if nothing happened.

Before anything else I felt somebody bump into me from behind, followed by a loud thud.

I snapped my head around so fast you could feel the wind from the movement.

"Watch where you're going!" I growled to the girl on the floor behind me.

"Oh if it isn't half a witch Willow." I folded my arm's looking at the girl as she started to stand up.

She had a large abomination pot next to her, where she repositioned herself infront of it.

My group looked up from their scrolls, their bland faces replaced by scowls.

"Ahaha! Sorry about that! Nothing to see here! I'll be going now!" Willow grabbed the barrel handles trying to wheel away before I stopped her.

That was way too suspicious to be normal.

'What is she up to? She's definitely hiding something.'

I grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"Willow! Where do you think you're going? What are you hiding?" Boscha growled out making Willow slightly cower back.

"Nothing!" She squeaked.

Somthing inside her pot made a sound that suspiciously sounded like hissing.

Willow and I used to be friend's so I would know when I say she's acting really weird. This is not the Willow I know.

Or knew.

"Why is your abomination... Sizzling? Okay I don't know what that noise is but it's not an abomination noise!" Boscha pointed a finger in Willow's face causing her to stumble a bit.

I hurt me to be mean to Willow. I did still miss being her friend, but I couldn't let her know that. I had to fit in. And now that I had a soulmate I could fit in.

"Willow summon your abomination. I wanna see it." Skara narrowed her eye's at Willow.

Just then the bell screamed causing the pot to let out a small yelp then shake a bit.

'What the-'

"I got to go! Bye then!" Willow ran off mumbling small curses under her breath. And...

'Did the pot respond?"

Okay now that's weird. "I got to head to abominations class. Bye guy's!" I started to walk off before I heard Boscha call out from behind me.

"Don't let the half a witch get germs on you!"

I only rolled my eye's at the comment as I continued to walk.

I technically didn't need to go to abominations. I already passed the class for the next year.

But somthing was telling me to go. Maybe it was the fact that Willow was being really odd, or maybe just because even if I didn't go, what would I do? I could go to the library. But I didn't really feel like walking there at the moment.

I pushed open the doors to the abomination class and walked in.

A few people looked up to see who walked in, while others were too involved in conversations.

I took a seat near the back sitting next to one of Boscha's friends.

I didn't actually know her, but Boscha knew her, which automatically made me friend's with her.

Being honest I didn't even know her name.

"Alright class! Were going to do our abomination inspections today! Except Amity. Alright first one up is Willow!"

Willow stood up bringing her pot to the front of the classroom.

'This should be rich'

She looked really nervous. Even when she spoke her voice quivered.

"Uh-abomination rise!" When she said rise her voice went high pitched as she raised her arm's in the air.

The top of the lid flew off, and out jumped a weird gangly abomination.

What's wrong with that thing? Why was it not goopy. And why is it cute?


Oh my god that's an abomination. What's wrong with me.

"Very impressive Willow! But can it talk?" The teacher put a pen up to their chin while squinting at 'it'.

"Uhhhh I may be a abomination, but she's my aMOManation!" The thing spoke throwing it's arm's out to either side of it while doing jazz hands.

"Very good! Abomination and Willow, you may go sit."

Willow had a huge smile plastered on her face as she skipped to her seat with the weird abomination following close behind her.

"Ugh! Willow always hast to over due it!" The girl next to me groaned reasting her head in your hands.

Willow walked past us and I made eye contact with the abomination.

Wait... Is it wearing witch clothes?

Since when do abominations wear thing's.

I looked beside me to where Willow sat while the abomination climbed back into the pot.

The teacher called a few more people up, but I wasn't paying attention. I was focused on Willow.

Something's off and I'm going to find out what it is.


The bell screamed and Willow rushed out of the classroom.

I waited till she was a bit away so I could follow her without her knowing.

What is she doing?

I knew she was mad about the half a witch willow thing but I didn't think she'd go all paranoid about it.

Willow turned into a emty hall as she looked around at her surroundings.

I quickly jumped back and pressed myself against the wall.

Hope she didn't see that.

I peeked around the corner to see Willow taking off the lid of the pot.

"You can come out now Luz!" Willow whisper yelled to the top of the pot.

Luz. That's a nice name.

Soon after the abomination got out of the pot, slipping and falling on their face.


I covered my mouth looking back up to see if they heard me.

Luckly they didn't. Seemed all too convent.

The abomination wiped off their face revealing a girl.

Wait not just a girl.

'A human!?'

She had beautiful brown hair and eye's. She was wearing black jeans and a cropped white hoodie.

That abomination goop wasn't going to come out easy.

I mean... She is kinda cute.

I jumped out of my spot and walked up to Willow.

"Willow what was that?!"

Willow jumped and turned towards me with a scared look.

"Oh Amity what are you doing here ahaha... Luz run!" She turned towards 'Luz' trying to push her off.

Before she could do anything I grabbed the girl by the arm.

"Oh no you don't!"

I stomach filled with a weird tingley feeling as I pulled her back causing her to fall on the floor.


I let go of her and looked over to Willow who was nervously fiddling with her thumbs.

As kid's she would do that when she didn't want to admit something. I used to think it was funny but right now I just thought it was distracting.

"Okay, okay! I get it! I did something wrong. But please don't hurt Luz!" Willow begged me while trying to help Luz up.

The bell screamed again, signaling the next class was starting.

"Nope. Were not going to class." I grabbed both their wrists, dragging them out the front doors and into the forest beside the school. I stopped in a small clearing letting them both go while folding my arm's.

"Alright you are going to explain this to me. Right now!"

Willow and Luz exchanged glances before Luz stepped forwards.

"Okay you caught us. Willow wasn't able to create a proper abomination without it destroying everything so I offered to help her in exchange for her letting me see the school." The girl kept her arms at her side, looking down.

She looked really upset. I don't know what I was going on with me, but I wanted nothing more then to go and give her a hug.

She looked so huggable!

"Please don't tell anybody! We won't do it again!" Willow put a hand on Luz's shoulder in attempt to comfort her.

I could turn them in. What would I get out of that though.

Willow used to be my friend. I did say I hated hurting her.

I glanced down to the red ring on my hand as it still glowed with it's beautiful hue.

"Fine. I won't tell anybody. Just... Don't do anything stupid."

Luz looked over to me smiling. "Thank you so much! I just wanted to learn magic." She put her hand behind her neck and chuckled.

"Sorry but human's can't do magic."

She looked down and frowned as she looked like she was thinking something over.

Why'd I say that? She look's sad now. Damn it I shouldn't have done that.

"Show her!" Willow nudged Luz's shoulder as the girl pulled out a pen from her pocket and grabbed a leaf.

She drew some sort of... Weird circle with markings in the middle then tapped it.

To my suprise a small light spell formed and she held it out to me.

"Maybe I'm the only one that can." She said as she smiled weakly.

I grabbed the orb from her hands holding it infront of me.

A human just did magic...

Thanks for reading!

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