by order of the fucking peaky...

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What would happen if another Shelby sister was tossed into the mix? Meet Charlotte Shelby, baby sister to Art... Daha Fazla

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The Jesus Twins
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His hot breath against her neck made her shiver as a rough calloused hand tore her shirt apart.

'That's it Darling'

A sloppy kiss covered her screams.

'Keep still and it won't hurt, Sweetheart"

The hand travelled further down as she continued to struggle against the larger man, thrashing against the restraints.

'My Good girl'

Her skirt was torn from her body as silent sobs raked over her body. She felt completely useless.

'Open wide My dear'

And in an instant something large was plunged into her.

"AHHHHH. NOOO. PLEASE. NOOO. HELPP" Charlotte screamed, calling out, for someone. Anyone.

Her screaming woke her younger brother, who shot out of bed knocking on her door when he received no answer, he kicked the door down, his eyes scanning the room, seeing his sister curled into the feral position, flinching and shaking, crying and hyperventilating, sweating and screaming. He wasn't sure what to do, so he went with his gut feeling.

He sat next to her, gently stroking her hair as she started to relax hugging him. "Shhh. Charlie, it's Finn. You're alright. We are alright." He whispers and she curls into his arms, as he hugs her back continuously working his fingers through her hair.

"F-Finn?" She whispers. "It's me Charlie" he says. "Im sorry" she says. "None of that. Don't be sorry." He says. "What's wrong?" he adds, but she shakes her head. "Get some sleep Char, the boys might be back today." Finn says. "Stay" she pleads. "I'm right here." Finn assures. "Now back to sleep" he hushes, his fingers relaxing her body as she drifts back to sleep.

If there were 2 things Finn hated more than anything in the world it was :
- Charlie being hurt
- feeling completely useless about how to help

He was angry, it wasn't the first time this has happened, that was how he'd discovered Diego staying at their house, he'd heard whimpers and slight screams so he looked through a crack in the door, seeing his sister crying against her bestfriends chest. Something had happened, he wanted to know but he also respected her boundaries. Something he wasn't sure his other brothers would do if they found out.

His thoughts began firing him out and he too found himself succumbing to the darkness, his youngest older sister, clinging to him as if he were about to slip away from her. Something he'd promised himself he'd never do. He'd always be with her.

"Look how cute they are Poll" Ada coos seeing her two younger siblings cuddled up in her sisters bed. "Wake them up. I've got news the boys ship arrives at the docks in 3 hours. We won't miss it." Polly commands leaving the room.

"Finn. Charlotte. Wake up." Ada says shaking them, without thinking or opening her eyes Charlotte arm had reached onto her drawer and a gun was pointed at Adas face. "Charlie, it's Ada" Finn says his hand covering hers on the gun pointing it away from his other sister. "Sorry Addy" Charlotte apologises finally opening her eyes and sitting up.

"3 hours, be ready." Is all Ada said before leaving the dynamic duo alone.

"I'm sorry I woke you Finn" Charlotte apologises again. "Stop being ridiculous, I know somethings up, I'm never going to force you to tell me. But I am going to be here to support you through it. You're not alone no matter how much you try to convince yourself you are" Finn says standing up. "I love you" Charlotte says. "I guess you're alright too. Now let's get ready. The boys are back." He smirks, closing her door behind him.

Charlotte sat in silence staring at the door for a few more minutes before deciding to finally get dressed. Putting her weapons where she normally carries them, putting an extra layer on due to the chill in the air.

"Can you see them Johnny boy? How much do you reckon they've grown? What if they hate us?" Arthur questions his brother as the three make their way off the boat with Harrison Muerte, Johns bestfriend and Diego's older brother.

"No, a lot, they won't" John says and Tommy rolls his eyes. "What if she got a boyfriend?" Arthur says. "He goes into the cut" Tommy smirks. "We're the fucking peaky blinders mate" Harrison says and John claps against his shoulder.

"Is that them? I don't know. Since when was Finn that tall." John says, spotting 3 woman, with 2 guys, one looking very much like Harrison.

"Charlie, look, it's them" Finn says pointing to their brothers, gaining the attention of her and Diego. Without a second thought, she takes of towards them, happy they'd seen her as she launches herself at Arthur, who catches her with a groan, before wrapping his arms round her holding her close. "Charlie girl. Is that you?" He asks and she nods against his neck. "So no greetings for us?" John teases and Arthur let's her down, as John takes his youngest sister into his arms, missing his ray of sunshine. "Diego" Harrison breathes out, as his younger brother reaches them along with Finn who jumps up at Arthur. "Where's Polly?" Arthur asks and Finn points to where his other sister and aunt are.

"Do I get a special treatment for being last?" Tommy says and she tears herself away from John, slowly walking towards Tommy, his blue eyes piercing into her, his face emotionless, as he held his arms out, for his youngest sister to run into, which she did very happily. Although he'd never admit it, he'd missed her. "Any boys?" he asks jokingly and she shakes her head, against his chest. "You've grown" he comments. "Well duh. I'm 17 now." She retorts. "I know. We celebrated your birthday in the trenches." Tommy says monotonously and a wide smile spread across her face. "Is the Garrison still open?" Tommy asks as the remaining two head over to the rest of the group, which Isiah had now joined greeting the Shelby brothers. "Yep." She says. "Drinks on me" he smirks, "They're on the house anyway" she says and he raises an eyebrow at her, "how would you know that?"

"I'm grown." she shrugs joining the rest of them, and the 2nd oldest Shelby brother sighs, realising how much he'd missed, his little sister wouldn't be the same. Of course she wouldn't what was he expecting, the little innocent girl he'd left behind. Living where they did, with their name and no them, she'd have had to learn to fight her own battles.

"Thomas." A voice speaks distracting him, his eyes go up and he sees his aunt stood there hands on her hips. "Yeah" he replies. "Aren't you going to say something?" she says tapping her foot. "Hello" he grunts making her flick his forehead before wrapping her arms round him. Ada and Finn joining in.

"To the Garrison" John exclaims, putting an arm round Charlottes shoulders, chatting away as they headed towards the pub.

And Finn, the baby, wasn't a baby. Not anymore. Everyone had grown, moved on up on world. Of course change was inevitable but did it have to be by so much.

"Mr Shelby, welcome home" Harry says as he opens the pub door for them, no one else being there yet. "2 whiskeys, 2 rum, 1 gin, 1 vodka. Bottles." Tommy orders and the group cheers all bundling into the snug.

"So what's changed? Anything we should know about?" Arthur asks taking a seat. "Charlie could take any of you in a fight" Ada teases as the youngest Shelby sister takes a sip of her vodka, that John had poured. "Oh is it now?" Arthur tests. "It is." Polly argues, a smirk on her face knowing how Charlie had stepped up and become the main protector of the Garrison and had fought many a men that had tried to belittle the Shelby name or rob them.

"Finn, beat Isiah up" Diego says and Isiah sends him a glare as the group burst out laughing, all but Tommy who had a small smirk as he knocked back his whiskey. "And why's that" John asks Isiah nudging him. "No reason." Isiah grunts. "Sure.... no reason" Diego smirks, "don't. you. fucking. dare" Isiah says. "This seems like a story we want to hear." Polly says looking between the two teens she'd gotten to know quite well over the past year. "Finn?" John says looking to his youngest brother who'd whispered something into Charlie's ear making her snort before laughing. "Oh what? Sorry." Finn says nothing all attention was on him. "Why'd you beat up Issy?" Arthur asks. "Fun." Finn smirks, and the group laughs.

"Charlie" Harry says through the hole, and she excuses herself exiting the snug, seeing the pub was now crowded with families. "What is it Harry?" Charlie asks leaning at the edge of the bar, drink in hand, he gestures towards a booth near the door, where the man from yesterday was sat with 3 other guys, all covered in tattoos and very well built. "Have you served them?" She asks and he shakes his head. "Good." She says tipping the vodka down her throat before approaching the table.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" Charlotte asks innocently, and the man glares at her. "Whats a girl like you doing in here?" One of them scoff. "You a whore?" Another says and they all laugh. "Out" she says harshly. "No quickie first?" The guy from yesterday winks. "Why not?" She smirks and his friends cheer, as the dude stands up, only to be met by her fist, sending him into a pole. "I said out." she says hitting him again, attracting attention, and the people in the snug, sensing motion behind her she reaches for her gun pointing it towards them. "Not another movement" she says not looking at them, keeping her focus on the troublesome fucker from yesterday. "I warned you." she says hitting him with the barrel of the gun, as he fell she kicked him where the sun don't shine. "Now all of you out." she says and the other 3 pick their friend up carrying him out the pub.

"What are you looking at?" Tommy's ice cold voice sounds through pub and everyone goes back to what they were doing. "That was fucking sick Lotts" John says a smile on his face. "I did say she could fight" Ada says. "Had some troubles with him yesterday as well." Charlotte says, attempting to go back into the snug, stopped by Tommy. "Back in. You stay" he says dismissing everyone else who'd come out the snug. "Sit" he commands pointing to the booth.

"Smoke?" He offers and she nods, taking the cigarette off of him. "As much as I am happy that you can defend yourself, I don't ever wanna see that shit again. You may have done it while we were away but you don't have to fight these battles anymore. Now tell me... what did he do?" Tommy asks taking a puff of his cigar. "Pardon?" Charlotte says. "What did he do?" Tommy repeats. "Yesterday, he tried touching me but Harry kicked him out." She says. "Stop avoiding the whole question. What about today?" He says. "He offered for me" Charlotte says. "Offered for you?" Tommy asks confused as to what that meant. "Called me a whore, offered sex." She clarifies and his jaw tightens. "That's another reason you come to us. We will kill him." he says. "Tom-" "no, you're my little sister, I've missed a lot, but I'm here now. And nothings going to take you away from me again." Tommy interrupts abruptly standing up and heading back into the snug.

"You alright?" Finn asks as she sits down next to him again, she nods. "Isn't it your singing night?" Isiah says to Charlotte who just glares at him. "Sing? You sing?" John questions looking between them. "Bloody gooden too." Diego says. "Well... if it's your singing night... don't let our arrival stop ya Lottie" Arthur smirks. "Come on Lotts." Harrison (Diego's older brother) encourages. "Do I have to?" She asks and the whole room blurts out yes. "Only if you all come out" she wagers. "Of course we would. Who else is going to be there if everyone leaves?" John smirks and Ada hits his chest. "Ughhh. Alright then" She says and they cheer.

"Harry, I've been told I'm singing" Charlie says to the barman, "here you go, good luck" he smiles handing her a microphone.

Taking a deep breath knowing all eyes were on her she whispers to the guitar player, giving a thumbs up he starts playing the tune.
Bring the microphone nearer her lips she opens her mouth, starting to sing.

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than

Body, let me see your body
Take off all your makeup and your clothes
Trust me, why don't you just trust me?
You're the only beauty, show me more

( all her family were staring at her in shock as she continued to sing her heart out, eyes closed, fully focused on letting her voice be heard)

You're not a dime a dozen
Oh your skin is golden
Let me show the whole damn world

You're one in a billion
The only thing you're missin'
Is some tape over that mouth

Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go

Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no, not at all

( opening her eyes Charlotte spots someone stood at the door, making her eyes go wide, as they keep eye contact, now feeling as though this song was directed at him.)

I'm not a toy to play with
Not just a sight to see and
My mind is worth its weight in gold

I'm not a dime a dozen
I know I'm worth this, more than
You will ever know

( Tommy takes notice that her eyes are focused on someone lingering near the back of the pub, turning he sees a man, mid twenties, gawping at his sister, as she glares at the man)

Touch me, you just want to feel me
You just want to share me
You don't care at all

Trust you, why don't I just trust you?
You just want to use me
Now I know

(Nudging Finn, Tommy leans to whisper in his ear, asking if he knew who the man was, Finn looking over his shoulder seeing a man just under 6 feet tall, sandy blonde messy hair. And whispered back to his older brother that he used to be a regular at the pub)

Body, I'm more than my body
You will never get me, buh bye, just go

( moving towards the man, tommys face was cold as stone. he wanted to know who this man was, checking out his younger sister.)

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body

Finishing the song Charlotte breaks eye contact, seeing Tommy walking towards the guy, as the crowd starts cheering, she gingerly walks off the stage, pleasantly surprised when Harrison lifts her up spinning her round. "That was amazing Charlie girl" Arthur says. "I've never heard that song before" Polly says. "I wrote it." Charlotte replies shyly. "You're bloody brilliant aren't you lass" John says a proud smile on his face.

"Finn?" Ada asks her youngest brother who was intently staring at Tommy who was chatting to some random guy. "Ummm. Excuse me." Charlotte says starting to hyperventilate making her way towards Tommy.

"Hey Tom" she greets shakily, refusing to look at the man. "This is Gavin" Tommy says to his sister who looked frightened and scared. Furrowing his eyebrows he looked at the man who was looking his sister up and down, a smirk on his face. "Oi, eyes away." Tommy snaps and the guy puts his hands up in defence walking off.

"To- Tom-" Charlotte mumbles before collapsing into his arms. What the fuck. He thought, lifting her up, trying to not gain attention from a lot of people, as most of his family were crowded round the bar, he was pretty sure they were alone.

"Harry, wet cloth and a water" Tommy orders through the window, placing his sister on the table. His things being brought to him seconds later. "To- whoa, what's happened?" Finn says walking into the snug, rushing to his sisters side, who was burning up and unconscious, whilst his brother was placing a wet cloth across her forehead.

"Finn. Did your sister have any previous relation with a guy named Gavin?" Tommy asks searching his youngest brothers face when he answered no, looking to see if it was a lie. "Can you give us some space? And make sure no one else comes in here until I say." Tommy instructs. "Try stroking her hair" Finn advises leaving the room.

Taking his brothers advice, Tommy runs a hand through his sisters hair, and soon enough she was awake. "Dont fucking scare me like that again" was all he could manage to say, handing her the glass of water.

"I'm sorry, I think it was the overcrowding, got slightly claustrophobic" Charlotte says, hoping he'd buy her excuse, it was clear he was 92% sure she was lying but decided to leave it. "Can I go back out?" she asks standing up, without any issues. "You gonna faint again?" Tommy responds, and she shakes her head. "Then let's go. But you're cut off." He says. "But" "no buts. we don't need anymore incidents" Tommy interrupts as they leave.

Okumaya devam et

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