Laser Light Cannon

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Steven and Amethyst and running up to the Fryman stand in the late afternoon.

Steven: "Gimme the bits!"

Fryman: "Steven, We're closed."

Amethyst: "Give'em the bits! The bits! The bits!

Both Steven and Amethyst: "The bits! The bits! The bits!" while slamming the counter.

Fryman: "Okay okay, Take it easy on the counter will ya?"

Steven and Amethyst walk out with their bits.

Steven: "Ah, nothing better then eating bits and looking up at the 2nd sun of the day."

Amethyst: "Heh Yeah, wait ooh shoot, what is THAT doing here?"

They look up to see a giant red eyeball in the sky.

Steven: "Huh?"

Amethyst grabs him and starts running towards the temple, dropping Steven's Frybits.

Steven: "My bits!"

Later, at the beach near the temple.

Rose: "Hmm, I might have a cannon in the temple we could use. Pearl, help me get it. Garnet, Try to find Steven and Amethyst-"

Pearl sees Amethyst and Steven coming from Beach City.

Pearl: "Where were you? Some of us are trying to protect humanity. Alright Rose, lets go."

Amethyst: "Eating Frybits."

Rose: "Steven, Why don't you go check on Greg for now while we deal with the Red Eye."

Steven: "Red Eye?"

Rose: "Yes, the one that's in the sky coming towards us. If it gets close enough it can crush us all along with Beach City. I will be right back with Pearl and a Light Cannon that can destroy it."

Steven: "Okey-dokie!"

Later, near the Car Wash.

Steven: "Dad!" Steven starts banging on the door of the car, "Dad its me!" Some rumbling comes from the van, and Greg comes out with a waffle iron. "Whos there? I have a- Oh. Steven, What are ya doing up this early?"

Steven: "Oh! I came to check up on you. Mom is doing something right now to deal with the eyeball thing in the sky. So I'm just waiting. Also the sun just went down."

Greg: "Oh, Sorry. it's been a slow day at the car wash. How about we go to my storage unit? There might be stuff you can mess around with in there."

Steven: Gasp "It'll be like a dad museum!"

Now near the storage unit.

Greg: It isn't too much, just be careful in there. I think there was a tv in there somewhere.

Steven: Alright!

Steven starts climbing through the maze of a basically full storage unit, with all the mattresses and new things he doesn't even know. Halfway through he breaks the glass on a photo.

Steven: "Oh no! Dad I think I broke a photo of you and Mom."

Greg: "Oh its okay buddy. If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!"

Right when he said that, Steven saw a bright pink light in the back.

Steven: "Whoa.. Is this a laser light cannon?"

Greg: "A what?"

Steven: "Oh! They might need this for the red eye, they have one already but we should get it to Mom so she has this in the temple."

Greg: "Wait the eyeball in the sky? We should get it out of there, Here, take the cord and i'll get the van to pull it out."

They tie it together and they successfully pull it out, along with most of the stuff inside.

Greg: "Hey it's okay I can push it back in once this is done. Lets use that wagon to get it over."

Now in the van while the cannon is dragging behind them:

Greg: "Jeez, that eyeball thing in the sky is scaring me. Didn't they had another cannon to deal with it?"

Steven: "I thought so! Lets go ask them when we get there."

Now at the beach.

Rose: "I told you, we couldn't find it there! We could go to the armory but we wouldn't make it in time!"

Pearl: "I know but- Wait why is Greg coming over?"

Rose: "I thought he was with Steven-"

As rose sees the cannon behind them she is instantly relieved and surprised

Rose: "Oh thank the stars, Garnet! Help me get it over and take the Red Eye out!"

Garnet: "Already on it."

Steven: "What happened to the other Light Cannon?"

Pearl: "We thought we had a Light Cannon in there, but we don't know where it went."

Amethyst: "We're SAVED!"

Greg: "Oh jeez, I'll just stand away from this for now, I don't wanna get involved with magic stuff."

Garnet and Rose lift the cannon over near the beach and aim at the red eye without much problems.

Rose: "Garnet, keep it steady. Alright, If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!"

Steven: "Wait that's what dad always says-"

The light cannon begins to charge up and fires a shot right at the Red Eye. With a light version of rose coming from it. The red eye explodes into pieces, but the red eye is far enough where the debris doesn't hurt much of beach city. 

Greg: "Whoa, that was beautiful."

Rose: "Yes, thank you Greg, when I was designing them I wanted something that would be exactly that."

Water floods in from the Red Eye sucking up some of the shore, making a high tide. The van gets somewhat submerged.

Greg: "My van!!!"

Steven: "Don't worry dad, if every porkchop were perfect-"

Greg: "I live in there!"

Rose helps pick the van up and starts getting it more on the beach.

Pearl: "That could've gone worse."

Garnet: "Could've gone a lot better too."

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