Part 2

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Diana's POV

"So Mathew right?"  I ask "Yep" He is kinda cute tho ngl. "For how long have you been with him" "About a month now" "A MONTH?!" "Don't worry you didn't miss anything I came first then Alyssa then Mary" "Who are Alyssa and Mary?" "Alyssa is the 3th element earth, she can control the earth basically." "That's cool and Mary?" "She is the 4th element fire, she can control the fire" "Ah we are here" says Peter. I open a door and see nothing but a normal apartment. It had many beds I have to admit. Peter then opens the closet and when I look in the closet I was shocked. It was a very big garden with a lot of trees. There were 2 girls  talking. One of them had a mask on her face and a costume that covered her hole body. She had a ponytail a big one actually. The other girl had normal clothing on she had short brown hair. Next to the girl with short hair there was a Deer a cute little one. "Girls we are back" says Peter "So you must be the water element!" the girl with short hair said "I am Alyssa the earth element and this is my little Deer Isa" " I am Diana". The other girl didn't say anything. I think she is Mary but my question is why doesn't she say hi and stuff like that? Or why dose she cover her hole body? Mary came to me and said with a cold voice: " What's your name?" I response with a cold voice too "Diana". She looks at me like she just saw a bug and then she ask Peter "When do we start training again" "At 5pm". She shakes her head and then looks at me again then she looks at Alyssa and says with a more calm voice: "Let's go Alyssa" . Alyssa told her Deer that they should go and then waved at me. I wonder what's with this girl Mary.

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