oneshot contest submission

Start from the beginning

Tokyo, Japan

8:30 AM


I crept along the shadows of the alleyway, pausing to tug at my fitted hoodie and leggings. I hadn't had enough time to get a proper suit. It had been 15 days and the Gust was still at large. He, or she was a villain that the Miraculous Four had been hunting down for 2 weeks. They had been disrupting large crowds of people, never really hurting anyone but causing a mess. They knew all of my brother's moves and how to counter them.

And they might have been me.

I was born with the quirk of blasting short gusts of wind out of my hands. Of course being in the family I was, no one had really ever paid attention to my quirk, not with the big flashy ones that my brothers had. And I couldn't compete with them.

As I used my gusts to leap across the building down a street of Tokyo, I tried to convince myself I wasn't crazy. My brothers spent all of their time trying to be superheroes. So I had become a villain. It was the only way to see them.

I neared a crown of shoppers in a nearby plaza and flew down. It was actually quite amazing what I could do with my quirk. I never quite imagined it. I pulled down my mask.

"You've got this Shihori. You are doing this for good"

With that mantra going through my head I leapt down and turned on my voice distortioner.

"People of Tokyo!" I yelled from the top of the store. I am here! You can panic now!"

Screams filled my ears and I glanced around in anticipation. My brothers should be here any second. And as if the Unmei had been listening, the first two of the Miraculous Four showed up.

Hoshan and Daichi

The youngest. And twins

Quirk: Turning into inanimate objects


They scanned out the area and started making sure the people were safe. They always did good things like that.

"Do not fear! I am here!" Bagoyoi's voice filled the air and I let out a chuckle. He liked to arrive in style.


Middle Son

Quirk: Growing extra arms and hands

二十 年

"Begone Gust. A calm voice filled the air and froze me to my bones. My eldest brother had a voice that was commanding. It could stop you in your tracks. And that wasn't even his quik. He just had some authority around him. You didn't want to mess with Usachen.


Eldest Son

Quirk: Vines

二十二 年

This moment. Right here. This is why I started being a villain. Our family was together again.

"You will never catch me" I grinned.

And the battle started.

I raced across the ground, using my wind to propel me faster. I dug around in my hoodie pocket and pulled out a smoke bomb tossing it behind me without another look.

The startled grunts of Bagoyoi made me chuckle and I turned around to face him. I had only learned how to fight from my brothers, which meant I knew all of their moves. My brother's first punch went to my side and I blocked it. Same with the next three ones. I anticipated him growing another arm and sent a slight jab to his side. That always stopped him. He scowled and sent another punch, this time it just clipped my chin. I grunted out in pain and used my wind to send him up in the air. I bounced him through the air and then let go, watching him fall onto a roof. He wouldn't be hurt that bad. Just knocked out.

I took out the twin brothers just as easily. The trick was to wait until Hoshan used Daichi as an inanimate object as a way to take me down. And then I just locked him in a cage. And knocked out Hoshan. He wasn't much of a fighter.

Finally, all that was left was me and Usachen. These last couple of weeks had made me so happy. I had gotten to see my brothers again.

But as I got into my fighting stance, Usachen just stood silently in front of me. Like he was judging me almost. I frowned and clenched my fists.

Pressure around my feet formed and I looked down. Dang it. He was just distracting me. Vines had formed around my legs, sticking them in place. Usachen walked closer and narrowed his eyes.

Panic filled me. If he took off my mask, this would all be over.

My brother glanced around and then wicked me up, sling my small body over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I yelled in rage "Put me down!'

Usachen ignored me and walked over to an abandoned building, scaling up the walls with his vines. He crawled through a broken window and set me down, frowning again.

"I will make you pay for this" I growled

Usahen pointed at my arm and tilted his head "You're hurt"

I glanced down and my eyes widened. There was a long gash going from my elbow to my hand. I guess that was Daichi's doing. I hadn't even felt it.

"What are you doing" Usachen's voice had gotten louder, angrier.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

Usachen ripped off my mask and glared at me "I said what are you doing here Shihori"

I was surprised for a second "How did you know?"

Usachen paced across the floor "You knew our fighting style, how to hurt us, plus there is no hiding your quirk."

"I thought you didn't know about my quirk" I mumbled

"Of course I know Ori! Your quirk is amazing. But you have to stop this"

I scowled at the pet name he called me"You are not even going to ask why I am doing this? Do you even care!"

"No!" Usachen voice boomed "You will stop this now" the vines around my legs disappeared "Go home"

"No" I shook my head

I could feel my brother getting angrier by the minute. We both had problems with our temper. I guess he just handled it better.

"Do you want me to throw you out this freaking window?!" Usachen yelled, his anger bouncing off the walls.

I walked over to the edge of the building and peered out.

"What are you doing"

I grinned and looked back at him "Checking how long the drop is to see if it's worth it"

I gave him a quick salute and jumped out of the window, letting myself fall. As I neared the ground I willed my wind gusts to carry me up. To my great joy, they worked. I wasn't planning to go splat on the concrete street. Not today.

That night I packed my suit up in a box. My brother was right. I had to stop this. I was about to throw the box away, when a feeling tugged at my heart. I was one that I had felt faintly over the course of my villainy. I liked doing that. And not just to see my brothers. I always thought I was useless in the word. But I would not be useless anymore.

I pulled my mask out of the box and grinned.

It was time for chaos. 



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