::Doctor's Appointment::

Start from the beginning

“Okay,” Dr. Jenou said, “The gel I have to put on your stomach is kinda cold,”

“Alright,” I said.

I watched as she squeezed the gel on my stomach and I felt a chill go down my spine.

“Your facial expression changed so quickly,” Jacob laughed.

“It did,” Dr. Jenou said joining him in laughter. .

I smiled a bit and took hold of Jacob’s hand.

“Alright, let’s see this baby.”

“Okay,” Jacob and I smiled.

She picked up something that looked like a wand, well in my opinion.

“Okay, This is a transducer, it’s hooked up to the machine and well all these materials help us see the baby, determine the sex and so on.”

Jacob and I nodded and Stacy walked over to the machine and Dr. Jenou put on a pair of gloves.

“Here we go,”

Dr Jenou put the transducer on my stomach, rubbing the gel around my stomach.

I couldn’t help but giggle a bit.

Shit tickles.

Stacy pressed some more buttons on the machine and Dr. Jenou continued to move the transducer around.


“What?” I asked.

“I can’t seem to find anything..”

Jacob’s head turned to look at the doctor,  I did the same thing.


“Ah, Wait, there’s the baby.”

Both our heads turned to look at the monitor.

“The baby’s here,” Stacy said pointing to a section of the screen.

I squinted my eyes and I could make out a pair of tiny feet.

“Oh my gosh.” I said as my eyes lit up.

I looked up at Jacob to see his eyes twinkling.

Dr Jenou moved the transducer around one last time and the baby came up a little clearer on the screen.

“The baby’s still early in development so we can’t make out the sex as yet, but so far there’s nothing wrong, the baby seems to be in a good condition. I take it you aren’t  as stressed?”

I shook my head.

“Well that’s good, keep that up.”

“Okay,” I smiled.

Dr Jenou took the gloves off while Stacy took the machine off.

She wiped the gel off my stomach and I sat up on the chair.

“So,” Dr. Jenou said as she began writing down on her board, “How’s your diet been so far?”

I looked over at Jacob.

“She’s snacking, a lot.”

“Any weird cravings?”

“Not that I know of,” He said looking at me. "Maybe a couple strange combinations but nothing too out of the ordinary, But I'm only around her for so long." 

I smiled and shook my head.

“Don’t give in too much to the cravings, remember you’re eating for two. You need to balance out the nutrients.”

Understanding is only the beginning .. [Sequel to YTYU]Where stories live. Discover now