Covens and Proxies

By SoullessArtist

12.8K 703 195

A young killer's mission goes completely wrong upon meeting a witch girl. This is the full story of my three... More


Christmas Special

181 7 4
By SoullessArtist

Wow! That last chapter was INTENSE! So here's something better! And for sake of the cuddly holidays, your stuck in an old family cabin because you misjudged the time it would snow. Or maybe you wanted to stay in a cabin during the snow season? Either way it's Christmas Eve and this is all gonna be MAJOR FLUFF! So it might be, like, super duper cheesy too.

Snow drifts down in fat flakes outside your front window, curled into Toby's side with his arm around you. The fire place is alight with orange flames, casting shadows across his pale face--the warm light dancing in his dark eyes. His heart beats strong in your ears with the snapping and popping of the fire, letting you relax more into him.

He rubs your side as your weight presses into him, "Feeling alright?" He asks, snapping his gaze from the flames.

You smile and hum. "Yeah. How about you?"

His scarred cheeks twitches, his remaining mouth lifting in a soft smile. The way his shredded skin twitches when he smiles is something you've loved since you noticed it. "It's a little small for my taste, but I could get used to it."

You sit up, "Do you want me to fix it now?" You ask, worried about his claustrophobia and how it'll affect his bipolar and depression.

He grins wider, pulling you sideways onto his lap. "No. It's fine." He kisses your nose, making you smile.

You rest your head under his chin, cuddling up to him. He holds you tightly, going back to watching the fire. It's not long before there's nothing but glowing coal and Toby is snoring softly in his sleep. You smile to yourself, carefully detangling yourself from his arms and laying him down. Summoning your book, you set to work on decorations.

From what Toby's told you, he doesn't generally like the holidays because of his earlier memories. You want to try to change his outlook with some good ones.

Putting the tree up is the most difficult, so you do this first. Carefully arranging the limbs to accommodate the simple, ancient ornaments accumulated by your family since the tradition started.

You leave the lights off, turning to the mistletoe and trim and bows of holly, some of which you'd managed to get fresh. You keep away from dolls and bells, as they might startle Toby with loud noises or unexpected faces. You would really rather he didn't rampage. When theats done, you clear the fireplace and restock the wood as perfectly as possible.

You're exhausted by the time you're finished, which is roughly three hours later, and curl up in Toby's arms again. You've cast a network of spells so you'll wake up an hour before Toby every day, mostly to make sure he's alright, but tonight you want to treat him to a really amazing Christmas. Such a thing can't happen without waking up before your boyfriend.

You sleep with the mantle of the fireplace decked in leafy trim, the front door having mistletoe hanging above it, bows of holly covering the trim of the windows. The tree is draped in orbs of silver and gold, tear drops and eggs of intricate design, the star on top made from glass was the first of the ornaments, ancient symbols torched into it.
You get up early the next morning and set to breakfast after turning the tree on. Toby wakes to the smell of sausage and bacon and waffles a while later, sitting up with groggy eyes and bed-head. You smile wide when he starts looking around. The shock in his eyes is cute, as he's almost never surprised or caught off guard. He stands in front of the tree and looks at you questioningly. You nod, setting down the last dish and walk over, wrapping your arms around his waist.

"You did this?" He clarifies verbally, to which you nod again.

"Do you like it?" You ask, watching him for every reaction. Your heart is beating hard, excited with both fear and joy.

His jaw and lips move without sound as his gaze rakes over the tree. Fear and anticipation sing in his dark eyes, as if he's torn between loving it all and rampaging until the house is nothing but splinters. You hope it's the first.

"I'm not sure." He finally states, looking at you again.

You smile and squeeze him lightly. "Well, that's better then hating it. Want some breakfast?" You point to the table. He nods, following you to the small feast.

When breakfast is over, you leave the dishes for later, and guide him to the couch. Kissing his nose, you say "Close your eyes and don't move. I'll right back."

He hesitates before doing as told, letting you scurry down the hall to the bedroom and pull out your gift. It was hard, getting it ready in time, but Toby never questioned your absences and, with your book, you managed to finish it yesterday morning. Barely.

Sitting next to him with the box, you have to bite your lip pretty hard to keep from bouncing in excitement. "Okay, you can look." You tell him after pressing the container into his hands.

He peeks one eye open to check before opening both. Within moments, the wrapping is gone and he's holding a small, black, velvet box from a jewelry store. He's hesitant, but opens it nonetheless. Inside is a carved obsidian operator symbol hanging on a long, black leather cord. He looks at you questioningly after putting it on.

"It's enchanted. I had it custom made." You try to explain, helping it settle in the center of his chest. "It'll help with your tics and distress. Wards off evil." When you look up from the symbol, he's smiling wide.

Without anymore warning, he's tackled your onto your back in a tight hug. His mouth is on yours in a deep kiss, his arms holding you tightly to him. You can't catch your breath, draping your arms around his neck loosely. When he pulls away, he's still smiling wide. You know your face is beat-red from the heat, but you can't help it. That was, by far, the most intense moment of intimacy you've shared with him in four and a half years or dating.

In the next blink of an eye, he's clearing his throat and pulling away, looking deeply embarrassed. You wonder if it's from his reaction until he starts talking. "I-I didn't expect all this or anything, but I got you something t-too." He mumbles, going over to the mantle. He jiggles a loose brick until it falls out, making your jaw drop.

You used to hide little trinkets all over the house, including that little pocket of space, for your mother to find. Sometimes she'd get them all, sometimes she wouldn't. But that was always the first place she looked. Always.

He pulls a small box out, passing it to you and sitting back down. Carefully, you unwrap the box to reveal one of crimson velvet. Glancing at him, you open it and almost scream. Inside is a small, black band with the deepest red diamond nestled into a fine mess of silver. You look back at him, vision blurred with hot tears, to see him smiling the biggest, purest, most natural smile you've seen in your life.

He scoots over, an arm around your shoulders, mouth to your ear, and whispers the most unexpected question. "Will you marry me, (Y/n)?"

Your hands are shaking so violently, his has to hold them steady before you drop the box. You can't manage words around the lump in your throat, barely commanding the muscles in your throat to make your head bob. A kiss to your cheek, to your nose, to the corner of your mouth urges you to put yourself together.

For a moment, you forget about his anxiety and anger and bipolar and hatred for intimacy, only worrying about kissing him. Because he's damaged and broken and perfect. Because he, a boy who has always held a strong disdain for romance and kissing and making love, just said the most cliche line in the most cliche setting because he cares about you and wants to prove it. And all you're aware of is his hand on your waist and in your hair and the warmth of the fire.

He pulls back, pecking your nose and resting his forehead on yours. "Merry Christmas."

This time, you just laugh. You laugh and hug him and tell him you love him and thank him for being alive.

For those wondering, the black metal is Hepatizon and is, in fact, a real thing. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed and have happy holidays and if this isn't a super good time of year for you, through a snowball at that annoying family member.😁👍 No, but seriously I'm really sorry that not everyone sees the joy in these holidays and I am always willing to talk to someone in distress. Merry Christmas guys, and I hope 2021 isn't such a fuckfest!

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