Chapter 1

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Hi,I'm not funny.A far as I know that...Anyway,how's it going?I don't care,huh?

Here's a song:No One

No one is listening to me

No matter what I do and don't do

I can't get anybody to listen to me


What to do whenever someone blames everything on you?

I don't know what to do with me

Whenever I'm pushed around

You don't understand me

For me

I like zumba

You like back-flipping

Got a hurt hand after raking and winter affecting me

Sometimes I fall down,down,down


No one seems to ever pay attention to me whenever I'm good

So,being bad isn't the answer


The end

I could make postcards,someday.It will costs money,but I could get a job before then...

I reset my computer on 12/23/2020.I had talked about my past online,some,but not completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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